path: root/git.sr.ht/send-email.md
diff options
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@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+sr.ht leverages git's built-in collaboration tools for contributing to projects
+hosted here. This guide will help you get started. If you run into any trouble,
+please send an email to the [sr.ht-discuss][sr.ht-discuss] mailing list for
+[sr.ht-discuss]: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss
+# For everyone
+Before you dig too far into this guide, you should make sure that your email
+client is configured to use plain text emails. By default, many email clients
+compose emails with HTML, so you can use rich text formatting. Rich text is not
+desirable for development-oriented email conversations, so you should disable
+this feature and send your email as "plain text". Every email client is
+different, you should research the options for your specific client. HTML emails
+are rejected by all sr.ht services.
+For real-world examples of how the discussions described in this document play
+out, check out the [sr.ht-dev][sr.ht-dev] mailing list.
+[sr.ht-dev]: https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev
+# For contributors
+## Preparing your changes
+There's no need to "fork" the repository you want to contribute to - simply use
+[`git clone`][git-clone] to obtain a local copy of the git repository and [work
+normally][work-normally]. Be deliberate about your commits - use meaningful
+commit messages and take special care to commit your work in the form of
+logically separate changes. When it comes time to review your work, your commit
+history is an important tool for the reviewer and will be closely examined.
+[git-clone]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-clone
+[work-normally]: https://www.git-scm.com/book/en/v2
+## Find out where to send your changes
+This workflow is optional for projects hosted on sr.ht and each project will
+have different requirements - review them carefully. To use this guide, you need
+to find an email address to send your work to - this will often be a mailing
+list on [lists.sr.ht](/lists.sr.ht). You will also want to find people who can
+help review your changes - look for dedicated maintainers for the modules you're
+working on, or use [`git blame`][git-blame] to find people who have recently
+worked on similar code.
+[git-blame]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-blame
+## Configure git send-email
+When you've collected a list of email addresses to send your work to, we can use
+[`git send-email`][git-send-email] to do the job. Its purpose is to convert your
+git commits into emails with [`git format-patch`][git-format-patch] and connect
+to your mail server to deliver them with SMTP.
+[git-send-email]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-send-email
+[git-format-patch]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-send-email
+If you've never used git send-email before, you will need to do some one-time
+setup to introduce it to your SMTP server. The connection details vary between
+mail providers, but you're looking for information which is suitable for filling
+out these config fields in `~/.config/git/config`:
+ [sendemail]
+ smtpencryption = tls
+ smtpserver = mail.example.org
+ smtpuser = you@example.org
+ smtpserverport = 587
+**Note**: G-Mail users have to take some extra steps, which are documented
+[gmail]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-send-email#_use_gmail_as_the_smtp_server
+You can also set your SMTP password as `sendemail.smtppass`. If you don't, you
+will be prompted for it it's needed. You can also configure it to use your local
+keyring; consult [`git credential`][git-credential] for details.
+[git-credential]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-credential
+## Send the patches along
+When you've configured `git send-email`, completed your work, and you're ready
+to send your patches in, you can run `git send-email --annotate [rev-list...]`.
+The `rev-list` is the same as any other [revision specification][rev-spec]. If
+you're in a hurry, here are a few quick examples:
+- `HEAD^` just includes the last commit
+- `HEAD~3` includes the last three commits
+- `origin/master` includes all commits you've authored since diverging from
+ `origin/master`
+[rev-spec]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gitrevisions
+The `--annotate` flag will open the emails in your text editor before sending
+them out. You should take a moment to review these. The subject line and
+everything above the `---` are your commit message, and everything below the
+`---` is the patch itself. Immediately following the `---`, you should add what
+we call "timely commentary" - any information which is useful to the people
+reviewing your patch, but doesn't necessarily belong in the final git history.
+If you're sending a few patches, you might also want to specify
+`--cover-letter`, which will prepare an additional email summary to be sent
+**Note**: When you're prompted for an "In-Reply-To" header, you can ignore it
+the first time you send the patch.
+## Handling feedback
+You will likely receive replies to your email with feedback on your changes.
+This is normal! Use tools like [`git commit --amend`][amend] and [`git
+rebase`][git-rebase] to continue curating your patch set and iterating on
+feedback (tip: check out our [rebase guide][rebase.md]). When you're ready to
+submit the next version of your patches, use `git send-email` normally, except:
+- Add `-v2` to indicate that this is version 2 of your patch (or whatever number
+ is appropriate).
+- When prompted to fill out `In-Reply-To`, paste in the message ID of the last
+ email in the thread. On lists.sr.ht you can get this by clicking "details" on
+ the email in question. If you can't find this, don't sweat it, it's no big
+ deal.
+[amend]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-commit#git-commit---amend
+[git-rebase]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase
+## Extra tips
+Here are a few extra tricks you might find useful with `git send-email`.
+### Sending emails to the same address every time
+If you send emails for a project to the same mailing list every time, you might
+find it useful to set the default `To` address. Run this command from that
+ git config sendemail.to patches@example.org
+### Specifying a subproject for shared lists
+Some projects have several repositories being discussed on a single mailing
+list, and it's often helpful to specify the particular repository your patch
+pertains to.
+If you're just doing this once, add `--subject-prefix` to `git send-email`, like
+ git send-email --subject-prefix='PATCH example' HEAD^
+You can also specify this as the default for that git repository:
+ git config format.subjectPrefix 'PATCH example'
+### Signing off on your commits
+If you're asked by a project to "sign off" on your commits, add `--signoff` (or
+`-s`) to `git send-email`. To set it as the default for that git repository:
+ git config format.signOff yes
+### Using --annotate every time
+ git config --global sendemail.annotate yes
+# For maintainers
+## Tell people how to contribute
+The first thing you need to do is help potential contributors figure out how to
+contact you. The easiest way is to do nothing - git records your email with
+every commit, so someone with a copy of your git repository can figure out how
+to contact you. You'll probably want to make it a bit easier on them, though.
+We recommend setting up a mailing list on [lists.sr.ht](/lists.sr.ht) for this
+purpose. Once you do, you will get an email address for contributors to submit
+patches to. Write this into your docs! You will probably also want to link to
+the archives so that potential contributors can read other people's work to get
+a feel for your submission process.
+## Reviewing patches
+When a patch comes in, you should review it carefully. Read the code, apply the
+patch locally and make sure it compiles, test the changes, and so on. During
+this process you'll probably come up with feedback on the patch. Pull open that
+email client and compose a reply to the patch author. When your client composes
+the reply, don't be afraid to slice and dice the email you're replying to - trim
+out the fat and only include specific lines that you want to comment on.
+If you only have small comments here and there, feel free to make the changes
+yourself, again utilizing [`git commit --amend`][amend] and [`git
+rebase`][git-rebase] to your heart's content. You may be wise to point out these
+small errors when you thank the submitter for their patch, however, if you don't
+want to see the same errors in future patches.
+## Applying patches
+In order to integrate the changes, you need to *apply* the patch. The tool for
+this is [`git am`][git-am]. The difficult part here is going to be obtaining a
+copy of the email to provide to `git am`. Some clients like [mutt][mutt] make
+this easy (in mutt, you can use the `|` key to pipe an email directly to `git
+am`) or tools like [offlineimap][offlineimap] (or a combination of the two!).
+Most popular end-user clients do not. If you're in this boat, the easiest way to
+get a raw email is to use the "raw" link on lists.sr.ht, which is hidden away
+under the "details" button.
+[git-am]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-am
+[mutt]: http://www.mutt.org
+[offlineimap]: http://www.offlineimap.org/
+If you copy the link to the raw email from lists.sr.ht, the command might look
+like this:
+ curl -s https://lists.sr.ht/... | git am
+You can also just run `git am` alone and paste the patch into it, followed by
+You can then make these commits available upstream by using [`git
+push`][git-push] normally. Don't forget to send the contributor a thank you
+[git-push]: https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-push