path: root/dispatch.sr.ht/installation.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dispatch.sr.ht/installation.md')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 33 deletions
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-title: dispatch.sr.ht installation
+title: dispatch.sr.ht Installation
+This document covers the installation steps for dispatch.sr.ht, an event-driven
+task automation service.
# Installation
-dispatch.sr.ht is a standard sr.ht web service and can be installed through the
-[standard procedure](/installation.md). However, there is an additional step
+dispatch.sr.ht can be installed with the [standard package
+installation process](/installation.md#installing-from-packages).
## Daemons
-- `dispatch.sr.ht`: the web service
-## GitHub OAuth client
-Register under [GitHub OAuth Apps](https://github.com/settings/developers). For
-the `Authorization callback URL` use the URL of your service instance with
-`/github/callback` appended (for example
-`https://dispatch.sr.ht/github/callback`). Put the `Client ID` and `Client
-Secret` you get from GitHub into your sourcehut config in the
-`[dispatch.sr.ht::github]` section.
-## GitLab OAuth Client
-Register under [GitLab Applications](https://gitlab.com/profile/applications).
-For the scopes required, select "api". For the callback, specify the URL of your
-service with `/gitlab/callback/<gitlab instance>` appended, e.g.
-`https://dispatch.sr.ht/gitlab/callback/gitlab.com`. Add the instance to your
-config file under `[dispatch.sr.ht::gitlab]` as a single option, whose key is
-the FQDN of the GitLab instance in question, and whose value is the instance
-name, "Application ID" and "Secret", separated by a colon. For example:
-# ...
-gitlab.com=GitLab:application id...:secret...
-gitlab.freedesktop.org=gitlab.freedesktop.org:application id...:secret...
-Repeat this process for any additional instances you wish to support.
+- `dispatch.sr.ht` - The web service.