diff options
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/todo.sr.ht/index.md b/todo.sr.ht/index.md
index 2ba29c7..e781488 100644
--- a/todo.sr.ht/index.md
+++ b/todo.sr.ht/index.md
@@ -32,14 +32,37 @@ include:
- `status:open` or `status:closed`
- `label`: an optional label that is assigned to a ticket for organizational
-- `order`: the order in which tickets are displayed. By default this is by
- time of last update
- `submitter`: the user who submitted the ticket. Use `me` to find tickets
submitted by yourself
- `assigned`: tickets that are assigned to a particular user
- `no:assignee`: tickets not assigned to anyone
- `no:label`: tickets with no labels
+Use the negation prefix `!` to inverse any filter. For example:
+- `!assigned:me`: tickets which are not assigned to me
+- `!no:label`: tickets which have at least one label applied
+## Sorting tickets
+By default, tickets are sorted by most recently updated. To change the sort
+order, enter one of:
+- `sort:created` - sort by creation time
+- `sort:updated` - sort by last updated time
+- `sort:comments` - sort by the number of comments
+Sort direction is descending by default and can be reversed by using `rsort`
+instead of `sort`:
+- `sort:updated` - sort descending
+- `rsort:updated` - sort ascending
+It's possible to specify multiple sorting criteria:
+- `sort:comments sort:created` - sort first by number of comments, then by
+ creation time
# Tickets
Each ticket has its own page and number. On the ticket page, you can comment