title: todo.sr.ht docs
[todo.sr.ht](https://todo.sr.ht/) is an issue tracker that can be used for
your projects.
**See also**:
- [GraphQL reference](graphql.md)
- [Legacy API reference](api.md)
- [Installation guide](installation.md)
# Getting started
New trackers can be created on the [create page][create page] which can be
accessed from the dashboard. Here you can give it a name and a description. You
can also optionally configure your tracker by either clicking on "Create &
configure" or by going to the settings tab at the top.
[create page]: https://todo.sr.ht/tracker/create
New tickets can be created using the form on the left. Existing tickets are
shown on the right where you can optionally search using the search form at the
# Search filters
todo.sr.ht supports a few basic filters when searching for tickets. These
- `status:open` or `status:closed`
- `label`: an optional label that is assigned to a ticket for organizational
- `order`: the order in which tickets are displayed. By default this is by
time of last update
- `submitter`: the user who submitted the ticket. Use `me` to find tickets
submitted by yourself
- `assigned`: tickets that are assigned to a particular user
- `no:assignee`: tickets not assigned to anyone
- `no:label`: tickets with no labels
# Tickets
Each ticket has its own page and number. On the ticket page, you can comment
on the ticket (if you have commenting access). If you are the tracker owner or
the ticket submitter, you can also mark the ticket as resolved as well.
## Mentions
You can mention other users and tickets in the body of the ticket as well
as in the comments. This will create a link to the user/ticket mentioned
as well as notify those involved.
- To mention a user, use `~user`
- To mention a ticket, use `~user/tracker#123`
- Tickets in a tracker owned by the same user can be mentioned with
- Tickets in the same tracker can be simply mentioned with `#123`
Replace `user`, `tracker`, and `123` with the actual tracker owner,
tracker name, and ticket number respectively.
# Settings
If you are the tracker owner, you can perform some customizations to your
## Details
Here you can edit the description for your tracker. At this time, the tracker
name cannot be changed.
## Access
Here you can control access to the tracker. This allows you to set different
access settings for anonymous users, logged in users, and ticket submitters.
## Delete
You can delete your tracker here. Be careful as all tickets submitted to the
tracker are deleted as well.
# Email access
Anyone with the "submit" permission can submit new tickets by sending them to
`~username/tracker-name@todo.sr.ht`, or `u.username.tracker-name@todo.sr.ht` for
poorly behaved MTAs.
Anyone with the "comment" permission can also add comments to tickets
by writing to `~username/tracker-name/ticket-id@todo.sr.ht`,
or by replying to the notification email.
If you have the "triage" permission,
the last line of your email can be one of the following commands:
- `!resolve <resolution>`: closes the ticket with the given ticket resolution
(one of `fixed`, `implemented`, `wont_fix`, `by_design`, `invalid`,
`duplicate`, or `not_our_bug`)
- `!reopen` to re-open a closed ticket
All emails must be sent as `text/plain`. Please take care not to [top
post](https://git-send-email.io/top-posting.html), as the full contents of your
email will be posted as a comment.
Markdown is supported.
Anyone with the "browse" permission (including anonymous users!)
can subscribe to an entire tracker by sending an email to
and unsubscribe by sending an email to
Similarly, sending an email to
will (un)subscribe the sender to the ticket.