path: root/git.sr.ht/api.md
blob: a8af5168a5834ef555877144176cc9cd5fa0c5e3 (plain) (tree)










title: git.sr.ht API reference

The git.sr.ht API allows you to browse, create, and manage repositories on
git.sr.ht programmatically. This API follows the [standard sourcehut API

## Authentication

Authentication is done via the [meta.sr.ht OAuth
flow](https://man.sr.ht/meta.sr.ht/oauth-api.md). The following OAuth scopes are
available for git.sr.ht:

- **info:read**, **info:write**: read & write repository details
- **access:read**, **access:write**: read & write access control lists
- **data:read**: read git data

## Git protocols

The high and low-level data endpoints are basic and provided as a convenience.
For write operations or more complex read operations, we recommend using the
git interface. git.sr.ht supports the [smart protocol][protocols] over HTTPS
(read-only) and SSH (read/write).

[protocols]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Transfer-Protocols

## Resources

### Commit resource

  "id": "sha-1 hash",
  "short_id": "truncated hash",
  "author": {
    "email": "email address",
    "name": "author name"
  "committer": {
    "email": "email address",
    "name": "committer name"
  "timestamp": "timestamp",
  "message": "commit message",
  "tree": "tree ID (sha-1 hash)",
  "parents": [ list of parent IDs (string, sha-1 hash) ],
  "signature": {
    "signature": "base64 encoded PGP signature",
    "data": "base64 encoded signed payload"
  } or null

### Tree resource

  "id": "sha-1 hash",
  "short_id": "truncated hash",
  "entries": [
      "name": "entry name",
      "id": "sha-1 hash",
      "type": "tree" | "blob",
      "mode": unix file mode

### Reference resource

  "name": "name of reference (e.g. refs/heads/master)",
  "target": "reference target (sha-1 hash)"

### Repository resource

  "id": integer,
  "created": "timestamp",
  "subject": "message subject",
  "name": "repository name",
  "description": "repository description (markdown)",
  "visibility": "public" | "unlisted" | "private"

## Endpoints

**Note**: usernames are prefixed with `~`.

### GET /api/user/:username

Retrieves a user resource.

### GET /api/user

Equivalent to [/api/user/:username](#GET-apiuserusername), implies the authenticated

### GET /api/:username/repos

List of [repository resources](#repository-resource) owned by this user.

**OAuth scope**: `info:read`

### GET /api/repos

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos](#GET-apiusernamerepos), implies the
authenticated user.

### POST /api/repos

Creates a new [repository resource](#repository-resource).

**OAuth scope**: `info:write`

**Request body**

  "name": "repository name",
  "description": "repository description (markdown)" (optional)
  "visibility": "public" | "unlisted" | "private" (optional: default public)


The new [repository resource](#repository-resource)

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name

Retrieves a [repository resource](#repository-resource).

**OAuth scope**: `info:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name](#GET-apiusernamereposname), implies
the authenticated user.

### PUT /api/repos/:name

Updates a [repository resource](#repository-resource).

**OAuth scope**: `info:write`

**Request body**

  "name": "repository name" (optional),
  "description": "repository description (markdown)" (optional),
  "visibility": "public" | "unlisted" | "private" (optional)


- Updating the name will create a redirect.

### DELETE /api/repos/:name

Deletes a [repository resource](#repository-resource).

**OAuth scope**: `info:write`

## Common data endpoints

Endpoints for fetching git data from repos.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/refs

List of [reference resources](#reference-resource) in this git repository.

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name/refs

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/refs](#GET-apiusernamereposnamerefs),
implies the authenticated user.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/log

List of the latest [commit resources](#commit-resource) on the default branch.

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name/log

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/log](#GET-apiusernamereposnamelog),
implies the authenticated user.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/log/:ref

List of the latest [commit resources](#commit-resource) starting from the given
reference (sha-1 ID or name).

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name/log/:ref

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/log/:ref](#GET-apiusernamereposnamelogref),
implies the authenticated user.

## High-level data endpoints

The endpoints work with paths instead of object IDs.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/tree

Returns the [tree resource](#tree-resource) for the latest commit to the default

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name/tree

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/tree](#GET-apiusernamereposnametree),
implies the authenticated user.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/tree/:ref

Returns the [tree resource](#tree-resource) for the given reference.

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name/tree/:ref

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/tree/:ref](#GET-apiusernamereposnametreeref),
implies the authenticated user.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/tree/:ref/:path

Returns the [tree resource](#tree-resource) for the given reference, following
the parent trees until the requested tree is found. In other words, this lists
the contents of a subdirectory by path.

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name/tree/:ref/:path

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/tree/:ref/:path](#GET-apiusernamereposnametreerefpath),
implies the authenticated user.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/blob/:ref/:path

Returns the blob at the given path of the tree specified by the given reference.

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`


The contents of the requested blob, as text/plain or as application/octet-stream
for binary blobs.

### GET /api/repos/:name/blob/:ref/:path

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/blob/:ref/:path](#GET-apiusernamereposnameblobrefpath),
implies the authenticated user.

## Low-level data endpoints

These endpoints work with object IDs instead of paths.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/tree/:id

Returns the [tree resource](#tree-resource) with the given ID.

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

### GET /api/repos/:name/tree/:id

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/tree/:id](#GET-apiusernamereposnametreeid),
implies the authenticated user.

### GET /api/:username/repos/:name/blob/:id

Returns the blob with the given ID.

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`


The contents of the requested blob, as text/plain or as application/octet-stream
for binary blobs.

### GET /api/repos/:name/blob/:id

Equivalent to [/api/:username/repos/:name/blob/:id](#GET-apiusernamereposnameblobid),
implies the authenticated user.

## Webhooks

### /api/user/...

Webhook for user events. Includes the [standard webhook

#### repo:create

Issued when the user creates a new repository.

**OAuth scope**: `info:read`

**Request body**

The new [repository resource](#repository-resource).

#### repo:update

Issued when the user updates repository details, such as name or description.

**OAuth scope**: `info:read`

**Request body**

The updated [repository resource](#repository-resource).


- When the name of the repository changes, the URL at which its webhooks are
  managed is updated accordingly. Users of the repository webhooks may wish to
  act accordingly. The ID will remain consistent.

#### repo:delete

Issued when the user deletes a repository.

**OAuth scope**: `info:read`

**Request body**

  "id": integer ID of the affected repository resource

### /api/:username/repos/:name/...

Webhook for repository events. Includes the [standard webhook
endpoints](../api-conventions.md#webhooks). You may pass an additional parameter
to the webhook creation endpoint named "sync", which shall be a boolean value.

#### repo:post-update

Called after refs have been updated. If the `sync` flag on this webhook is set
to true, the webhook is invoked *during* `git-receive-pack`'s [`post-update`
hook][post-update] and the response text is printed to the console of the user
executing `git push`. Your server has 5 seconds to respond to the HTTP request.

[post-update]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-receive-pack#_post_update_hook

**OAuth scope**: `data:read`

**Request body**

  "push": "uuid assigned to this push event",
  "pusher": { user resource },
  "refs": [
      "name": "updated ref, e.g. refs/heads/master",
      "annotated_tag": {
        "name": "tag name",
        "message": "tag message"
      }, # may not be present
      "old": {
        commit resource this ref used to refer to, or null in the case of new
      "new": {
        commit resource this ref now refers to, or null in the case of deleted