path: root/api-conventions.md
blob: eb5e6be45d88bf559d5b0bc3994de1e88ee2dc7d (plain) (tree)






















title: API Conventions

Each sr.ht API follows the same set of design conventions throughout. Each API
is RESTful, authenticated with [meta.sr.ht](meta.sr.ht), and has consistent
standards for pagination, response codes, and so on, throughout.

## API Wrappers

API wrappers for a few programming languages exist:

- [CHICKEN Scheme](https://git.sr.ht/~evhan/topham)
- [Golang](https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sourcehut-go)

Please write to [sr.ht-discuss](https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-discuss) to
share yours!

## Authentication

All services are authenticated with OAuth via meta.sr.ht. For more information,
consult [the meta.sr.ht OAuth documentation](meta.sr.ht/oauth-api.md).

## Routing

The basic routing model is:

### /api/:resource

List of `:resources`, e.g. `/api/repos`

- **GET**: retrieve the list
- **POST**: create a new resource

### /api/:resource/:id

Manipulate a specific `:resource` by `:id`.

- **GET**: retrieve the resource
- **PUT**: modify the resource
- **DELETE**: destroy the resource

### /api/:resource/:id/:subresource

List of `:subresources` which are children of `:resource`.


A singleton which is owned by `:resource`.


A named action to be completed asynchronously.

### /api/:resource/:id/:subresource/:id

Manipulate a specific `:resource` by `:id`. See `/api/:resource/:id`.

### Notes

- The `:id` may be an integer or string

## Request & response format

All requests and response bodies shall be encoded with Content-Type

### Resource schemas

Each resource returned by the API has its own schema, and may be given in two
forms: *full form* and *short form*. The full form is always returned when
retrieving a resource by ID, and contains the maximum amount of detail.  The
short form contains less information - an ID at the minimum, but often more -
and is returned where the long form would be inconvenient, such as from a list
endpoint or for singletons embedded in a parent resource.

#### Timestamps

Timestamps are encoded as strings using the format `%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S`.

### Pagination

When executing a `GET` request on a list of resources, the response format is:

  "next": :id,
  "results": [ :resources... ],
  "results_per_page": 50,
  "total": 200

To retrieve the next page of results, add `?start=:id` to your request URL,
using the `:id` given by `"next"`.

## Response codes

The use of HTTP response codes is standardized throughout sourcehut.

- **200**: Resource(s) found
- **201**: Resource(s) created
- **202**: Your request has been accepted and is processing
- **204**: Used when resource(s) are successfully deleted
- **400**: Your request is invalid (missing required fields?)
- **401**: You're missing the (or have an invalid) Authorization header
- **403**: You're not allowed to do what you're attempting
- **404**: Resource(s) not found
- **5xx**: Something broke on our end

### Error responses

Errors are returned with a consistent response body:

    "errors": [
        "field": "example",
        "reason": "example is required"

`"field"` is omitted when it is not applicable.

## Standard endpoints

### GET /api/version

Returns the API version installed for this service. Sourcehut uses semantic
versioning, each version being of the format "major.minor.patch". The patch
number increments with every release, the minor number increments when new
features are added, and the major version increments on breaking changes. Note
that the minor and patch versions may increment when changes are made to the web
frontend - which may not necessarily affect the API - but major versions only
increment on breaking API changes. Any API whose major version is 0 makes no
guarantees about interface stability.

Changes considered non-breaking are adding new API endpoints and resources,
adding members to existing resources, adding members to enumerations, and adding
optional fields to existing requests.


  "version": "1.2.3"

## Standard resources

### User resource

**full form**

  "canonical_name": "~username",
  "name": "username",
  "email": "email",
  "url": "url" or null,
  "location": "location" or null,
  "bio": "bio" or null

**short form**

  "canonical_name": "~username",
  "name": "username"

## Webhooks

Most resources will have webhooks which can deliver updates to your application
via HTTP POST. You'll able to subscribe to some number of events, such as (on
meta.sr.ht) `profile:update` or `ssh-key:remove`. These require the same OAuth
scopes to configure as are necessary to obtain these resources through polling -
there's no separate OAuth scope for webhooks.

Periodically polling the API is discouraged - use webhooks instead.

### Webhook delivery

When the events you've subscribed to occur, the notification will be delivered
to your URL as an HTTP POST, generally in the same format as the affected
resource is encoded via the API. `X-Webhook-Delivery` is set to a UUID assigned
to that webhook delivery, and `X-Webhook-Event` is set to the specific event
that occurred, e.g. `profile:update`.

### Webhook signatures

The `X-Payload-Signature` and `X-Payload-Nonce` headers can be used to verify
the authenticity of the webhook payload. Concatenate the request body with the
nonce (treat the nonce as an ASCII-encoded string) and use it to verify the
base64-encoded Ed25519 signature given by the `X-Payload-Signature` header. The
public key (also base64 encoded) is
`uX7KWyyDNMaBma4aVbJ/cbUQpdjqczuCyK/HxzV/u+4=`. Here's an example of verifying
the payload in Python:

import base64
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PublicKey

public_key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(

payload = request.data
signature = headers["X-Payload-Signature"]
signature = base64.b64decode(signature)
nonce = headers["X-Payload-Nonce"].encode()

public_key.verify(signature, payload + nonce)

### Subscription resource

  "id": integer,
  "created": "timestamp",
  "events": ["event", ...],
  "url": "subscription URL"

### Delivery resource

  "id": integer,
  "created": "timestamp",
  "event": "event",
  "url": "subscription URL",
  "payload": "request body",
  "payload_headers": "request headers",
  "response": "response body",
  "response_status": integer,
  "response_headers": "response headers"

- **response_status** is -2 prior to delivery, and -1 if delivery failed.

### POST /api/.../webhooks

**Request body**

  "url": "http://example.org/webhook-notify",
  "events": ["profile:update", "ssh-key:remove"]

- **url**: the URL that should have webhook deliveries issued to it
- **events**: the list of events this subscription should include


The new [subscription resource](#subscription-resource).

### GET /api/.../webhooks

List of [subscription resources](#subscription-resource).

### GET /api/.../webhooks/:id

Retrieves a [subscription resource](#subscription-resource).

### GET /api/.../webhooks/:id/deliveries

List of [delivery resources](#delivery-resource) for this subscription.

### GET /api/.../webhooks/:id/deliveries/:id

Retrieves a [delivery resource](#delivery-resource) by UUID.