Episode 3.01, Lunch ------------------- This story begins with the last scene of Something Wicked this Way Comes (2.22). Joan watches Ryan leave. She remembers what God told her about evil, how it's a broad spectrum from darkness to light. Or was it shadows and light? Whatever. Ryan is everything she is not, a mirror of Joan. But what she hates most are the feelings he causes to boil up from within her. “Use the force, Luke.” But if she ventures into the dark side, he wins. Joan turns and walks back to her friends. She loves them like a rock, but her army, hah! Scooby and Friends is more like it. Joan – “Okay, let's scram.” Grace smirks – “So Girardi, are you sure you're not going to wander off with Marilyn again?” Joan – “Grace, isn't it you who's always saying that anarchy is about shedding false conceptions? So shed! Light is a broad spectrum, right? Let's do physics.” Grace decides to drop the subject. Even she can see that Joan is in a mood. She has learned sometimes it's best to just let her work it out. Joan spends the rest of the day barely talking. Oh, the meaningless conversations continue, but inside, she is trapped in an endless cycle of evaluation and reevaluation of her situation. Even God seems to have thrown her to the wolves. She could only be lonelier without the loneliness. Every potential move seems to end with the same result - Checkmate. That evening, Joan desperately tries to study. Luke and Grace are working like ding and dong, but all Joan can do is twang! Physics requires too much brainpower, and she just can't concentrate. Can a head actually explode? She excuses herself to go to bed. She will get up early and study in the morning. In the bathroom cleaning up, she sees her reflection in the mirror. ‘Who am I?’ she wonders. ‘I'm just a kid, a seventeen-year-old girl. Am I really supposed to be Wonder Woman?’ Her eyes begin to tear up, ‘God help me.’ And from the aether comes the voice of God. This little prayer becomes a catalyst for events to come. Joan, his instrument, is in desolation. He answers silently, “I am here.” She leaves and enters her bedroom, “Jammies, polka dots, love ‘em.” Her head hits the pillow and the night begins. Joan – “Come on Judith, get in the mood! It's Saturday, we're free, and it's a beautiful day.” Judith – “You know I'm not the outdoorsy type.” Joan – “Oh, but can't you feel it? Look at me. You know how I hate to drive, but Mercer Creek is calling. Look at the colors painting the trees and the ground, the reds, the yellows, and orange. Fall is the best time of year.” Judith – “I brought something to read while you commune with nature.” Joan gets even more excited, “Oh, here it comes! Get ready to wave! Hello, Ole Paint!” Judith – “You know that's really lame.” Joan – “Oh, lighten up. It's fun. Besides, I told you how it all started. When Adam and I first saw this metal horse on top of the stable, it was so sad. He must have been so beautiful once, a majestic Northern Dancer. Now he is faded and has rust spots all over. We just had to give him a name. Ole Paint was my idea. Get it?” Judith – “That's even more lame.” Joan – “Okay, we're here. Grab your stuff, and I'll get the picnic basket and blanket. The trail starts just over there.” Judith – “It looks like it's going to rain.” Joan – “No, those are just puff clouds.” She remembers, ‘Hmm, that's another one for Grace.’ “There definitely won't be rain today.” They find a spot near the creek and have lunch. Joan had her father fix one of his masterpiece sandwiches, so they each could only eat half. Topped off with chips and cans of Mug Root Beer, they are both pleasantly full. Joan lies down on the blanket with her arms behind her head. She stretches out, and then relaxes. Joan – “Ah, I could stay here forever. Listen to the leaves rustling, the water rippling, it's just so perfect.” Judith – “You can have the whole blanket. I fit nicely into the wedge of this tree. How long will we be staying?” Joan – “Not long, just let me soak this in for awhile.” Judith watches her friend fall asleep. “Joanith? Earth to Joan. Anybody home?” What level of consciousness is achieved when one falls deeper into a meditative state while already sound asleep? “Okay, listen up Jo-Jo. It's time for me to read. Let's just skip to Chapter 2. Motion in One Dimension...” Joan opens her eyes to see the clock. It reads 4:59. She reaches and turns off the alarm before it sounds. “That has never happened before!” She rolls out of bed and gets ready for school. For some reason she really feels great! This is certainly not what she expected after getting up an hour early. She sits down with her physics book and begins to study, while enjoying her bowl of Fruit Loops. “Wow! A good night’s sleep really can make a difference! I actually know this stuff!” She moves on to study trig. “Okay, not everything has changed.” Later at the Sheriff's Station Toni enters Will's office carrying a folder. “We got the initial forensics report on the Synagogue fire. Roebuck did this one personally.” Will – “So, what's it say?” Toni – “You mentioned that all of those explosions seemed to be a bit odd. Well, you were right. There was nothing in the Synagogue before the fire to account for them. He found traces of glass that didn't come from the windows. They were in patterns emanating from five different locations. He believes they were gasoline bombs. He has sent samples of the glass off to be analyzed. He is hoping there will be something unique about the glass that can help us.” Will – “How long will it take?” Toni – “He wasn't sure. The state crime lab in Bakerstown will provide the in-depth analysis. He has asked them to give it priority.” Will – “Waiting is always the hardest part. Tell him good work!” Carlisleknocks and pops his head in the door. “Hey Will, Helen's on line two.” Toni leaves and Will answers the phone. “Hi Hon, what's up?” Helen – “You have time for lunch today?” Will – “I thought you only got half an hour.” Helen – “Ah, but there are no art finals.” Will – “Come on over. Is Jerry's okay?” Helen – “See you in a bit.” At the Newspaper Rebecca – “Kevin, I'm going for coffee, would you like a cup?” Kevin – “No thanks, I'm all coffeed out. But a cup of water from the cooler would be nice.” Rebecca – “Back in a minute.” After their breakup last year, Kevin and Rebecca had a difficult time working together. However, as time went on, they were both able to make the adjustment, and they work well together again. Oh, and it has actually been three minutes, but Kevin isn't counting. Rebecca – “Here you are. So how is it going today?” Kevin – “Not bad at all! Actually, it's been going pretty quick. I just have two more articles to check.” Rebecca – “Well, I'll have more for you in a little while.” She returns to her desk. Kevin skims the article for facts, ‘Arcadia Citizen's Watchdog Committee Meets Sunday... starts at 7:00 PM... first time the meeting will be chaired by the new president, Ryan Hunter... former president, Michael McCauley, died at his Millersville home two months ago...’ Kevin thinks to himself, ‘Time for the fact checker to go to work.’ At the High School Joan has turned in her physics exam and is waiting for the bell to ring. She is excited! She wants to tell the whole world, but wants to tell her brother first. He will understand. When the bell rings, she scurries over to him. “Wow, that was awesome! Luke, remember how you were at the Tri-math-a-thon thing? Well, that's how I felt doing the physics test. It was surreal!” Luke – “I wouldn't get your hopes up. You've never gotten better than a ‘B' in physics.” Joan – “I know, but I really think I did good on this one.” Luke – “You want me to calculate the odds?” Joan – “Spare me.” Luke was just being Luke, but this one hurt. She really thought he would understand. He is left baffled when Joan storms out of the room for her next class. Grace, who had observed the conversation, walks out with Luke. “Don't try to figure it out, brain boy. You'll blow a fuse.” Lunch at Jerry's Will – “So what looks good to you?” Helen – “Oh, how about the deli club.” Will places the order with the waitress. “Make that two with one Coke and one Diet-Coke.” Will – “So how is your day going?” Helen – “Pretty slow. I have all of the projects graded, and now I'm pretty much twiddling my thumbs.” Will – “It's been kind of slow for me too. Oh, we got a forensic report back on the Synagogue fire. We're running down a lead.” Helen – “That was so terrible! Did I tell you I dreamed about it?” Will – “More clowns?” Helen – “No, but it was weird. First it was like being in a sprinkler, and then it turned into fire. Grace was there, too.” Will – “So what did it mean?” Helen – “I don't know. Maybe nothing, I'm still trying to figure it out. Lilly thinks it may be a charism.” Will – “Do I want to know what that is? Is she really good for you?” Helen – “Well you better get used to her being around. I think our son is in love with her.” Will – “I only met her that one time, and we just talked about you and religion. Well, she talked, I yelled. She sure can be frustrating. Looks like I need to get to know her better. I'll bring it up at dinner.” At the High School Adam – “Well that was fun. So how did you do?” Joan – “Don’t ask. I've never been good at math and trig is just out there!” Adam – “Ms. Barr said she'd have the results for us tomorrow.” Joan – “We get the results for everything tomorrow dunderhead. I wonder what kind of night I'll have tonight.” Dinner at the Girardi House Helen speaks to Joan. “Dinner's ready. Go call Kevin and your father.” Joan calls up the stairs. “Dad, Kevin, dinner.” Luke comes in with Grace and surprises Helen, “Oh Grace! Luke, you should have told me. I'm sorry, I don't remember. Is it Okay for you to eat pork?” Grace – “That's fine, don't worry about it Mrs. Girardi.” Helen to everyone, “Have a seat.” Helen directs her question to Grace. “We have recently resumed a tradition of saying a prayer before our meal. Would you do us the honor?” Initially, a smart-aleck prayer pops into her head, but Grace can see this is important to Mrs. Girardi. She responds. “Yeah, sure, ah... Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth. Amen.” Helen – “Thank you.” She pauses while they serve the food, “Joan. Tell us about your day.” Joan – “Well, I had finals all day, as you know. I think I did good on the physics exam, okay on the others, but probably not so good on trig.” Helen – “Luke?” Luke – “Not much to tell, pretty much the same as Joan, except I'm sure my grades will be to the 10th power.” Helen – “Grace?” Grace – “Oh, ah, well the same as Luke and Joan. I should do better than last year. I temporarily suspended the laws of anarchy and actually studied this time. My father has enough on his mind with the Synagogue being a pile of rubble and all.” Helen – “Kevin?” Kevin – “Pretty much same-o, same-o.” Helen – “The highlight of my day was having lunch with your father. We just had sandwiches at Jerry's, but it was nice to have lunch together. We don't get to do that often. Will?” Will – “Of course, the highlight of my day was lunch as well.” True or not, he knows if he says anything else, Helen may kill him in his sleep. “For the most part, it was a pretty slow day. Oh Grace, we got a forensic report back on the fire. Don't know anything for sure yet, but we are working on some leads.” Grace – “Thanks, Mr. Girardi.” Joan replies angrily, “I already told you who did it.” Will – “Ryan Hunter is an upstanding citizen! We got nothing.” Joan – “Have you even looked?” Kevin interrupts. “You know, I checked an article that mentioned him today. He replaced the former president who died two months ago - Michael McCauley. The article said he died at his home in Millersville, which didn't make sense. Why would he be president of the Arcadia Citizen's Watchdog Committee if he lived way over in Millersville? Turns out, he died at his daughter’s home, a Mrs. Anna Finnegan. His obituary said he died in a fire. Maybe you should call the Millersville police tomorrow?” Will – “Thanks Kevin, I'll do that. Hey, your mother tells me you really like her catechism teacher – Lilly?” Kevin – “Yeah, she's really something. Not like anyone I've dated before.” Will – “Well, I have met her, but I really don't know her. Why don't you invite her to dinner this Saturday or Sunday?” Kevin – “Okay, I'll see if she can make it.” After Dinner Joan – “Kevin, you busy?” He actually is, but he closes the lid on his computer and tells her to come in. “I have a favor to ask.” Kevin doesn't speak, but nods for her to continue. “I know Dad said he would call the Millersville police, but I'm not sure he will. I really don't like this Ryan Hunter guy, and I'll bet he is involved somehow.” Kevin – “Sounds to me like you're getting a little paranoid.” Joan – “I know what it sounds like, but would you please call them anyway?” Kevin – “Yeah, sure. Anything for my kid sister.” She gives him a kiss and leaves the room. Kevin opens the lid on his computer and the display lights up showing the website for the Millersville Police Department. The Next Morning Joan – “Mom, look.” She pulls up her pants to reveal her leg. Helen – “What?” Joan – “No disease! Remember last year? Last day of school, party in the quad?” Helen – “Oh, right. Well, I'm still Amish that way. At least you're wearing a long skirt.” Joan – “They're culottes Mom. Anyway, this time, I'm going to have fun. I'm going to tie myself to Price and we are going to win that egg-and-spoon race.” Helen – “Are you sure you're not sick? I thought you hated Price?” Joan – “I do, but I have him figured out. He's like a vampire. He sucks the life out of people. Now that I know that, he can't get to me.” At the High School All of the students' grades have been sent to their homeroom. Those who have questions can visit their teachers after the bell. The bell rings. Grace – “So how'd you do?” Joan – “It's like extra icing on a cupcake! I got an A+ on the physics final! Can you believe it? I got a C- on the trig final, but at least I passed. I was really sweating that one. The rest are all B's.” Grace – “I got all B's, some plus, and some minus. Makes a difference when you study. I'll have to work the whole summer to get my father's expectations back down again. So Luke, do I need to ask?” Luke – “Nope, A's across the board.” Joan – “Come on, let's head for the quad.” Grace – “What's with the perkiness, Girardi?” Joan – “I don't know. I'm not going to try to know. I just feel good.” At the Sheriff's Station Toni – “Good morning, Will. I picked up the dockets from last night. They are on your desk.” Will – “Anything interesting?” Toni – “The Liqueur Mart on 5th got robbed again and there was a mugging in Meadow Park. Oh, and yesterday afternoon, there was an attempted child abduction near Southside High School. Well, maybe. It really wasn't clear. The call came in just after you went home. Officer Garcia's report is there also.” Will – “Thanks Toni.” In the Quad Luke and Grace decide to watch, but the others go off to do different things. Joan finds Mr. Price is once again the victim of the water balloon toss. A devilish grin paints across her face. Mr. Price – “So Miss Girardi, do you have a good arm?” Joan – “Kinetic energy is my thing.” She throws and misses. Mr. Price – “You'll have to do better than that.” She throws again, but this time she hits her target. Mr. Price – “Well, you got lucky Joan.” Joan – “Oh, but I get one more!” She throws the last one and hits him again. “Gotcha! And when they do the race, you're mine.” Mr. Price – “You didn't fare too well last time... Hornsby has to go down this year!” Joan – “We'll get it done.” Laura Eason brought a Frisbee today and is playing catch with her friend Patty. Patty throws and it sails over her head. She runs to get it. As she is picking it up, she notices a white van driving slowly down the street. She turns, throws the Frisbee, and continues the game. Joan turns away from the booth and sees Ryan in the distance. She wonders what kind of slimy thing he is up to. She stops and thinks about what Kevin told her. “Am I really just being paranoid?” She remembers what God told her. “Whatever you do, don't play the other person's game. Play your own.” She decides she's not going there today. She walks over to Luke and Grace. “Why aren't you guys doing anything?” Grace – “Participating in this totalitarian regime's party games is not my thing, but I did see you clobber Price. That was priceless!” She laughs. Joan – “Wasn't it though! We're going to do the egg-and-spoon race in a few minutes.” Grace – “Are you sick again, Girardi?” Joan – “No, no, today I'm just going to have fun.” Joan and Mr. Price are tied together, in a line with the other contestants. The eggs are locked and loaded. The starter-gun fires. All of her friends are cheering and making a ruckus. She and Mr. Price hobble along inching ahead of the pack. Mr. Price – “We're doing good. Keep it up.” Joan doesn't respond, but continues to hobble and concentrate. Out of the corner of her eye she sees that Mr. Hornsby and Elizabeth Goetzmann are neck and neck. She tries to move faster. As they cross the finish line, Mr. Price trips slightly and drops his egg. Hornsby wins again. Mr. Price – “Sorry Joan, we almost had it.” Joan – “That's okay. We have one more chance.” Mr. Price is momentarily surprised, but then says, “It's a date.” At the Newspaper Kevin is talking on the phone. “So you can't tell me anything?” Officer – “The fire is still under investigation.” Kevin – “Do you suspect it was arson?” Officer – “We don't know.” Kevin – “Do you have any suspects?” Officer – “I said we don't yet know the cause of the fire. I do know Anna personally. She adored her father, and her husband was at work when the fire started.” Kevin – “Can I talk to her?” Officer – “If you want. She's living there in Arcadia. She's staying in her father's house while hers is being repaired.” Kevin – “Thank you. You have been very helpful.” At the High School Joan is leaving the Girls’ room. She felt she needed to freshen up the ole paint after the race. She sees Cute Boy God leaning against a pillar. “I haven't seen you in awhile. Have I done something wrong?” God – “No, you are doing just fine.” Joan – “So what's the occasion?” God – “Does there have to be an occasion?” Joan – “There has always been one before.” God – “Well this time it's different. I'm going to take you to lunch.” Joan – “You're going to what?” God – “We are going to have lunch. Today is about having fun, recreation, right?” Joan pauses. She now realizes why she has felt good today, or as Grace called it, perky. The emotional roller coaster ride she has been on has leveled out. She smiles and takes his arm. They leave the school for the bus stop. In the Quad Grace – “So where's you sister? She said she'd be back in a few minutes.” Luke – “I don't know. Why don't you go check?” Grace – “Come with me, dog boy.” They go into the school and Grace checks the Girls’ room. Helen is walking down the hall. “Mrs. Girardi, have you seen Joan?” Helen – “She was outside a little while ago.” Grace – “Okay, we'll check the quad.” Helen speaks to Luke. “You having fun today?” Luke – “Yeah, fine.” They go back outside. They look everywhere but don't see Joan. Grace is becoming a little concerned. She knows Joan is flighty, but her disappearance seems a little odd, even for her. Just minutes ago, Joan was excited about trying more of the events. Now she can't be found. On the Bus God – “So where would you like to have lunch?” Joan – “Wow! I wish I were more hungry.” God – “Why don't we ride the bus for a while? We can watch out the windows and chat.” Joan – “God chats?” God – “Actually, today is a special occasion. There are things I want to tell you.” At the High School Grace and Luke have collected the others. They have scoured the school, inside and out. Grace calls Joan's cell. It rings unanswered on her nightstand. She had forgotten it today. A feeling of panic begins to settle in. They seek out Helen. They all speak at once. Grace – “Mrs. Girardi, Joan is missing.” Luke – “Mom, we have looked everywhere.” Adam – “Mrs. G., something is wrong! She just disappeared!” Helen – “Hold it, calm down. Tell me what is going on.” Grace explains how Joan had been enjoying participating in the events. She repeats what Joan had told her, that she was looking forward to trying more of the activities after her visit to the Girls’ room. And now she has disappeared. It just doesn't make sense. She also details their previous searches. Helen assembles some of the staff, and together they search the school again. At Lunch Joan – “Okay, I'm ready, but just someplace to get a sandwich.” God – “I know just the place.” They get off the bus and walk down the sidewalk. Joan – “Wow, the Unurban. I had a strange time here my last visit.” God – “I know.” Joan – “But you weren't here!” God – “Omniscient Joan. You still haven't looked it up.” Joan – “Right. So what are we having?” God – “It's your choice, Joan. It's always your choice.” Joan – “Oh, how about a burger and fries?” The waitress comes over. It is the same woman who took her tea order during her last visit. “Hi, do you remember me?” Waitress – “As a matter of fact, I do? Would you like tea today?” Joan – “No, no thank you.” Joan turns several shades of red. God – “We'll each have a burger and fries with your ultimate chocolate shake.” Joan – “Oh good, I hadn't thought of that.” God – “Of course you did.” She offers him a manufactured smile. She knows he is right, but she is really not sure what to make of God's sense of humor. At the High School Helen calls Will. “Will, Joan is missing.” Will – “What do you mean missing?” Helen – “She's gone. She was at school and she just disappeared! We have searched everywhere.” Will – “Did you call her cell?” Helen – “Yeah, twice, no answer.” Will – “Well, how long has she been gone?” Helen – “I don't know, a couple of hours.” Will – “Don't…” He stops and remembers Officer Garcia's report. “Just a minute, Helen.” He quickly reads it again. “Has anyone seen a white van near the school?” Helen moves the phone away from her face and yells the question. Laura responds. “Yeah, I saw one earlier. White, with 'Delivery Service' written on the side.” Helen relays the information back to Will and she adds, “Will, I have a feeling.” Will remembers how Helen somehow knew to go to the hospital when Joan was sick last year. Helen – “Will, you need to do something.” Will – “Okay Helen, I'll take care of it.” At the Sheriff's Station Will sits stunned, shaken by what he has just heard. Normally, he is as steady as a rock, but the policeman and the father in him are at war. The Garcia report stated the suspect drove a white van with ‘Delivery Service’ stenciled on the side. Images of Steve Ramsey fill his head. He summons Toni to his office, “I'm issuing an Amber Alert.” He hands Toni a picture of Joan and tells her to get it to the TV station. “Tell them she may have been abducted from Arcadia High School. Have someone call the radio station. Put out an APB for the van in the Garcia report.” He hands her the folder, “Have a unit meet me at the school.” At the High School Elizabethis walking home, now about a block away from school. Like Joan, she has been having a good day. She won the egg-and-spoon race, and she did better than she had expected on her finals. In fact, she is singing. She will be playing the part of Mary Magdalene in the summer production of “Jesus Christ Superstar.” I don't know how to love him. What to do, how to move him. I've been changed, yes really changed. In these past few days, when I've seen myself, I seem like someone else. I don't know how to take this. I don't see why he moves me. He's a man. He's just a man. And I've had so many men before, In very many ways, He's just one more... A white van slows to a stop. Man – “Hey, can you tell me where Green Street is from here?” Elizabeth– “Sorry, I don't know.” Man – “I'm supposed to make a delivery. It's supposed to be near here.” He starts to get out of the van, but stops when he hears sirens approaching. He closes the door and speeds away. Elizabeth sees the event as a little odd, but dismisses it. She continues walking home, singing her song. At Lunch Joan – “That was good. I was hungrier than I thought. And the shake was sooo good!” God – “I'm glad you enjoyed it.” Joan – “And it was really nice to just talk. You have given me a lot to think about. But I knew you would get around to an assignment eventually. All of this reading? And yoga?” God – “Take a closer look at the list Joan. Every one of those books is one your mother had you buy for her. And for the yoga, check your cable listing. You will find you receive the Yoga Channel.” Joan – “But this is going to take a lot of time. It's summer!” God – “Trust me, you will have the time, but don't worry about it now. Today was about having fun. We better get you back to school.” Joan – “Oh no! I forgot about Grace! She is going to kill me. I'll call her.” She checks her purse and sees her phone isn't there. She tries, but she can't remember Grace's number. It has been on speed dial for too long. “I have to get back. Can you just beam me there?” God – “We have talked about this before. You know it sets a bad example if I break the rules.” Joan – “Rules? God, you have been talking to me for almost two years now. Isn't that breaking some kind of rule?” She stands up and in one motion, her purse is secure with the strap across her chest. “I have to go. God, thanks for lunch.” She darts out of the cafe. At the Newspaper Rebecca – “Kevin, you have to go home.” Kevin – “I'll be going to lunch soon. I just have a few more articles to check.” Rebecca – “Kevin, your sister is missing. She may have been kidnapped.” Kevin looks at her in disbelief. Is this a cruel joke? This is almost word for word! Rebecca – “The police have issued an Amber Alert.” He now realizes this nightmare is real. “I have to go.” At the High School Will and the first police unit arrive. Two more also respond. Will has been talking to Grace, since she was the last one to see Joan. She tells him the same information she gave to Helen earlier. Will also questions Laura, hoping to get more details about the van and its driver. Brian Beaumont has organized students to conduct a door-to-door search. Brian – “No smaller than groups of three.” More police units arrive to search the streets surrounding the school. Helen is a basket case. The party is canceled. Those students who are not participating in the search are sent home. The faculty closes down the school. Many join in the search. On the Bus Joan is watching out of the window. The trip back to school is taking a lot longer than it normally would have. The traffic is backed up everywhere. The police are stopping everyone, looking for something. At least they wave the bus on through. As they approach the school, Joan sees flashing lights and wonders what is going on. The bus reaches the school, and she steps off. The school seems deserted. A girl is getting on the bus. “Hey, what's going on?” Girl – “I heard someone got kidnapped.” Joan – “Who?” Girl – “Don’t know.” Joan goes into the quad to look for Grace. No one is there. She goes inside to look for her mother. The art classroom and office are locked and empty. She cleans out her locker and prepares to go home. She'll have to apologize to Grace later. The search pattern has been progressing in ever-wider circles from the school. The students are now knocking on doors blocks away. When Joan comes out of the school, the flashing lights are gone. She catches the bus for home. At Home Kevin arrives home from work. He tries to call Helen but keeps getting a busy signal. He knows not to bother his father now. He turns on the television. Joan's picture is on the news. A helicopter is showing images of the ground search in progress. He reads the text scrolling across the bottom of the screen, ‘The police are looking for a white van seen near Arcadia High School earlier today. It has Delivery Service stenciled on the side.’ Kevin begins to cry. On the Bus Joan is thinking how glad she is the school year is over, but what a wonderful last day it has been. Her parents won't believe she got an A on the physics exam. And her mother will love that she hit Price not once, but twice with a water balloon. She really doesn't like him either. The bus arrives and she goes inside. “Anybody home?” Kevin can't believe what he hears, “Joan? Where have you been? The whole world is looking for you!” That Evening Joan is lying in bed thinking about the events of the day. Her friends, family, and everyone in Arcadia is mad at her. She is grounded for life. But she remembers that some of the most beautiful flowers grow out of the ashes of forest fires. That must be it. That must be why she cannot remove the smile from her face. Okay, so it was only lunch, but the fact remains, she had a date with God.