#!/usr/bin/perl if (@ARGV[0] eq "") { print "This is an /extremely/ rudimentary utility for exporting a v11n definition (canon.h-type) file into a list of verses contained in that v11n.\nIt takes one mandatory argument: a canon.h-type file.\nIt can take two additional arugments.\nIf one of them is \"osis\" the output will be an OSIS file.\nThe other optional argument will be used as the name of the output file."; exit(); } open (INF, @ARGV[0]); $name = "v11n"; if (@ARGV[1] ne "") { $arg = @ARGV[1]; if ($arg =~ /^osis$/i) { $osis = true; } else { $name = $arg; } if (@ARGV[2] ne "") { $arg = @ARGV[2]; if ($arg =~ /osis/i && $osis == false) { $osis = true; } else { $name = $arg; } } } if ($osis) { open (OUTF, ">$name.osis.xml"); } else { open (OUTF, ">$name.imp"); } $mode = 0; while () { $line = $_; if ($line =~ /struct\s+sbook/) { $mode = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /int\s+vm/) { $mode = 2; } else { if ($mode == 1) { if ($line =~ /{\".+?\", \".+?\", \"(.+?)\", (\d+)}/) { $book{$1} = $2; push @bookList, $1; } } if ($mode == 2) { if ($line =~ /^([\s\d,]+)$/) { $vssList .= "$1, "; } } } } $vssList =~ s/\s*//g; $vssList =~ s/,,/,/g; if ($osis) { print OUTF "\n\n\n
\n"; } while (@bookList != ()) { if ($osis && $thisBook ne "") { print OUTF "<\/chapter>\n"; print OUTF "<\/div>\n"; } $thisBook = shift @bookList; $cmax = $book{$thisBook}; $thisChap = 0; if ($osis) { print OUTF "
\n"; } while ($thisChap < $cmax) { if ($osis && $thisChap != 0) { print OUTF "<\/chapter>\n"; } $thisChap++; if ($osis) { print OUTF "\n"; } $vssList =~ s/^(\d+),//; $vmax = $1; $thisVers = 0; while ($thisVers < $vmax) { $thisVers++; if ($osis) { print OUTF "\n$thisBook.$thisChap.$thisVers\n<\/verse>\n"; } else { print OUTF "\$\$\$$thisBook $thisChap:$thisVers\n$thisBook.$thisChap.$thisVers\n"; } } } } if ($osis) { print OUTF "<\/chapter>\n"; print OUTF "<\/div>\n"; print OUTF "<\/osisText>\n"; print OUTF "<\/osis>\n"; }