ApAb Apocalypse of Abraham TAb Testament of Abraham ApAdam Apocalypse of Adam TAdam Testament of Adam LAE Ada Life of Adam and Eve Ah Ahiqar AnonSam An Anonymous Samaritan Text LetAris Letter of Aristeas ArisEx Aristeas the Exegete Aristob Aristobolus Art Artapanus 3Bar 3Ba III Baruch IIIBaruch 3 Baruch 3Baruch Greek Apocalypse of Baruch CavTr Cave of Treasures ClMal Cleodemus Malchus ApDan Apocalypse of Daniel Dem Demetrius ElMod Eldad and Modad ApEl Apocalypse of Elijah HebApEl Hebrew Apocalypse of Elijah 2En II Enoch IIEnoch 2 Enoch 2Enoch Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch 3En III Enoch IIIEnoch 3 Enoch 3Enoch Hebrew Apocalypse of Enoch Eup Eupolemus PsEup Ps-Eup Pseudo-Eupolemus ApocEzek Apocryphon of Ezekiel ApEzek Apocalypse of Ezekiel EzekTrag Ezekiel the Tragedian GkApEzra Greek Apocalypse of Ezra QuesEzra Questions of Ezra RevEzra Revelation of Ezra VisEzra Vision of Ezra HecAb Hecataeus Abdera PsHec Ps-Hec Pseudo-Hecataeus HelSynPr Hellenistic Synagogal Prayers THez Testament of Hezekiah FrgsHistWrks Fragments of Historical Works TIsaac Testament of Isaac AscenIs Ascension of Isaiah MartIs MrI Martyrdom of Isaiah VisIs Vision of Isaiah LadJac Ladder of Jacob PrJac Prayer of Jacob TJac Testament of Jacob JanJam Jannes and Jambres TJob Testament of Job JosAsen Joseph and Aseneth HistJos History of Joseph PrJos Prayer of Joseph LAB Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum LosTr The Lost Tribes 5Mac 5Ma V Maccabees 5 Maccabees 5Maccabees SyrMen Syriac Menander ApMos Apocalypse of Moses AsMos AsM Assumption of Moses PrMos Prayer of Moses TMos Testament of Moses BkNoah Book of Noah PsOrph Ps-Orph Orphica Pseudo-Orpheus PhEPoet Philo the Epic Poet PsPhilo Ps-Philo Pseudo-Philo PsPhoc Ps-Phoc Pseudo-Phocyclides FrgsPoetWrks Fragments of Poetic Works LivPro Lives of the Prophets HistRech History of the Rechabites ApSedr Apocalypse of Sedrach TrShem Treatise of Shem SibOr Sib Sibylline Oracles TSol Testament of Solomon Thal Thallus Theod Theodotus T12P Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs TReu 12R Testament of Reuben TSim 12S Testament of Simeon TLevi 12L Testament of Levi TJud 12J Testament of Judah TIss 12I Testament of Issachar TZeb 12Z Testament of Zebulon TDan 12D Testament of Dan TNaph 12N Testament of Naphtali TGad 12G Testament of Gad TAsh 12A Testament of Asher TJos 12O Testament of Joseph TBenj 12B Testament of Benjamin Vita Vita Adae et Evae ApZeph Apocalypse of Zephaniah ApZos Apocalypse of Zosimus T3P Testaments of the Three Patriarchs VisDan Vision of Daniel DeathAb Death of Abraham Jash Book of Jasher ConfAES Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan Rolls Book of the Rolls SinSol Sin of Solomon SyrApEzra Syriac Apocalypse of Ezra Bee Book of the Bee QuesQueen Questions Addressed by the Queen (of Sheeba) and Answers Given by Solomon 1AdamEve I Adam and Eve IAdam and Eve 1 Adam and Eve 1Adam and Eve 2AdamEve II Adam and Eve IIAdam and Eve 2 Adam and Eve 2Adam and Eve