GBirthMary Mary Mry Gospel of the Birth of Mary ProtJas Pro PrJ Protevangelium of James InfGos 1In I Infancy Gospel IInfancy Gospel 1 Infancy Gospel 1Infancy Gospel Inf Infancy InfGosThom 2In II Infancy Gospel IIInfancy Gospel 2 Infancy Gospel 2Infancy Gospel Infancy Gospel of Thomas IGT Abgar Abg Abgar Legend Christ and Abgarus GNic Nic GNi Gospel of Nicodemus CorPaulSen Sen PSe Correspondence between Paul and Seneca ActsPaulThecla Pt PTh Acts of Paul and Thecla LetHerPil LHP Letters of Herod and Pilate GPet GOP Gospel of Peter Addai Doctrine of Addai ActsAndr Acts of Andrew AposCon Apostolic Constitutions EpApos Epistula Apostolorum GBart Gospel of Bartholomew QuesBart Questions of Bartholomew PseudClemRec Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions 3Cor III Corinthians IIICorinthians 3 Corinthians 3Corinthians CorCorr Corinthian Correspondence GEbion Gospel of the Ebionites GEgyp Gospel of the Egyptians Elch Book of Elchasai GHeb Gospel of the Hebrews ApIoan Apocalypsis tou hagiou Ioannou ActsJn Acts of John SecretMk Secret Gospel of Mark GMatthias Gospel of Matthias GNaas Gospel of the Naassenes GNaz Gospel of the Nazareans PapEg2 Papyrus Egerton 2: Fragments of an Unknown Gospel ActsPaul Acts of Paul ApPaul Apocalypse of Paul ActsPet Acts of Peter ApPet Apocalypse of Peter PrPet Preaching of Peter ActsPhil Acts of Philip GPhil Gospel of Philip ActsPil Acts of Pilate RevSteph Revelation of Stephen ActsThom Acts of Thomas ApThom Apocalypse of Thomas GThom Gospel of Thomas GTr Gospel of Truth Freer Freer Logion G4HevReg Gospel of the Four Hevenley Regions GPer Gospel of Perfiction PisSoph Pistis Sophia 2BksJeu The Two Books of Jeu G12 Gospel of the Twelve KukG12 Kukean Gospel of the Twelve MemApost Memory of the Apostles Memoria Apostolorum ManG12 Manichean Gospel of the Twelve Apostles G70 Gospel of the Seventy GJudas Gospel of Judas FrDialJnJes Fragments of a Dialogue between John and Jesus QuesMary Questions of Mary GenMar Genna Marias GCer Gospel of Cerinthus GBas Gospel of Basilides GMarc Gospel of Marcion GApelles Gospel of Apelles GBard Gospel of Bardesanes GMani Gospel of Mani ArabicInfG Arabic Infancy Gospel GPseudMat Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew LatinInfG Latin Infancy Gospel LifeJnSer Life of John according to Serapion ChrDescent Christ's Descent into Hell GGam Gospel of Gamaliel KerPet Kerygma Petrou Teaching of Peter PseudTit Epistle of Pseudo-Titus ClemRom Clement Romance 5Ezra V Ezra VEzra 5 Ezra 5Ezra 6Ezra VI Ezra VIEzra 6 Ezra 6Ezra ChrSib Christian Sibyllines GAdvers Gospel of the Adversaries of the Law and the Prophets GEve Gospel of Eve HistJosCarp History of Joseph the Carpenter LibInfSalv Liber de Infantia Salvatoris ArmInfG Armenian Infancy Gospel LetPilClaud Letter of Pilate to Claudius LetPilTib Letter of Pilate to Tiberius ParPil Paradosis Pilati AnaPil Anaphora Pilati VinSalv Vindicta Salvatoris MorsPil Mors Pilati NarJosAr J22 Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea LetTibPil Letter of Tiberius to Pilate ActsJnRome Acts of John in Rome ActsJnPro Acts of John attributed to Prochorus VirApostJn Virtutes Apostolorum: Virtutes Iohannis of Pseudo-Abdias PasJn Passio Iohannis of Pseudo-Melito SyrActsJn Syriac Acts of John LibFlavFerg Liber Flavius Fergusiorum MarPaul Martyrium beati Pauli Apostoli ActsTit Acts of Titus by Pseudo-Zenas SyrHistPaul Syriac History of the Holy Apostle Paul ActsAndrewPaul Acts of Andrew and Paul ActsPetAndrew J44 Acts of Peter and Andrew GregEpit Gregory of Tours' Epitome ActsAndrewMatthias J43 Acts of Andrew and Matthias MarPet Martyrium beati Petri Apostoli PasSanctPetPaul Passio sanctorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli ActsPetPaul Acta Petri et Pauli PasPetPaul Passio Apostolorum Petri et Pauli SlavActsPet Slavonic Acts of Peter SyrActsPet Syriac Acts of Peter ArabicActsPet Arabic Acts of Peter PasBart Passion of Bartholomew PasMat Passion of Matthew ActsBarn Acts of Barnabas ActsXanPoly Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena PseudAbd Pseudo-Abdias OrActs Oriental Acts LetChrAbgar Letters of Christ and Abgar LetLentulus Letter of Lentulus EpAlexandrians Epistle to the Alexandrians BkResJes Book of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Bartholomew the Apostle LetJas Apocryphal Letter of James ApBart Apocalypse of Bartholomew ApZech Apocalypse of Zechariah GkApVirg Greek Apocalypse of the Virgin EthApVirg Ethiopic Apocalypse of the Virgin AsVirgin Assumption of the Virgin