ActsPet12Apost Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles Allogenes Allogenes ApocJas Apocryphon of James ApocJn Apocryphon of John ApAdam Apocalypse of Adam 1ApJas I Apocalypse of James IApocalypse of James 1 Apocalypse of James 1Apocalypse of James 2ApJas II Apocalypse of James IIApocalypse of James 2 Apocalypse of James 2Apocalypse of James ApPaul Apocalypse of Paul ApPet Apocalypse of Peter Asclepius Asclepius AuthTeach Authoritative Teaching DialSav Dialogue of the Savior Disc89 Disc8-9 Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth EpPetPhil Letter of Peter to Philip Eugnostos Eugnostos the Blessed ExegSoul Exegesis on the Soul GEgyp Gospel of the Egyptians GPhil Gospel of Philip GThom Gospel of Thomas GreatPow The Concept of Our Great Power HypArch Hypostasis of the Archons Hypsiph Hypsiphrone InterpKnow Interpretation of Knowledge Marsanes Marsanes Melch Melchizedek Norea Thought of Norea OnBapA On the Baptism A OnBapB On the Baptism B OnEuchA On the Eucharist A OnEuchB On the Eucharist B OrigWorld On the Origin of the World ParaphShem Paraphrase of Shem PrPaul Prayer of the Apostle Paul PrThanks Prayer of Thanksgiving SentSextus Sentences of Sextus SophJesChr Sophia of Jesus Christ StelesSeth Three Steles of Seth TeachSilv Teachings of Silvanus TestimTruth Testimony of Truth ThomCont Book of Thomas the Contender Thund The Thunder: Perfect Mind TreatRes Treatise on the Resurrection TreatSeth Second Treatise of the Great Seth TriTrac Tripartite Tractate TrimProt Trimorphic Protennoia ValExp A Valentinian Exposition Zost Zostrianos PlatoRep Plato Republic 588A-589B ScribalNote Scribal Note OnAnoint On the Anointing On the Baptism C(??) Frm Fragments