Barn Brn Bar Barnabas 1Clem 1Cl I Clement IClement 1 Clement 1Clement 2Clem 2Cl II Clement IIClement 2 Clement 2Clement Did Didache Diogn Dio Diognetus Herm Shepherd of Hermas HermMan Com HCo Hermas: Mandates HermSim Sim HSm Hermas: Similitudes HermVis Vis HVs Hermas: Visions IgnMagn IMg Mag Ignatius to the Magnesians IgnPhld IPh Phi Ignatius to the Philadephians IgnPol IPo Pol Ignatius to Polycarp IgnRom IRo Rom Ignatius to the Romans IgnSmyrn ISm Smy Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans IgnTrall ITr Tra Ignatius to the Trallians IgnEph IEp Ignatius to the Ephesians MartPol MPo Martyrdom of Polycarp PolPhil Pol Polycarp to the Philippians AposCreed Apc Apostles' Creed Pap Fragments of Papias IgnMagnLg IMl Ignatius to the Magnesians (Longer) IgnPhldLg IPl Ignatius to the Philadephians (Longer) IgnPolLg IPc Ignatius to Polycarp (Longer) IgnRomLg IRl Ignatius to the Romans (Longer) IgnSmyrnLg ISl Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans (Longer) IgnTrallLg ITl Ignatius to the Trallians (Longer) IgnEphLg IEl Ignatius to the Ephesians (Longer)