#!/usr/bin/perl ## Licensed under the standard BSD license: # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 CrossWire Bible Society # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of the CrossWire Bible Society nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ## For general inquiries, comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc. email: ## sword-support@crosswire.org ######################################################################### $version = "1.5.1"; $osisVersion = "2.1.1"; $date = '$Date$'; $rev = '$Rev$'; $date =~ s/^.+?(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).+/$1/; $rev =~ s/^.+?(\d+).+/$1/g; %OSISbook = ("Genesis" => "Gen", "Ge" => "Gen", "Gn" => "Gen", "Exodus" => "Exod", "Ex" => "Exod", "Leviticus" => "Lev", "Lev" => "Lev", "Lv" => "Lev", "Numbers" => "Num", "Nu" => "Num", "Deuteronomy" => "Deut", "De" => "Deut", "Dt" => "Deut", "Joshua" => "Josh", "Jos" => "Josh", "Judges" => "Judg", "Judg" => "Judg", "Jdg" => "Judg", "Ruth" => "Ruth", "Ru" => "Ruth", "1 Samuel" => "1Sam", "1 Sa" => "1Sam", "1Sa" => "1Sam", "2 Samuel" => "2Sam", "2 Sa" => "2Sam", "2Sa" => "2Sam", "1 Kings" => "1Kgs", "1 Ki" => "1Kgs", "1Ki" => "1Kgs", "2 Kings" => "2Kgs", "2 Ki" => "2Kgs", "2Ki" => "2Kgs", "1 Chronicles" => "1Chr", "1 Ch" => "1Chr", "1Ch" => "1Chr", "2 Chronicles" => "2Chr", "2 Ch" => "2Chr", "2Ch" => "2Chr", "Ezra" => "Ezra", "Ezr" => "Ezra", "Nehemiah" => "Neh", "Ne" => "Neh", "Esther" => "Esth", "Es" => "Esth", "Job" => "Job", "Psalms" => "Ps", "Psalm" => "Ps", "Ps" => "Ps", "Proverbs" => "Prov", "Pr" => "Prov", "Ecclesiastes" => "Eccl", "Ec" => "Eccl", "Song" => "Song", "SS" => "Song", "Isaiah" => "Isa", "Isa" => "Isa", "Jeremiah" => "Jer", "Je" => "Jer", "Lamentations" => "Lam", "La" => "Lam", "Ezekiel" => "Ezek", "Eze" => "Ezek", "Daniel" => "Dan", "Da" => "Dan", "Hosea" => "Hos", "Ho" => "Hos", "Joel" => "Joel", "Joe" => "Joel", "Amos" => "Amos", "Am" => "Amos", "Obadiah" => "Obad", "Ob" => "Obad", "Jonah" => "Jonah", "Jon" => "Jonah", "Micah" => "Mic", "Mi" => "Mic", "Nahum" => "Nah", "Na" => "Nah", "Habakkuk" => "Hab", "Hab" => "Hab", "Zephaniah" => "Zeph", "Zep" => "Zeph", "Haggai" => "Hag", "Hag" => "Hag", "Zechariah" => "Zech", "Zec" => "Zech", "Malachi" => "Mal", "Mal" => "Mal", "Tobit" => "Tob", "Tob" => "Tob", "Judith" => "Jdt", "Judi" => "Jdt", "Jdt" => "Jdt", "GrkEs" => "AddEsth", "GR" => "AddEsth", "Baruch" => "Bar", "Bar" => "Bar", "Letter" => "EpJer", "Let" => "EpJer", "DNT" => "AddDan", "AddDan" => "AddDan", "Matthew" => "Matt", "Mat" => "Matt", "Mt" => "Matt", "Mark" => "Mark", "Mar" => "Mark", "Mk" => "Mark", "Luke" => "Luke", "Lu" => "Luke", "Lk" => "Luke", "John" => "John", "Joh" => "John", "Acts" => "Acts", "Ac" => "Acts", "Romans" => "Rom", "Ro" => "Rom", "Rm" => "Rom", "1 Corinthians" => "1Cor", "1 Co" => "1Cor", "1Co" => "1Cor", "2 Corinthians" => "2Cor", "2 Co" => "2Cor", "2Co" => "2Cor", "Galatians" => "Gal", "Ga" => "Gal", "Ephesians" => "Eph", "Ep" => "Eph", "Philippians" => "Phil", "Phili" => "Phil", "Php" => "Phil", "Colossians" => "Col", "Col" => "Col", "1 Thessalonians" => "1Thess", "1 Th" => "1Thess", "1Th" => "1Thess", "2 Thessalonians" => "2Thess", "2 Th" => "2Thess", "2Th" => "2Thess", "1 Timothy" => "1Tim", "1 Ti" => "1Tim", "1Ti" => "1Tim", "2 Timothy" => "2Tim", "2 Ti" => "2Tim", "2Ti" => "2Tim", "Titus" => "Tit", "Tit" => "Tit", "Philemon" => "Phlm", "Phile" => "Phlm", "Phm" => "Phlm", "Hebrews" => "Heb", "Heb" => "Heb", "He" => "Heb", "James" => "Jas", "Ja" => "Jas", "1 Peter" => "1Pet", "1 Pe" => "1Pet", "1Pe" => "1Pet", "2 Peter" => "2Pet", "2 Pe" => "2Pet", "2Pe" => "2Pet", "1 John" => "1John", "1 Jo" => "1John", "1Jo" => "1John", "2 John" => "2John", "2 Jo" => "2John", "2Jo" => "2John", "3 John" => "3John", "3 Jo" => "3John", "3Jo" => "3John", "Jude" => "Jude", "Revelation" => "Rev", "Re" => "Rev"); if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1) { print "gbf2osis.pl -- GBF to OSIS $osisVersion converter version $version\nRevision $rev ($date)\nSyntax: gbf2osis.pl [web|hnv]\n"; exit (-1); } $work = @ARGV[0]; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time); $year += 1900; $date = sprintf("%04d\-%02d\-%02d", $year, $mon, $mday); open (INF, "$work.gbf"); $work = uc($work); $osisWork = "Bible.en.$work.$year"; open (OUTF, ">$osisWork.osis.xml"); while () { $line = $_; $line =~ s/[\r\n]+//g; if ($line =~ /^|[\#\@])*$//; $chcontents = "\#

$chcontents<\/p><\/chapter>\#"; $chcontents =~ s/]+>(.+?)(?=$1\#"/eg; return $chcontents; } sub bookdivs { $bk = @_[0]; $bkcontents = @_[1]; $ch = 0; $bk = $OSISbook{$bk}; $bkcontents =~ s/(|[\#\@])*$//; $bkcontents = "

\#$bkcontents<\/div>\#"; $bkcontents =~ s/]+>(.+?)(?=\@?)?]+?>)/$1/g; $poetrycontents = "$poetrycontents"; return $poetrycontents; } sub poetry { $poetrycontents = @_[0]; $poetrycontents =~ s/^()+//; $poetrycontents =~ s/()+$//; $poetrycontents = "" . $poetrycontents . "<\/l><\/lg>\#"; $poetrycontents =~ s//<\/l>\#/g; if ($poetrycontents =~ //) { # $poetrycontents =~ s///; # $poetrycontents =~ s/<\/lg>/<\/lg><\/lg>/; $poetrycontents = "$poetrycontents<\/lg>"; $poetrycontents =~ s//<\/l><\/lg>\#/g; } return $poetrycontents; } sub buildheader { $type = @_[0]; $contents = @_[1]; if ($type eq "1") { $Htitle = $contents; } elsif ($type eq "4") { $Hcopyright = $contents; } elsif ($type eq "C") { $Hcreator = $contents; } return ""; } #construct header $bible =~ s/(.+?)(?=<)/buildheader($1,$2)/eg; $header = "

Initial conversion from GBF using gbf2osis.pl.<\/p><\/revisionDesc>\#\#<\/work>\#<\/header>\#"; if ($Htitle ne "") {$header =~ s/<\/work>/$Htitle<\/title>\#<\/work>/g;} if ($Hcreator ne "") {$header =~ s/<\/work>/<creator>$Hcreator<\/creator>\#<\/work>/g;} if ($Hcopyright ne "") {$header =~ s/<\/work>/<rights>$Hcopyright<\/rights>\#<\/work>/g;} $header = "<\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\#<osis xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.bibletechnologies.net\/2003\/OSIS\/namespace\" xmlns:xsi=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2001\/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http:\/\/www.bibletechnologies.net\/2003\/OSIS\/namespace http:\/\/www.bibletechnologies.net\/osisCore.$osisVersion.xsd\">\#<osisText osisRefWork=\"Bible\" xml:lang=\"en\" osisIDWork=\"$osisWork\">\#$header"; $bible =~ s/<H0[\d][\d]>.+<BO>/<BO>/; #early reformatting $bible =~ s/<PP><CM>\@<SC60><SV1>/<CM>\@<SC60><PP><SV1>/; $bible =~ s/<PP>(.+?)<Pp>/poetrychunk($1)/eg; #deal with body $bible =~ s/<B[OAN]>(.+?)(?=<B|<ZZ)/<div type="bookGroup" canonical="true">\#$1<\/div>\#/g; $bk = 0; $bible =~ s/(<CM>[\@\#]*)+<SB/\#<SB/g; $bible =~ s/<SB([^>]+)>(.+?)(?=<SB|<\/div)/bookdivs($1,$2)/eg; $bible =~ s/<RB>(.+?)<RF>(.+?)<Rf>/$1<note><catchWord>$1<\/catchWord> $2<\/note>/g; $bible =~ s/<RF>(.+?)<Rf>/<note>$1<\/note>/g; $bible =~ s/<TC>(.+?)<Tc>//g; $bible =~ s/<TN>(.+?)<Tn>//g; $bible =~ s/<TT>(.+?)(<CM>[\#\@]*)<Tt>/<title>$1<\/title>\#/g; $bible =~ s/<TB>(.+?)(<CM>[\#\@]*)<Tb>/<title>$1<\/title>\#/g; $bible =~ s/<TH>(.+?)(<CM>[\#\@]*)<Th>/<title type="psalm">$1<\/title>\#/g; $bible =~ s/<TS>(.+?)(<CM>|[\#\@])*<Ts>/<speaker>$1<\/speaker>\#/g; $bible =~ s/<PP>(.+?)<Pp>/poetry($1)/eg; $bible =~ s/<CL>/<lb\/>/g; $bible =~ s/<FI>(.+?)<Fi>/<hi type=\"italic\">$1<\/hi>/g; $bible =~ s/<CM>/<\/p>\#<p>/g; $bible =~ s/<JR>([^<]+?)<\/lg>/<l type=\"selah\">$1<\/l><\/lg>/g; $bible =~ s/<JL>//g; $qn = 0; $bible =~ s/<FR>(.+?)?<Fr>/"<q marker=\"“\" level=\"1\" sID=\"q." . ++$qn . "\" who=\"Jesus\"\/>$1<q marker=\"”\" eID=\"q." . $qn . "\"\/>"/eg; $bible =~ s/<FR>(.+?)?<Fr>/"<q marker=\"‘\" level=\"2\" sID=\"q2." . ++$qn . "\" who=\"Jesus\"\/>$1<q marker=\"’\" eID=\"q2." . $qn . "\"\/>"/eg; $bible =~ s/(.+?)/"<q marker=\"“\" level=\"1\" sID=\"q." . ++$qn . "\"\/>$1<q marker=\"”\" eID=\"q." . $qn . "\"\/>"/eg; $bible =~ s/(.+?)/"<q marker=\"“\" level=\"2\" sID=\"q2." . ++$qn . "\"\/>$1<q marker=\"’\" eID=\"q2." . $qn . "\"\/>"/eg; $bible =~ s/(\w+)<WTP>/<w morph="pl">$1<\/w>/g; $bible =~ s/(\w+)<WTf>/<w morph="2">$1<\/w>/g; $bible =~ s/(<\/p>\#<p>)\@?(<verse eID[^>]+>)\#?/$2$1/g; $bible =~ s/(<\/p>)(<verse eID[^>]+>)/$2$1/g; $bible =~ s/<l> +/<l>/g; $bible =~ s/<p> +/<p>/g; $bible =~ s/<l>\@?<JR>/<l type=\"selah\">/g; $bible =~ s/<ZZ>/<\/osisText>\#<\/osis>\#/g; $bible = $header . $bible; $bible =~ s/\@//g; $bible =~ s/\s*\#+\s*/\#/g; # cleanups sub nukelongcw { $cw = @_[0]; if ($cw =~ /<verse /) {return "";} else {return $cw}; } $bible =~ s/<lg><l><\/l><\/lg>\#//g; $bible =~ s/<p><\/p>\#//g; $bible =~ s/<lg><lg><l>(<title type=\"psalm\">[^<]+<\/title>)\#<\/l><\/lg>/$1<lg>\#/g; $bible =~ s/<lg><l>(<title type=\"psalm\">[^<]+<\/title>)\#<\/l><\/lg>/<\/lg>\#$1<lg>\#/g; $bible =~ s/(<catchWord>[^<]+)<\/l>\#<l>([^<]+<\/catchWord>)/$1<lb\/>$2/g; $bible =~ s/(<catchWord>.+?<\/catchWord> *)/nukelongcw($1)/eg; # nuke overly long (multi-verse) catchWords #$bible =~ s/(<\/p>\#<\/chapter>\#<chapter osisID=\"[^\"]+\">\#<p>)(<\/l><\/lg>)\#(<lg><l>)/$2<\/lg>$1<lg>$3/g; $bible =~ s/\#/\n/g; # encoding stuff use encoding 'latin1'; utf8::encode($bible); $bible =~ s/“/“/g; $bible =~ s/”/”/g; $bible =~ s/‘/‘/g; $bible =~ s/’/’/g; $bible =~ s/\&/\&/g; print OUTF "$bible"; close (INF);