[ManxGaelic] DataPath=./modules/texts/ztext/manxgaelic/ Lang=gv Description=Manx Gaelic Scripture Portions About=Gaelic Scripture Portions (Manx Gaelic)\par The Manx Gaelic Scripture portions were found at: http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/~kelly/menu.html#BIB.\par They include Esther, Jonah, Matthew, Luke, and John. This looks like it has been scanned in, so there are probably a few spelling errors. Manx was spoken on the Isle of Man in Great Britain. The Ethnologue lists Manx as having no native speakers.\par Courtesy the Unbound Bible (http://unbound.biola.edu/) TextSource=http://unbound.biola.edu/ LCSH=Bible. Manx Gaelic. DistributionLicense=Public Domain BlockType=BOOK CompressType=ZIP ModDrv=zText SwordVersionDate=2003-05-08 Version=1.1 History_1.1=compressed module