/* * * Copyright 2001 CrossWire Bible Society (http://www.crosswire.org) * CrossWire Bible Society * P. O. Box 2528 * Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #pragma hdrstop #include "Main.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "thmlpbr.h" #define _ICU_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma resource "*.dfm" using namespace sword; TMainForm *MainForm; VerseKey* getVerseBounds (SWModule* mod, VerseKey* key) { zCom* zcom; RawCom* rawcom; zText* ztext; RawText* rawtext; key->LowerBound(mod->Key()); key->UpperBound(mod->Key()); char testament = ((VerseKey*)&mod->Key())->Testament(); unsigned short otherIndex, index = ((VerseKey*)&mod->Key())->Index(); long origStart, otherStart; unsigned short origSize, otherSize; zcom = dynamic_cast(mod); if (zcom) { zcom->findoffset(testament, index, &origStart, &origSize); /* //work backwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index - 1; zcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (origSize && otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize) { otherIndex--; zcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->LowerBound() -= (index - otherIndex - 1); */ //work forwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index + 1; zcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (origSize && otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize && index != otherIndex) { otherIndex++; zcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->UpperBound() += (otherIndex - index - 1); } else { ztext = dynamic_cast(mod); if (ztext) { ztext->findoffset(testament, index, &origStart, &origSize); /* //work backwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index - 1; ztext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize) { otherIndex--; ztext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->LowerBound() -= (index - otherIndex - 1); */ //work forwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index + 1; ztext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (origSize && otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize && index != otherIndex) { otherIndex++; ztext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->UpperBound() += (otherIndex - index - 1); } else { rawcom = dynamic_cast(mod); if (rawcom) { rawcom->findoffset(testament, index, &origStart, &origSize); /* //work backwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index - 1; rawcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (origSize && otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize) { otherIndex--; rawcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->LowerBound() -= (index - otherIndex - 1); */ //work forwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index + 1; rawcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (origSize && otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize) { otherIndex++; rawcom->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->UpperBound() += (otherIndex - index - 1); } else { rawtext = dynamic_cast(mod); if (rawtext) { rawtext->findoffset(testament, index, &origStart, &origSize); /* //work backwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index - 1; rawtext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (origSize && otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize) { otherIndex--; rawtext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->LowerBound() -= (index - otherIndex - 1); */ //work forwards to find first verse outside our block otherIndex = index + 1; rawtext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); while (origSize && otherStart == origStart && otherSize == origSize) { otherIndex++; rawtext->findoffset(testament, otherIndex, &otherStart, &otherSize); } key->UpperBound() += (otherIndex - index - 1); } } } } return key; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMainForm::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { ModMap::iterator it; SWModule *target; manager = new SWMgr(); for (it = manager->Modules.begin(); it != manager->Modules.end(); it++) { target = it->second; if (!strcmp(target->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) { modlist->Items->Add(target->Name()); // if (descriptions) *output << target->Description(); } } for (it = manager->Modules.begin(); it != manager->Modules.end(); it++) { target = it->second; if (!strcmp(target->Type(), "Commentaries")) { modlist->Items->Add(target->Name()); // if (descriptions) *output << target->Description(); } } for (it = manager->Modules.begin(); it != manager->Modules.end(); it++) { target = it->second; if (!strcmp(target->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) { modlist->Items->Add(target->Name()); // if (descriptions) *output << target->Description(); } } } short palmbooks[67] = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 190, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 290, 300, 310, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 380, 390, 400, 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 460, 470, 480, 490, 500, 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560, 570, 580, 590, 600, 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660, 670, 680, 690, 700, 710, 720, 730}; char* palmbooknames[67] = {"", "GEN", "EXO", "LEV", "NUM", "DEU", "JOS", "JUG", "RUT", "1SA", "2SA", "1KI", "2KI", "1CH", "2CH", "EZR", "NEH", "EST", "JOB", "PS", "PRO", "ECC", "SON", "ISA", "JER", "LAM", "EZE", "DAN", "HOS", "JOE", "AMO", "OBA", "JON", "MIC", "NAH", "HAB", "ZEP", "HAG", "ZEC", "MAL", "MAT", "MAK", "LUK", "JHN", "ACT", "ROM", "1CO", "2CO", "GAL", "EPH", "PHL", "COL", "1TS", "2TS", "1TI", "2TI", "TIT", "MON", "HEB", "JAS", "1PE", "2PE", "1JN", "2JN", "3JN", "JUD", "REV"}; enum {ThML, OLB, GBF, PBR, Plain}; void __fastcall TMainForm::outputClick(TObject *Sender) { static GBFThML gbffilter; static Latin1UTF8 latin1filter; static ThMLOLB olboutputfilter; static ThMLGBF gbfoutputfilter; static ThMLPlain plainoutputfilter; static ThMLPBR pbroutputfilter; static UTF8Transliterator romantransliterator; static TDateTime startTotal, startModule; startTotal = TDateTime::CurrentDateTime(); int format; if (fmtOLB->Checked) format = OLB; else if (fmtGBF->Checked) format = GBF; else if (fmtPalm->Checked) format = PBR; else if (fmtPlain->Checked) format = Plain; else format = ThML; unsigned long topicnr = 0; if (optFootnotes->Checked) manager->setGlobalOption("Footnotes","On"); else manager->setGlobalOption("Footnotes","Off"); if (optHeadings->Checked) manager->setGlobalOption("Headings","On"); else manager->setGlobalOption("Headings","Off"); if (optStrongs->Checked) manager->setGlobalOption("Strong's Numbers","On"); else manager->setGlobalOption("Strong's Numbers","Off"); if (optMorph->Checked) manager->setGlobalOption("Morphological Tags","On"); else manager->setGlobalOption("Morphological Tags","Off"); if (optHCant->Checked) manager->setGlobalOption("Hebrew Cantillation","On"); else manager->setGlobalOption("Hebrew Cantillation","Off"); if (optHVowels->Checked) manager->setGlobalOption("Hebrew Vowel Points","On"); else manager->setGlobalOption("Hebrew Vowel Points","Off"); if (optGAccents->Checked) manager->setGlobalOption("Greek Accents","On"); else manager->setGlobalOption("Greek Accents","Off"); if (format == OLB) manager->setGlobalOption("Headings","Off"); for (int i = 0; i < modlist->Items->Count; i++) { if (modlist->Checked[i]) { startModule = TDateTime::CurrentDateTime(); if (feedback->Lines->Count > 30000) { feedback->Lines->Clear(); } AnsiString path; if (format == OLB) path = outputpath->Text + "\\" + modlist->Items->Strings[i] + ".exp"; else if (format == GBF) path = outputpath->Text + "\\" + modlist->Items->Strings[i] + ".gbf"; else if (format == ThML) path = outputpath->Text + "\\" + modlist->Items->Strings[i] + ".thml"; else path = outputpath->Text + "\\" + modlist->Items->Strings[i] + ".txt"; ModMap::iterator it = manager->Modules.find(modlist->Items->Strings[i].c_str()); SectionMap::iterator sit; ConfigEntMap::iterator eit; SWModule *mod = it->second; FILE *ofile = fopen(path.c_str(), "w"); VerseKey* vkey, vkey3; SWKey* key; char* version; char* lang; bool rtl; const char* text; ListKey listkey; long listi; bool listfinished, isAtomic; VerseKey* vkey2; static unsigned char testament, book, chapter, verse, verse2; static bool t, b, c, v; static char ldsect[3] = {0, 0, 0}; testament = book = chapter = verse = t = b = c = v = 0; if ((sit = manager->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != manager->config->Sections.end()) { if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SourceType")) != (*sit).second.end()) { if (!stricmp((char *)(*eit).second.c_str(), "GBF")) { mod->AddRenderFilter(&gbffilter); } else { mod->RemoveRenderFilter(&gbffilter); } } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Version")) != (*sit).second.end()) { version = (char *)(*eit).second.c_str(); } else { version = "1.0"; } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Encoding")) == (*sit).second.end() || stricmp((char *)(*eit).second.c_str(), "UTF-8")) { if (eit == (*sit).second.end()) { mod->AddRenderFilter(&latin1filter); } else { mod->RemoveRenderFilter(&latin1filter); } } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Lang")) != (*sit).second.end()) { lang = (char *)(*eit).second.c_str(); } else { lang = "en"; } if (optRoman->Checked) { /* if (xlitFmt->ItemIndex == 1 && (!stricmp(lang, "grc") || !stricmp(lang, "el"))){ manager->setGlobalOption("Transliteration", "BGreek"); romantransliterator.setOptionValue("BGreek"); } else if (xlitFmt->ItemIndex == 2 && (!stricmp(lang, "grc") || !stricmp(lang, "el"))){ manager->setGlobalOption("Transliteration", "BETA"); romantransliterator.setOptionValue("BETA"); } else if (xlitFmt->ItemIndex == 2 && (!stricmp(lang, "he"))){ manager->setGlobalOption("Transliteration", "MCHebrew"); romantransliterator.setOptionValue("MCHebrew"); } else if (xlitFmt->ItemIndex == 2 && (!stricmp(lang, "syr"))){ manager->setGlobalOption("Transliteration", "MCSyriac"); romantransliterator.setOptionValue("MCSyriac"); } else*/{ manager->setGlobalOption("Transliteration", "Latin"); romantransliterator.setOptionValue("Latin"); } mod->AddRenderFilter(&romantransliterator); } else { manager->setGlobalOption("Transliteration", "None"); mod->RemoveRenderFilter(&romantransliterator); } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Direction")) != (*sit).second.end()) { rtl = !stricmp((char *)(*eit).second.c_str(), "RtoL"); } else { rtl = false; } } if (format == ThML) { LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName("en"); fprintf(ofile, "\n\n\n\n"); fprintf(ofile, "\ncrosswire\n\n%s\n%s\n\n", modlist->Items->Strings[i].LowerCase().c_str(), version); fprintf(ofile, "\n%s<\/DC.Title>\n%s<\/DC.Language>\n<\/DC>\n<\/electronicEdInfo>\n<\/ThML.head>\n\n", (char*)mod->Description(), lang); if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { fprintf (ofile, "\n", (char*)mod->Name()); key = (*mod); vkey = (VerseKey*)key; vkey->Headings(1); vkey->Persist(1); vkey->setLocale("en"); listfinished = false; if (!range->Text.IsEmpty()) { listkey = vkey->ParseVerseList(range->Text.c_str(), "Gen 1:1", true); listi = 0; } } else if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) { fprintf (ofile, "\n"); } (*mod) = TOP; if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { isAtomic = false; } } bool div1, div2, div3; div1 = div2 = div3 = 0; while (!mod->Error() && !listfinished) { if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { text = (const char*)(*mod); if (!listkey.Count() && !strlen(text)) { (*mod)++; continue; } getVerseBounds(mod, &vkey3); verse2 = vkey3.UpperBound().Verse(); VerseKey* vkey2 = (VerseKey*)(SWKey*)(*mod); t = vkey2->Testament() != testament; testament = vkey2->Testament(); b = vkey2->Book() != book || t; book = vkey2->Book(); c = vkey2->Chapter() != chapter || b; chapter = vkey2->Chapter(); v = vkey2->Verse() != verse || c; verse = vkey2->Verse(); if (testament) { if (b && book) { feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); } if (t || !div1) { if (div1) { fprintf (ofile, "<\/div3>\n<\/div2>\n<\/div1>\n"); div3 = false; div2 = false; } if (testament == 1) { fprintf (ofile, "\n"); div1 = true; } else if (testament == 2) { fprintf (ofile, "\n"); div1 = true; } } if ((b || !div2) && book) { if (div2) { fprintf (ofile, "<\/div3>\n<\/div2>\n"); div3 = false; } fprintf (ofile, "\n\n", vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name, book, vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); div2 = true; } if ((c || !div3) && chapter) { if (div3) { fprintf (ofile, "<\/div3>\n"); } fprintf (ofile, "\n\n", chapter, chapter, vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name, chapter); div3 = true; } } if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) { if (verse == verse2 || !verse) fprintf (ofile, "%s<\/scripture>\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), text); else fprintf (ofile, "%s<\/scripture>\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), verse2, text); } else if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { if (verse == verse2 || !verse) fprintf (ofile, "%s<\/scripCom>\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), text); else fprintf (ofile, "%s<\/scripCom>\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), verse2, text); } if (isAtomic || mod->Key() >= vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } else { (*mod)++; if (mod->Key() > vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } } } else if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) { fprintf (ofile, "%s<\/term>%s<\/def>\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), (const char*)(*mod)); (*mod)++; if (ldsect[0] != *((char*)mod->KeyText()) || ldsect[1] != *((char*)mod->KeyText() + 1)) { ldsect[0] = *((char*)mod->KeyText()); ldsect[1] = *((char*)mod->KeyText() + 1); feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + ldsect); } } } if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { fprintf (ofile, "<\/div3>\n<\/div2>\n<\/div1>\n"); } else if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) { fprintf (ofile, "<\/glossary>\n"); } fprintf(ofile, "<\/ThML.body>\n<\/ThML>\n"); } else if (format == Plain) { mod->AddRenderFilter(&plainoutputfilter); LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName("en"); fprintf (ofile, ""); // UTF-8 BOM -- a BOM is stupid for an 8-bit encoding, but this does serve to signal that this is UTF-8 and not ANSI if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { key = (*mod); vkey = (VerseKey*)key; vkey->Headings(1); vkey->Persist(1); vkey->setLocale("en"); listfinished = false; if (!range->Text.IsEmpty()) { listkey = vkey->ParseVerseList(range->Text.c_str(), "Gen 1:1", true); listi = 0; } } (*mod) = TOP; if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { isAtomic = false; } } while (!mod->Error() && !listfinished) { if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { text = (const char*)(*mod); if (!listkey.Count() && !strlen(text)) { (*mod)++; continue; } getVerseBounds(mod, &vkey3); verse2 = vkey3.UpperBound().Verse(); VerseKey* vkey2 = (VerseKey*)(SWKey*)(*mod); testament = vkey2->Testament(); b = vkey2->Book() != book; book = vkey2->Book(); verse = vkey2->Verse(); if (b) { feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); } if (verse2 == verse || !verse) fprintf (ofile, "%s %s\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), text); else fprintf (ofile, "%s-%d %s\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), verse2, text); if (isAtomic || mod->Key() >= vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } else { (*mod)++; if (mod->Key() > vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } } } else if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) { fprintf (ofile, "%s\n%s\n\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), (const char*)(*mod)); (*mod)++; if (ldsect[0] != *((char*)mod->KeyText()) || ldsect[1] != *((char*)mod->KeyText() + 1)) { ldsect[0] = *((char*)mod->KeyText()); ldsect[1] = *((char*)mod->KeyText() + 1); feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + ldsect); } } } mod->RemoveRenderFilter(&plainoutputfilter); } else if (format == OLB) { mod->AddRenderFilter(&olboutputfilter); LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName("olb"); if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { key = (*mod); vkey = (VerseKey*)key; vkey->Headings(0); vkey->Persist(1); vkey->setLocale("olb"); listfinished = false; if (!range->Text.IsEmpty()) { listkey = vkey->ParseVerseList(range->Text.c_str(), "Gen 1:1", true); listi = 0; } } (*mod) = TOP; if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { isAtomic = false; } } while (!mod->Error() && !listfinished) { if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { text = (const char*)(*mod); if (!listkey.Count() && !strlen(text)) { (*mod)++; continue; } VerseKey* vkey2 = (VerseKey*)(SWKey*)(*mod); testament = vkey2->Testament(); b = vkey2->Book() != book; book = vkey2->Book(); if (b) { feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); } if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) fprintf (ofile, "$$$ %s\n%s\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), text); else fprintf (ofile, "$$$ %s\n%s\n", (char*)mod->KeyText(), text); if (isAtomic || mod->Key() >= vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } else { (*mod)++; if (mod->Key() > vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } } } else if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) { fprintf (ofile, "$$$ T%d\n\\\\%s\\\\\n%s\n", topicnr++, (char*)mod->KeyText(), text); (*mod)++; if (ldsect[0] != *((char*)mod->KeyText()) || ldsect[1] != *((char*)mod->KeyText() + 1)) { ldsect[0] = *((char*)mod->KeyText()); ldsect[1] = *((char*)mod->KeyText() + 1); feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + ldsect); } } } mod->RemoveRenderFilter(&olboutputfilter); } else if (format == GBF) { if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { mod->AddRenderFilter(&gbfoutputfilter); LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName("en"); fprintf(ofile, "\n


%s\n", (char*)mod->Description(), (char*)mod->Name()); key = (*mod); vkey = (VerseKey*)key; vkey->Headings(0); vkey->Persist(1); vkey->setLocale("en"); listfinished = false; if (!range->Text.IsEmpty()) { listkey = vkey->ParseVerseList(range->Text.c_str(), "Gen 1:1", true); listi = 0; } (*mod) = TOP; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { isAtomic = false; } while (!mod->Error() && !listfinished) { text = (const char*)(*mod); if (!listkey.Count() && !strlen(text)) { (*mod)++; continue; } VerseKey* vkey2 = (VerseKey*)(SWKey*)(*mod); t = vkey2->Testament() != testament; testament = vkey2->Testament(); b = vkey2->Book() != book || t; book = vkey2->Book(); c = vkey2->Chapter() != chapter || b; chapter = vkey2->Chapter(); v = vkey2->Verse() != verse || v; verse = vkey2->Verse(); if (b) { feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); } if (t) { if (testament == 1) { fprintf (ofile, "\n"); } else if (testament == 2) { fprintf (ofile, "\n"); } fprintf (ofile, "%s\n", book, vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); fprintf (ofile, "\n", chapter); if (rtl) fprintf (ofile, "\n"); } else if (b) { fprintf (ofile, "%s\n", book, vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); fprintf (ofile, "\n", chapter); if (rtl) fprintf (ofile, "\n"); } else if (c) { fprintf (ofile, "\n", chapter); if (rtl) fprintf (ofile, "\n"); } fprintf (ofile, "%s\n", verse, text); if (isAtomic || mod->Key() >= vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } else { (*mod)++; if (mod->Key() > vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } } } fprintf(ofile, "\n"); mod->RemoveRenderFilter(&gbfoutputfilter); } } else if (format == PBR) { if (!strcmp(mod->Type(), "Biblical Texts") || !strcmp(mod->Type(), "Commentaries")) { mod->AddRenderFilter(&pbroutputfilter); LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName(lang); fprintf(ofile, "\n\n"); fprintf(ofile, "\n", (char*)mod->Name(), (char*)mod->Description(), rtl ? "RIGHT" : "LEFT"); key = (*mod); vkey = (VerseKey*)key; vkey->Headings(0); vkey->Persist(1); vkey->setLocale(lang); listfinished = false; if (!range->Text.IsEmpty()) { listkey = vkey->ParseVerseList(range->Text.c_str(), "Gen 1:1", true); listi = 0; } (*mod) = TOP; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { isAtomic = false; } bool div1, div2; div1 = div2 = 0; while (!mod->Error() && !listfinished) { text = (const char*)(*mod); if (!listkey.Count() && !strlen(text)) { (*mod)++; continue; } unsigned char chapter2 = chapter; verse2 = verse; VerseKey* vkey2 = (VerseKey*)(SWKey*)(*mod); t = vkey2->Testament() != testament; testament = vkey2->Testament(); b = vkey2->Book() != book || t; book = vkey2->Book(); c = vkey2->Chapter() != chapter || b; chapter = vkey2->Chapter(); v = vkey2->Verse() != verse || v; verse = vkey2->Verse(); if (testament) { if (b) { feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - " + vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); } if (b || !div1) { if (div1) { fprintf(ofile, "<\/CHAPTER>\n<\/BOOK>\n"); div2 = false; } int len = 2 * strlen(vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); char* localname = new char[len]; strcpy (localname, vkey2->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); latin1filter.ProcessText(localname, len, NULL); fprintf (ofile, "\n", localname, palmbooks[book + (39 * (testament - 1))], palmbooknames[book + (39 * (testament - 1))]); delete localname; div1 = true; b = true; } if (c || !div2) { if (div2) { fprintf(ofile, "<\/CHAPTER>\n"); } while (chapter - chapter2 - 1 > 0) { fprintf (ofile, "<\/CHAPTER>\n"); chapter2++; } fprintf (ofile, "\n"); div2 = true; c = true; } } for (int j = 0; j < (verse - verse2 - 1); j++) { fprintf (ofile, "<\/VERSE>\n"); } fprintf (ofile, ""); if (c) { if (b) { int len = 2 * strlen(vkey->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); char* localname = new char[len]; strcpy (localname, vkey->books[testament - 1][book - 1].name); latin1filter.ProcessText(localname, len, NULL); fprintf(ofile, "%s", localname); delete localname; } fprintf (ofile, "Chapter %d", chapter); } fprintf (ofile, "%s<\/VERSE>\n", text); if (isAtomic || mod->Key() >= vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } else { (*mod)++; if (mod->Key() > vkey->UpperBound()) { listi++; if (listkey.Count() > listi) { vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, listkey.GetElement(listi)); if (!vkey) { isAtomic = true; vkey = (VerseKey*)listkey.GetElement(listi); } else { isAtomic = false; } mod->SetKey(vkey); } else { listfinished = true; } } } } fprintf(ofile, "<\/CHAPTER>\n<\/BOOK>\n<\/BIBLE>\n"); mod->RemoveRenderFilter(&pbroutputfilter); } } fclose(ofile); feedback->Lines->Add(modlist->Items->Strings[i] + " - Complete"); feedback->Lines->Add("Processing time: " + (TDateTime::CurrentDateTime() - startModule).FormatString("n:ss") + " min."); } } feedback->Lines->Add("Cleaning up..."); delete manager; manager = new SWMgr(); feedback->Lines->Add("Finished"); feedback->Lines->Add("Total time: " + (TDateTime::CurrentDateTime() - startTotal).FormatString("n:ss") + " min."); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMainForm::optRomanClick(TObject *Sender) { xlitFmt->Enabled = optRoman->Checked; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------