/****************************************************************************** * * gbfstrongs - SWFilter decendant to hide or show strongs number * in a GBF module. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __GNUC__ #else #include #endif GBFOSIS::GBFOSIS() { } GBFOSIS::~GBFOSIS() { } char GBFOSIS::ProcessText(char *text, int maxlen, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) { char *to, *from, token[2048]; // cheese. Fix. int tokpos = 0; bool intoken = false; int len; bool lastspace = false; int word = 1; char val[128]; char buf[128]; char wordstr[5]; char *valto; char *ch; char *textStart, *textEnd; char *wordStart, *wordEnd; bool newText = false; bool newWord = false; string tmp; bool suspendTextPassThru = false; bool keepToken = false; len = strlen(text) + 1; // shift string to right of buffer if (len < maxlen) { memmove(&text[maxlen - len], text, len); from = &text[maxlen - len]; } else from = text; textStart = from; wordStart = text; // ------------------------------- for (to = text; *from; from++) { if (*from == '<') { intoken = true; tokpos = 0; token[0] = 0; token[1] = 0; token[2] = 0; textEnd = from-1; wordEnd = to; continue; } if (*from == '>') { // process tokens intoken = false; keepToken = false; suspendTextPassThru = false; newWord = true; while (wordStart < (text+maxlen)) { // if (strchr(" ,;.?!()'\"", *wordStart)) if (strchr(";, .:?!()'\"", *wordStart) && wordStart[0] && wordStart[1]) wordStart++; else break; } while (wordEnd > wordStart) { if (strchr(" ,;.:?!()'\"", *wordEnd)) wordEnd--; else break; } // Scripture Reference if (!strncmp(token, "scripRef", 8)) { // pushString(buf, ""); newText = true; lastspace = false; } else if (!strcmp(token, "Rf")) { pushString(&to, ""); lastspace = false; } // Figure else if (!strncmp(token, "img ", 4)) { const char *src = strstr(token, "src"); if (!src) // assert we have a src attribute return false; pushString(&to, "
getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath")); if (*((*buf)-1) == '/') c++; // skip '/' } end of uncomment for asolute path logic */ for (c++;((*c) && (*c != '"')); c++) *to++ = *c; pushString(&to, "\" />"); lastspace = false; return true; } // Strongs numbers else if (*token == 'W' && (token[1] == 'G' || token[1] == 'H')) { // Strongs if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes()) { valto = val; for (unsigned int i = 1; ((token[i]) && (i < 150)); i++) *valto++ = token[i]; *valto = 0; // normal strongs number strstrip(val); if (!strncmp(wordStart, ""); char *attStart = strstr(wordStart, "lemma"); if (attStart) { attStart += 7; sprintf(buf, "x-Strongs:%s|", val); } else { attStart = wordStart + 3; sprintf(buf, "lemma=\"x-Strongs:%s\" ", val); } wordStart[strlen(wordStart)] = '>'; memmove(attStart+strlen(buf), attStart, (to-attStart)+1); memcpy(attStart, buf, strlen(buf)); to+=strlen(buf); } else { sprintf(buf, "", val); memmove(wordStart+strlen(buf), wordStart, (to-wordStart)+1); memcpy(wordStart, buf, strlen(buf)); to+=strlen(buf); pushString(&to, ""); module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Strongs"] = val; lastspace = false; } } } // Morphology else if (*token == 'W' && token[1] == 'T' && (token[2] == 'G' || token[2] == 'H')) { // Strongs valto = val; for (unsigned int i = 1; ((token[i]) && (i < 150)); i++) *valto++ = token[i]; *valto = 0; strstrip(val); if (!strncmp(wordStart, ""); char *attStart = strstr(wordStart, "morph"); if (attStart) { attStart += 7; sprintf(buf, "x-%s:%s|", "StrongsMorph", val); } else { attStart = wordStart + 3; sprintf(buf, "morph=\"x-%s:%s\" ", "StrongsMorph", val); } wordStart[strlen(wordStart)] = '>'; memmove(attStart+strlen(buf), attStart, (to-attStart)+1); memcpy(attStart, buf, strlen(buf)); to+=strlen(buf); } else { sprintf(buf, "", "StrongsMorph", val); memmove(wordStart+strlen(buf), wordStart, (to-wordStart)+1); memcpy(wordStart, buf, strlen(buf)); to+=strlen(buf); pushString(&to, ""); lastspace = false; } } if (!keepToken) { // if we don't want strongs if (from[1] && strchr(" ,;.:?!()'\"", from[1])) { if (lastspace) to--; } if (newText) {textStart = from+1; newText = false; } // if (newWord) {wordStart = to; newWord = false; } continue; } // if not a strongs token, keep token in text *to++ = '<'; for (char *tok = token; *tok; tok++) *to++ = *tok; *to++ = '>'; if (newText) {textStart = to; newWord = false; } // if (newWord) {wordStart = to; newWord = false; } continue; } if (intoken) { if ((tokpos < 2045) && ((*from != 10)&&(*from != 13))) { token[tokpos++] = *from; token[tokpos+2] = 0; } } else { if (newWord && (*from != ' ')) {wordStart = to; newWord = false; memset(to, 0, 10); } if (!suspendTextPassThru) { *to++ = *from; lastspace = (*from == ' '); } } } VerseKey *vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key); if (vkey) { char ref[254]; if (vkey->Verse()) sprintf(ref, "\t\t", vkey->getOSISRef()); else if (vkey->Chapter()) sprintf(ref, "\t
", vkey->getOSISRef()); else if (vkey->Book()) sprintf(ref, "\t
", vkey->getOSISRef()); else *ref = 0; if (*ref) { memmove(text+strlen(ref), text, maxlen-strlen(ref)-1); memcpy(text, ref, strlen(ref)); to+=strlen(ref); if (vkey->Verse()) { VerseKey tmp; tmp = *vkey; tmp.AutoNormalize(0); tmp.Headings(1); sprintf(ref, ""); pushString(&to, ref); tmp = MAXVERSE; if (*vkey == tmp) { tmp.Verse(0); sprintf(ref, "\t
"); pushString(&to, ref); tmp = MAXCHAPTER; tmp = MAXVERSE; if (*vkey == tmp) { tmp.Chapter(0); tmp.Verse(0); sprintf(ref, "\t
"); pushString(&to, ref); } } } else if (vkey->Chapter()) sprintf(ref, "\t
", vkey->getOSISRef()); else sprintf(ref, "\t
", vkey->getOSISRef()); } } *to++ = 0; *to = 0; return 0; } void GBFOSIS::pushString(char **buf, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); *buf += vsprintf(*buf, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); // *buf += strlen(*buf); } const char *GBFOSIS::convertToOSIS(const char *inRef, const SWKey *key) { static string outRef; outRef = ""; VerseKey defLanguage; ListKey verses = defLanguage.ParseVerseList(inRef, (*key), true); const char *startFrag = inRef; for (int i = 0; i < verses.Count(); i++) { VerseKey *element = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, verses.GetElement(i)); char buf[5120]; char frag[800]; if (element) { memmove(frag, startFrag, ((const char *)element->userData - startFrag) + 1); frag[((const char *)element->userData - startFrag) + 1] = 0; startFrag = (const char *)element->userData + 1; sprintf(buf, "%s", element->LowerBound().getOSISRef(), element->UpperBound().getOSISRef(), frag); } else { memmove(frag, startFrag, ((const char *)verses.GetElement(i)->userData - startFrag) + 1); frag[((const char *)verses.GetElement(i)->userData - startFrag) + 1] = 0; startFrag = (const char *)verses.GetElement(i)->userData + 1; sprintf(buf, "%s", VerseKey(*verses.GetElement(i)).getOSISRef(), frag); } outRef+=buf; } return outRef.c_str(); }