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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                      thmlhtmlhref.cpp  -  ThML to HTML filter with hrefs  
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                    : 2001-09-03
00005     copyright            : 2001 by CrossWire Bible Society
00006  ***************************************************************************/
00008 /***************************************************************************
00009  *                                                                         *
00010  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00011  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00012  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00013  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00014  *                                                                         *
00015  ***************************************************************************/
00017 #include <stdlib.h>
00018 #include <string.h>
00019 #include <thmlhtmlhref.h>
00020 #include <swmodule.h>
00024         setTokenStart("<");
00025         setTokenEnd(">");
00026 /*        
00027         setEscapeStart("&");
00028         setEscapeEnd(";");
00030         setEscapeStringCaseSensitive(true);
00032         addEscapeStringSubstitute("nbsp", " ");
00033         addEscapeStringSubstitute("quot", "\"");
00034         addEscapeStringSubstitute("amp", "&");
00035         addEscapeStringSubstitute("lt", "<");
00036         addEscapeStringSubstitute("gt", ">");
00037         addEscapeStringSubstitute("brvbar", "|");
00038         addEscapeStringSubstitute("sect", "§");
00039         addEscapeStringSubstitute("copy", "©");
00040         addEscapeStringSubstitute("laquo", "«");
00041         addEscapeStringSubstitute("reg", "®");
00042         addEscapeStringSubstitute("acute", "´");
00043         addEscapeStringSubstitute("para", "¶");
00044         addEscapeStringSubstitute("raquo", "»");
00046         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Aacute", "Á");
00047         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Agrave", "À");
00048         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Acirc", "Â");
00049         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Auml", "Ä");
00050         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Atilde", "Ã");
00051         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Aring", "Å");
00052         addEscapeStringSubstitute("aacute", "á");
00053         addEscapeStringSubstitute("agrave", "à");
00054         addEscapeStringSubstitute("acirc", "â");
00055         addEscapeStringSubstitute("auml", "ä");
00056         addEscapeStringSubstitute("atilde", "ã");
00057         addEscapeStringSubstitute("aring", "å");
00058         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Eacute", "É");
00059         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Egrave", "È");
00060         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ecirc", "Ê");
00061         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Euml", "Ë");
00062         addEscapeStringSubstitute("eacute", "é");
00063         addEscapeStringSubstitute("egrave", "è");
00064         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ecirc", "ê");
00065         addEscapeStringSubstitute("euml", "ë");
00066         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Iacute", "Í");
00067         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Igrave", "Ì");
00068         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Icirc", "Î");
00069         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Iuml", "Ï");
00070         addEscapeStringSubstitute("iacute", "í");
00071         addEscapeStringSubstitute("igrave", "ì");
00072         addEscapeStringSubstitute("icirc", "î");
00073         addEscapeStringSubstitute("iuml", "ï");
00074         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Oacute", "Ó");
00075         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ograve", "Ò");
00076         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ocirc", "Ô");
00077         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ouml", "Ö");
00078         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Otilde", "Õ");
00079         addEscapeStringSubstitute("oacute", "ó");
00080         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ograve", "ò");
00081         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ocirc", "ô");
00082         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ouml", "ö");
00083         addEscapeStringSubstitute("otilde", "õ");
00084         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Uacute", "Ú");
00085         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ugrave", "Ù");
00086         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ucirc", "Û");
00087         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Uuml", "Ü");
00088         addEscapeStringSubstitute("uacute", "ú");
00089         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ugrave", "ù");
00090         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ucirc", "û");
00091         addEscapeStringSubstitute("uuml", "ü");
00092         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Yacute", "Ý");
00093         addEscapeStringSubstitute("yacute", "ý");
00094         addEscapeStringSubstitute("yuml", "ÿ");
00096         addEscapeStringSubstitute("deg", "°");
00097         addEscapeStringSubstitute("plusmn", "±");
00098         addEscapeStringSubstitute("sup2", "²");
00099         addEscapeStringSubstitute("sup3", "³");
00100         addEscapeStringSubstitute("sup1", "¹");
00101         addEscapeStringSubstitute("nbsp", "º");
00102         addEscapeStringSubstitute("pound", "£");
00103         addEscapeStringSubstitute("cent", "¢");
00104         addEscapeStringSubstitute("frac14", "¼");
00105         addEscapeStringSubstitute("frac12", "½");
00106         addEscapeStringSubstitute("frac34", "¾");
00107         addEscapeStringSubstitute("iquest", "¿");
00108         addEscapeStringSubstitute("iexcl", "¡");
00109         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ETH", "Ð");
00110         addEscapeStringSubstitute("eth", "ð");
00111         addEscapeStringSubstitute("THORN", "Þ");
00112         addEscapeStringSubstitute("thorn", "þ");
00113         addEscapeStringSubstitute("AElig", "Æ");
00114         addEscapeStringSubstitute("aelig", "æ");
00115         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Oslash", "Ø");
00116         addEscapeStringSubstitute("curren", "¤");
00117         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ccedil", "Ç");
00118         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ccedil", "ç");
00119         addEscapeStringSubstitute("szlig", "ß");
00120         addEscapeStringSubstitute("Ntilde", "Ñ");
00121         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ntilde", "ñ");
00122         addEscapeStringSubstitute("yen", "¥");
00123         addEscapeStringSubstitute("not", "¬");
00124         addEscapeStringSubstitute("ordf", "ª");
00125         addEscapeStringSubstitute("uml", "¨");
00126         addEscapeStringSubstitute("shy", "­");
00127         addEscapeStringSubstitute("macr", "¯");
00128 */
00129         setTokenCaseSensitive(true);
00131         addTokenSubstitute("note", " <font color=\"#800000\"><small>(");
00132         addTokenSubstitute("/note", ")</small></font> ");
00133         addTokenSubstitute("/scripture", "</i> ");
00134 }
00137 bool ThMLHTMLHREF::handleToken(char **buf, const char *token, DualStringMap &userData) {
00138         const char *tok;
00139         if (!substituteToken(buf, token)) {
00140         // manually process if it wasn't a simple substitution
00141                 if (!strncmp(token, "sync ", 5)) {
00142                         pushString(buf, "<a href=\"");
00143                         for (tok = token + 5; *(tok+1); tok++)
00144                                 if(*tok != '\"')
00145                                         *(*buf)++ = *tok;
00146                         *(*buf)++ = '\"';
00147                         *(*buf)++ = '>';
00149                         //scan for value and add it to the buffer
00150                         for (tok = token + 5; *tok; tok++) {
00151                                 if (!strncmp(tok, "value=\"", 7)) {
00152                                         tok += 7;
00153                                         for (;*tok != '\"'; tok++)
00154                                                 *(*buf)++ = *tok;
00155                                         break;
00156                                 }
00157                         }
00158                         pushString(buf, "</a>");
00159                 }
00161                 else if (!strncmp(token, "scripture ", 10)) {
00162                         userData["inscriptRef"] = "true";
00163                         pushString(buf, "<i>");
00164                 } 
00166                 else if (!strncmp(token, "scripRef p", 10) || !strncmp(token, "scripRef v", 10)) {
00167                         userData["inscriptRef"] = "true";
00168                         pushString(buf, "<a href=\"");
00169                         for (const char *tok = token + 9; *(tok+1); tok++)                              
00170                                 if(*tok != '\"')                        
00171                                         *(*buf)++ = *tok;
00172                         *(*buf)++ = '\"';
00173                         *(*buf)++ = '>';
00174                 } 
00176                 // we're starting a scripRef like "<scripRef>John 3:16</scripRef>"
00177                 else if (!strcmp(token, "scripRef")) {
00178                         userData["inscriptRef"] = "false";
00179                         // let's stop text from going to output
00180                         userData["suspendTextPassThru"] = "true";
00181                 }
00183                 // we've ended a scripRef 
00184                 else if (!strcmp(token, "/scripRef")) {
00185                         if (userData["inscriptRef"] == "true") { // like  "<scripRef passage="John 3:16">John 3:16</scripRef>"
00186                                 userData["inscriptRef"] = "false";
00187                                 pushString(buf, "</a>");
00188                         }
00190                         else { // like "<scripRef>John 3:16</scripRef>"
00191                                 pushString(buf, "<a href=\"passage=");
00192                                 //char *strbuf = (char *)userData["lastTextNode"].c_str();
00193                                 pushString(buf, userData["lastTextNode"].c_str());
00194                                 *(*buf)++ = '\"';
00195                                 *(*buf)++ = '>';
00196                                 pushString(buf, userData["lastTextNode"].c_str());
00197                                 // let's let text resume to output again
00198                                 userData["suspendTextPassThru"] = "false";      
00199                                 pushString(buf, "</a>");
00200                         }
00201                 }
00203                 else if (!strncmp(token, "div class=\"sechead\"", 19)) {
00204                         userData["SecHead"] = "true";
00205                         pushString(buf, "<br /><b><i>");
00206                 }
00207                 else if (!strncmp(token, "div class=\"title\"", 19)) {
00208                         userData["SecHead"] = "true";
00209                         pushString(buf, "<br /><b><i>");
00210                 }
00211                 else if (!strncmp(token, "/div", 4)) {
00212                         if (userData["SecHead"] == "true") {
00213                                 pushString(buf, "</i></b><br />");
00214                                 userData["SecHead"] = "false";
00215                         }
00216                 }
00218                 else if (!strncmp(token, "sync type=\"Strongs\" value=\"T", 28)) {
00219                         pushString(buf, "<a href=\"");
00220                         for (tok = token + 5; *(tok+1); tok++)                          
00221                                 if(*tok != '\"')                        
00222                                         *(*buf)++ = *tok;
00223                         *(*buf)++ = '\"';
00224                         *(*buf)++ = '>';
00225                         for (tok = token + 29; *(tok+2); tok++)                         
00226                                 if(*tok != '\"')                        
00227                                         *(*buf)++ = *tok;               
00228                         pushString(buf, "</a>");
00229                 }
00230                 else if (!strncmp(token, "img ", 4)) {
00231                         const char *src = strstr(token, "src");
00232                         if (!src)               // assert we have a src attribute
00233                                 return false;
00235                         *(*buf)++ = '<';
00236                         for (const char *c = token; *c; c++) {
00237                                 if (c == src) {
00238                                         for (;((*c) && (*c != '"')); c++)
00239                                                 *(*buf)++ = *c;
00241                                         if (!*c) { c--; continue; }
00243                                         *(*buf)++ = '"';
00244                                         if (*(c+1) == '/') {
00245                                                 pushString(buf, "file:");
00246                                                 pushString(buf, module->getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath"));
00247                                                 if (*((*buf)-1) == '/')
00248                                                         c++;            // skip '/'
00249                                         }
00250                                         continue;
00251                                 }
00252                                 *(*buf)++ = *c;
00253                         }
00254                         *(*buf)++ = '>';
00255                 }
00256                 else if (!strncmp(token, "note", 4)) {
00257                         pushString(buf, " <small><font color=\"#800000\">(");
00258                 }                
00259                 else {
00260                         *(*buf)++ = '<';
00261                         for (const char *tok = token; *tok; tok++)
00262                                 *(*buf)++ = *tok;
00263                         *(*buf)++ = '>';
00264                         //return false;  // we still didn't handle token
00265                 }
00266         }
00267         return true;
00268 }

Generated on Thu Jun 20 22:13:01 2002 for The Sword Project by doxygen1.2.15