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00001 /******************************************************************************
00002  *
00003  * gbfstrongs - SWFilter decendant to hide or show strongs number
00004  *                      in a GBF module.
00005  */
00008 #include <stdlib.h>
00009 #include <stdio.h>
00010 #include <string.h>
00011 #include <gbfosis.h>
00012 #include <swmodule.h>
00013 #include <versekey.h>
00014 #ifndef __GNUC__
00015 #else
00016 #include <unixstr.h>
00017 #endif
00021 }
00025 }
00028 char GBFOSIS::ProcessText(char *text, int maxlen, const SWKey *key, const SWModule *module) {
00030         char *to, *from, token[2048]; // cheese.  Fix.
00031         int tokpos = 0;
00032         bool intoken = false;
00033         int len;
00034         bool lastspace = false;
00035         int word = 1;
00036         char val[128];
00037         char buf[128];
00038         char wordstr[5];
00039         char *valto;
00040         char *ch;
00041         char *textStart, *textEnd;
00042         char *wordStart, *wordEnd;
00043         bool newText = false;
00044         bool newWord = false;
00045         string tmp;
00046         bool suspendTextPassThru = false;
00047         bool keepToken = false;
00049         len = strlen(text) + 1; // shift string to right of buffer
00050         if (len < maxlen) {
00051                 memmove(&text[maxlen - len], text, len);
00052                 from = &text[maxlen - len];
00053         }
00054         else    from = text;
00056         textStart = from;
00057         wordStart = text;
00059         // -------------------------------
00061         for (to = text; *from; from++) {
00062                 if (*from == '<') {
00063                         intoken = true;
00064                         tokpos = 0;
00065                         token[0] = 0;
00066                         token[1] = 0;
00067                         token[2] = 0;
00068                         textEnd = from-1;
00069                         wordEnd = to;
00070                         continue;
00071                 }
00072                 if (*from == '>') {     // process tokens
00073                         intoken = false;
00074                         keepToken = false;
00075                         suspendTextPassThru = false;
00076                         newWord = true;
00079                         while (wordStart < (text+maxlen)) {
00080 //                              if (strchr(" ,;.?!()'\"", *wordStart))
00081                                 if (strchr(";, .:?!()'\"", *wordStart))
00082                                         wordStart++;
00083                                 else break;
00084                         }
00085                         while (wordEnd > wordStart) {
00086                                 if (strchr(" ,;.:?!()'\"", *wordEnd))
00087                                         wordEnd--;
00088                                 else break;
00089                         }
00091                         // Scripture Reference
00092                         if (!strncmp(token, "scripRef", 8)) {
00093         //                      pushString(buf, "<reference work=\"Bible.KJV\" reference=\"");
00094                                 suspendTextPassThru = true;
00095                                 newText = true;
00096                         }
00097                         else    if (!strncmp(token, "/scripRef", 9)) {
00098                                 tmp = "";
00099                                 tmp.append(textStart, (int)(textEnd - textStart)+1);
00100                                 pushString(&to, convertToOSIS(tmp.c_str(), key));
00101                                 suspendTextPassThru = false;
00102                         }
00104                         // Footnote
00105                         if (!strcmp(token, "RF")) {
00106         //                      pushString(buf, "<reference work=\"Bible.KJV\" reference=\"");
00107                                 suspendTextPassThru = true;
00108                                 newText = true;
00109                         }
00110                         else    if (!strcmp(token, "Rf")) {
00111                                 tmp = "<note type=\"x-StudyNote\"><notePart type=\"x-MainText\">";
00112                                 tmp.append(textStart, (int)(textEnd - textStart)+1);
00113                                 tmp += "</notePart></note>";
00114                                 pushString(&to, tmp.c_str());
00115                                 suspendTextPassThru = false;
00116                         }
00118                         // Figure
00119                         else    if (!strncmp(token, "img ", 4)) {
00120                                 const char *src = strstr(token, "src");
00121                                 if (!src)               // assert we have a src attribute
00122                                         return false;
00124                                 pushString(&to, "<figure src=\"");
00125                                 const char *c;
00126                                 for (c = src;((*c) && (*c != '"')); c++);
00128                                 /* uncomment for SWORD absolute path logic
00129                                 if (*(c+1) == '/') {
00130                                         pushString(buf, "file:");
00131                                         pushString(buf, module->getConfigEntry("AbsoluteDataPath"));
00132                                         if (*((*buf)-1) == '/')
00133                                                 c++;            // skip '/'
00134                                 }
00135                                 end of uncomment for asolute path logic */
00137                                 for (c++;((*c) && (*c != '"')); c++)
00138                                         *to++ = *c;
00140                                 pushString(&to, "\" />");
00141                                 return true;
00142                         }
00144                         // Strongs numbers
00145                         else if (*token == 'W' && (token[1] == 'G' || token[1] == 'H')) {       // Strongs
00146                                 if (module->isProcessEntryAttributes()) {
00147                                         valto = val;
00148                                         for (unsigned int i = 1; ((token[i]) && (i < 150)); i++)
00149                                                 *valto++ = token[i];
00150                                         *valto = 0;
00151                                         // normal strongs number
00152                                         strstrip(val);
00153                                         if (!strncmp(wordStart, "<w ", 3)) {
00154                                                 sprintf(buf, "lemma=\"x-Strong:%s\" ", val);
00155                                                 memmove(wordStart+3+strlen(buf), wordStart+3, (to-wordStart)+1);
00156                                                 memcpy(wordStart+3, buf, strlen(buf));
00157                                                 to+=strlen(buf);
00158                                         }
00159                                         else {
00160                                                 sprintf(buf, "<w lemma=\"x-Strong:%s\">", val);
00161                                                 memmove(wordStart+strlen(buf), wordStart, (to-wordStart)+1);
00162                                                 memcpy(wordStart, buf, strlen(buf));
00163                                                 to+=strlen(buf);
00164                                                 pushString(&to, "</w>");
00165                                                 module->getEntryAttributes()["Word"][wordstr]["Strongs"] = val;
00166                                         }
00167                                 }
00168                         }
00170                         // Morphology
00171                         else if (*token == 'W' && token[1] == 'T' && (token[2] == 'G' || token[2] == 'H')) {    // Strongs
00172                                 valto = val;
00173                                 for (unsigned int i = 1; ((token[i]) && (i < 150)); i++)
00174                                         *valto++ = token[i];
00175                                 *valto = 0;
00176                                 strstrip(val);
00177                                 if (!strncmp(wordStart, "<w ", 3)) {
00178                                         sprintf(buf, "morph=\"x-%s:%s\" ", "StrongsMorph", val);
00179                                         memmove(wordStart+3+strlen(buf), wordStart+3, (to-wordStart)+1);
00180                                         memcpy(wordStart+3, buf, strlen(buf));
00181                                         to+=strlen(buf);
00182                                 }
00183                                 else {
00184                                         sprintf(buf, "<w morph=\"x-%s:%s\">", "StrongsMorph", val);
00185                                         memmove(wordStart+strlen(buf), wordStart, (to-wordStart)+1);
00186                                         memcpy(wordStart, buf, strlen(buf));
00187                                         to+=strlen(buf);
00188                                         pushString(&to, "</w>");
00189                                 }
00190                         }
00192                         if (!keepToken) {       // if we don't want strongs
00193                                 if (from[1] && strchr(" ,;.:?!()'\"", from[1])) {
00194                                         if (lastspace)
00195                                                 to--;
00196                                 }
00197                                 if (newText) {textStart = from+1; newText = false; }
00198 //                              if (newWord) {wordStart = to; newWord = false; }
00199                                 continue;
00200                         }
00201                         // if not a strongs token, keep token in text
00202                         *to++ = '<';
00203                         for (char *tok = token; *tok; tok++)
00204                                 *to++ = *tok;
00205                         *to++ = '>';
00206                         if (newText) {textStart = to; newWord = false; }
00207 //                      if (newWord) {wordStart = to; newWord = false; }
00208                         continue;
00209                 }
00210                 if (intoken) {
00211                         if ((tokpos < 2045) && ((*from != 10)&&(*from != 13))) {
00212                                 token[tokpos++] = *from;
00213                                 token[tokpos+2] = 0;
00214                         }
00215                 }
00216                 else    {
00217                         if (newWord && (*from != ' ')) {wordStart = to; newWord = false; memset(to, 0, 10); }
00218                         if (!suspendTextPassThru) {
00219                                 *to++ = *from;
00220                                 lastspace = (*from == ' ');
00221                         }
00222                 }
00223         }
00225         VerseKey *vkey = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, key);
00226         if (vkey) {
00227                 char ref[254];
00228                 if (vkey->Verse())
00229                         sprintf(ref, "<verseStart ref=\"%s\" />", vkey->getOSISRef());
00230                 else if (vkey->Chapter())
00231                         sprintf(ref, "<chapterStart ref=\"%s\" />", vkey->getOSISRef());
00232                 else if (vkey->Book())
00233                         sprintf(ref, "<bookStart ref=\"%s\" />", vkey->getOSISRef());
00234                 else *ref = 0;
00235                 if (*ref) {
00236                         memmove(text+strlen(ref), text, maxlen-strlen(ref)-1);
00237                         memcpy(text, ref, strlen(ref));
00238                         to+=strlen(ref);
00239                         if (vkey->Verse()) {
00240                                 VerseKey tmp;
00241                                 tmp = *vkey;
00242                                 tmp.AutoNormalize(0);
00243                                 tmp.Headings(1);
00244                                 sprintf(ref, "<verseEnd ref=\"%s\" />", vkey->getOSISRef());
00245                                 pushString(&to, ref);
00246                                 tmp = MAXVERSE;
00247                                 if (*vkey == tmp) {
00248                                         tmp.Verse(0);
00249                                         sprintf(ref, "<chapterEnd ref=\"%s\" />", tmp.getOSISRef());
00250                                         pushString(&to, ref);
00251                                         tmp = MAXCHAPTER;
00252                                         tmp = MAXVERSE;
00253                                         if (*vkey == tmp) {
00254                                                 tmp.Chapter(0);
00255                                                 tmp.Verse(0);
00256                                                 sprintf(ref, "<bookEnd ref=\"%s\" />", tmp.getOSISRef());
00257                                                 pushString(&to, ref);
00258                                         }
00259                                 }
00260                         }
00262                         else if (vkey->Chapter())
00263                                 sprintf(ref, "<chapterStart ref=\"%s\" />", vkey->getOSISRef());
00264                         else sprintf(ref, "<bookStart ref=\"%s\" />", vkey->getOSISRef());
00265                 }
00266         }
00267         *to++ = 0;
00268         *to = 0;
00269         return 0;
00270 }
00273 void GBFOSIS::pushString(char **buf, const char *format, ...) {
00274   va_list argptr;
00276   va_start(argptr, format);
00277   *buf += vsprintf(*buf, format, argptr);
00278   va_end(argptr);
00280 //  *buf += strlen(*buf);
00281 }
00284 const char *GBFOSIS::convertToOSIS(const char *inRef, const SWKey *key) {
00285         static string outRef;
00287         outRef = "";
00289         VerseKey defLanguage;
00290         ListKey verses = defLanguage.ParseVerseList(inRef, (*key), true);
00291         const char *startFrag = inRef;
00292         for (int i = 0; i < verses.Count(); i++) {
00293                 VerseKey *element = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(VerseKey, verses.GetElement(i));
00294                 char buf[5120];
00295                 char frag[800];
00296                 if (element) {
00297                         memmove(frag, startFrag, ((const char *)element->userData - startFrag) + 1);
00298                         frag[((const char *)element->userData - startFrag) + 1] = 0;
00299                         startFrag = (const char *)element->userData + 1;
00300                         sprintf(buf, "<reference refStart=\"KJV:%s\" refEnd=\"%s\">%s</reference>", element->LowerBound().getOSISRef(), element->UpperBound().getOSISRef(), frag);
00301                 }
00302                 else {
00303                         memmove(frag, startFrag, ((const char *)verses.GetElement(i)->userData - startFrag) + 1);
00304                         frag[((const char *)verses.GetElement(i)->userData - startFrag) + 1] = 0;
00305                         startFrag = (const char *)verses.GetElement(i)->userData + 1;
00306                         sprintf(buf, "<reference refStart=\"KJV:%s\">%s</reference>", VerseKey(*verses.GetElement(i)).getOSISRef(), frag);
00307                 }
00308                 outRef+=buf;
00309         }
00310         return outRef.c_str();
00311 }

Generated on Thu Jun 20 22:12:59 2002 for The Sword Project by doxygen1.2.15