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00001 enum TToken {
00002 tokNull, tokEOF, tokHeader, tokContent, tokTail, tokStyle,
00003               tokWord, tokSpace, tokSync, tokControl, tokChar, tokFont};
00005 enum TCharacterAttribute { caBold, caSmallCaps, caItalic, caOTQuote, caRed,
00006                             caSuperscript, caUnderline, caSubscript};
00008 //    TCharAttribs = set of TCharacterAttribute;
00011 struct TBookNameRec {
00012         string Name, Abbr;
00013         char Num;
00014 }
00016 const struct TBookNameRec TBookAbbr[116] = {
00017         {"1 Chronicles",    "1CH", 13},   //0
00018         {"1 Corinthians",   "1CO", 70},   //1
00019         {"1 Esdras",        "1E", 52},    //2
00020         {"1 John",          "1J", 86},    //3
00021         {"1 Kings",         "1K", 11},    //4
00022         {"1 Maccabees",     "1M", 50},    //5
00023         {"1 Peter",         "1P", 84},    //6
00024         {"1 Samuel",        "1S", 9},     //7
00025         {"1 Thessalonians", "1TH", 76},   //8
00026         {"1 Timothy",       "1TI", 78},   //9
00027         {"2 Chronicles",    "2CH", 14},   //10
00028         {"2 Corinthians",   "2CO", 71},   //11
00029         {"2 Esdras",        "2E", 56},    //12
00030         {"2 John",          "2J", 87},    //13
00031         {"2 Kings",         "2K", 12},    //14
00032         {"2 Maccabees",     "2M", 51},    //15
00033         {"2 Peter",         "2P", 85},    //16
00034         {"2 Samuel",        "2S", 10},    //17
00035         {"2 Thessalonians", "2TH", 77},   //18
00036         {"2 Timothy",       "2TI", 79},   //19
00037         {"3 John",          "3J", 88},    //20
00038         {"3 Maccabees",     "3M", 55},    //21
00039         {"4 Maccabees",     "4M", 57},    //22
00040         {"1 Chronicles",    "1 CH", 13},   //0
00041         {"1 Corinthians",   "1 CO", 70},   //1
00042         {"1 Esdras",        "1 E", 52},    //2
00043         {"1 John",          "1 J", 86},    //3
00044         {"1 Kings",         "1 K", 11},    //4
00045         {"1 Maccabees",     "1 M", 50},    //5
00046         {"1 Peter",         "1 P", 84},    //6
00047         {"1 Samuel",        "1 S", 9},     //7
00048         {"1 Thessalonians", "1 TH", 76},   //8
00049         {"1 Timothy",       "1 TI", 78},   //9
00050         {"2 Chronicles",    "2 CH", 14},   //10
00051         {"2 Corinthians",   "2 CO", 71},   //11
00052         {"2 Esdras",        "2 E", 56},    //12
00053         {"2 John",          "2 J", 87},    //13
00054         {"2 Kings",         "2 K", 12},    //14
00055         {"2 Maccabees",     "2 M", 51},    //15
00056         {"2 Peter",         "2 P", 85},    //16
00057         {"2 Samuel",        "2 S", 10},    //17
00058         {"2 Thessalonians", "2 TH", 77},   //18
00059         {"2 Timothy",       "2 TI", 79},   //19
00060         {"3 John",          "3 J", 88},    //20
00061         {"3 Maccabees",     "3 M", 55},    //21
00062         {"4 Maccabees",     "4 M", 57},    //22
00063         {"Acts",            "AC", 68},    //23
00064         {"Amos",            "AM", 30},    //24
00065         {"Prayer of Asariah and the Song of the Three Jews", "AZ", 47},
00066         {"Baruch",          "BA", 45},    //26
00067         {"Bel and the Dragon","BE", 49},  //27
00068         {"Colossians",      "CO", 75},    //28
00069         {"Daniel",          "DA", 27},    //29
00070         {"Deuteronomy",     "DE", 5},     //30
00071         {"Deuteronomy",     "DT", 5},     //31
00072         {"Ecclesiasties",   "EC", 21},    //32
00073         {"Esther",          "ES", 17},    //33
00074         {"Exodus",          "EX", 2},     //34
00075         {"Ezekiel",         "EZE", 26},   //35
00076         {"Ezra",            "EZR", 15},   //36
00077         {"Galatians",       "GA", 72},    //37
00078         {"Genesis",         "GE", 1},     //38
00079         {"Genesis",         "GN", 1},     //39
00080         {"Ephesians",       "EP", 73},    //40
00081         {"Esther (Greek}",  "GR", 42),    //41
00082         {"Habakkuk",        "HAB", 35},   //42
00083         {"Haggai",          "HAG", 37},   //43
00084         {"Hebrews",         "HE", 82},    //44
00085         {"Hosea",           "HO", 28},    //45
00086         {"Isaiah",          "IS", 23},    //46
00087         {"James",           "JA", 83},    //47
00088         {"Jeremiah",        "JE", 24},    //48
00089         {"Job",             "JOB", 18},   //49
00090         {"Joel",            "JOE", 29},   //50
00091         {"John",            "JOH", 67},   //51
00092         {"Jonah",           "JON", 32},   //52
00093         {"Joshua",          "JOS", 6},    //53
00094         {"Jude",            "JUDE", 89},  //54
00095         {"Judges",          "JUDG", 7},   //55
00096         {"Judith",          "JUDI", 41},  //56
00097         {"Lamentations",    "LA", 25},    //57
00098         {"Letter of Jeremiah",Abbr:"LET", 46},  //58
00099         {"Leviticus",       "LEV", 3},    //59
00100         {"Luke",            "LK", 66},    //60
00101         {"Leviticus",       "LV", 3},     //61
00102         {"Luke",            "LU", 66},    //62
00103         {"Malachi",         "MAL", 39},   //63
00104         {"Prayer of Manasseh",Abbr:"MAN", 53},  //64
00105         {"Mark",            "MAR", 65},   //65
00106         {"Matthew",         "MAT", 64},   //66
00107         {"Micah",           "MI", 33},    //67
00108         {"Nahum",           "NA", 34},    //68
00109         {"Nehemiah",        "NE", 16},    //69
00110         {"Numbers",         "NU", 4},     //70
00111         {"Obadiah",         "OB", 31},    //71
00112         {"Psalm 151",       "P1", 54},    //72
00113         {"Philemon",        "PHILE", 81}, //73
00114         {"Philippians",     "PHILI", 74}, //74
00115         {"Philemon",        "PHM", 81},   //75
00116         {"Philippians",     "PHP", 74},   //76
00117         {"Proverbs",        "PR", 20},    //77
00118         {"Psalms",          "PS", 19},    //78
00119         {"Revelation",      "RE", 90},    //79
00120         {"Romans",          "RM", 69},    //80
00121         {"Romans",          "RO", 69},    //81
00122         {"Ruth",            "RU", 8},     //82
00123         {"Sirach",          "SI", 44},    //83
00124         {"Song of Solomon", "SOL", 22},   //84
00125         {"Song of Solomon", "SON", 22},   //85
00126         {"Song of Solomon", "SS", 22},    //86
00127         {"Susanna",         "SU", 48},    //87
00128         {"Titus",           "TI", 80},    //88
00129         {"Tobit",           "TO", 40},    //89
00130         {"Wisdom",          "WI", 43},    //90
00131         {"Zechariah",       "ZEC", 38},   //91
00132         {"Zephaniah",       "ZEP", 36}    //92
00133         },
00135 string BookFileName[91] = {
00136         "","Genesis","Exodus","Lev","Num","Deut","Joshua","Judges", // 0 - 7
00137         "Ruth","1Sam","2Sam","1Kings","2Kings","1Chron","2Chron",   // 8 - 14
00138         "Ezra","Nehemiah","Esther","Job","Psalms","Proverbs",       // 15-20
00139         "Eccl","Song","Isaiah","Jeremiah","Lament","Ezekiel",       // 21-26
00140         "Daniel","Hosea","Joel","Amos","Obadiah","Jonah","Micah",   // 27-33
00141         "Nahum","Habakkuk","Zeph","Haggai","Zech","Malachi",        // 34-39
00142         "Tobit","Judith","Esther","Wisdom","Sirach","Baruch",       // 40-45
00143         "Let","Azar","Susanna","Bel","1Mac","2Mac","1Esdras",       // 46-52
00144         "Man","P1","3Mac","2Esdras","4Mac","","","","","","",       // 53-63
00145         "Matthew","Mark","Luke","John","Acts","Romans","1Cor",      // 64-70
00146         "2Cor","Gal","Eph","Philip","Col","1Thes","2Thes","1Tim",   // 71-78
00147         "2Tim","Titus","Philemon","Hebrews","James","1Peter",       // 79-84
00148         "2Peter","1John","2John","3John","Jude","Rev"};             // 85-90
00150 class TReadGBF {
00151 private:
00152         FILE *fp;
00153         string FName, TokenLine;
00154         int TokenPos;
00155         bool fFileIsOpen, fParagraphEnd, fInTitle, fInPsalmBookTitle, fInHebrewTitle, fInSectionTitle;
00157 public:
00158         string sBook, sChapter, sVerse, sMode;
00159         string sContext; // Last text type (header, body, or tail)
00160         string sTitle;   // Title of this book of the Bible
00161         string sPsalmBookTitle; // Title of this Psalm book
00162         string sHebrewTitle;    // Psalm Hebrew title
00163         string sSectionTitle;   // Section headings
00164         string sDate;
00165         string sFontName;
00166         int iTotalWords;
00167         char chJustification, chDirection;
00168         bool fIndent, fPoetry;
00169         int CharAttribs;
00170         char bBk, bChap, bVs, bWd;
00172         bool Init(const string sFileName);
00173         void Done();
00174         string GetToken(TToken &TokenKind);
00175     end;
00177 class TWriteGBF {
00178         private:
00179         F: TextFile;
00180         FName, LineOut: string;
00181         fFileIsOpen: boolean;
00182         bBk, bChap, bVs, bWd: byte;
00184         public
00186         function Init(const sFileName: string): boolean;
00187         function Done: boolean;
00188         procedure Out(const s: string);
00189     end;
00191 function isletter(const ch: char): boolean;
00192 function isinword(const ch: char): boolean;
00193 function IsDigit(const ch: char): Boolean;
00194 function IsUpper(const ch: char): Boolean;
00195 function ConformCase(const sPat, sSrc: string): string;
00196 function BookNameToNumber(const sBookName: string): byte;
00198 implementation
00200 function isletter(const ch: char): boolean;
00201 begin
00202     case ch of
00203         'A'..'Z': isletter := true;
00204         'a'..'z': isletter := true;
00205         else
00206         isletter := false;
00207     end;
00208 end;
00210 function isinword(const ch: char): boolean;
00211 begin
00212     case ch of
00213         '-': isinword := true;
00214         'A'..'Z': isinword := true;
00215         'a'..'z': isinword := true;
00216         else
00217         isinword := false;
00218     end;
00219 end;
00221 function IsUpper(const ch: char): Boolean;
00222 begin
00223     case ch of
00224         'A'..'Z': IsUpper := true;
00225         else
00226             IsUpper := false;
00227     end;
00228 end;
00230 function IsDigit(const ch: char): Boolean;
00231 begin
00232     case ch of
00233         '0'..'9': IsDigit := true;
00234         else
00235             IsDigit := false;
00236     end;
00237 end;
00240 function MatchAbbrev(const sName, sAbbrev: string): boolean;
00241 var i: integer;
00242 begin
00243     if Length(sName) < Length(sAbbrev) then
00244         Result := false
00245     else
00246         Result := true;
00247     i := 1;
00248     while (i <= Length(sAbbrev)) and Result do
00249         begin
00250         if UpCase(sName[i]) <> sAbbrev[i] then
00251             Result := false;
00252         inc(i);
00253         end;
00254 end;
00256 function BookNameToNumber(const sBookName: string): byte;
00257 var i: integer;
00258 begin
00259     Result := 0;
00260     try
00261     if IsDigit(sBookName[Length(sBookName)]) and IsDigit(sBookName[1]) then
00262         Result := StrToInt(sBookName);
00263     except
00264     Result := 0;
00265     end;
00266     i := 0;
00267     while (Result = 0) and (i <= 115) do  // Yuk! Linear search.
00268         begin
00269         if MatchAbbrev(sBookName,BookAbbr[i].Abbr) then
00270             begin
00271             Result := BookAbbr[i].Num;
00272             end;
00273         inc(i);
00274         end;
00275 end;
00277 function BookNumberToName(const bBookNum: byte): string;
00278 begin
00279     if bBookNum <= 115 then
00280         Result := BookAbbr[bBookNum].Name
00281     else
00282         Result := '';
00283 end;
00285 function ConformCase(const sPat, sSrc: string): string;
00286 var i: integer;
00287 begin
00288     Result := sSrc;
00289     if (Length(sPat) > 0) and (Length(sSrc) > 0) then
00290         begin
00291         Result := LowerCase(sSrc);
00292         if IsUpper(sPat[1]) then
00293             Result[1] := UpCase(Result[1]);
00294         if (Length(sPat) > 1) and (Length(sSrc) > 1) then
00295             begin
00296             if IsUpper(sPat[2]) then
00297                 begin
00298                 for i := 2 to Length(Result) do
00299                     Result[i] := UpCase(Result[i]);
00300                 end;
00301             end;
00302         end;
00303 end;
00305 function TReadGBF.Init(const sFileName: string): boolean;
00306 var s: string;
00307     tok: TToken;
00308 begin
00309     try
00310     fParagraphEnd := false;
00311     bBk := 0;
00312     bChap := 0;
00313     bVs := 0;
00314     bWd := 0;
00315     iTotalWords := 0;
00316     FName := sFileName;
00317     Assign(F, FName);
00318     reset(F);
00319     readln(F, TokenLine);
00320     TokenPos := 1;
00321     fFileIsOpen := true;
00322     repeat
00323         s := GetToken(tok)
00324     until (tok = tokEOF) or ((tok = tokHeader) and (s[3] = '0'));
00325     Init := true;
00326     except
00327     Init := false;
00328     fFileIsOpen := false;
00329     end
00330 end;
00332 procedure TReadGBF.Done;
00333 begin
00334     if fFileIsOpen then
00335         begin
00336         closefile(F);
00337         fFileIsOpen := false;
00338         end;
00339 end;
00341 function TReadGBF.GetToken(var TokenKind: TToken): string;
00342 var m: integer;
00343 begin
00344     Result := '';
00345     TokenKind := tokNull;
00346     if TokenPos = 0 then
00347         begin
00348         if (not fFileIsOpen) or EOF(F) then
00349             TokenKind := tokEOF
00350         else
00351             begin
00352             ReadLn(F,TokenLine);
00353             TokenPos := 1;
00354             end;
00355         end;
00356     if TokenKind <> tokEOF then
00357         begin
00358         m := Length(TokenLine);
00359         if TokenPos > m then
00360             begin
00361             TokenKind := tokSpace;
00362             if fParagraphEnd then
00363                 fParagraphEnd := false
00364             else
00365                 Result := ' ';
00366             TokenPos := 0;
00367             end
00368         else
00369             begin
00370             if (TokenLine[TokenPos] = '<') then
00371                 begin
00372                 fParagraphEnd := false;
00373                 repeat
00374                     Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
00375                     inc(TokenPos);
00376                 until (TokenLine[TokenPos] = '>') or (TokenPos > m);
00377                 Result := Result + '>';
00378                 inc(TokenPos);
00379                 case result[2] of
00380                     'B': begin // File body text type
00381                          TokenKind := tokContent;
00382                          sContext := Result;
00383                          end;
00384                     'C': begin // Special characters
00385                          TokenKind := tokControl;
00386                          if (Result[3] = 'M') or (Result[3] = 'L') then
00387                              fParagraphEnd := true;
00388                          end;
00389                     'D': begin // Direction
00390                          TokenKind := tokControl;
00391                          chDirection := Result[3];
00392                          end;
00393                     'H': begin
00394                          TokenKind := tokHeader;
00395                          sContext := Result;
00396                          end;
00397                     'F': begin // Font attributes
00398                          TokenKind := tokFont;
00399                          case Result[3] of
00400                              'B': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caBold];
00401                              'C': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caSmallCaps];
00402                              'I': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caItalic];
00403                              'N': sFontName := copy(Result,4,Length(Result)-4);
00404                              'O': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caOTQuote];
00405                              'R': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caRed];
00406                              'S': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caSuperscript];
00407                              'U': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caUnderline];
00408                              'V': CharAttribs := CharAttribs + [caSubscript];
00409                              'b': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caBold];
00410                              'c': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caSmallCaps];
00411                              'i': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caItalic];
00412                              'n': sFontName := '';
00413                              'o': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caOTQuote];
00414                              'r': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caRed];
00415                              's': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caSuperscript];
00416                              'u': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caUnderline];
00417                              'v': CharAttribs := CharAttribs - [caSubscript];
00419                          end;
00420                          end;
00421                     'J': begin // Justification
00422                          TokenKind := tokStyle;
00423                          chJustification := Result[3];
00424                          end;
00425                     'P': begin // Poetry/prose, indent
00426                          TokenKind := tokControl;
00427                          case Result[3] of
00428                              'I': fIndent := true;
00429                              'P': fPoetry := true;
00430                              'i': fIndent := false;
00431                              'p': fPoetry := false;
00432                          end;
00433                          end;
00434                     'R': begin // References and footnotes
00435                          TokenKind := tokControl;
00436                          end;
00437                     'S': begin // sync mark
00438                          TokenKind := TokSync;
00439                          case Result[3] of
00440                              'B': begin // Book
00441                                   sBook := system.copy(Result, 4, length(Result)-4);
00442                                   sPsalmBookTitle := '';
00443                                   if sBook = '' then
00444                                       begin
00445                                       inc(bBk);
00446                                       sBook := BookNumberToName(bBk);
00447                                       end
00448                                   else
00449                                       bBk := BookNameToNumber(sBook);
00450                                   sTitle := sBook;
00451                                   end;
00452                              'C': begin //chapter
00453                                   sChapter := system.copy(Result, 4, length(Result)-4);
00454                                   if sChapter = '' then
00455                                       begin
00456                                       inc(bChap);
00457                                       sChapter := IntToStr(bChap);
00458                                       end
00459                                   else
00460                                       begin
00461                                       try
00462                                       bChap := StrToInt(sChapter);
00463                                       except
00464                                       showmessage('Non-numeric chapter: '+sBook+' '+sChapter);
00465                                       end;
00466                                       end;
00467                                   sHebrewTitle := '';    
00468                                   end;
00469                              'V': begin // Verse
00470                                   bWd := 0;
00471                                   sVerse := system.copy(Result, 4, length(Result)-4);
00472                                   if sVerse = '' then
00473                                       begin
00474                                       inc(bVs);
00475                                       sVerse := IntToStr(bVs);
00476                                       end
00477                                   else
00478                                       begin
00479                                       try
00480                                       bVs := StrToInt(sVerse);
00481                                       except
00482                                       showmessage('Non-numeric verse: '+sBook+' '+sChapter+':'+sVerse);
00483                                       end;
00484                                       end;
00485                                   end;
00486                              'D': begin // Date
00487                                   sDate := system.copy(Result, 3, length(Result)-4);
00488                                   end;
00489                          end;
00490                          end;
00491                     'T': begin // Titles
00492                          TokenKind := TokContent;
00493                          case Result[3] of
00494                              'B':
00495                                  begin
00496                                  sPsalmBookTitle := '';
00497                                  fInPsalmBookTitle := true;
00498                                  end;
00499                              'b': fInPsalmBookTitle := true;
00500                              'H':
00501                                  begin
00502                                  sHebrewTitle := '';
00503                                  fInHebrewTitle := true;
00504                                  end;
00505                              'h': fInHebrewTitle := false;
00506                              'S':
00507                                  begin
00508                                  sSectionTitle := '';
00509                                  fInSectionTitle := true;
00510                                  end;
00511                              's': fInSectionTitle := false;
00512                              'T':
00513                                  begin
00514                                  sTitle := '';
00515                                  fInTitle := true;
00516                                  end;
00517                              't': fInTitle := false;
00518                          end;
00519                          end;
00520                     'Z': begin // File tail
00521                          TokenKind := tokTail;
00522                          sContext := Result;
00523                          if Result[3] = 'Z' then
00524                              done;
00525                          end;
00526                     else
00527                          TokenKind := TokControl;
00529                 end;
00530                 end
00531             else if isletter(TokenLine[TokenPos]) then
00532                 begin {Word}
00533                 fParagraphEnd := false;
00534                 TokenKind := tokWord;
00535                 repeat
00536                     Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
00537                     inc(TokenPos);
00538                 until (TokenPos > m) or (not isinword(TokenLine[TokenPos]));
00539                 inc(bWd);
00540                 inc(iTotalWords);
00541                 end
00542             else if ((TokenLine[TokenPos] = ' ') or (TokenLine[TokenPos] = #9)) then
00543                 begin
00544                 fParagraphEnd := false;
00545                 TokenKind := tokSpace;
00546                 Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
00547                 inc(TokenPos);
00548                 end
00549             else
00550                 begin
00551                 fParagraphEnd := false;
00552                 TokenKind := tokChar;
00553                 Result := Result + TokenLine[TokenPos];
00554                 inc(TokenPos);
00555                 end
00556             end;
00557         end;
00558     if ((TokenKind = tokWord) or (TokenKind = tokSpace) or
00559        (TokenKind = tokChar)) then
00560         begin
00561         if fInTitle then
00562             sTitle := sTitle + Result
00563         else if fInPsalmBookTitle then
00564             sPsalmBookTitle := sPsalmBookTitle + Result
00565         else if fInHebrewTitle then
00566             sHebrewTitle := sHebrewTitle + Result
00567         else if fInSectionTitle then
00568             sSectionTitle := sSectionTitle + Result;
00569         end;
00570 end;
00572 function TWriteGBF.Init(const sFileName: string): boolean;
00573 begin
00574     try
00575     bBk := 0;
00576     bChap := 0;
00577     bVs := 0;
00578     bWd := 0;
00579     LineOut := '';
00580     FName := sFileName;
00581     Assign(F, FName);
00582     filemode := 1;
00583     rewrite(F);
00584     fFileIsOpen := true;
00585     Init := true;
00586     except
00587     Init := false;
00588     fFileIsOpen := false;
00589     end
00590 end;
00592 function TWriteGBF.Done: boolean;
00593 begin
00594     try
00595     if fFileIsOpen then
00596         begin
00597         if LineOut <> '' then
00598             begin
00599             WriteLn(F, LineOut);
00600             LineOut := '';
00601             end;
00602         CloseFile(F);
00603         end;
00604     Done := true;
00605     except
00606     Done := false;
00607     end;
00608 end;
00610 procedure TWriteGBF.Out(const s: string);
00611 var sPrint, sSave, sBook, sChapter, sVerse: string;
00612     i: integer;
00613     b: byte;
00614 begin
00615     if (Length(s) > 0) and IsLetter(s[1]) then
00616         begin
00617         inc(bWd);
00618         LineOut := LineOut + s;
00619         end
00620     else if Length(s) > 3 then
00621         begin
00622         if (s[1] = '<') and (s[2] = 'S') then
00623             begin
00624             case s[3] of
00625                 'B': begin // Book
00626                      sBook := system.copy(s, 4, length(s)-4);
00627                      if sBook = '' then
00628                          begin
00629                          inc(bBk);
00630                          LineOut := LineOut + s;
00631                          end
00632                      else
00633                          begin
00634                          b := bBk;
00635                          bBk := BookNameToNumber(sBook);
00636                          if b <> bBk then
00637                              LineOut := LineOut + s;
00638                          end;
00639                      end;
00640                 'C': begin //chapter
00641                      sChapter := system.copy(s, 4, length(s)-4);
00642                      if sChapter = '' then
00643                          begin
00644                          inc(bChap);
00645                          LineOut := LineOut + s;
00646                          end
00647                      else
00648                          begin
00649                          try
00650 //                       b := bChap;
00651                          bChap := StrToInt(sChapter);
00652 //                       if b <> bChap then
00653                              LineOut := LineOut + s;
00654                          except
00655                          showmessage('Non-numeric chapter: '+sBook+' '+sChapter);
00656                          end;
00657                          end;
00658                      end;
00659                 'V': begin // Verse
00660                      bWd := 0;
00661                      sVerse := system.copy(s, 4, length(s)-4);
00662                      if sVerse = '' then
00663                          begin
00664                          inc(bVs);
00665                          LineOut := LineOut + s;
00666                          end
00667                      else
00668                          begin
00669                          try
00670 //                       b := bVs;
00671                          bVs := StrToInt(sVerse);
00672 //                       if b <> bVs then
00673                              LineOut := LineOut + s;
00674                          except
00675                          showmessage('Non-numeric verse: '+sBook+' '+sChapter+':'+sVerse);
00676                          end;
00677                          end;
00678                      end;
00679                 else
00680                     LineOut := LineOut + s;
00681                 end
00682             end
00683         else
00684             LineOut := LineOut + s; // Not a sync mark
00685         end
00686     else // other token, space, or punctuation
00687         LineOut := LineOut + s; // Length <= 3
00688     if ((s = '<CM>') or (s = '<CL>')) then
00689         begin
00690         if (Length(LineOut) > 78) then
00691             begin
00692             i := 78;
00693             while (i > 0) and (LineOut[i] <> ' ') do
00694                 dec(i);
00695             if i < 1 then
00696                 begin
00697                 WriteLn(F,LineOut);
00698                 LineOut := '';
00699                 end
00700             else
00701                 begin
00702                 sPrint := system.copy(LineOut,1,i-1);
00703                 sSave := system.copy(LineOut,i+1,Length(LineOut)-i);
00704                 WriteLn(F,sPrint);
00705                 WriteLn(F, sSave);
00706                 LineOut := '';
00707                 end
00708             end
00709         else
00710             begin
00711             WriteLn(F, LineOut);
00712             LineOut := '';
00713             end
00714         end
00715     else if (Length(LineOut) > 78) then
00716         begin
00717         i := 78;
00718         while (i > 0) and (LineOut[i] <> ' ') do
00719             dec(i);
00720         if i < 1 then
00721             begin
00722             WriteLn(F,LineOut);
00723             LineOut := '';
00724             end
00725         else
00726             begin
00727             sPrint := system.copy(LineOut,1,i-1);
00728             sSave := system.copy(LineOut,i+1,Length(LineOut)-i);
00729             WriteLn(F,sPrint);
00730             LineOut := sSave;
00731             end
00732         end
00733 end;
00735 end.

Generated on Thu Jun 20 22:12:59 2002 for The Sword Project by doxygen1.2.15