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The Sword Project Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
sword::EncodingFilterMgrThis class is like a normal SWMgr, but you can additonally specify which encoding you want to use
sword::GBFFootnotesThis Filter shows/hides footnotes in a GBF text
sword::GBFHeadingsThis Filter shows/hides headings in a GBF text
sword::GBFHTMLThis filter converts GBF Text into HTML
sword::GBFHTMLHREFThis filter converts GBF text to HTML text with hrefs
sword::GBFMorphThis Filter shows/hides morph tags in a GBF text
sword::GBFOSISThis filter converts GBF text to HTML text with hrefs
sword::GBFPlainThis filter converts GBF text into plain text
sword::GBFRTFThis filter converts GBF text into RTF text
sword::GBFStrongsThis Filter shows/hides strong's numbers in a GBF text
sword::GBFThMLThis filter converts GBF text into ThML text
sword::GreekLexAttribsThis filter converts ThML text to plain text
sword::Latin1UTF16This filter converts Latin-1 encoded text to UTF-8
sword::Latin1UTF8This filter converts Latin-1 encoded text to UTF-8
sword::ListKeyListKey is the basis for all types of keys that have lists of specified indexes (e.g
sword::LocaleMgrThe LocaleMgr class handles all the different locales of Sword
sword::MarkupFilterMgrThis class is like a normal SWEncodingMgr, but you can additonally specify which markup you want to use
sword::PLAINFootnotesShows or hides footnotes in plain text
sword::PLAINHTMLThis filter converts plain text to HTML text
sword::RTFHTMLThis filter converts RTF text into HTML text
sword::RWPHTMLThis filter converts RWP text to HTML text
sword::RWPRTFThis filter converts RWP text to RTF text
sword::SCSUUTF8This filter converts SCSU compressed (encoded) text to UTF-8
sword::StrKeyA standard string key class (used for modules that index on single strings (eg
sword::SWBasicFilterA filter providing commonly used functionality
sword::SWClassClass used for SWDYNAMIC_CAST to save the inheritance order
sword::SWComThe basis for all commentary modules
sword::SWConfigThe class to read and save settings using a file on disk
sword::SWDisplaySwdisp is the basis for all types of displays (e.g
sword::SWGenBookThe basis for all types of Lexicon and Dictionary modules (hence the 'LD')
sword::SWKeySWKey is the basis for all types of keys for indexing into modules (e.g
sword::SWLDThe basis for all types of Lexicon and Dictionary modules (hence the 'LD')
sword::SWLocaleSWLocale is used for the localisation of the booknames The SWLocale is a class which holds the information of one language
sword::SWMgrSWMgr is the main class of the Sword library
sword::SWModuleThe class SWModule is the base class for all modules used in Sword
sword::SWObjectBase class for major Sword classes
sword::SWTextThe basis for all text modules
sword::ThMLFootnotesThis Filter shows/hides footnotes in a ThML text
sword::ThMLGBFThis filter converts ThML text to GBF text
sword::ThMLHeadingsThis Filter shows/hides headings in a ThML text
sword::ThMLHTMLThis filter converts ThML text to HTML text
sword::ThMLHTMLHREFThis filter converts ThML text to HTML text with hrefs
sword::ThMLLemmaThis Filter shows/hides lemmas in a ThML text
sword::ThMLMorphThis Filter shows/hides morph tags in a ThML text
sword::ThMLOLBThis filter converts ThML text to OLB text
sword::ThMLOSISThis filter converts ThML text to HTML text with hrefs
sword::ThMLPlainThis filter converts ThML text to plain text
sword::ThMLRTFThis filter converts ThML text to RTF text
sword::ThMLScriprefThis Filter shows/hides scripture references in a ThML text
sword::ThMLStrongsThis Filter shows/hides strong's numbers in a ThML text
sword::ThMLVariantsThis Filter shows/hides textual variants
sword::TreeKeyClass VerseKey The SWKey implementation used for verse based modules like Bibles or commentaries
sword::TreeKeyIdxClass VerseKey The SWKey implementation used for verse based modules like Bibles or commentaries
sword::UnicodeRTFThis filter converts UTF-8 text into RTF Unicode tags
sword::UTF16UTF8This filter converts UTF-16 encoded text to UTF-8
sword::UTF8arShapingThis Filter shows/hides reorders UTF-8 text according to Unicode BiDi
sword::UTF8BiDiReorderThis Filter shows/hides reorders UTF-8 text according to Unicode BiDi
sword::UTF8CantillationThis Filter shows/hides Hebrew cantillation marks in UTF8 text
sword::UTF8GreekAccentsThis Filter shows/hides Greek Accents marks in UTF8 text
sword::UTF8HebrewPointsThis Filter shows/hides Hebrew vowel points in UTF8 text
sword::UTF8HTMLThis filter converts UTF-8 text into HTML escape sequences
sword::UTF8Latin1This filter converts UTF-8 encoded text to Latin-1
sword::UTF8TransliteratorThis Filter uses ICU for transliteration
sword::UTF8UTF16This filter converts UTF-8 encoded text to UTF-16
sword::VerseKeyClass VerseKey The SWKey implementation used for verse based modules like Bibles or commentaries

Generated on Thu Oct 31 12:11:29 2002 for The Sword Project by doxygen1.2.17