package Sword; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; require DynaLoader; our @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use Sword ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( get_modules get_verse ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( ); our $VERSION = '0.31'; bootstrap Sword $VERSION; # Preloaded methods go here. sub get_verse { my ($verse, $mod) = @_; if(!$mod) { $mod = (get_modules())[0]; } my $vi = new Sword::VerseIterator $mod; if(!$vi->go_to_verse($verse)) { return; } else { return $vi->get_verse(); } } my %base_modules; sub get_module { my ($mod) = @_; $base_modules{$mod} = new Sword::Module($mod) if !$base_modules{$mod}; return $base_modules{$mod} } 1; package Sword::VerseIterator; sub set_book { my $this = shift; my ($book) = @_; $this->go_to_verse($book . " 1:1"); } 1; package Sword::Module; sub new { my $class = shift; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $this = {}; bless $this, $class; my ($module_name) = @_; $this->{MOD_NAME} = $module_name; $this->{VI} = new Sword::VerseIterator($module_name); return $this; } sub _initialize_book_list { my $this = shift; if(! $this->{BOOKS} ) { $this->{BOOKS} = {}; $this->{BOOK_ARRAY} = []; foreach my $book ($this->{VI}->_get_books) { $book->{real_book_num} = @{$this->{BOOK_ARRAY}}; $this->{BOOKS}{$book->{name}} = $book; push @{$this->{BOOK_ARRAY}}, $book->{name}; } } } sub get_books { my $this = shift; $this->_initialize_book_list(); return @{$this->{BOOK_ARRAY}}; } sub get_num_chapters { my $this = shift; $this->_initialize_book_list(); my ($book) = @_; $book = $this->_canonicalize_book($book); return $this->{BOOKS}{$book}{num_chapters}; } sub get_num_verses_list { my $this = shift; $this->_initialize_book_list(); my ($book) = @_; $book = $this->_canonicalize_book($book); return @{$this->{BOOKS}{$book}{chapter_maxes}}; } sub get_testament { my $this = shift; $this->_initialize_book_list(); my ($book) = @_; $book = $this->_canonicalize_book($book); return $this->{BOOKS}{$book}{testament_num} ? "NT" : "OT"; } sub get_book_num { my $this = shift; $this->_initialize_book_list(); my ($book) = @_; $book = $this->_canonicalize_book($book); return $this->{BOOKS}{$book}{book_num}; } sub get_iterator { my $this = shift; $this->_initialize_book_list(); my ($verse) = @_; my $retval = new Sword::VerseIterator($this->{MOD_NAME}); $retval->go_to_verse($verse) if $verse; return $retval; } sub get_verse { my $this = shift; $this->_initialize_book_list(); my ($verse) = @_; $this->{VI}->go_to_verse($verse); return $this->{VI}->get_verse; } sub search { my $this = shift; my ($term) = @_; return $this->{VI}->_search($term); } sub search_verses { my $this = shift; my ($term) = @_; return $this->{VI}->_search_verses($term); } sub get_name { my $this = shift; return $this->{VI}->_get_module_name(); } sub get_description { my $this = shift; return $this->{VI}->_get_module_desc(); } sub get_type { my $this = shift; return $this->{VI}->_get_module_type(); } sub _canonicalize_book { my $this = shift; my ($book) = @_; $this->_initialize_book_list(); return $book if $this->{BOOKS}{$book}; $this->{VI}->set_book($book); return $this->{VI}->get_book(); } # Verse stuff sub verse_greater { my $this = shift; my ($verse1, $verse2) = @_; # Problem w/ sword comparing NT and OT? #return $this->{VI}->_verse_greater($verse1, $verse2); return -1 if ! $this->{VI}->go_to_verse($verse1); my $chap1 = $this->{VI}->get_chapter_num(); my $verse_num1 = $this->{VI}->get_verse_num(); my $book_struct_1 = $this->{BOOKS}{$this->{VI}->get_book()}; return -1 if ! $this->{VI}->go_to_verse($verse2); my $chap2 = $this->{VI}->get_chapter_num(); my $verse_num2 = $this->{VI}->get_verse_num(); my $book_struct_2 = $this->{BOOKS}{$this->{VI}->get_book()}; return 1 if $book_struct_1->{real_book_num} > $book_struct_2->{real_book_num}; return 0 if $book_struct_1->{real_book_num} < $book_struct_2->{real_book_num}; return 1 if $chap1 > $chap2; return 0 if $chap1 < $chap2; return 1 if $verse_num1 > $verse_num2; return 0 if $verse_num1 < $verse_num2; return 0; } # This method assumes that the lists are sorted. sub union_verse_list { my $this = shift; my ($list1, $list2) = @_; my @retval; my $i1 = 0; my $i2 = 0; my $val; while($i1 < @{$list1} || $i2 < @{$list2}) { if($i1 < @{$list1}) { if($i2 < @{$list2} && $this->verse_greater($list1->[$i1], $list2->[$i2])) { $val = $list2->[$i2]; } else { $val = $list1->[$i1]; } } else { $val = $list2->[$i2]; } push @retval, $val; # Move past duplicates while($i1 < @{$list1} && $list1->[$i1] eq $val) { $i1++; } while($i2 < @{$list2} && $list2->[$i2] eq $val) { $i2++; } } return @retval; } # This method assumes that the lists are sorted. sub intersect_verse_list { my $this = shift; my ($list1, $list2) = @_; my @retval; my $i1 = 0; my $i2 = 0; my $val; while($i1 < @{$list1} && $i2 < @{$list2}) { if($list1->[$i1] eq $list2->[$i2]) { $val = $list1->[$i1]; push @retval, $list1->[$i1]; } elsif($this->verse_greater($list1->[$i1], $list2->[$i2])) { $val = $list2->[$i2]; } else { $val = $list1->[$i1]; } # Move past duplicates while($i1 < @{$list1} && $list1->[$i1] eq $val) { $i1++; } while($i2 < @{$list2} && $list2->[$i2] eq $val) { $i2++; } } return @retval; } # XXX this is somewhat inefficient right now (though not as bad as intersect) sub union_verse_range { my $this = shift; my ($list1, $list2) = @_; my @full_list = (@{$list1}, @{$list2}); @full_list = $this->sort_verse_range(@full_list); return $this->condense_verse_range(@full_list); } # XXX this is inefficient as heck right now sub intersect_verse_range { my $this = shift; my ($list1, $list2) = @_; my @vlist1 = $this->expand_verse_range(@{$list1}); my @vlist2 = $this->expand_verse_range(@{$list2}); my @retval = $this->intersect_verse_list(\@vlist1, \@vlist2); return $this->condense_verse_range(@retval); } sub _parse_verse_ref { my $this = shift; my ($verse_ref, $interpret_as_chapter) = @_; return ("", -1, -1) if(!$verse_ref); if (! ($verse_ref =~ /^\s*(.*[A-Za-z])?\s*(\d*\s*:?\s*\d*)\s*$/)) { die " >> No book, chapter or verse found ($verse_ref).\n"; } my $book = $1 ? $this->_canonicalize_book($1) : ""; my $num_ref = $2; $num_ref =~ s/\s*//g; return ($book, -1, -1) if ! $num_ref; print " >> Bad numeric reference ($num_ref).\n" if ! ($num_ref =~ /^(\d+):?(\d*)$/); return ($book, -1, $1) if ! $book && ! $2 && ! $interpret_as_chapter; return ($book, $1, -1) if ! $2; return ($book, $1, $2); } sub parse_verse_range { my $this = shift; my ($verse_list, $include_zeroes, $split_books, $default_book) = @_; my @retval; # # The default book to use if the person decides to specify just # chapters and verses. If the person specifies a book in the # query string, that is the book that will be used thereafter. # my $prev_book = $default_book ? $default_book : "Genesis"; # # Note that you can't specify a verse without first having specified # a chapter (at some point), so this value won't be used. # my $prev_chapter = $include_zeroes ? 0 : 1; foreach my $outer_part (split(/;/, $verse_list)) { my $interpret_as_chapter = 1; foreach my $part (split(/,/, $outer_part)) { die "Too many dashes or nothing in front of the dash: $part" if !($part =~ /^([^-]+)-?([^-]*)$/); # # Get first verse part # my ($book1, $chap1, $verse1) = $this->_parse_verse_ref($1, $interpret_as_chapter); # Save the specified book/chapter/verse. my ($orig_book2, $orig_chap2, $orig_verse2) = ($book1, $chap1, $verse1); # Start interpreting raw numbers as chapters if book was specified. $interpret_as_chapter = 1 if $book1; # Start interpreting raw numbers as verses if verse was specified. $interpret_as_chapter = 0 if $verse1 != -1; # # Figure out the implied parts from the parts given # # book: chapter 1, verse 1 # book+chapter: verse 1 # book+verse: impossible # book+chapter+verse: nothing # chapter: prev. book, verse 1 # chapter+verse: prev. book # verse: prev. book, prev. chapter # nothing: impossible # # TRANSLATION: # BOOK: prev. book # CHAPTER: chapter 1 if book specified, prev. chapter if no book specified # VERSE: verse 1 # $chap1 = ($include_zeroes ? 0 : 1) if $book1 && $chap1 == -1; $book1 = $prev_book if !$book1; $chap1 = $prev_chapter if $chap1 == -1; $verse1 = ($include_zeroes ? 0 : 1) if $verse1 == -1; # # Verify chapter/verse is in range # if($chap1 > $this->{BOOKS}{$book1}{num_chapters}) { die "$book1 $chap1:$verse1 invalid: $chap1 is not a chapter in $book1 (valid chapters are 1-" . $this->{BOOKS}{$book1}{num_chapters} . ")"; } if($verse1 > @{$this->{BOOKS}{$book1}{chapter_maxes}}[$chap1 - 1]) { die "$book1 $chap1:$verse1 invalid: $verse1 is not a verse in $book1 $chap1 (valid chapters are 1-" . @{$this->{BOOKS}{$book1}{chapter_maxes}}[$chap1 - 1] . ")"; } # # Get second verse part # my ($book2, $chap2, $verse2) = $this->_parse_verse_ref($2, $interpret_as_chapter); # # Copy any elements specified from the first one into the second. # "Genesis" = "Genesis-Genesis" # "4:9" = "4:9-4:9" # "5:1-12" = "5:1-5:12" # "Exodus 4:8-Leviticus" = "Exodus 4:8-Leviticus" # if(!$book2) { $book2 = $orig_book2; if($chap2 == -1) { $chap2 = $orig_chap2; if($verse2 == -1) { $verse2 = $orig_verse2; } } } # # Figure out the implied parts from the parts given # # book: last chapter, last verse # book+chapter: last verse # book+verse: impossible # book+chapter+verse: nothing # chapter: same book, last verse # chapter+verse: same book # verse: same book, same chapter # nothing: impossible (elements would be copied from first part) # # TRANSLATION: # BOOK: same book # CHAPTER: last chapter if book specified, same chapter if no book specified # VERSE: last verse # $chap2 = $chap1 if !$book2 && $chap2 == -1; $book2 = $book1 if !$book2; $chap2 = $this->{BOOKS}{$book2}{num_chapters} if $chap2 == -1; $verse2 = @{$this->{BOOKS}{$book2}{chapter_maxes}}[$chap2 - 1] if $verse2 == -1; # # Verify chapter/verse is in range # if($chap2 > $this->{BOOKS}{$book2}{num_chapters}) { die "$book2 $chap2:$verse2 invalid: $chap2 is not a chapter in $book2 (valid chapters are 1-" . $this->{BOOKS}{$book2}{num_chapters} . ")"; } if($verse2 > @{$this->{BOOKS}{$book2}{chapter_maxes}}[$chap2 - 1]) { die "$book2 $chap2:$verse2 invalid: $verse2 is not a verse in $book2 $chap2 (valid chapters are 1-" . @{$this->{BOOKS}{$book2}{chapter_maxes}}[$chap2 - 1] . ")"; } #print " > $book1 $chap1:$verse1 - $book2 $chap2:$verse2\n"; # Save previous book/chapter $prev_book = $book2; $prev_chapter = $chap2; if ($this->verse_greater("$book1 $chap1:$verse1", "$book2 $chap2:$verse2")) { die "Range $book1 $chap1:$verse1 - $book2 $chap2:$verse2 invalid: second verse must be the same or higher than the first verse."; } if(! $split_books || $book1 eq $book2) { push @retval, [ "$book1 $chap1:$verse1", "$book2 $chap2:$verse2" ]; } else { # First book my $last_chapter = $this->{BOOKS}{$book1}{num_chapters}; push @retval, [ "$book1 $chap1:$verse1", "$book1 $last_chapter:" . @{$this->{BOOKS}{$book1}{chapter_maxes}}[$last_chapter - 1] ]; # Middle books for(my $i=$this->{BOOKS}{$book1}{real_book_num}+1; $i<$this->{BOOKS}{$book2}{real_book_num}; $i++) { my $middle_book = $this->{BOOK_ARRAY}[$i]; my $last_chapter = $this->{BOOKS}{$middle_book}{num_chapters}; push @retval, [ "$middle_book " . ($include_zeroes ? "0:0" : "1:1"), "$middle_book $last_chapter:" . @{$this->{BOOKS}{$middle_book}{chapter_maxes}}[$last_chapter - 1] ]; } # Last book push @retval, [ "$book2 " . ($include_zeroes ? "0:0" : "1:1"), "$book2 $chap2:$verse2" ]; } } } return @retval; }; sub next_verse { my $this = shift; my ($verse) = @_; $this->{VI}->go_to_verse($verse); $this->{VI}->next; return $this->{VI}->get_key; } sub prev_verse { my $this = shift; my ($verse) = @_; $this->{VI}->go_to_verse($verse); $this->{VI}->prev; return $this->{VI}->get_key; } sub parse_verse { my $this = shift; my ($verse) = @_; $verse =~ /^(.*[A-Za-z])\s*(\d+)\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*$/; return ($this->_canonicalize_book($1), $2, $3); } sub sort_verse_list { my $this = shift; my @verse_list = @_; return sort { ($a eq $b) ? 0 : ($this->verse_greater($a, $b) ? 1 : -1) } @verse_list; } sub _compare_range { my $this = shift; my ($a, $b) = @_; if($a->[0] eq $b->[0]) { if($a->[1] eq $b->[1]) { return 0; } else { return ($this->verse_greater($a->[1], $b->[1]) ? 1 : -1); } } else { return ($this->verse_greater($a->[0], $b->[0]) ? 1 : -1); } } sub sort_verse_range { my $this = shift; my @verse_range = @_; return sort { $this->_compare_range($a, $b) } @verse_range; } sub _as_verse_range { # THIS IS NOT AN OBJECT METHOD return ref($_[0]) ? @{$_[0]} : ($_[0], $_[0]); } # This function will normalize an existing verse range or create a new one from a verse list. # This function assumes verses are in order (by lower part of range). # XXX This does not merge stuff with zeroes very well, I suspect. sub condense_verse_range { my $this = shift; my @verse_range = @_; my @retval; for(my $i=0;$i<@verse_range;$i++) { my ($new_low, $new_high) = _as_verse_range($verse_range[$i]); my $i2; for($i2=$i+1; $i2<@verse_range; $i2++) { my ($vr2_low, $vr2_high) = _as_verse_range($verse_range[$i2]); # Check if it's 1 above the current verse and not in the same book my $next_verse = $this->next_verse($new_high); if($next_verse eq $vr2_low) { my ($high_book) = $this->parse_verse($new_high); my ($vr2_low_book) = $this->parse_verse($vr2_low); last if $high_book ne $vr2_low_book; } elsif($this->verse_greater($vr2_low, $new_high)) { last; } $new_high = $vr2_high if $this->verse_greater($vr2_high, $new_high); } push @retval, [ $new_low, $new_high ]; $i = $i2 - 1; } return @retval; } sub expand_verse_range { my $this = shift; my @verse_range = @_; my @retval; foreach my $vr (@verse_range) { my ($vr_low, $vr_high) = _as_verse_range($vr); die "Verse not found in range $vr_low-$vr_high\n" if ! $this->{VI}->go_to_verse($vr_low); do { push @retval, $this->{VI}->get_key; } while($this->{VI}->get_key ne $vr_high && $this->{VI}->next); } return @retval; } sub make_verse_range_str { my $this = shift; my @verse_range = @_; my $retval; my $prev_book = ""; my $prev_chapter = -1; foreach my $vr (@verse_range) { my ($vr_low, $vr_high) = _as_verse_range($vr); my ($book_low, $chapter_low, $verse_low) = $this->parse_verse($vr_low); my ($book_high, $chapter_high, $verse_high) = $this->parse_verse($vr_high); if($book_low ne $prev_book || $book_high ne $book_low) { # New book. Put semicolon and such. $retval .= "; " if $prev_book; $retval .= "$book_low $chapter_low:$verse_low"; } elsif($chapter_low != $prev_chapter || $chapter_high != $chapter_low) { # Same book. New chapter. $retval .= ", $chapter_low:$verse_low" } else { $retval .= ",$verse_low"; } if($book_high ne $book_low) { $retval .= "-$book_high $chapter_high:$verse_high"; } elsif($chapter_high != $chapter_low) { $retval .= "-$chapter_high:$verse_high"; } elsif($verse_high != $verse_low) { $retval .= "-$verse_high"; } $prev_book = $book_high; $prev_chapter = $chapter_high; } return $retval; } 1; __END__ # Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it! =head1 NAME Sword - Perl extension to grab Bible verses from Sword ( =head1 SYNOPSIS use Sword; my $mod = new Sword::Module("KJV"); my $vi = $mod->get_iterator(); do { print $vi->get_key(), " : ", $vi->get_verse(), "\n"; } while($vi->next()); =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Summary There are three basic ways of navigating the Bible with Sword: 1. go directly to verses by name and then step through the Bible up and down This prints out everything from I John 2:3 to the end of the Bible: use Sword; my $mod = new Sword::Module("KJV"); my $vi = $mod->get_iterator("I John 2:3"); do { print $vi->get_key(), " : ", $vi->get_verse(), "\n"; } while($vi->next()); # $vi->prev() would go to the beginning of the Bible backwards 2. Browse by book, chapter and verse This prints out the first verse of every book in the Bible: use Sword; my $mod = new Sword::Module("KJV"); my $vi = $mod->get_iterator(); foreach my $book ($mod->get_books()) { $vi->set_book($book); $vi->set_chapter_num(1); $vi->set_verse_num(1); print $vi->get_key(), " : ", $vi->get_verse(), "\n"; # You can use get_book, get_chapter_num } 3. Search for verses And of course you can search!  This gets everything in the KJV with the word "sword" in it: use Sword; my $mod = new Sword::Module("KJV"); foreach my $result ($mod->search("sword")) { print "$result->[0] : $result->[1]\n"; } This package has several other lesser-known but useful capabilities, as well, including the ability to merge separate verse lists and work with ranges of verses. =head2 PACKAGE Sword This package contains the generic routines not specific to any module. =item get_modules([$type]) my @modules = Sword::get_modules; Get an array of module names by type. Type is Biblical Texts by default. ALL not supported yet. =item get_module($module_name) my $mod = Sword::get_module("KJV"); Get an actual Sword::Module object using the given module name. =item get_locales my @locales = Sword::get_locales; Get an array of available locale names =item set_locale Sword::set_locale($locale); Sets the default locale for book names and verses and such. Subsequent Modules and VerseIterators will be affected. =item get_verse($verse, [$module_name]) print Sword::get_verse("Genesis 1:4"), "\n"; Gets a verse from a module, by key. Module name defaults to the first Biblical Text module. =head2 CLASS Sword::Module my $mod = Sword::get_module("KJV"); my $mod = new Sword::Module("KJV"); Sword::Module represents a sword module, which is really a single text (like KJV or NIV). It is best to use Sword::get_module() to get this. =item new($module_name) my $mod = new Sword::Module("KJV"); Get a module object with the specified name HEY. =item get_verse($verse) print $mod->get_verse("John 3:16"), "\n"; Get the specifed verse. =item get_iterator([$verse]) my $vi = $mod->get_iterator("Malachi 4:6"); $vi->next; print "The verse after Malachi 4:6 is ", $vi->get_key, "\n"; Get a Sword::VerseIterator (see appropriate documentation. Assumes Genesis 1:1 if none specified. =item search($term) foreach my $result ($mod->search("hope")) { print "$result->[0] : $result->[1]\n"; } Search for the specified terms using Sword, and return an array of results. Each result is a reference to a 2-element array containing the verse # and the actual verse. =item search_verses($term) foreach my $result ($mod->search_verses("hope")) { print "$result : ", $mod->get_verse($result), "\n"; } Search for the specified terms using Sword, and return a simple array containing the verse #'s only. =item verse_greater($verse1, $verse2) print "James 1:19 is ", $mod->verse_greater("James 1:19", "Hebrews 11:12") ? "after" : "before", " Hebrews 11:12\n"; Find out whether verse 1 is greater than verse 2. Returns -1 on error, 0 for false and 1 for true. =item next_verse($verse) print "The verse after James 1:19 is ", $mod->next_verse("James 1:19"), "\n"; Get the verse after the given verse. This goes past book boundaries. =item prev_verse($verse) print "The verse before James 1:19 is ", $mod->prev_verse("James 1:19"), "\n"; Get the verse before the given verse. This goes past book boundaries. =item parse_verse($verse) my @parsed = $mod->parse_verse("Revelation 4:5"); print "Revelation 4:5 parses to $parsed[0] $parsed[1]:$parsed[2]\n"; Parse the given verse, canonicalizing the book (turning Revelation into "Revelation of John", for example). This returns three pieces, the book, the chapter and the verse. It returns 3 undefined values if it fails. =item get_books print "Books in the Bible: ", join(", ", $mod->get_books()), "\n"; Get an array of the books in this module. (Currently biblical modules that do not use some books are not supported. =item get_num_chapters($book) for(my $i=0;$i<$mod->get_num_chapters("Genesis");$i++) { print $mod->get_verse("Genesis " . $i+1 . ":1" } Get the number of chapters in a book. =item get_num_verses_list($book) my @verses_list = $mod->get_num_verses_list("Malachi"); print "Genesis 4 has $verses_list[3] chapters.\n"; Get an array containing the number of verses in each chapter in a book. =item get_testament($book) print "Testament of Malachi is ", $mod->get_testament("Malachi"), "\n"; Returns the testament of a book (NT or OT for New Testament or Old Testament) =item get_book_num($book) print "Malachi is the ", ($mod->get_book_num("Malachi")+1), "th book in the Old Testament.\n"; Get the number of the specified book in its testament (Genesis = 0, Matthew = 0) =item get_name print "Module Name: ", $mod->get_name, "\n"; Get the name of the module (e.g. KJV). =item get_description print "Module Description: ", $mod->get_description, "\n"; Get the description of the module. =item get_type print "Module Type: ", $mod->get_type, "\n"; Get the type of the module (e.g. Biblical Texts). =item sort_verse_list(@verse_list) my @sorted_list = $mod->sort_verse_list("Acts 1:2", "John 2:3", "Malachi 1:5"); Sort a verse list (an array of verse names like "Acts 1:2") according to book/chapter/verse. =item union_verse_list($verse_list1, $verse_list2) my @list1 = $mod->search_verses("trumpet"); my @list2 = $mod->search_verses("horn"); my @new_verse_list = $mod->union_verse_list(\@list1, \@list2); Take two arrays of verse names ("James 1:19", etc.) and merges them together, removing duplicates. (Tip: union a list with an empty list to just remove duplicates.) This assumes the two lists are sorted. =item intersect_verse_list($verse_list1, $verse_list2) my @list1 = $mod->search_verses("hope"); my @list2 = $mod->search_verses("love"); my @new_verse_list = $mod->intersect_verse_list(\@list1, \@list2); Take two arrays of verse names ("James 1:19", etc.), takes all the verses in common, and puts them into a new list, removing duplicates. This assumes the two lists are sorted. =item parse_verse_range($verse_range_str, [$include_zeroes, $split_books, $default_book]) my @verse_ranges = $mod->parse_verse_range("James 1:19-24;Genesis 1-3;Exodus 4:2-4,6;Haggai"); Parse a list of verses and turn it into a verse range structure, which is a list of lists, each containing 2 elements, the lower and then the upper bound, like so (this is the result of the above example): ( [ "James 1:19", "James 1:24" ], [ "Genesis 1:1", "Genesis 3:24" ], [ "Exodus 4:2", "Exodus 4:4" ], [ "Exodus 4:6", "Exodus 4:6" ], [ "Haggai 1:1", "Haggai 2:23 ] ) The $include_zeroes parameter specifies whether the default chapter/verse should be 1 or 0 when it is unspecified. It will be 1 if include_zeroes is false or unspecified, or 0 if it is true. The $split_books parameter specifies what happens when the user specifies multiple books (e.g. "Genesis 20:12-Exodus 2:2"). Normally the system just creates one range entry ( "Genesis 20:12", "Exodus 2:2" ). With this turned on the system creates a range entry for each book ("Genesis 20:12", "Genesis 50:26" and "Exodus 1:1", "Exodus 2:2"). This works even across multiple books (i.e. "Genesis-Revelation"). =item condense_verse_range(@verse_range_or_list) my @condensed_range = $mod->condense_verse_range($mod->parse_verse_range("Acts 8:1; Acts 8:2-5; Genesis 2:3-4,2-5")); my @condensed_range = $mod->condense_verse_range("Acts 1:1", "Acts 1:2", "Acts 1:3", "James 1:19"); Condense an existing range down to its minimum range (put overlapping or adjacent verses together). This assumes the verse range or list is sorted. =item sort_verse_range(@verse_range) my @sorted_verse_range = $mod->sort_verse_range($mod->parse_verse_range("Acts 8:2-4,1; Acts 9; Genesis 2")); Sort a verse range (see parse_verse_range for structure) according to low end of range (low to high) and then size of range (from smallest to largest). This does not remove duplicates. =item union_verse_range($verse_range1, $verse_range2) my @range1 = $mod->parse_verse_range("John 1:2-12,2:1-4,3:6-7,9-10"); my @range2 = $mod->parse_verse_range("John 1:1-2,2:2,4-6,3:5-8"); my @new_verse_range = $mod->union_verse_range(\@range1, \@range2); Take two verse range lists (see parse_verse_range for structure) and merges them together, removing duplicates. (Tip: union a range with an empty list to simply remove duplicates.) This assumes the two ranges are sorted. =item intersect_verse_range($verse_list1, $verse_list2) my @range1 = $mod->parse_verse_range("John 1:2-12,2:1-4,3:6-7,9-10"); my @range2 = $mod->parse_verse_range("John 1:1-2,2:2,4-6,3:5-8"); my @new_verse_range = $mod->intersect_verse_range(\@range1, \@range2); Take two verse range lists (see parse_verse_range for structure), takes all the verses in common, and puts them into a new range set, removing duplicates. This assumes the two ranges are sorted. =item expand_verse_range(@verse_range) my @verse_list = $mod->expand_verse_range($mod->parse_verse_range("Acts 8:2-4,1; Acts 9")); Take a verse range (see parse_verse_range for structure) and turn it into a simple list of verses. =item make_verse_range_str(@verse_range) my @verse_list = $mod->make_verse_range_str($mod->parse_verse_range("James 1:19-24;Genesis 1-3;Exodus 4:2-4,6;Haggai")); Take a verse range (see parse_verse_range for structure) or verse list and turn it into a human-readable string suitable to pass into parse_verse_range. =head2 CLASS Sword::VerseIterator my $vi = $mod->get_iterator("Genesis 1:1"); my $vi = new Sword::VerseIterator("KJV"); VerseIterator provides functions for moving up and down through the Bible more efficiently than get_verse, next_verse and prev_verse in Sword::Module. It is best to get this using Sword::Module->get_iterator($verse). =item new($module_name) my $vi = new Sword::VerseIterator("KJV"); Create a new VerseIterator on the specified module. =item get_verse print "Current verse (", $vi->get_key(), ") is ", $vi->get_verse(), "\n"; Get the current verse text (meaning the actual Bible text at that verse). =item get_key print "Current verse (", $vi->get_key(), ") is ", $vi->get_verse(), "\n"; Get the current verse key (e.g. "Malachi 5:5") =item go_to_verse($verse) die "Could not go to Malachi 5:5" if !$vi->go_to_verse("Malachi 5:5"); Go to the specified verse (e.g. "Malachi 5:5"). Returns 0 on success, nonzero on on failure. =item next([$how_far]) die "Could not go to the next verse after " . $vi->get_key if !$vi->next; Advance the iterator forward through the Bible. how_far (default 1) tells how many verses to go. Returns 0 on success, nonzero on on failure. =item prev([$how_far]) die "Could not go to the verse before " . $vi->get_key if !$vi->prev; Advance the iterator backward through the Bible. how_far (default 1) tells how many verses to go. Returns 0 on success, nonzero on on failure. =item get_book print "Current verse is ", $vi->get_book, " ", $vi->get_chapter_num, ":", $vi->get_verse_num, ".\n"; Get the current book (canonical--i.e. Revelation of John even if you specified Revelation in go_to_verse or set_book). =item get_chapter_num print "Current verse is ", $vi->get_book, " ", $vi->get_chapter_num, ":", $vi->get_verse_num, ".\n"; Get the current chapter #. =item get_verse_num print "Current verse is ", $vi->get_book, " ", $vi->get_chapter_num, ":", $vi->get_verse_num, ".\n"; Get the current verse # within the chapter. =item set_book $vi->set_book("Genesis"); $vi->set_chapter_num(4); $vi->set_verse_num(5); print $vi->get_key, " : ", $vi->get_verse, "\n"; Set the book the iterator is on. This resets chapter and verse to 1. =item set_chapter_num $vi->set_book("Genesis"); $vi->set_chapter_num(4); $vi->set_verse_num(5); print $vi->get_key, " : ", $vi->get_verse, "\n"; Set the chapter in the current book. This resets verse to 1. =item set_verse_num $vi->set_book("Genesis"); $vi->set_chapter_num(4); $vi->set_verse_num(5); print $vi->get_key, " : ", $vi->get_verse, "\n"; Set the verse in the current chapter. =item get_module_name print "The module we're using is ", $vi->get_module_name, "\n"; Get the name of the module this VerseIterator is going through. =head1 AUTHOR John Keiser, =head1 SEE ALSO L. =cut