use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my $sword_lib_path; my $sword_lib_path_raw; my $sword_include_path; sub find_inc { my ($inc_dir) = @_; if(-f "$inc_dir/swmgr.h") { print "$inc_dir.\n"; $sword_include_path = "-I$inc_dir "; return 1; } else { if($inc_dir !~ /sword$/) { return find_inc("$inc_dir/sword"); } return; } } sub find_lib { my ($lib_dir) = @_; if(-f "$lib_dir/libsword.a") { print "$lib_dir.\n"; $sword_lib_path = "-L$lib_dir "; $sword_lib_path_raw = "$lib_dir"; return 1; } else { return; } } sub search_lib_path { print "Searching for Sword library ... "; foreach my $lib_dir (@_) { if(find_lib($lib_dir)) { return 1; } } print join(" ", @_), "\n"; die "Sword not found! Set SWORD_LIB_PATH to the directory where your libsword.a is. You can download Sword from "; } sub search_inc_path { print "Searching for Sword headers ... "; foreach my $inc_dir (@_) { if(find_inc($inc_dir)) { return 1; } } print join(" ", @_), "\n"; die "Sword headers not found! Set SWORD_INCLUDE_PATH to the directory where your Sword include files are.\n"; } sub one_dir_up { my ($dir) = @_; $dir =~ s!/[^/]+/*$!!g; return $dir ? $dir : "/"; } search_lib_path($ENV{SWORD_LIB_PATH}, $ENV{SWORD_PATH}, one_dir_up($ENV{SWORD_PATH}) . "/lib", "/lib", "/usr/lib", "/usr/local/lib", split(":", $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH})); search_inc_path(one_dir_up($sword_lib_path_raw) . "/include", $ENV{SWORD_INCLUDE_PATH}, $ENV{SWORD_PATH}, one_dir_up($ENV{SWORD_PATH}) . "/include", "/usr/include", "/usr/local/include"); if(! $sword_include_path ) { } $CC = 'g++'; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'Sword', 'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION 'PREREQ_PM' => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => '', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'John Keiser ') : ()), 'LIBS' => ["$sword_lib_path-lsword -lz"], # e.g., '-lm' 'DEFINE' => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' 'CC' => $CC, 'LD' => '$(CC)', # Insert -I. if you add *.h files later: 'INC' => "$sword_include_path", # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other' # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later: # 'OBJECT' => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too 'XSOPT' => '-C++', 'TYPEMAPS' => ['' ], );