//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #pragma hdrstop #include "mainfrm.h" #include "swdisprtfchap.h" #include "searchfrm.h" #include "swwinlog.h" #include "AboutBoxfrm.h" #include "ModInstForm.h" #include "biblecsmgr.h" #include "Greek2Greek.h" #include "bookmarkfrm.h" #include "optionfrm.h" #include "vrslstfrm.h" #include #include #include #include "editentryfrm.h" #include "versesel.h" #include "splashfrm.h" #include "ModVisFrm.h" #include "DevOfTheDay.h" #include "SplashPage.h" //#include "nsEmbedAPI.h" #include #include "sword.h" #include "rtfhintfrm.h" #include "newbmfilefrm.h" #include "RangeMaintFrm.h" #include "PrintFrm.h" #include "PreviewForm.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma link "RxRichEd" //#pragma link "MOZILLACONTROLLib_OCX" //#pragma link "SHDocVw_OCX" #pragma resource "*.dfm" static const char *rtfclasses[] = {"RTFDisp", "SWDisplay", "SWObject", 0}; SWClass RTFDisp::classdef(rtfclasses); TForm1 *Form1; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* inline AnsiString& operator=(AnsiString& dest, const string& src) { dest = src.c_str(); return dest; } */ void __fastcall TForm1::AppMessage(tagMSG &Msg, bool &Handled) { if (Msg.message == WM_VERSE) { HKEY hkey; LONG result; unsigned long verSize = 32; result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "sword\\OpenVerse", NULL, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkey); result = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &verSize); char* verStr = new char[verSize]; result = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, verStr, &verSize); result = RegCloseKey(hkey); result = RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "sword\\OpenVerse"); NavigateVerseURL(verStr); Handled = true; } } void TForm1::NavigateVerseURL (char* verStrIN) { unsigned long verSize = strlen(verStrIN) + 1; char * verStr = new char[verSize]; strcpy (verStr, verStrIN); char * verStr2 = new char[verSize]; unsigned long verSize2 = 0; if (*(verStr + verSize - 2) == '\"') { *(verStr + verSize - 2) = 0; } verSize = 0; if (strstr(verStr, "libronix")) { char* bib = strstr(verStr, "bible:"); if (bib) { verSize = 6 + (unsigned long)(bib - verStr); } } else if (strstr(verStr, "sword://")) { verSize = 9; } else if (*verStr == '\"') { verSize = 1; } while (verStr[verSize] != 0) { verStr2[verSize2] = verStr[verSize]; verSize++; verSize2++; } verStr2[verSize2] = 0; char * verse = strstr(verStr2, "/"); if (verse) { *verse = 0; verse++; } else { verse = verStr2; verStr2 = 0; } freeHandLookup->Text = verse; freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(0, '\r'); delete [] verStr; delete [] verStr2; } __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { optionsconf = new SWConfig("./options.conf"); // add our ui locale info to sword's system localemgr LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.loadConfigDir("./uilocales.d"); Lookup->Text = "[ SWORD DDE Lookup ]"; Search->Text = "[ SWORD DDE Search ]"; modstates.clear(); displays.clear(); ctrlstates.clear(); DefaultVSKey = 0; DefaultStrKey = 0; clickText = ""; lbDictKeysOld->Visible = false; DictKeyEditOld->Visible = false; lbDictKeys = new TTntListBox(this); lbDictKeys->Parent = Panel2; lbDictKeys->Align = alClient; lbDictKeys->Font->Name = "Code2000"; lbDictKeys->OnClick = lbDictKeysOldClick; DictKeyEdit = new TTntEdit(this); DictKeyEdit->Parent = Panel2; DictKeyEdit->Align = alTop; DictKeyEdit->Font->Name = "Code2000"; DictKeyEdit->OnChange = DictKeyEditOldChange; renderingHint = false; closing = false; } void __fastcall TForm1::DisplayHint(TObject* Sender) { StatusBar1->SimpleText = GetLongHint(Application->Hint); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TForm1::~TForm1() { list ::iterator it; int loop; if (mainmgr) delete mainmgr; for (it = displays.begin(); it != displays.end(); it++) delete *it; if (layoutconf) delete layoutconf; if (optionsconf) delete optionsconf; for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++) { if (ctrlstates[loop]) delete ctrlstates[loop]; } if (DefaultVSKey) delete DefaultVSKey; if (DefaultStrKey) delete DefaultStrKey; list ::iterator mit; for (mit = modstates.begin(); mit != modstates.end(); mit++) { delete (*mit); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- char TForm1::CreateTextPane(SWModule *mod) { TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this); SWDispRTFChap *newrtf = new SWDispRTFChap(this); char buf[1024]; SectionMap::iterator sit; newtab->Caption = mod->Name(); newtab->Hint = mod->Description(); newtab->ParentShowHint = true; newtab->PageControl = TextPageControl; newrtf->Parent = newtab; newrtf->Align = alClient; newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical; newrtf->ReadOnly = true; newrtf->PopupMenu = (strcmp(mod->Name(), "N27U4")) ? PopupMenu2 : PopupMenu1; newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown; newrtf->Name = String("TextRTF")+mod->Name(); newrtf->module = mod; newrtf->recalcAppearance(); SWDisplay *disp = new RTFDisp(newrtf); mod->Disp(disp); displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp); mod->setKey(*DefaultVSKey); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- char TForm1::CreateCommentPane(SWModule *mod) { TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this); TWinControl *newrtf; char buf[1024]; SectionMap::iterator sit; newtab->Caption = mod->Name(); newtab->Hint = mod->Description(); newtab->ParentShowHint = true; newtab->PageControl = CommentaryPageControl; if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second == "HREFCom") { // if (mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()]["External"] == "1") { newrtf = new TPanel(this); ((TPanel *)newrtf)->Caption = "Syncronizing to External Viewer"; SWDisplay *disp = new DispExternal(); mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp)); newrtf->Parent = newtab; /* } else { // newrtf = new THTML(this->Handle); // newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this); newrtf = HTML1; newrtf->Visible = true; mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new HREFDisp((THTML *)newrtf))); // mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf))); } */ } else { /* IE Control newrtf = new TCppWebBrowser(this); HREFDisp *disp = new HREFDisp((TCppWebBrowser *)newrtf); newrtf->Visible = true; mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp)); ((TCppWebBrowser *)newrtf)->OnBeforeNavigate2 = CppWebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2; */ newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this); SWDisplay *disp = new RTFDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf); mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp)); ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ScrollBars = ssVertical; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ReadOnly = true; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->Name = String("CommentRTF")+mod->Name(); if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second == "RawFiles") { ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu3; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ExpandNewLine = false; } else ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->OnURLClick = RTFURLClick; newrtf->Parent = newtab; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->module = mod; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->recalcAppearance(); } newrtf->Align = alClient; mod->setKey(*DefaultVSKey); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- char TForm1::CreateLDPane(SWModule *mod) { TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this); SWDispRTF *newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this); SectionMap::iterator sit; char buf[1024]; newtab->Caption = mod->Name(); newtab->Hint = mod->Description(); newtab->ParentShowHint = true; newtab->PageControl = LexDictPageControl; newrtf->Parent = newtab; newrtf->Align = alClient; newrtf->ScrollBars = ssVertical; newrtf->ReadOnly = true; newrtf->Name = String("LexDictRTF")+mod->Name(); newrtf->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2; newrtf->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown; newrtf->OnURLClick = RTFURLClick; newrtf->module = mod; newrtf->recalcAppearance(); SWDisplay *disp = new RTFDisp(newrtf); mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp)); mod->setKey(*DefaultStrKey); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::BookTOCChange(TObject* Sender, TTreeNode* Node) { ModMap::iterator it; if (mainmgr) { it = mainmgr->Modules.find(CommentaryPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { ((TreeKeyIdx *)(SWKey *)*(it->second))->setOffset((long)Node->Data); (*it).second->Display(); if (logmodstate) modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(CommentaryPageControl, CommentaryPageControl->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText())); } } } char TForm1::CreateBookPane(SWModule *mod) { TTabSheet *newtab = new TTabSheet(this); TWinControl *newrtf; char buf[1024]; SectionMap::iterator sit; TTreeView *toc = new TTreeView(this); newtab->Caption = mod->Name(); newtab->Hint = mod->Description(); newtab->ParentShowHint = true; newtab->PageControl = CommentaryPageControl; TSplitter *splitter = new TSplitter(this); splitter->Parent = newtab; splitter->Align = alLeft; toc->Parent = newtab; toc->Align = alLeft; toc->OnChange = BookTOCChange; toc->Items->Clear(); newrtf = new SWDispRTF(this); SWDisplay *disp = new RTFBookDisp((SWDispRTF *)newrtf, toc); mod->Disp(*displays.insert(displays.begin(), disp)); ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ScrollBars = ssVertical; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ReadOnly = true; if ((*mainmgr->config->Sections[mod->Name()].find("ModDrv")).second == "RawFiles") { ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu3; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->ExpandNewLine = false; } else ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->PopupMenu = PopupMenu2; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->OnMouseDown = RTFMouseDown; newrtf->Parent = newtab; newrtf->Align = alClient; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->module = mod; ((SWDispRTF *)newrtf)->recalcAppearance(); // mod->setKey(*DefaultVSKey); return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::TextPageControlChange(TObject *Sender) { RefreshActiveSheet(TextPageControl); Form1->ActiveControl = TextPageControl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TForm1::RefreshActiveSheet(TPageControl *pc) { ModMap::iterator it; if (mainmgr) { it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { SWModule *module = it->second; module->Display(); pc->Hint = module->Description(); if (logmodstate) modstates.insert(modstates.begin(), new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, module->KeyText())); if (pc == LexDictPageControl) FillDictKeys(); } } } void TForm1::TextKeyChanged() { cbBook->ItemIndex = cbBook->Items->IndexOf(DefaultVSKey->books[DefaultVSKey->Testament()-1][DefaultVSKey->Book()-1].name); CHBox->Text = DefaultVSKey->Chapter(); VSBox->Text = DefaultVSKey->Verse(); freeHandLookup->Text = (const char *)*DefaultVSKey; RefreshActiveSheet(TextPageControl); logmodstate = false; // only log state once RefreshActiveSheet(CommentaryPageControl); logmodstate = true; } void __fastcall TForm1::btnLookupClick(TObject *Sender) { if (!(StrToInt(CHBox->Text)) || (!StrToInt(VSBox->Text))) DefaultVSKey->AutoNormalize(0); if (StrToInt(CHBox->Text) < 0) CHBox->Text = StrToInt(CHBox->Text) + 1; if (StrToInt(VSBox->Text) < 0) VSBox->Text = StrToInt(VSBox->Text) + 1; (*DefaultVSKey) = (cbBook->Text + " " + CHBox->Text + ":" + VSBox->Text).c_str(); TextKeyChanged(); DefaultVSKey->AutoNormalize(1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::CommentaryPageControlChange(TObject *Sender) { RefreshActiveSheet(CommentaryPageControl); Form1->ActiveControl = CommentaryPageControl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::DictKeyEditOldChange(TObject *Sender) { if (DefaultStrKey) { // if (DictKeyEdit->Modified) { *DefaultStrKey = WideStringToUTF8(DictKeyEdit->Text).c_str(); RefreshActiveSheet(LexDictPageControl); DictKeyEdit->Modified = false; // } } } void TForm1::FillDictKeys() { ModMap::iterator it; int index = 0; SWKey saveKey; ConfigEntMap::const_iterator const_eit; string fontname; if (mainmgr) { it = mainmgr->Modules.find(LexDictPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { SWModule *module = (*it).second; RTFDisp *disp = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(RTFDisp, module->Disp()); if (disp) { SWDispRTF *rtfDisp = (SWDispRTF*) disp->editControl(); rtfDisp->recalcAppearance(); lbDictKeys->Font->Name = rtfDisp->dispAttribs.fontName; lbDictKeys->Font->Size = rtfDisp->dispAttribs.fontSize; lbDictKeys->Color = rtfDisp->dispAttribs.backColor; lbDictKeys->Font->Color = rtfDisp->dispAttribs.fontColor; DictKeyEdit->Font->Name = rtfDisp->dispAttribs.fontName; DictKeyEdit->Font->Size = rtfDisp->dispAttribs.fontSize; } module->KeyText(); // snap to entry saveKey = module->KeyText(); int count = lbDictKeys->Height / lbDictKeys->ItemHeight; lbDictKeys->Items->Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < (count / 2); i++) (*module)++; for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) (*module)--; module->Error(); for (;!module->Error() && count;count--,(*module)++) { lbDictKeys->Items->Add(UTF8ToWideString(module->KeyText())); if (saveKey == module->Key()) index = lbDictKeys->Items->Count-1; } lbDictKeys->ItemIndex = index; *DefaultStrKey = saveKey; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::LexDictPageControlChange(TObject *Sender) { *DefaultStrKey = WideStringToUTF8(DictKeyEdit->Text).c_str(); RefreshActiveSheet(LexDictPageControl); Form1->ActiveControl = LexDictPageControl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::NewSearchWindow1Click(TObject *Sender) { searchForm->Show(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::Exit1Click(TObject *Sender) { Close(); } void __fastcall TForm1::About1Click(TObject *Sender) { AboutBox->ShowModal(); } WideString TForm1::TrimJunk(WideString src) { bool hasDigit = false; bool hasAlpha = false; WideString retVal = ""; int len = src.Length(); for (int i = 1; i <=len; i++) { if (isdigit(src[i])) hasDigit = true; if (isalpha(src[i]) || (src[i] > 255)) hasAlpha = true; } for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) { if (hasDigit && !hasAlpha) { // number if (isdigit(src[i])) retVal += (WideString)src[i]; } else if (hasAlpha) { // alpha if (isalpha(src[i]) || (src[i] > 255)) retVal += (WideString)src[i]; } else retVal += (WideString)src[i]; } return retVal; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::DictionaryLookup1Click(TObject *Sender) { SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; int wordstart; int saveSelStart = rtf->SelStart; String lookupKey; ConfigEntMap::iterator eit; char preChar = 0; if (!rtf->SelLength) { preChar = (rtf->WordAtCursor().Length()) ? rtf->WordAtCursor()[1] : 0; lookupKey = TrimJunk(rtf->WordAtCursor()); } else { preChar = rtf->Text[(rtf->SelStart)?rtf->SelStart:0]; lookupKey = Trim(rtf->SelText); } // check if all digits (strongs) int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(lookupKey.c_str()); i++) { if (!isdigit(lookupKey.c_str()[i])) break; } if ((i == strlen(lookupKey.c_str())) && (i)) { String curLex = LexDictPageControl->ActivePage->Caption; String feature = (DefaultVSKey->Testament() == 1)?"Hebrew":"Greek"; feature += (preChar == '(')?"Parse":"Def"; if (!strncmp(rtf->Name.c_str(), "TextRTFLXX", 10)) feature = "GreekDef"; if (!hasFeature(mainmgr, curLex.c_str(), feature.c_str())) { string tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"][feature.c_str()]; for (int i = 0; i < LexDictPageControl->PageCount; i++) { if (!stricmp(LexDictPageControl->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), tmpval.c_str())) { LexDictPageControl->ActivePageIndex = i; break; } } } } DictKeyEdit->Text = UTF8ToWideString(lookupKey); } void __fastcall TForm1::verseLookupClick(TObject *Sender) { SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; int wordstart; int saveSelStart = rtf->SelStart; if (!rtf->SelLength) { for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--); rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0; for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++); rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length()) - rtf->SelStart - 1; freeHandLookup->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText); rtf->SelStart = saveSelStart; rtf->SelLength = 0; } else freeHandLookup->Text = Trim(rtf->SelText); char ret = '\r'; freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(Sender, ret); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::SaveLayout1Click(TObject *Sender) { ConfigEntMap sit; sit = layoutconf->Sections["Screen"]; if(Form1->WindowState == wsMaximized) { sit["Maximized"] = "true"; } else { sit["Maximized"] = "false"; sit["MainTop"] = IntToStr(Form1->Top).c_str(); sit["MainLeft"] = IntToStr(Form1->Left).c_str(); sit["MainHeight"] = IntToStr(Form1->Height).c_str(); sit["MainWidth"] = IntToStr(Form1->Width).c_str(); } sit["TextComHeight"] = IntToStr(pnlTextCom->Height).c_str(); sit["TextWidth"] = IntToStr(pnlText->Width).c_str(); if(searchForm->WindowState == wsMaximized) { sit["SearchMaximized"] = "true"; } else { sit["SearchMaximized"] = "false"; sit["SearchTop"] = IntToStr(searchForm->Top).c_str(); sit["SearchLeft"] = IntToStr(searchForm->Left).c_str(); sit["SearchWidth"] = IntToStr(searchForm->Width).c_str(); sit["SearchHeight"] = IntToStr(searchForm->Height).c_str(); } OptionsList options = mainmgr->getGlobalOptions(); for (OptionsList::iterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); it++) { string value = mainmgr->getGlobalOption(it->c_str()); (*layoutconf)["ModuleOptions"][it->c_str()] = value; } layoutconf->Sections["Screen"] = sit; layoutconf->Save(); } void TForm1::fillVKeySelector(VerseKey *vk) { VerseKey *myVk = (VerseKey *)vk->clone(); myVk->Error(); //clear error (*myVk) = TOP; cbBook->Clear(); while (!myVk->Error()) { AnsiString s1 = (const char *)(*myVk); s1.SetLength(s1.Length() - 4); cbBook->Items->Add(s1); myVk->Book(myVk->Book() + 1); } delete myVk; } void TForm1::i12ize(const char *lang) { LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName(lang); // TODO 5 -cConfiguration Ops -oScribe: add mainmgr->configpath, or something, to beginning of these image names ??? const char *tmp; Graphics::TBitmap *bitmap = 0; TPicture *pic = new TPicture(); ImageList1->Clear(); tmp = _tr("BackBtnImage"); if (strcmp("BackBtnImage", tmp)) { pic->LoadFromFile(tmp); bitmap = pic->Bitmap; } else bitmap = BackBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap; TColor transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0]; ImageList1->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor); tmp = _tr("SearchBtnImage"); if (strcmp("SearchBtnImage", tmp)) { pic->LoadFromFile(tmp); bitmap = pic->Bitmap; } else bitmap = SearchBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap; transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0]; ImageList1->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor); bitmap = BookmarkBtnImage->Picture->Bitmap; transColor = bitmap->Canvas->Pixels[0][0]; ImageList2->AddMasked(bitmap, transColor); delete pic; // MainForm File1->Caption = _tr("&File"); SaveLayout1->Caption = _tr("S&ave Layout"); Print1->Caption = _tr("&Print..."); Exit1->Caption = _tr("E&xit"); Edit1->Caption = _tr("&Edit"); Copy1->Caption = _tr("&Copy"); Copy2->Caption = _tr("&Copy"); Copy3->Caption = _tr("&Copy"); Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy"); NewVer1->Caption = _tr("&New Verse List"); CopyasBGreekTransliteration1->Caption = _tr("Copy as &B-Greek Transliteration"); MenuItem1->Caption = _tr("Dictionary Lookup"); Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy"); Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy"); Copy4->Caption = _tr("&Copy"); Options2->Caption = _tr("Options"); Options1->Caption = _tr("&Preferences..."); Search1->Caption = _tr("&Search"); NewSearchWindow1->Caption = _tr("&New Search Window"); Tools1->Caption = _tr("&Tools"); InstallManager1->Caption = _tr("Install Manager"); Help1->Caption = _tr("&Help"); Contents1->Caption = _tr("Contents"); DevotionaloftheDay1->Caption = _tr("Devotional of the Day"); About1->Caption = _tr("&About"); Bookmarkbtn->Caption = _tr("Bookmark"); DictionaryLookup1->Caption = _tr("Dictionary Lookup"); DictionaryLookup2->Caption = _tr("Dictionary Lookup"); EditEntry1->Caption = _tr("&Edit Entry"); DeleteEntry1->Caption = _tr("&Delete Entry"); LinktoVerse1->Caption = _tr("Link to Comment for Verse..."); AddBookmark1->Caption = _tr("&Add Bookmark"); EditBookmarks1->Caption = _tr("&Edit Bookmarks / Tree View..."); HideShowModules1->Caption = _tr("Hide / Show Modules"); ToolButton3->Hint = _tr("Go Back To Previous Location"); ToolButton4->Hint = _tr("Bring Up Search Window"); TextPageControl->Hint = _tr("Biblical Texts"); CommentaryPageControl->Hint = _tr("Commentaries"); LexDictPageControl->Hint = _tr("Lexicons / Dictionaries"); // AboutBox AboutBox->Caption = _tr("About The SWORD Project"); AboutBox->OKButton->Caption = _tr("OK"); // bookmarkForm bookmarkForm->Caption = _tr("Bookmarks"); // DevOfTheDay2 DevOfTheDay2->Caption = _tr("Devotion for Today"); DevOfTheDay2->ckShowTip->Caption = _tr("Show Devotional at Startup"); DevOfTheDay2->btnOK->Caption = _tr("&Close"); DevOfTheDay2->Label1->Caption = _tr("Words To Live By..."); // EditEntryForm EditEntryForm->Caption = _tr("Edit Entry"); EditEntryForm->Label1->Caption = _tr("Font Size:"); // ModInstForm ModInstFrm->Caption = _tr("Found New Module..."); ModInstFrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK"); // ModVisForm ModVisForm->Caption = _tr("Check Modules To Show As Tabs"); ModVisForm->modList->Columns->Items[0]->Caption = _tr("Module"); ModVisForm->modList->Columns->Items[1]->Caption = _tr("Description"); ModVisForm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK"); ModVisForm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel"); // NewBMfrm NewBMfrm->Caption = _tr("Add New Bookmark File"); NewBMfrm->Label1->Caption = _tr("File Name (without extension):"); NewBMfrm->Label2->Caption = _tr("Bookmark Section Title:"); NewBMfrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK"); NewBMfrm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel"); // OptionsForm /* DONE 2 -cLocalize : Change Module Type to Window Type here and in the localization files and get it updated by our local guys :) */ Optionsfrm->Caption = _tr("Preferences"); Optionsfrm->TabSheet1->Caption = _tr("General"); Optionsfrm->TabSheet2->Caption = _tr("Special Modules"); Optionsfrm->TabSheet3->Caption = _tr("Display"); Optionsfrm->gbPersonalize->Caption = _tr("Personalize"); Optionsfrm->AutoBMPersonal->Caption = _tr("Autosave Personal Bookmarks"); Optionsfrm->AutoBMOther->Caption = _tr("Autosave Other Bookmarks"); Optionsfrm->HintPopups->Caption = _tr("Show Hint Pop-ups"); Optionsfrm->Label4->Caption = _tr("Language"); Optionsfrm->AutoLayout->Caption = _tr("Autosave Screen Layout"); Optionsfrm->HintStrongs->Caption = _tr("Show Lexicon Lookup Over Strongs Numbers"); Optionsfrm->HintVLists->Caption = _tr("Show Preview Over Verse Lists"); Optionsfrm->HintWords->Caption = _tr("Show Glossary Lookup Over Words (CTRL-W)"); Optionsfrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK"); Optionsfrm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel"); Optionsfrm->gbDefModules->Caption = _tr("Original Language Support - Default Modules"); Optionsfrm->Label7->Caption = _tr("Definitions"); Optionsfrm->Label8->Caption = _tr("Parsing"); Optionsfrm->Label5->Caption = _tr("Greek"); Optionsfrm->Label6->Caption = _tr("Hebrew"); Optionsfrm->Label10->Caption = _tr("Strong's Numbered Text"); Optionsfrm->gbDevos->Caption = _tr("Daily Devotionals"); Optionsfrm->Label9->Caption = _tr("Default Devotional"); Optionsfrm->Label17->Caption = _tr("Default General Dictionary"); Optionsfrm->devSplashCB->Caption = _tr("Show Devotional Splash Screen on Startup"); Optionsfrm->devsAsDictsCB->Caption = _tr("Show Devotionals as Dictionaries"); Optionsfrm->gbGloss->Caption = _tr("Glossaries / General Dictionaries"); Optionsfrm->glosAsDictsCB->Caption = _tr("Show Glossaries as Dictionaries"); Optionsfrm->gbColors->Caption = _tr("Display Colors"); Optionsfrm->Label2->Caption = _tr("Preview"); Optionsfrm->Label3->Caption = _tr("Window Type"); Optionsfrm->Label14->Caption = _tr("Scheme"); Optionsfrm->Label11->Caption = _tr("Text Styles and Colors"); Optionsfrm->btnFont->Caption = _tr("Select Font..."); Optionsfrm->Label13->Caption = _tr("Verse Number Color"); Optionsfrm->btnNumClr->Caption = _tr("Select Color..."); Optionsfrm->AutoVSColor->Caption = _tr("Current Verse Color"); Optionsfrm->btnCurrVerse->Caption = _tr("Select Color..."); Optionsfrm->Label15->Caption = _tr("Combo/Edit Fields"); Optionsfrm->btnFieldClr->Caption = _tr("Select Color..."); Optionsfrm->Label1->Caption = _tr("Individual Modules (Font Only)"); Optionsfrm->btnModFonts->Caption = _tr("Select Font..."); Optionsfrm->Label12->Caption = _tr("Strong's Numbers <...>"); Optionsfrm->Label16->Caption = _tr("Strong's Tense (...)"); Optionsfrm->btnStrongClr->Caption = _tr("Select Color..."); Optionsfrm->btnMorphClr->Caption = _tr("Select Color..."); // RangeMaintForm RangeMaintForm->Caption = _tr("Maintain Custom Ranges"); RangeMaintForm->Label1->Caption = _tr("Range Name"); RangeMaintForm->Label2->Caption = _tr("Range Text"); RangeMaintForm->Label3->Caption = _tr("eg. mat-jo;rev4"); RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton1->Caption = _tr("&Add"); RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton2->Caption = _tr("&Remove"); RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton3->Caption = _tr("&Save"); RangeMaintForm->SpeedButton4->Caption = _tr("&Cancel"); // searchForm searchForm->Caption = _tr("Search..."); searchForm->searchBtn->Caption = _tr("Search"); searchForm->searchTypeGroup->Caption = _tr("Search Type"); searchForm->searchTypeGroup->Items->CommaText = _tr("\"Mult Word\",\"Phrase\",\"Regular Expression\""); searchForm->caseSensitiveCkBx->Caption = _tr("Case Sensitive"); searchForm->searchOptionsGroup->Caption = _tr("Search Options"); searchForm->scopeGroup->Caption = _tr("Scope"); searchForm->scopeGroup->Items->CommaText = _tr("\"Entire Module\",\"Current Results\",\"Custom Range\""); searchForm->customRangeBtn->Caption = _tr("Define Custom Range"); searchForm->resultsLV->Columns->Items[0]->Caption = _tr("Reference"); searchForm->resultsLV->Columns->Items[1]->Caption = _tr("Preview..."); searchForm->lblChooseModule->Caption = _tr("Choose Module"); searchForm->Button2->Caption = _tr("&Help"); searchForm->Button3->Caption = _tr("Create Verse&List From Result"); // VerseSelFrm VerseSelFrm->Caption = _tr("Type Verse"); VerseSelFrm->OkBtn->Caption = _tr("OK"); VerseSelFrm->CancelBtn->Caption = _tr("Cancel"); // VerseListFrm VerseListForm->Caption = _tr("Verse List"); VerseListForm->SpeedButton1->Hint = _tr("Add Current Verse To List"); VerseListForm->SpeedButton2->Hint = _tr("Remove Highlighted Entry From List"); VerseListForm->SpeedButton3->Hint = _tr("Copy All Entries To Clipboard"); VerseListForm->SpeedButton4->Hint = _tr("Print All Entries"); VerseListForm->SpeedButton5->Hint = _tr("Save Verse List To File"); VerseListForm->SpeedButton6->Hint = _tr("Load Verse List From File"); // Print Form PrintForm->shtSelection->Caption = _tr("Print Selection"); PrintForm->radText->Caption = _tr("Bible Text"); PrintForm->radComm->Caption = _tr("Commentary Text"); PrintForm->radLD->Caption = _tr("Lexicon/Dictionary Text"); PrintForm->lblModName->Caption = _tr("Module Name"); PrintForm->GroupBox1->Caption = _tr("Print Source"); PrintForm->GroupBox2->Caption = _tr("Print Range"); PrintForm->staticRange->Caption = _tr("Verse List"); PrintForm->shtSetup->Caption = _tr("Page Setup"); PrintForm->labelLeft->Caption = _tr("Left:"); PrintForm->labelRight->Caption = _tr("Right:"); PrintForm->labelTop->Caption = _tr("Top:"); PrintForm->labelBot->Caption = _tr("Bottom:"); PrintForm->ckHeader->Caption = _tr("Print Header"); PrintForm->labelHeader->Caption = _tr("Header Text:"); PrintForm->ckFooter->Caption = _tr("Print Footer"); PrintForm->labelFooter->Caption = _tr("Footer Text:"); PrintForm->editFooter->Text = _tr("Page &p of &t"); PrintForm->GroupBox4->Caption = _tr("Margins (Inches)"); PrintForm->GroupBox5->Caption = _tr("Header/Footer"); PrintForm->shtFormat->Caption = _tr("Formatting Options"); PrintForm->GroupBox3->Caption = _tr("Font and Size"); PrintForm->Label10->Caption = _tr("Chapter Heading"); PrintForm->Label11->Caption = _tr("Body Text:"); PrintForm->Label12->Caption = _tr("Verse Numbers:"); PrintForm->ckBookHead->Caption = _tr("Book Name"); PrintForm->ckChHead->Caption = _tr("Chapter Headings"); PrintForm->ckParagraph->Caption = _tr("Paragraph Format"); PrintForm->labelFont->Caption = _tr("Font:"); PrintForm->ckVSNum->Caption = _tr("Verse Numbers"); PrintForm->ckSuperVS->Caption = _tr("Superscripted"); PrintForm->ckPrefix->Caption = _tr("Prefixed (John 1:1 KJV)..."); PrintForm->ckPostfix->Caption = _tr("Postfixed ...(John 1:1 KJV)"); PrintForm->btnPrint->Caption = _tr("&Print"); PrintForm->btnPreview->Caption = _tr("P&review..."); PrintForm->btnSetup->Caption = _tr("Printer&s..."); PrintForm->btnClose->Caption = _tr("&Close"); // Print Preview Form PreviewForm->btnPrint->Caption = "Print"; PreviewForm->btnClose->Caption = "&Close"; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FormShow(TObject *Sender) { ModMap::iterator it; SectionMap::iterator sit; ConfigEntMap::iterator eit, eitend; AnsiString s1; char textFont[128]; char commentFont[128]; char LDFont[128]; char tempTextFont[128]; char tempCommFont[128]; char tempLDFont[128]; int loop; int maxFiles; TColor fieldColor; string tmpval; bool showDevos; bool showGlos; /* showLocked = true; for (int i=0;i<=ParamCount();i++) { if (LowerCase(ParamStr(i)) == "-noLocked") showLocked = false; } */ logmodstate = true; freshdict = true; if (SWLog::systemlog) delete SWLog::systemlog; SWLog::systemlog = new SWWinLog(this->Handle); // set the system logger to our MSWindows specific SWLog class tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["System"]["MaxFiles"]; if ((maxFiles = atoi(tmpval.c_str()))) { FileMgr::systemFileMgr.maxFiles = maxFiles; } tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["General"]["DevsAsDicts"]; showDevos = (stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "false")); tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["General"]["GlosAsDicts"]; showGlos = (stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "false")); DefaultVSKey = new VerseKey(); DefaultStrKey = new StrKey(); fillVKeySelector(DefaultVSKey); cbBook->ItemIndex = cbBook->Items->IndexOf("James"); DefaultVSKey->Persist(1); // when set to a module, make the module hold on to this actual key and not a copy *DefaultVSKey = "James 1:19"; // set to our standard starting verse DefaultStrKey->Persist(1); *DefaultStrKey = ""; mainmgr = new BibleCSMGR(ModInstFrm); // Load devotion and show form for (it = mainmgr->Modules.begin(); it != mainmgr->Modules.end(); it++) { bool devotional = false; bool glossary = false; // leave out enciphered texts with no key if ((sit = mainmgr->config->Sections.find((*it).second->Name())) != mainmgr->config->Sections.end()) { if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("CipherKey")) != (*sit).second.end()) { const char *cipherKey = (char *)(*eit).second.c_str(); if (strlen(cipherKey) < 1) continue; } for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("Feature"), eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("Feature"); eit != eitend; eit++) { const char *feature = eit->second.c_str(); if (!stricmp(feature, "StrongsNumbers")) { Optionsfrm->strongsNumsCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name()); if (optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("StrongsNumbers") == optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end()) (*optionsconf)["ModDefaults"]["StrongsNumbers"] = it->second->Name(); } if (!stricmp(feature, "GreekDef")) { Optionsfrm->greekDefCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name()); if (optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("GreekDef") == optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end()) (*optionsconf)["ModDefaults"]["GreekDef"] = it->second->Name(); } if (!stricmp(feature, "GreekParse")) { Optionsfrm->greekParseCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name()); if (optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("GreekParse") == optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end()) (*optionsconf)["ModDefaults"]["GreekParse"] = it->second->Name(); } if (!stricmp(feature, "HebrewDef")) { Optionsfrm->hebrewDefCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name()); if (optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("HebrewDef") == optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end()) (*optionsconf)["ModDefaults"]["HebrewDef"] = it->second->Name(); } if (!stricmp(feature, "HebrewParse")) { Optionsfrm->hebrewParseCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name()); if (optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("HebrewParse") == optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end()) (*optionsconf)["ModDefaults"]["HebrewParse"] = it->second->Name(); } if (!stricmp(feature, "DailyDevotion")) { Optionsfrm->dailyDefaultCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name()); devotional = true; if (optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("DailyDevotion") == optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end()) (*optionsconf)["ModDefaults"]["DailyDevotion"] = it->second->Name(); } if (!stricmp(feature, "Glossary")) { glossary = true; } } } if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Biblical Texts")) { CreateTextPane((*it).second); } if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Commentaries")) { CreateCommentPane((*it).second); } if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Generic Books")) { CreateBookPane((*it).second); } if (!strcmp((*it).second->Type(), "Lexicons / Dictionaries")) { if ((!devotional && !glossary) || (showDevos && devotional) || (showGlos && glossary)) CreateLDPane((*it).second); Optionsfrm->genDictCB->Items->AddObject(it->second->Description(), (TObject *)it->second->Name()); if (optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].find("GenDict") == optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"].end()) (*optionsconf)["ModDefaults"]["GenDict"] = it->second->Name(); } optionsconf->Save(); } layoutconf = new SWConfig("./layout.conf"); if ((sit = layoutconf->Sections.find("Screen")) != layoutconf->Sections.end()) { if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainTop")) != (*sit).second.end()) Form1->Top = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainLeft")) != (*sit).second.end()) Form1->Left = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainHeight")) != (*sit).second.end()) Form1->Height = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("MainWidth")) != (*sit).second.end()) Form1->Width = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); Form1->WindowState = (sit->second["Maximized"] == "true") ? wsMaximized : wsNormal; if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("TextComHeight")) != (*sit).second.end()) pnlTextCom->Height = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("TextWidth")) != (*sit).second.end()) pnlText->Width = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchTop")) != (*sit).second.end()) { searchForm->Top = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); searchForm->Position = poDesigned; // because we've set the values } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchLeft")) != (*sit).second.end()) searchForm->Left = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchHeight")) != (*sit).second.end()) searchForm->Height = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SearchWidth")) != (*sit).second.end()) searchForm->Width = atoi((*eit).second.c_str()); searchForm->WindowState = (sit->second["SearchMaximized"] == "true") ? wsMaximized : wsNormal; } for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++) ctrlstates.insert(ctrlstates.begin(), 0); // Add options to Options Main Menu choice sit = layoutconf->Sections.find("ModuleOptions"); OptionsList options = mainmgr->getGlobalOptions(); for (OptionsList::iterator it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); it++) { TMenuItem *newitem = new TMenuItem(MainMenu1); newitem->Caption = it->c_str(); newitem->Default = false; newitem->OnClick = OptionShowVals; newitem->Hint = mainmgr->getGlobalOptionTip(it->c_str()); if (sit != layoutconf->Sections.end()) { if ((eit = sit->second.find(it->c_str())) != sit->second.end()) mainmgr->setGlobalOption(it->c_str(), eit->second.c_str()); } OptionsList values = mainmgr->getGlobalOptionValues(it->c_str()); for (OptionsList::iterator it2 = values.begin(); it2 != values.end(); it2++) { TMenuItem *newitem2 = new TMenuItem(MainMenu1); newitem2->Caption = it2->c_str(); newitem2->Default = false; newitem2->OnClick = GlobalOptionChange; newitem->Add(newitem2); } // Mainmenu->Items->Add(newitem); Options2->Add(newitem); } if ((sit = layoutconf->Sections.find("History")) != layoutconf->Sections.end()) { eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("SearchText"); for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("SearchText"); eit != eitend; eit++) searchForm->SearchText->Items->Add(UTF8ToWideString(eit->second.c_str())); eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("LookupText"); for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("LookupText"); eit != eitend; eit++) freeHandLookup->Items->Add(eit->second.c_str()); if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastTextModule")) != (*sit).second.end()) { for (int i = 0; i < TextPageControl->PageCount; i++) { if (!strcmp(TextPageControl->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), (*eit).second.c_str())) { TextPageControl->ActivePageIndex = i; break; } } } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastComModule")) != (*sit).second.end()) { for (int i = 0; i < CommentaryPageControl->PageCount; i++) { if (!strcmp(CommentaryPageControl->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), (*eit).second.c_str())) { CommentaryPageControl->ActivePageIndex = i; break; } } } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastLDModule")) != (*sit).second.end()) { for (int i = 0; i < LexDictPageControl->PageCount; i++) { if (!strcmp(LexDictPageControl->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), (*eit).second.c_str())) { LexDictPageControl->ActivePageIndex = i; break; } } } if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastLDKey")) != (*sit).second.end()) { DictKeyEdit->Text = UTF8ToWideString((*eit).second.c_str()); } } // set the correct tabs visible ConfigEntMap *section; TPageControl *pc = 0; for (int pcs = 0; pcs < 3; pcs++) { switch (pcs) { case 0: pc = TextPageControl; section = &(*layoutconf)["TextView"]; break; case 1: pc = CommentaryPageControl; section = &(*layoutconf)["CommentView"]; break; case 2: pc = LexDictPageControl; section = &(*layoutconf)["LDView"]; break; } for (int i = 0; i < pc->PageCount; i++) { string heading = pc->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(); pc->Pages[i]->TabVisible = !((*section)[heading.c_str()] == "false"); // !false allows default to be true } } SplashPg->Hide(); tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["General"]["TipOfTheDay"]; if(!stricmp(tmpval.c_str(), "Devotional")) { DevOfTheDay2->Show(); } refreshAppearance(); if (this->Tag) { NavigateVerseURL((char*)(this->Tag)); } else if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("LastVerse")) != (*sit).second.end()) { freeHandLookup->Text = (*eit).second.c_str(); char ret = '\r'; freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(0, ret); } } bool TForm1::hasFeature(SWMgr *mgr, const char *modName, const char *feature) { SectionMap::iterator sit; ConfigEntMap::iterator eit, eitend; if ((sit = mgr->config->Sections.find(modName)) != mgr->config->Sections.end()) { for (eit = (*sit).second.lower_bound("Feature"), eitend = (*sit).second.upper_bound("Feature"); eit != eitend; eit++) { const char *tfeature = eit->second.c_str(); if (!stricmp(tfeature, feature)) return true; } } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::LookupPokeData(TObject *Sender) { char buf[255]; char *token; ModMap::iterator it; strncpy(buf, Lookup->Text.c_str(), 254); buf[254] = 0; token = strtok(buf, " "); if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(token)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { token = strtok(NULL, ""); (*it).second->setKey(token); Lookup->Text = (const char *)(*(*it).second); } else Lookup->Text = ""; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::SearchPokeData(TObject *Sender) { char buf[255]; char *token; ModMap::iterator it; AnsiString retval = ""; strncpy(buf, Search->Text.c_str(), 254); buf[254] = 0; token = strtok(buf, " "); if ((it = mainmgr->Modules.find(token)) != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { token = strtok(NULL, ""); ListKey &results = (*it).second->Search(token, REG_ICASE); while (!results.Error()) { retval = retval + (const char *)results + "; "; results++; } Search->Text = retval; } else Search->Text = ""; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::UpDown3Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button) { ModMap::iterator it; it = mainmgr->Modules.find(LexDictPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { if (Button == btNext) (*((*it).second))++; else (*((*it).second))--; DictKeyEdit->Text = UTF8ToWideString(((*it).second)->KeyText()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::UpDown1Click(TObject *Sender, TUDBtnType Button) { if (Sender == UpDown1) UpDown2->Position = 1; btnLookupClick(Sender); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TForm1::RestoreState(ModState *state) { ModMap::iterator it; if (state) { state->pc->ActivePage = (TTabSheet *)state->ap; if ((state->pc == TextPageControl) || (state->pc == CommentaryPageControl)) { if (mainmgr) { it = mainmgr->Modules.find(state->pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { SWModule *module = it->second; if (!strcmp(module->Type(0), "Generic Books")) { module->setKey(state->key); } else { *DefaultVSKey = state->key; TextKeyChanged(); } } } } if (state->pc == LexDictPageControl) { DictKeyEdit->Text = UTF8ToWideString((const char *)state->key); } if (state->pc->ActivePage->ControlCount){ Form1->SetFocusedControl( (TWinControl *)state->pc->ActivePage->Controls[0] ); } } } void __fastcall TForm1::BackbtnClick(TObject *Sender) { list ::iterator it; logmodstate = false; it = modstates.begin(); if (it != modstates.end()) { it++; if (it != modstates.end()) { RestoreState(*it); delete *modstates.begin(); modstates.erase(modstates.begin(), it); } } logmodstate = true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::CopyasBGreekTransliteration1Click(TObject *Sender) { char *retbuf; int len; TClipboard *clip = new TClipboard(); SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; len = rtf->SelText.Length() * 2; retbuf = new char [ len ]; if (!Greek2bGreek(retbuf, rtf->SelText.c_str(), len)) { clip->SetTextBuf(retbuf); } delete clip; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::Copy1Click(TObject *Sender) { int wordstart; SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; if (!rtf->SelLength) { for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart; (wordstart > -1)&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart--); rtf->SelStart = (wordstart > -1) ? wordstart: 0; for (wordstart = rtf->SelStart + 1; (wordstart < rtf->Text.Length())&&(isdigit(rtf->Text[wordstart])||isalpha(rtf->Text[wordstart])); wordstart++); rtf->SelLength = ((wordstart < rtf->Text.Length()) ? wordstart : rtf->Text.Length()) - rtf->SelStart - 1; } rtf->CopyToClipboard(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::BookmarkItemClick(TObject *Sender) { TMenuItem *menuchoice = (TMenuItem *)Sender; const char *source = menuchoice->Caption.c_str(); char *value = new char [strlen(source) + 1]; int k = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) { if (source[j] != '&') value[k++] = source[j]; } value[k] = 0; *DefaultVSKey = value; delete [] value; TextKeyChanged(); } void __fastcall TForm1::AddBookmark1Click(TObject *Sender) { // TMenuItem *newitem; bookmarkForm->bmtree->Items->AddChild(bookmarkForm->bmtree->Items->Item[0], (const char *)*DefaultVSKey); } void TForm1::AddSectionToMenu(TMenu *menu, TMenuItem *item, TTreeNode *tree) { TMenuItem *newitem; for (tree = tree->getFirstChild(); tree; tree = tree->getNextSibling()) { newitem = new TMenuItem(menu); newitem->Caption = tree->Text; if (!tree->getFirstChild()) newitem->OnClick = BookmarkItemClick; item->Add(newitem); AddSectionToMenu(menu, newitem, tree); } } void TForm1::RefreshBookmarksMenu(TMenu *menu, TTreeView *treeview) { TMenuItem *newitem; TTreeNode *tree = 0; if (treeview->Items->Count) tree = treeview->Items->Item[0]; while (menu->Items->Count > 3) menu->Items->Delete(3); for (;tree;tree = tree->getNextSibling()) { newitem = new TMenuItem(menu); newitem->Caption = tree->Text; menu->Items->Add(newitem); AddSectionToMenu(menu, newitem, tree); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::BookmarkbtnClick(TObject *Sender) { TPoint menup, point; point.x = 0; point.y = Bookmarkbtn->Height; menup = Bookmarkbtn->ClientToScreen(point); RefreshBookmarksMenu(BookmarkPopup, bookmarkForm->bmtree); BookmarkPopup->Popup(menup.x, menup.y); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::EditBookmarks1Click(TObject *Sender) { bookmarkForm->Show(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FormKeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, TShiftState Shift) { char buf[5]; int val; ModMap::iterator it; TPageControl *pc = TextPageControl; if ((Shift.Contains(ssCtrl)) && (!Shift.Contains(ssAlt))) { if ((Key >= '0') && (Key <= '9')) { sprintf(buf, "%c", Key); val = atoi(buf); if (!Shift.Contains(ssShift)) { if ((Screen->ActiveControl == CommentaryPageControl) || (IsChild(CommentaryPageControl->Handle, Screen->ActiveControl->Handle))) pc = CommentaryPageControl; if ((Screen->ActiveControl == LexDictPageControl) || (IsChild(LexDictPageControl->Handle, Screen->ActiveControl->Handle))) pc = LexDictPageControl; it = mainmgr->Modules.find(pc->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { if (ctrlstates[val]) delete ctrlstates[val]; ctrlstates[val] = new ModState(pc, pc->ActivePage, (*it).second->KeyText()); } } else RestoreState(ctrlstates[val]); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::Options1Click(TObject *Sender) { ModMap::iterator it; SectionMap::iterator sit; ConfigEntMap::iterator eit; ConfigEntMap emap; int color; string tmpval; //********************************* //Initialize Preferences Dialog Box Optionsfrm->LoadDispSettings(optionsconf); Optionsfrm->LoadMiscSettings(optionsconf); //********************************* // Show Dialog Box if (Optionsfrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) { // Save Preferences settings :) Optionsfrm->extractSettings(optionsconf); optionsconf->Save(); refreshAppearance(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::cbBookChange(TObject *Sender) { CHBox->Text = "1"; VSBox->Text = "1"; if (Screen->ActiveControl == cbBook) btnLookupClick(Sender); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { // Application->OnHint = DisplayHint; // Application->ShowHint = true; // this->ShowHint = true; // nsresult rv; // rv = NS_InitEmbedding(nsnull, nsnull); Application->OnMessage = AppMessage; Application->Title = "The SWORD Project for Windows"; } void TForm1::AddVerseChoices(TPopupMenu *menu, const char *buf, TRxRichEdit *rtf) { TMenuItem *newitem; tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList((char *)buf, *DefaultVSKey); ModMap::iterator target; target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) { char *keytext = 0; // check for and remove return at end of keytext stdstr(&keytext, (*(*target).second).KeyText()); if (keytext[strlen(keytext)-1] == '\r') keytext[strlen(keytext)-1] = 0; tmpVerseListCaption = String("VerseList from- ") + (*target).first.c_str() + ": " + keytext; delete [] keytext; // --------------------------------- } newitem = new TMenuItem(menu); newitem->Caption = "-"; menu->Items->Add(newitem); newitem = new TMenuItem(menu); newitem->Caption = _tr("Create Verse List"); newitem->Hint = _tr("Create a New Verse List Window"); newitem->Default = true; newitem->OnClick = createVerseList; menu->Items->Add(newitem); int breakcnt = 3; while (!tmpVerseList.Error()) { breakcnt++; newitem = new TMenuItem(menu); newitem->Caption = (const char *)tmpVerseList; newitem->OnClick = BookmarkItemClick; if (!(breakcnt%15)) newitem->Break = mbBreak; menu->Items->Add(newitem); tmpVerseList++; } } void __fastcall TForm1::PopupMenuPopup(TObject *Sender) { int versestart, verseend; TPopupMenu *menu = (TPopupMenu *)Sender; int staticMenuItemsCount = 0; TMenuItem *newitem; if (menu == PopupMenu1) staticMenuItemsCount = 4; else if (menu == PopupMenu2) staticMenuItemsCount = 3; else if (menu == PopupMenu3) staticMenuItemsCount = 7; while (menu->Items->Count > staticMenuItemsCount) menu->Items->Delete(staticMenuItemsCount); SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; if (clickText.Length()) { string highlight = Trim(clickText).c_str(); tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList((char *)highlight.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey); if (tmpVerseList.Count()) AddVerseChoices(menu, highlight.c_str(), rtf); } else if (!rtf->SelLength) { int entrylen = strlen(rtf->Text.c_str()); char *entrytext = new char [ entrylen + 1 ]; int selstart = rtf->SelStart; strcpy(entrytext, rtf->Text.c_str()); // for (versestart = rtf->SelStart; ((versestart)&&(rtf->Text[versestart] != '#')); versestart--); String verseList = ""; rtf->SelLength = 1; if (rtf->SelAttributes->Link) { int saveStart = rtf->SelStart; int last = -1; while ((rtf->SelStart != last) && (rtf->SelAttributes->Link)) { last = rtf->SelStart; rtf->SelStart -= 1; rtf->SelLength = 1; } int start = rtf->SelStart + 1; rtf->SelStart++; rtf->SelLength = 1; last = -1; while ((rtf->SelStart != last) && (rtf->SelAttributes->Link)) { last = rtf->SelStart; rtf->SelStart += 1; rtf->SelLength = 1; } int len = (rtf->SelStart - start); rtf->SelStart = saveStart; verseList = rtf->GetTextRange(start, start+len); AddVerseChoices(menu, verseList.c_str(), rtf); } rtf->SelLength = 0; if (!verseList.Length()) { for (versestart = selstart; ((versestart)&&(entrytext[versestart] != '#')); versestart--); if (versestart) { for (verseend = versestart; ((verseend < entrylen) && (entrytext[verseend] != '|')); verseend++); if ((verseend < entrylen) && (verseend > selstart)) { int len = (verseend - versestart) + 1; char *buf = new char [ len + 1 ]; memset(buf, 0 , len + 1); strncpy(buf, &entrytext[versestart+1], len - 2); // strip the # and | from the string int buflen = strlen(buf); for (int i = 0; i < buflen; i++) { if ((buf[i] == 10) || (buf[i] == 13)) buf[i] = ' '; } AddVerseChoices(menu, buf, rtf); delete [] buf; } } } delete [] entrytext; } else { string highlight = Trim(rtf->SelText).c_str(); tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList((char *)highlight.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey); if (tmpVerseList.Count()) AddVerseChoices(menu, highlight.c_str(), rtf); // newitem = new TMenuItem(menu); // newitem->Caption = "Verse Lookup"; // newitem->Hint = "Attempt to lookup highlighted text as a verse"; // newitem->OnClick = verseLookupClick; // menu->Items->Add(newitem); } clickText = ""; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::createVerseList(TObject *Sender) { TVerseListForm *tmpForm = new TVerseListForm(this, tmpVerseList); tmpForm->Caption = tmpVerseListCaption; tmpForm->Show(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::freeHandLookupoldKeyPress(TObject *Sender, char &Key) { if (Key == '\r') { ListKey tmpVerseList = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList(freeHandLookup->Text.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey); if (tmpVerseList.Count()) { int index = freeHandLookup->Items->IndexOf(freeHandLookup->Text); freeHandLookup->Items->Insert(0, freeHandLookup->Text); if (index >= 0) freeHandLookup->Items->Delete(index+1); freeHandLookup->ItemIndex = 0; if (tmpVerseList.Count() > 1) { TVerseListForm *tmpForm = new TVerseListForm(this, tmpVerseList); tmpForm->Caption = _tr("User Verse List"); tmpForm->Show(); } tmpVerseList = TOP; *DefaultVSKey = tmpVerseList; TextKeyChanged(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::RTFMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y) { ((TWinControl *)Sender)->SetFocus(); TRichEdit *rtf = (TRichEdit *)Sender; if (Button == mbRight) { if (!rtf->SelLength) SendMessage(rtf->Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, MAKELONG(X, Y)); TPoint menup, point; point.x = X; point.y = Y; menup = rtf->ClientToScreen(point); rtf->PopupMenu->Popup(menup.x, menup.y); } } void __fastcall TForm1::RTFURLClick(TObject *Sender, const AnsiString URLText, TMouseButton Button) { if (!renderingHint) { TRichEdit *rtf = (TRichEdit *)Sender; clickText = URLText; rtf->PopupMenu->Popup(Mouse->CursorPos.x, Mouse->CursorPos.y); } else renderingHint = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::EditEntry1Click(TObject *Sender) { SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; SWModule *module; // EditEntry->RichEdit1->Text = rtf->Text; ModMap::iterator target; target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) { EditEntryForm->Module = module = (*target).second; EditEntryForm->RTFDisplay = rtf; } else EditEntryForm->Module = module = 0; EditEntryForm->ShowModal(); if (EditEntryForm->ResultBuf) { if (module) // DictKeyEdit->Text = EditEntry->ResultBuf; // for testing purposes *module << EditEntryForm->ResultBuf; } RefreshActiveSheet(CommentaryPageControl); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::DeleteEntry1Click(TObject *Sender) { string message = _tr("Are you sure you wish to delete this entry?"); string header = _tr("Delete Entry"); if (MessageBox(Handle, message.c_str(), header.c_str(), MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; SWModule *module; ModMap::iterator target; target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) { module = (*target).second; module->deleteEntry(); } RefreshActiveSheet(CommentaryPageControl); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::LinktoVerse1Click(TObject *Sender) { if (VerseSelFrm->ShowModal() == mrOk) { SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; SWModule *module; ModMap::iterator target; SWKey *linkkey = new VerseKey(VerseSelFrm->Panel2->Caption.c_str()); target = mainmgr->Modules.find(((TPageControl*)rtf->Parent->Parent)->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (target != Form1->mainmgr->Modules.end()) { module = (*target).second; *module << linkkey; } RefreshActiveSheet(CommentaryPageControl); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::GlobalOptionChange(TObject *Sender) { // ModMap::iterator it; // SectionMap::iterator sit; // ConfigEntMap::iterator eit, eitend; ConfigEntMap::iterator eit; TMenuItem *menuchoice = (TMenuItem *)Sender; const char *source = menuchoice->Caption.c_str(); char *value = new char [strlen(source) + 1]; int k = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) { if (source[j] != '&') value[k++] = source[j]; } value[k] = 0; source = menuchoice->Parent->Caption.c_str(); char *option = new char [strlen(source) + 1]; k = 0; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) { if (source[j] != '&') option[k++] = source[j]; } option[k] = 0; mainmgr->setGlobalOption(option, value); if ((!stricmp(option, "Strong's Numbers")) && (!stricmp(value, "On"))) { string curText = TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str(); if (!hasFeature(mainmgr, curText.c_str(), "StrongsNumbers")) { string tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"]["StrongsNumbers"]; for (int i = 0; i < TextPageControl->PageCount; i++) { if (!stricmp(TextPageControl->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(), tmpval.c_str())) { TextPageControl->ActivePageIndex = i; break; } } } } delete [] option; delete [] value; TextKeyChanged(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::OptionShowVals(TObject *Sender) { TMenuItem *menuChoice = (TMenuItem *)Sender; string option = menuChoice->Caption.c_str(); int k = 0; const char *source = option.c_str(); char *caption = new char [strlen(source) + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) { if (source[j] != '&') caption[k++] = source[j]; } caption[k] = 0; string value = mainmgr->getGlobalOption(caption); delete [] caption; for (int i = 0; i < menuChoice->Count; i++) { int k = 0; char *source = menuChoice->Items[i]->Caption.c_str(); char *caption = new char [strlen(source) + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < strlen(source); j++) { if (source[j] != '&') caption[k++] = source[j]; } caption[k] = 0; if (!stricmp(caption, value.c_str())) menuChoice->Items[i]->Checked = true; else menuChoice->Items[i]->Checked = false; delete [] caption; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::Contents1Click(TObject *Sender) { string helpDir = optionsconf->Sections["Help"].getWithDefault("Directory", ".\\help"); string helpExe = helpDir + "\\sword.chm"; if ((int)ShellExecute(this->Handle, "open", helpExe.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL) < 33) { helpExe = helpDir + "\\index.html"; ShellExecute(this->Handle, "open", helpExe.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action) { int saveCount = 5; closing = true; ConfigEntMap section; ConfigEntMap::iterator entryIt; section = layoutconf->Sections["History"]; entryIt = section.find("SearchSaveCount"); if (entryIt != section.end()) saveCount = atoi(entryIt->second.c_str()); else section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchSaveCount", "5")); section.erase("SearchText"); for (int loop = 0; ((loop < saveCount) && (loop < searchForm->SearchText->Items->Count)); loop++) { WideString entry = searchForm->SearchText->Items->Strings[loop]; section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("SearchText", WideStringToUTF8(entry).c_str())); } entryIt = section.find("LookupSaveCount"); if (entryIt != section.end()) saveCount = atoi(entryIt->second.c_str()); else section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LookupSaveCount", "5")); section.erase("LookupText"); for (int loop = 0; ((loop < saveCount) && (loop < freeHandLookup->Items->Count)); loop++) section.insert(ConfigEntMap::value_type("LookupText", freeHandLookup->Items->Strings[loop].c_str())); section["LastVerse"] = (const char *)*DefaultVSKey; section["LastLDKey"] = WideStringToUTF8(DictKeyEdit->Text).c_str(); section["LastTextModule"] = TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str(); section["LastComModule"] = CommentaryPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str(); section["LastLDModule"] = LexDictPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str(); layoutconf->Sections["History"] = section; layoutconf->Save(); // NS_TermEmbedding(); if ((*optionsconf)["Layout"]["AutoSaveLayout"] == "1") SaveLayout1Click(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::lbDictKeysOldClick(TObject *Sender) { DictKeyEdit->Text = lbDictKeys->Items->Strings[lbDictKeys->ItemIndex]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::HideShowModules1Click(TObject *Sender) { ConfigEntMap *section; TMenuItem *menuItem = (TMenuItem *)Sender; TPopupMenu *menu = (TPopupMenu *)menuItem->GetParentMenu(); TComponent *comp = menu->PopupComponent; TPageControl *pc = 0; if ((comp == TextPageControl) || (comp == pnlText)) { pc = TextPageControl; section = &(*layoutconf)["TextView"]; } if ((comp == CommentaryPageControl) || (comp == pnlComment)) { pc = CommentaryPageControl; section = &(*layoutconf)["CommentView"]; } if ((comp == LexDictPageControl) || (comp == pnlDict)) { pc = LexDictPageControl; section = &(*layoutconf)["LDView"]; } if (!pc) return; // assert pc for (int i = 0; i < pc->PageCount; i++) { string heading = pc->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(); (*section)[heading.c_str()] = ((pc->Pages[i]->TabVisible) ? "true" : "false"); } ModVisForm->mgr = mainmgr; ModVisForm->section = section; if (ModVisForm->ShowModal() == mrOk) { for (int i = 0; i < pc->PageCount; i++) { string heading = pc->Pages[i]->Caption.c_str(); pc->Pages[i]->TabVisible = ((*section)[heading.c_str()] == "true"); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::DevotionaloftheDay1Click(TObject *Sender) { DevOfTheDay2->Show(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void dehtmlize(char *buf) { bool deref = false; int nums = 0; while (*buf) { if (deref) { if (!isdigit(*buf)) deref = false; else { *buf = ' '; nums++; } if (nums > 1) deref = false; } if (*buf == '%') { deref = true; nums = 0; *buf = ' '; } buf++; } } void __fastcall TForm1::CppWebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(TObject *Sender, LPDISPATCH pDisp, TVariant *URL, TVariant *Flags, TVariant *TargetFrameName, TVariant *PostData, TVariant *Headers, TOLEBOOL *Cancel) { AnsiString url = *URL; string stuff = url.c_str(); char *offset = strstr(url.c_str(), "passage"); if (offset > 0) { string verse = (offset+8); char * buf = new char [ verse.length() + 1 ]; strcpy(buf, verse.c_str()); dehtmlize(buf); (*Cancel) = true; *DefaultVSKey = (buf); TextKeyChanged(); delete [] buf; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::InstallManager1Click(TObject *Sender) { WinExec("InstallMgr.exe", SW_SHOWNORMAL); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TForm1::refreshAppearance() { ModMap::iterator it; string locale; string tmpval; locale = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"].getWithDefault("locale", "en_us"); i12ize(locale.c_str()); // Change the panels attributes here for (it = mainmgr->Modules.begin(); it != mainmgr->Modules.end(); it++) { SWModule *module = it->second; RTFDisp *disp = SWDYNAMIC_CAST(RTFDisp, module->Disp()); if (disp) { SWDispRTF* rtfDisp = (SWDispRTF*) disp->editControl(); rtfDisp->recalcAppearance(); } } // Change the text entry field color tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"]["FieldColor"]; TColor fieldColor = tmpval.length() ? TColor(atoi(tmpval.c_str())) : clAqua; cbBook->Color = fieldColor; CHBox->Color = fieldColor; VSBox->Color = fieldColor; freeHandLookup->Color = fieldColor; DictKeyEdit->Color = fieldColor; Form1->ShowHint = (optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].getWithDefault("Hints", "true") != "false"); DefaultVSKey->setLocale(locale.c_str()); fillVKeySelector(DefaultVSKey); TextKeyChanged(); RefreshActiveSheet(LexDictPageControl); RefreshActiveSheet(CommentaryPageControl); RefreshActiveSheet(TextPageControl); } void __fastcall TForm1::ApplicationEvents1Hint(TObject *Sender) { StatusBar1->SimpleText = GetLongHint(Application->Hint); } void __fastcall TForm1::ApplicationEvents1ShowHint(AnsiString &HintStr, bool &CanShow, THintInfo &HintInfo) { ConfigEntMap::const_iterator const_eit; string fontname; char buf[1024]; static TRect lastRect(0,0,0,0); bool selected = false; bool link = false; static WideString lastWord = ""; static String lastHint = "yoyo"; String verseList = ""; WideString targetWord; THintInfo saveHintInfo = HintInfo; // assert we are in a sword module rtf window and we're not grinding if (HintInfo.HintControl == searchForm->resultsLV) { HintStr = ""; } if ((HintInfo.HintControl == TextPageControl) || (HintInfo.HintControl == CommentaryPageControl) || (HintInfo.HintControl == LexDictPageControl)) { TPageControl *pc = (TPageControl *)HintInfo.HintControl; TPoint mousePoint = pc->ScreenToClient(Mouse->CursorPos); int tab = pc->IndexOfTabAt(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y); if (tab >=0) { int visTabs = -1; int i; for (i = 0; i < pc->PageCount; i++) { if (pc->Pages[i]->TabVisible) { if (++visTabs >= tab) break; } } if (pc->PageCount) { TTabSheet *ts = pc->Pages[i]; SWModule *module = mainmgr->Modules[ts->Caption.c_str()]; if (module) { HintStr = module->Description(); HintInfo.CursorRect = pc->TabRect(tab); // HintInfo.CursorRect = >TRect(TPoint(mousePoint.x-7, mousePoint.y-7), TPoint(mousePoint.x+7, mousePoint.y+7)); } } } return; } if ((strncmp(HintInfo.HintControl->Name.c_str(), "TextRTF", 7)) && (strncmp(HintInfo.HintControl->Name.c_str(), "CommentRTF", 10)) && (strncmp(HintInfo.HintControl->Name.c_str(), "LexDictRTF", 10))) { return; } char *modName = 0; stdstr(&modName, HintInfo.HintControl->Name.c_str()); SWModule *module = mainmgr->Modules[(strstr(modName, "RTF")+3)]; delete [] modName; // Application->HintHidePause = HintDisplayTime; HintInfo.HintWindowClass = __classid(THintWindow); if (!Form1->Active) return; bool hintStrongs = (optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].getWithDefault("Strongs", "true") != "false"); bool hintVLists = (optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].getWithDefault("VLists", "true") != "false"); bool hintWords = (optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].getWithDefault("Words", "false") == "true"); SWDispRTF *rtf = 0; do { ConfigEntMap::iterator eit; HintInfo.HideTimeout = 32000; HintInfo.HintWindowClass = __classid(TRTFHintWindow); HintInfo.CursorRect = lastRect; HintStr = ""; rtf = (SWDispRTF *)HintInfo.HintControl; renderingHint = true; if (!rtf->SelLength) { SendMessage(rtf->Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, MAKELONG(HintInfo.CursorPos.x, HintInfo.CursorPos.y)); selected = false; targetWord = rtf->WordAtCursor(); int entrylen = strlen(rtf->Text.c_str()); char *entrytext = new char [ entrylen + 1 ]; int selstart = rtf->SelStart; int versestart, verseend; strcpy(entrytext, rtf->Text.c_str()); for (versestart = selstart; ((versestart)&&(entrytext[versestart] != '#')); versestart--); if (versestart) { for (verseend = versestart; ((verseend < entrylen) && (entrytext[verseend] != '|')); verseend++); if ((verseend < entrylen) && (verseend > selstart)) { int len = (verseend - versestart) + 1; char *buf = new char [ len + 1 ]; memset(buf, 0 , len + 1); strncpy(buf, &entrytext[versestart+1], len - 2); // strip the # and | from the string int buflen = strlen(buf); for (int i = 0; i < buflen; i++) { if ((buf[i] == 10) || (buf[i] == 13)) buf[i] = ' '; } verseList = buf; delete [] buf; } } delete [] entrytext; } else { selected = true; targetWord = rtf->SelText; } // TPoint currentChar = rtf->GetCharPos(rtf->SelStart); TPoint currentChar = rtf->ScreenToClient(Mouse->CursorPos); HintInfo.CursorRect = TRect(TPoint(currentChar.x-15, currentChar.y-15), TPoint(currentChar.x+15, currentChar.y+15)); lastRect = HintInfo.CursorRect; if (!selected) { rtf->SelLength = 1; if (rtf->SelAttributes->Link) { link = true; int saveStart = rtf->SelStart; int last = -1; while ((rtf->SelStart != last) && (rtf->SelAttributes->Link)) { last = rtf->SelStart; rtf->SelStart -= 1; rtf->SelLength = 1; } int start = rtf->SelStart + 1; rtf->SelStart++; rtf->SelLength = 1; last = -1; while ((rtf->SelStart != last) && (rtf->SelAttributes->Link)) { last = rtf->SelStart; rtf->SelStart += 1; rtf->SelLength = 1; } int len = (rtf->SelStart - start); rtf->SelStart = saveStart; verseList = rtf->GetTextRange(start, start+len); } rtf->SelLength = 0; } else { if (rtf->SelAttributes->Link) { link = true; } } // use cache if same word if (targetWord.Length() && (targetWord == lastWord) && (currentRTF == rtf)) { HintStr = "reshow same text"; break; } currentRTF = rtf; lastWord = targetWord; // currently assume all links are verselists if (verseList.Length() && hintVLists) { ModMap::iterator it; it = mainmgr->Modules.find(TextPageControl->ActivePage->Caption.c_str()); if (it != mainmgr->Modules.end()) { SWModule *module = it->second; ListKey verses = DefaultVSKey->ParseVerseList(verseList.c_str(), *DefaultVSKey, true); if (verses.Count()) { RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->fillWithVerses(module, &verses, true, true, "Popup"); HintStr = "show rtf"; } else HintStr = ""; break; } } // see if strongs number if (hintStrongs) { char preChar = (targetWord.Length()) ? targetWord[1] : 0; WideString strongsWord = TrimJunk(targetWord); // check if all digits (strongs) int i; for (i = 1; i <= strongsWord.Length(); i++) { if (!isdigit(strongsWord[i])) break; } if (!link && (i == strongsWord.Length()+1) && (i-1)) { String feature = (DefaultVSKey->Testament() == 1)?"Hebrew":"Greek"; feature += (preChar == '(')?"Parse":"Def"; if (!strncmp(HintInfo.HintControl->Name.c_str(), "TextRTFLXX", 10)) feature = "GreekDef"; string tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"][feature.c_str()]; if (tmpval.size()) { SWModule *defMod = mainmgr->Modules[tmpval]; if (!defMod) { HintStr = ""; break; } ListKey key; key << WideStringToUTF8(strongsWord).c_str(); RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->fillWithVerses(defMod, &key, true, false, "Popup"); HintStr = "show rtf"; break; } } } // try looking up the word in a general dictionary if (!link && hintWords) { string tmpval = optionsconf->Sections["ModDefaults"]["GenDict"]; if (tmpval.size()) { SWModule *defMod = mainmgr->Modules[tmpval]; if (!defMod) break; ListKey key; key << WideStringToUTF8(targetWord).c_str(); RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->fillWithVerses(defMod, &key, true, false, "Popup"); HintStr = (key.Count()) ? "show rtf" : ""; break; } } HintStr = ""; } while (false); if (!HintStr.Length()) { // HintInfo = saveHintInfo; HintInfo.HintWindowClass = __classid(THintWindow); /* if (module) HintStr = module->Description(); if (lastHint == HintStr) HintStr = ""; */ lastWord = ""; // renderingHint = false; } lastHint = HintStr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::TRTFHintWindow(Classes::TComponent* AOwner) : THintWindow(AOwner) { Canvas->Font->Name = "Arial"; Canvas->Font->Color = clWindowText; } __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::~TRTFHintWindow(void) { // RTFHintForm->Hide(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::CreateParams(TCreateParams &Params) { inherited::CreateParams(Params); Params.Style = WS_POPUP; Params.WindowClass.style = Params.WindowClass.style | CS_SAVEBITS; if(NewStyleControls) { Params.ExStyle = WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; AddBiDiModeExStyle(Params.ExStyle); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::Paint(void) { TRect Rect = ClientRect; TColor penColor; string strColor; strColor = Form1->optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"]["PopupFontColor"]; if(strColor == "") penColor = clBlack; else penColor = StrToInt((AnsiString)strColor.c_str()); TColor backColor; strColor = Form1->optionsconf->Sections["Appearance"]["PopupBackColor"]; if(strColor == "") backColor = 14680063; else backColor = StrToInt((AnsiString)strColor.c_str()); Canvas->Brush->Color = penColor; Canvas->FillRect(Rect); Rect.Left += 4; Rect.Top += 4; Rect.Right -= 4; Rect.Bottom -= 4; Frame3D(Canvas, Rect, clBtnShadow, clBtnHighlight, 1); Canvas->Brush->Color = backColor;//TColor(0xB4CDBB); Canvas->FillRect(Rect); Graphics::TMetafile *AMetaFile= new Graphics::TMetafile(); Graphics::TMetafileCanvas *AMetaFileCanvas = new Graphics::TMetafileCanvas(AMetaFile, 0); Rect = ClientRect; Rect.Right -= 12; Rect.Bottom -=12; bool jagged = RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->paintTo(AMetaFileCanvas->Handle, &Rect); delete AMetaFileCanvas; Canvas->Draw(7,7,AMetaFile); delete AMetaFile; if (jagged) { int triCount = (Rect.Right/60) + 1; Canvas->Pen->Color = penColor; //clBlack; // TColor(0xA4BDAB); Canvas->Brush->Color = penColor; //clBlack; int i; for (i = 0; i < triCount; i++) { TPoint points[3]; points[0].x = i * 60; points[0].y = ClientRect.Bottom; points[1].x = (i * 60) + 30; points[1].y = ClientRect.Bottom-15; points[2].x = (i+1) * 60; points[2].y = ClientRect.Bottom; Canvas->Polygon(points, 2); } /* Canvas->Pen->Color = clBlack; TPoint points[4]; points[0].x = 0; points[0].y = Rect.Bottom-1; points[1].x = Rect.Right; points[1].y = Rect.Bottom-1; points[2].x = Rect.Right; points[2].y = Rect.Bottom; points[3].x = 0; points[3].y = Rect.Bottom; Canvas->Polygon(points, 3); */ } // RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->PaintTo(Canvas->Handle, 4, 4); // RTFHintForm->Repaint(); // RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->Repaint(); // Graphics::TBitmap *hintBit = RTFHintForm->GetFormImage(); // Clipboard()->Assign(hintBit); // Canvas->CopyRect(Rect, hintBit->Canvas, Rect); // delete hintBit; /* Rect.Left += 1; Rect.Top += 5; Rect.Right -= 1; Rect.Bottom -= 1; DrawText( Canvas->Handle, Caption.c_str(), -1, &Rect, DT_RIGHT|DT_NOPREFIX|DT_WORDBREAK|DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly() ); */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::ActivateHint(const /*Windows::*/TRect& Rect, const AnsiString AHint) { inherited::ActivateHint(Rect, AHint); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::ActivateHintData(const /*Windows::*/TRect& Rect, const AnsiString AHint, void* AData) { TRect newRect = Rect; // for dual head monitors, be sure we're all on one monitor TForm1::ClipOrCenterRectToMonitor(&newRect, MONITOR_CLIP); inherited::ActivateHintData(newRect, AHint, AData); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// bool __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::IsHintMsg(tagMSG& Msg) { bool retVal = inherited::IsHintMsg(Msg); if (retVal) Form1->renderingHint = false; return retVal; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// /*Windows::*/TRect __fastcall TRTFHintWindow::CalcHintRect(int MaxWidth, const AnsiString AHint, void* AData) { TRect Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); // EmptyRect asks for size Graphics::TMetafile *AMetaFile= new Graphics::TMetafile(); Graphics::TMetafileCanvas *AMetaFileCanvas = new Graphics::TMetafileCanvas(AMetaFile, 0); RTFHintForm->rtfDrawer->paintTo(AMetaFileCanvas->Handle, &Rect); delete AMetaFileCanvas; delete AMetaFile; Rect.Right += 12; Rect.Bottom += 12; return Rect; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// void __fastcall TForm1::Print1Click(TObject *Sender) { PrintForm->print(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::SearchForWord1Click(TObject *Sender) { SWDispRTF *rtf = (SWDispRTF *)Screen->ActiveControl; int wordstart; int saveSelStart = rtf->SelStart; WideString lookupKey; ConfigEntMap::iterator eit; if (!rtf->SelLength) { lookupKey = rtf->WordAtCursor(); lookupKey = TrimJunk(lookupKey); int entrylen = strlen(rtf->Text.c_str()); WideString entrytext = rtf->GetText(); int selstart = rtf->SelStart; int versestart, verseend; for (versestart = selstart; versestart; versestart--) { if (!isdigit(entrytext[versestart])) break; } if ((entrytext[versestart] == '<') || (entrytext[versestart] == '(')) { for (verseend = versestart+1; (verseend < entrylen); verseend++) { if (!isdigit(entrytext[verseend])) break; } if ((entrytext[verseend] == '>') || (entrytext[verseend] == ')')) { if ((verseend < entrylen) && (verseend > selstart)) { int len = (verseend - versestart) + 1; lookupKey = entrytext.SubString(versestart, len); } } } } else { lookupKey = TRxRichEditX::Trim(rtf->GetTextRange(rtf->SelStart, rtf->SelStart + rtf->SelLength)); } searchForm->SearchText->Text = lookupKey; searchForm->Show(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ClipOrCenterRectToMonitor // // The most common problem apps have when running on a // multimonitor system is that they "clip" or "pin" windows // based on the SM_CXSCREEN and SM_CYSCREEN system metrics. // Because of app compatibility reasons these system metrics // return the size of the primary monitor. // // This shows how you use the multi-monitor functions // to do the same thing. // void TForm1::ClipOrCenterRectToMonitor(LPRECT prc, UINT flags) { HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO mi; RECT rc; int w = prc->right - prc->left; int h = prc->bottom - prc->top; rc.left = prc->left; rc.right = prc->left+1; rc.top = prc->top; rc.bottom = prc->top+1; // // get the nearest monitor to the passed rect. // hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&rc, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); // // get the work area or entire monitor rect. // mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi); if (flags & MONITOR_WORKAREA) rc = mi.rcWork; else rc = mi.rcMonitor; // // center or clip the passed rect to the monitor rect // if (flags & MONITOR_CENTER) { prc->left = rc.left + (rc.right - rc.left - w) / 2; prc->top = rc.top + (rc.bottom - rc.top - h) / 2; prc->right = prc->left + w; prc->bottom = prc->top + h; } else { prc->left = max(rc.left, min(rc.right-w, prc->left)); prc->top = max(rc.top, min(rc.bottom-h, prc->top)); prc->right = prc->left + w; prc->bottom = prc->top + h; } } void TForm1::ClipOrCenterWindowToMonitor(HWND hwnd, UINT flags) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); ClipOrCenterRectToMonitor(&rc, flags); SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, rc.left, rc.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } void __fastcall TForm1::Action1Execute(TObject *Sender) { bool hintWords = (optionsconf->Sections["Hints"].getWithDefault("Words", "false") == "true"); optionsconf->Sections["Hints"]["Words"] = (!hintWords) ? "true" : "false"; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::NewVer1Click(TObject *Sender) { ListKey verses; TVerseListForm *tmpForm = new TVerseListForm(this, verses); tmpForm->Caption = _tr("User Verse List"); tmpForm->Show(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------