[Globals] ;AutoInstall=./newmods/ [OLB] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawgbf/olb/ ModDrv=RawGBF GlobalOptionFilter=GBFStrongs GlobalOptionFilter=GBFFootnotes Description=OLB Converted Module About= OLB Converted Module [-+*Personal*+-] DataPath=../../../../modules/comments/rawfiles/personal/ ModDrv=RawFiles Description=Personal Commentary About=This module allows you to store your own commentary. [SpanishRVA] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawgbf/spanishrva/ ModDrv=RawGBF Description=The New International Version About=\qc El texto b¡blico designado RVA es de LA SANTA BIBLIA, \par \ VERSION REINA-VALERA ACTUALIZADA. Copyright 1982, 1986, \par \ 1987, 1989 de la Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. \par\par \ Todos los derechos reservados. \par\par \ El texto computarizado de la RVA para LA BIBLIA COM- \par \ PUTARIZADA no puede ser modificado ni copiado sin per- \par \ miso por escrito por la Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. \par\pard \ [NASB] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawgbf/nasb/ ModDrv=RawGBF Description=The New American Standard Bible About=\qc -=+* see the file errata.doc for important verse descrepencies *+=- \par\par \ The New American Standard Bible \par \ Copyright THE LOCKMAN FOUNDATION, 1960, 1962, 1963 \par \ La Habra, Calif. \par \ All rights in this book are reserved. \par \ No part may be reproduced in any manner without \par \ permission in writing from The Lockman Foundation, \par \ except brief quotations used in connection with \par \ a review in a magazine or newspaper. \par\pard [NIV] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawgbf/niv/ ModDrv=RawGBF Description=The New International Version About=\qc -=+* see the file errata.doc for important verse descrepencies *+=- \par\par\pard \ Quotations designated (NIV) are from \par\par \ THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. \par \ Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society; \ Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. \par\par \ The "NIV" and "New International Version" trademarks are registered in \ the United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible \ Society. \par\par \ The NIV text may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic, or \ audio), up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses or less without \ written permission, providing the verses quoted do not amount to a \ complete book of the Bible, do not comprise 25% or more of the total \ text of the work in which they are quoted, and the verses are not being \ quoted in a commentary or other Biblical reference work. This \ permission is contingent upon an appropriate copyright acknowledgment. \par\par \ The NIV database is not a shareware program and may not be \ duplicated. \par\par\pard [JFB] DataPath=../../../../modules/comments/hrefcom/jfb/ ModDrv=HREFCom Prefix=http://ccel.wheaton.edu/j/jfb/jfb/ ;External=0 ;Prefix=file:///../../../../modules/comments/hrefcom/jfb/ External=1 Description=Jamison Faucett Brown Bible Commentary About=\qc Jamison Faucett Brown Commentary [Naves] DataPath=../../../../modules/lexdict/rawld/naves/naves ModDrv=RawLD Description=Nave's Topical Bible About= -=+* see the file 'naves.doc' for more details *+=-\par\par \ \qc Nave's Topical Bible \par\par \ Public Domain -- Copy Freely \par\par\pard \ Nave's Topics were originaly produced by Orville J. Nave, A.M., D.D., \ LL.D. while serving as a Chaplin in the United States Army. He referred \ to this work as "the result of fourteen years of delightful and untiring \ study of the Word of God." Nave's topics were originally published in \ the early 1900's, and a photo-offset reproduction is currently published \ by Hendrickson, ISBN 0-917006-02-X. The title page states that this \ work consists of 20,000+ topics and subtopics, and 100,000 references to \ the Scriptures. \par\par \ The most current and correct copies of these files can be obtained from the \ following. If any errors are located, please ensure you have the latest files, and if so, \ we would appreciate being informed of the error. \par\par \ The Bible Foundation \par \ http://www.bf.org \par\par \ Or by contacting: \par\par \ Mark Fuller \par \ 1129 East Loyola Drive \par \ Tempe, Arizona, 85282 \par \ 602-829-8542 (voice) [BBE] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/bbe/ ModDrv=RawText Description=The Bible in Basic English About= \qc -=+* see the file 'bbe.doc' for more details *+=-\par\par \ 1949/1964 Bible In Basic English \par \ Public Domain -- Copy Freely \par\par\pard \ The Bible In Basic English was printed in 1965 by Cambridge Press in \ England. Published without any copyright notice and distributed in \ America, this work fell immediatly and irretrievably into the Public \ Domain in the United States according to the UCC convention of that \ time. A call to Cambridge prior to placing this work in etext resulted \ in an admission of this fact. \par\par \ For more information about the text, see the file INTRO.BBE which \ contains the printed introduction page. \par\par \ The most current and correct copies of these files can be obtained from \ the following. If any errors are located, please ensure you have the \ latest files, and if so, we would appreciate being informed of the \ error. \par\par \ The Bible Foundation \par \ http://www.bf.org \par\par \ Or by contacting: \par \ Mark Fuller\par \ 1129 East Loyola Drive \par \ Tempe, Arizona, 85282 \par \ 602-829-8542 (voice) [IndTB] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/indtb/ ModDrv=RawText Description=Indonesian Terjemahan Baru About=\qc Terjemahan Baru (TB) \par\par \ Copyright Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia \par \ (Indonesian Bible Society), 1994. \par \ Released for non-profit scholarly and personal use. \par \ Not to be sold for profit. \par \ When making formal public reference to the materials, \par \ please acknowlege The Indonesian Bible Society \par \ (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia) as the copyright holder. \par \pard [IndBIS] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/indbis/ ModDrv=RawText Description=Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari (BIS) About=\qc Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari (BIS) \par\par \ Copyright Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia \par \ (Indonesian Bible Society), 1994. \par \ Released for non-profit scholarly and personal use. \par \ Not to be sold for profit. \par \ When making formal public reference to the materials, \par \ please acknowlege The Indonesian Bible Society \par \ (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia) as the copyright holder. \par \pard [Websters] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/websters/ ModDrv=RawText Description=The Webster Bible About= -=+* see the files 'intro.txt' and 'revision.txt' for more details *+=-\par\par \ \qc THE \par HOLY BIBLE, \par CONTAINING THE \par OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, \par IN THE \par \ COMMON VERSION. \par WITH \par AMENDMENTS OF THE LANGUAGE, \par \ BY NOAH WEBSTER, LL. D. \par\par ------------- \par NEW HAVEN: \par \ PUBLISHED BY DURRIE & PECK. \par \ Sold by HEZEKIAH HOWE & CO., and A. H. MALTBY, New Haven; \par \ and by N.&J. WHITE, New York. \par\par ------ \par 1833 \par\par \ Webster Bible Electronic Format.\par \ PUBLIC DOMAIN\par\par \ February 1992\par\par\pard \ Webster Biography:\par \ Noah Webster: America's first grammarian and founding father of American education.\par\par \ In 1828 Noah Webster published the 'American Dictionary of the English Language'. This \ dictionary demonstrates the Christian values which were found in America's educational \ and scholarly systems. It is from this early dictionary that we have todays popular \ 'Webster Dictionary'. In 1833 Noah Webster, who had mastered 20 languages including \ Hebrew and Greek, published the King James Authorized Version 'with amendments to the \ language'. In stating his reasons for producing this version of the Bible, Webster said:\par\par \ 'In the present version, the language is, in general, correct and perspicuous; \ ... in many passages uniting sublimity with beautiful simplicity. In my view, the general \ style of the version ought not to be altered. But, in the lapse of two or three centuries, \ changes have taken place, which, in particular passages, impair the beauty; in others, \ obscure the sense, of the original languages. ... they do not present to the reader \ the Word of God. ... My principal aim is to remedy this evil.'\par\par \ It was with cautious reverence that Webster corrected misused grammar, removed offensive \ terms and expressions, and substituted commonly understood words for words that had fallen \ into disuse, or no longer carried the same meaning.\par\par\ In 1834, the year after completing the Webster Bible, Noah Webster wrote a \ companion piece titled 'Value of the Bible and Excellence of the Christian Religion - For \ the Use of Families and Schools'.\par\par\ Webster, who was considered 'The schoolmaster to a nation' and produced the \ earliest spellers and textbooks for America's school children, believed Christian religious \ values and American public education to be inseparable. He believed the Webster Bible to \ be 'the most important enterprise' of his life, and referred to the Bible as:\par\par \ '... the chief moral cause of all that is good, and the best corrector of all that \ is evil, in human society; the best book for regulating the temporal concerns of men, and \ the only book that can serve as an infallible guide to future felicity.'\par\par \ Introduction to the Electronic Format:\par \ Beginning in July of 1991 the task of placing the Webster Bible text in electronic \ format began. The original purpose was to provide Larry Pierce, who produces the \ On-Line Bible program, with a more modern *public domain* text, similar in content and \ style to the AV but with a grammar that would provide better comprehension in todays \ English.\par\par\ I plan on maintaining an accurate copy of the Webster text. Anyone finding an \ error should contact me; Anyone desiring to obtain the latest, most correct text, can find \ it on the Bible Foundation BBS, or can contact me in the following methods:\par \ Internet acus10@waccvm.corp.mot.com\par \ Home phone 602-829-8542\par \ Address Mark Fuller\par \ 1129 East Loyola Drive\par \ Tempe Arizona, 85282\par \ Bible Foundation http://www.bf.org\par\par \ I would like to thank the Bible Foundation not only for scanning nearly the entire \ Webster Bible but for encouraging me to undertake this monumental work; particularly around \ page 20 when I realized what I had gotten myself into. Special thanks to Jerry Kingery of \ the Bible Foundation for scanning, and Jerry Hastings for doing some preliminary scan \ cleaning and making the texts available on the BBS. [Sve] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/sve/ ModDrv=RawText Description=Swedish Bible 1917 New Testament About=\qc BIBELN eller DEN HELIGA SKRIFT \par innehållande \par \ NYA TESTAMENTETS KANONISKA BÖCKER \par i överensstämmelse med den av \par \ KONUNGEN ÅR 1917 \par gillade och stadfästa översättningen \par\par \ THE BIBLE or THE HOLY SCRIPT \par containing \par CANONICAL BOOKS OF NEW TESTAMENT \par \ in conformity with that of \par THE KING YEAR 1917 \par \ liked and confirmed translation \par\par\pard \ Thank you to Roland Nygren for making this work available. For the latest \ information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence: \par\par \ Roland Nygren \par \ qtxrony@aom.ericsson.se [VNT] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/vnt/ ModDrv=RawText Description=Valera 1858 Spanish New Testament Text About=\qc-=+* see the file 'intro.rtf' for more details *+=- \par\par \ El \par NUEVO TESTAMENTO \par DE \par NUESTRO SEÑOR JESU-CRISTO \par \ QUE CONTIENE \par LOS ESCRITOS EVANGÉLICOS Y APOSTÓLICOS \par \ ANTIGUA VERSION DE CIPRIANO DE VALERA \par REVISADA \par \ Con arreglo al original griego. \par MADRID \par \ SE HALLA EN EL DEPÓSITO CENTRAL DE LA SOCIEDAD BÍBLICA B. Y E. \par \ Calle de Preciados, número 46. \par 1884 \par EL SANTO EVANGELIO \par DE \par \ NUESTRO SEÑOR JESU-CRISTO \par SEGUN \par SAN MATEO. \par\par \pard \ Thank you to Bill Kincaid for making this work available. \ This New Testament text (Valera 1858) was downloaded from The Word of God in \ Spanish: Valera 1909 web site. (http://www.west.ga.net/~ForHim/word.html) This text is not \ copyrighted, you are free to distribute it as you wish. We only ask out of respect for the \ work we invested in bringing you this text (Finding, scanning, and proofing.), that you \ leave this notice and the following introduction ([see the file intro.rtf]) in any copies \ that you might make publish on the Internet. If you have any questions or comments please \ contact: mnj@acnet.net \par\par \ Este texto del Nuevo Testamento (Valera 1858) fue bajado del la pagina de \ web: La Palabra de Dios en Español: Valera 1909. (http://www.west.ga.net/~ForHim/word.html) \ Este texto no tiene derechos reservados, puedes distribuirlo como quieres. Solamente \ pedimos que por respeto del trabajo que invertimos en dándote este texto (Encontrando, \ escaneando, y corrigiendo.), que dejes esta noticia y la siguiente introducción \ (FILE: intro.rtf) en cualquier copia que publicas sobre el Internet. Si tienes cualquier \ pregunta o comentario por favor escribe a: mnj@acnet.net. [MHC] DataPath=../../../../modules/comments/rawcom/mhc/ ModDrv=RawCom Description=Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible About=\qc Matthew Henry's \par Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible \par\par \ Public Domain--Copy Freely. \par\par\pard \ This text matches the printed edition as published by Moody Press, 28th printing, \ no Copyright displayed. ISBN: 0-8024-5190-X. This text was created from an existing \ electronic copy, with roughly 1200 errors corrected. The current files can be \ found at: \par\par \ The Bible Foundation, \par \ http://www.bf.org \par\par \ If any errors are located, please notify me at the above BBS, or at: \par\par \ Mark Fuller \par \ 1129 E. Loyola Dr. \par \ Tempe, Az. 85282 \par \ (602) 829-8542 [RWP] DataPath=../../../../modules/comments/rawcom/rwp/ ModDrv=RawCom Description=Robertson's Word Pictures About=\qc -=+* see the files 'about.txt', 'title.pg', 'rwp.int', 'read.me', and \ 'correct.txt' for more details *+=- \par\par \ Robertson's \par Word Pictures in the \par New Testament \par\par \ A.T. Robertson, A.M., D.D., LL. D., Litt.D. \par\par\pard \ Vol 1,2,3,4 Public Domain -- Copy Freely \par\par Volume 5 (c) 1932. \par \ Renewal 1960 Broadman Press. All rights reserved. \par Used by permission. \par \ [Copyright expires Dec. 31, 2006.] \par\par Volume 6 (c) 1933. \par \ Renewal 1960 Broadman Press. All rights reserved. \par Used by permission. \par \ [Copyright expires Dec. 31, 2007.] \par\par \ +--------------- Copy Freely --------------+ \par\par \ The current files can be found at: \par\par \ The Bible Foundation, \par \ http://www.bf.org \par\par \ If any errors are located, please notify me at the above location, or at: \par\par \ Mark Fuller \par \ 1129 E. Loyola Dr. \par \ Tempe, Az. 85282 \par \ (602) 829-8542 [Eastons] DataPath=../../../../modules/lexdict/rawld/eastons/eastons ModDrv=RawLD Description=Easton's Bible Dictionary About=\qc Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary \par\par \ Public Domain -- Copy Freely \par\par\pard \ These Dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible \ Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Due to the nature of etext, \ the illustrated portions of the Dictionary have not been included. \par\par \ The most current and correct copies of these files can be obtained from the \ following. If any errors are located, please ensure you have the latest files, and if so, \ we would appreciate being informed of the error. \par\par \ The Bible Foundation \par \ http://www.bf.org \par\par \ Or by contacting: \par\par \ Mark Fuller \par \ 1129 East Loyola Drive \par \ Tempe, Arizona, 85282 \par \ 602-829-8542 (voice) [Vines] DataPath=../../../../modules/lexdict/rawld/vines/vines ModDrv=RawLD Description=Vines Bible Dictionary About=\qc Vine's Expository Dictionary \par of New Testament Words \par\par \ Public Domain -- Copy Freely \par\par\pard \ These Dictionary topics are from W.E. Vine's M.A., Expository Dictionary of New Testament \ Words published in 1940 and without copyright. \par\par \ The most current and correct copies of these files can be obtained from the \ following. If any errors are located, please ensure you have the latest files, and if so, \ we would appreciate being informed of the error. \par\par \ The Bible Foundation \par \ http://www.bf.org \par\par \ Or by contacting: \par\par \ Mark Fuller \par \ 1129 East Loyola Drive \par \ Tempe, Arizona, 85282 \par \ 602-829-8542 (voice) [Strongs Hebrew (OT)] DataPath=../../../../modules/lexdict/rawld/strongs/hebrew ModDrv=RawLD Description=Strong's / Englishman's Hebrew Bible Dictionary About=\qc Strong's / Englishman's Bible Dictionary \par\par \pard \ This is a lexicon of Hebrew words keyed off of Strong's numbers. [Strongs Greek (NT)] DataPath=../../../../modules/lexdict/rawld/strongs/greek ModDrv=RawLD Description=Strong's / Englishman's Greek Bible Dictionary About=\qc Strong's / Englishman's Bible Dictionary \par\par \pard \ This is a lexicon of Greek words keyed off of Strong's numbers. [WEB] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawgbf/web/ ModDrv=RawGBF Description=The World English Bible About= -=+* see the file 'info.txt' for more details *+=-\par\par \ \qc The World English Bible (WEB) \par\par Public Domain \par\par \pard \ The World English Bible is a 1997 revision of the American Standard Version of the \ Holy Bible, first published in 1901. It is in the Public Domain. Please feel free to copy \ and distribute it freely. \par\par \ Thank you to Michael Paul Johnson for making this work available. For the latest \ information, to report corrections, or for other correspondence: \par\par \ Michael Paul Johnson \par \ http://www.ebible.org/bible \par \ mpj@ebible.org [ORTHJBC] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/orthjbc/ ModDrv=RawText Description=The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha About= \qc THE ORTHODOX JEWISH BRIT CHADASHA \par\par \pard \ A translation from the original language without goyishe and non-frum \ terminology. \par\par \ (C)COPYRIGHT, 1996, ARTISTS FOR ISRAEL INTERNATIONAL \par \ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED \par \ USED BY PERMISSION \par\par \ Thank you to Dr. Phil Goble for making this work available. This work is NOT in \ the public domain. Please honor all applicable copyright laws. Permission to distribute \ this text in its present electronic format for personal use has been granted by the \ copyright holder. \par\par \ Please direct all correspondence to: \par\par \ Artists for Israel International \par \ http://www.afii.org \par \ P. O. Box 2056 \par \ New York, NY 10163 [N27U4] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/nu/ ModDrv=RawText Font=Greek Description=Nestle Aland 27th Ed./ UBS 4th Ed. Greek Text About= \qc Thank you to Barbara Aland, Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. \ Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger for bringing this work to us. \par\par \pard \ GREEK.TTF Greek Regular Font (C) Peter J. Gentry & Andrew M. Fountain, 1993. All Rights \ Reserved. Special thanks to the copyright holders for permission to use these fonts with \ The SWORD Project for personal use. For a complete list of Greek / Hebrew Utilities or \ inquiries for other use may be directed to: \par\par \ Peter J. Gentry \par \ 55 Ambercroft Blvd. \par \ Scarborough \par \ Ontario, Canada \par \ M1W 2Z6 [KJV] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/kjv/ ModDrv=RawText Description=King James Version of 1611 About= -=+* see the file 'kjvpref.rtf' for more details *+=-\par\par \ This is the King James Version of the Holy Bible (also known as the Authorized \ Version) in Rich Text Format (among others, italics and red included). The preface from \ the translators is in KJVPREF.RTF. These files are in the Public Domain. \par\par \ May God bless you as you study His Word. \par \ Michael Paul Johnson \par \ Sysop, Colorado Catacombs BBS (303-772-1062) \par \ email: mpj@csn.net \par \ http://www.csn.net/~mpj [KJVSTR] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/kjvstr/ ModDrv=RawText Description=King James Version of 1611 w/ Strongs Numbers About= This is the King James Version of the Holy Bible (also known as the Authorized \ Version) with embedded Strong's Numbers. This makes useful for looking up the exact \ original language word in a lexicon that is keyed off of Strong's numbers. \par\par \ Special thanks to Larry Pierce for extensive work encorporating the embedded \ Strong's numbers in this module. This feature is not in the public domain. \ Permission to use this feature for personal use has been granted by the author. \par \ Inquiries and comments may be directed to: \par\par \ Larry Pierce \par \ 103526.2724@compuserve.com \par \ http://www.online-bible.com [FrenchLSG] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawgbf/frenchlsg/ ModDrv=RawGBF GlobalOptionFilter=GBFStrongs Description=French 1910 Louis Segond Version About=The 1910 edition of the Louis Segond Bible is keyed to Strong's numbers. \ All this material may be freely copied and shared with your friends. \ If you wish to use this material for other purposes, please contact: \par\par \ Stg. Publishare \par \ c/o Transvaalstraat 5 \par \ 3312 EX DORDRECHT \par \ The Netherlands \par\par \ to obtain the latest accurate copy. The Englishman Strong's numbers are \ not in the public domain and any commercial use requires a licence. [NKJV] DataPath=../../../../modules/texts/rawtext/nkjv/ ModDrv=RawText Version=1.2 CipherKey=yomama History_1.1=changed text source to more reliable version Description=The New King James Version About=The New King James Version NKJV, copyright 1982 \par \ Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Bible text from \par \ the New King James Version is not to be reproduced in \par \ copies or otherwise by any means except as permitted in \par \ writing by Thomas Nelson, Inc.