diff options
authorRasmus Steinke <rasi@xssn.at>2016-07-26 01:01:33 +0200
committerRasmus Steinke <rasi@xssn.at>2016-07-26 01:01:33 +0200
commit38e02922e1181f9f867585e8945b72134c256b93 (patch)
parent27d4b80431d34005fae7920b9328b45c196c5707 (diff)
change defaults. Enter shows menu with fields to type now. Hotkeys 1-3 remain (autotype, type user, type password)
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/rofi-pass b/rofi-pass
index 282674f..a3a4bf2 100755
--- a/rofi-pass
+++ b/rofi-pass
@@ -41,44 +41,38 @@ checkIfPass () {
autopass () {
- if [[ ${selected_password} == "[ Add Entry ]>" ]]; then
- insertPass;
- elif [[ ${selected_password} == "---" ]]; then
- mainMenu;
+ rm -f "$HOME/.cache/rofi-pass/last_used"
+ echo "${root}: $selected_password" > "$HOME/.cache/rofi-pass/last_used"
+ chmod 600 "$HOME/.cache/rofi-pass/last_used"
+ if [[ -z "${stuff["$AUTOTYPE_field"]}" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${stuff["${USERNAME_field}"]}" ]]; then
+ echo -n "${stuff["${USERNAME_field}"]}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -
+ xdotool key Tab
+ fi
+ echo -n "${password}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -
+ sleep 1
+ if [[ ${auto_enter} == "true" ]]; then
+ xdotool key Return
+ fi
- rm -f "$HOME/.cache/rofi-pass/last_used"
- echo "${root}: $selected_password" > "$HOME/.cache/rofi-pass/last_used"
- chmod 600 "$HOME/.cache/rofi-pass/last_used"
- if [[ -z "${stuff["$AUTOTYPE_field"]}" ]]; then
- if [[ "${stuff["${USERNAME_field}"]}" ]]; then
- echo -n "${stuff["${USERNAME_field}"]}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -
- xdotool key Tab
- fi
- echo -n "${password}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -
- sleep 1
- if [[ ${auto_enter} == "true" ]]; then
- xdotool key Return
- fi
- else
- echo "${stuff["$AUTOTYPE_field"]}"
- for word in ${stuff["$AUTOTYPE_field"]}; do
- if [[ $word == ":tab" ]]; then
- xdotool key Tab;
- elif [[ $word == ":space" ]]; then
- xdotool key space
- elif [[ $word == ":delay" ]]; then
- sleep "${delay}";
- elif [[ $word == ":enter" ]]; then
- xdotool key Return;
- elif [[ $word == "pass" ]]; then
- echo -n "${password}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -;
- else
- echo -n "${stuff[${word}]}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -
- fi
- done
- if [[ ${auto_enter} == "true" ]]; then
- xdotool key Return
+ echo "${stuff["$AUTOTYPE_field"]}"
+ for word in ${stuff["$AUTOTYPE_field"]}; do
+ if [[ $word == ":tab" ]]; then
+ xdotool key Tab;
+ elif [[ $word == ":space" ]]; then
+ xdotool key space
+ elif [[ $word == ":delay" ]]; then
+ sleep "${delay}";
+ elif [[ $word == ":enter" ]]; then
+ xdotool key Return;
+ elif [[ $word == "pass" ]]; then
+ echo -n "${password}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -;
+ else
+ echo -n "${stuff[${word}]}" | xdotool type --clearmodifiers --file -
+ done
+ if [[ ${auto_enter} == "true" ]]; then
+ xdotool key Return
@@ -217,47 +211,49 @@ To perform default action use <span color='$help_color'>Enter</span>. For more h
- if [[ ${selected_password} == "[ Add Entry ]>" ]]; then
- :
+ # generate Array of fields
+ password_temp=$(PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="${root}" pass "$selected_password")
+ password=$(echo "${password_temp}" | head -1)
+ declare -A stuff
+ while read -r LINE; do
+ _id=$(echo "${LINE}" | gawk -F ':[[:space:]]*' '{print $1}')
+ _val=$(echo "${LINE}" | gawk '{sub(/:/,"")}{for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}')
+ stuff["${_id}"]=${_val}
+ done < <(PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="${root}" pass "${selected_password}" | tail -n+2 | grep -P '(: |:\t)' )
+ stuff["pass"]=${password}
+ fi
+ if test "${stuff['autotype']+autotype}"
+ then
+ :
- # generate Array of fields
- password_temp=$(PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="${root}" pass "$selected_password")
- password=$(echo "${password_temp}" | head -1)
- declare -A stuff
- while read -r LINE; do
- _id=$(echo "${LINE}" | gawk -F ':[[:space:]]*' '{print $1}')
- _val=$(echo "${LINE}" | gawk '{sub(/:/,"")}{for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf $i " "; print $NF}')
- stuff["${_id}"]=${_val}
- done < <(PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="${root}" pass "${selected_password}" | tail -n+2 | grep -P '(: |:\t)' )
- stuff["pass"]=${password}
- fi
- # actions based on keypresses
- if [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 0 ]]; then ${default_do};
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 13 ]]; then openURL;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 1 ]]; then exit ${rofi_exit};
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 10 ]]; then autopass;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 11 ]]; then typeUser;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 12 ]]; then typePass;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 14 ]]; then copyUser;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 17 ]]; then copyURL;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 16 ]]; then viewEntry;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 15 ]]; then copyPass;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 22 ]]; then typeMenu;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 23 ]]; then actionMenu;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 25 ]]; then unset selected_password; helpMenu;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 24 ]]; then copyMenu;
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 26 ]]; then $(${basecommand} --bmarks);
- elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 27 ]]; then insertPass;
- fi
- password=''
- selected_password=''
- unset stuff
- unset password
- unset selected_password
- unset password_temp
- unset stuff
+ stuff["autotype"]="user :tab pass"
+ fi;
+ # actions based on keypresses
+ if [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 0 ]]; then typeMenu;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 13 ]]; then openURL;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 1 ]]; then exit ${rofi_exit};
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 10 ]]; then autopass;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 14 ]]; then copyMenu;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 11 ]]; then typeUser;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 12 ]]; then typePass;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 17 ]]; then copyURL;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 16 ]]; then viewEntry;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 15 ]]; then copyPass;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 22 ]]; then typeMenu;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 23 ]]; then actionMenu;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 25 ]]; then unset selected_password; helpMenu;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 24 ]]; then copyMenu;
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 26 ]]; then $(${basecommand} --bmarks);
+ elif [[ "${rofi_exit}" -eq 27 ]]; then insertPass;
+ password=''
+ selected_password=''
+ unset stuff
+ unset password
+ unset selected_password
+ unset password_temp
+ unset stuff
helpMenu () {
@@ -283,19 +279,17 @@ else unset helptext; mainMenu; fi
typeMenu () {
- typefield=$({ echo -e "< Return\n---\npassword"; \
- pass "${selected_password}" \
- | grep -P ':[\t ]' \
- | gawk -F ':' '{ print $1 }';} \
- | _rofi -kb-accept-entry '!Return' \
- -dmenu \
- -p "Choose Field to type > ")
+ typefield=$(printf '%s\n' "${!stuff[@]}" | sort | _rofi -kb-accept-entry '!Return' -dmenu -p "Choose Field to type > ")
+ val=$?
+ if [[ $val -eq 1 ]]; then
+ exit
+ fi
if [[ $typefield == "" ]]; then
elif [[ $typefield == "password" ]]; then
- typePass;
- elif [[ $typefield == "< Return" ]]; then
- mainMenu;
+ typePass;
+ elif [[ $typefield == "${AUTOTYPE_field}" ]]; then
+ autopass
@@ -303,23 +297,17 @@ typeMenu () {
copyMenu () {
- copyfield=$({ echo -e "< Return\n---\npassword"; \
- pass "${selected_password}" \
- | grep -P ':[\t ]' \
- | gawk -F ':' '{ print $1 }';} \
- | _rofi -kb-accept-entry '!Return' \
- -dmenu \
- -p "Choose Field to copy > ")
- if [[ $copyfield == "" ]]; then
+ copyfield=$(printf '%s\n' "${!stuff[@]}" | sort | _rofi -kb-accept-entry '!Return' -dmenu -p "Choose Field to type > ")
+ val=$?
+ if [[ $val -eq 1 ]]; then
- elif [[ $copyfield == "password" ]]; then
+ fi
+ if [[ $copyfield == "password" ]]; then
- elif [[ $copyfield == "< Return" ]]; then
- mainMenu;
- fi
+ fi
actionMenu () {