{ "created" : "2023-04-06T16:54:10+00:00", "description" : "Issue tracker for my smaller projects", "id" : 11176, "labels" : [], "name" : "devel", "owner" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl" }, "tickets" : [ { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "a7133d399f943967", "X-Payload-Signature" : "EuYymG6oTQ3bHrv/gnmdaQP8i739crSHsT8C2ly22eWVgETxTW7v0tTltGfiXm2N7WTs37lT2pHHmNyJ/GlgAw==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "* need to translate all Biblical book names\r\n* https://github.com/AndBible/and-bible/wiki/Bible-links\r\n* Testing cases from the wiki: \r\n - https://read.andbible.org/1Sam.1.2-1Sam1.5?v11n=KJV\r\n - with Czech and German Bible versions (CzeB21, CzeCEP, German?)\r\n* Also, check instructions at https://github.com/AndBible/and-bible/issues/3033 and suggest changes to that landing HTML page ", "created" : "2024-01-07T10:06:40+00:00", "events" : [ { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "15f793fb836eaac7", "X-Payload-Signature" : "vXLzNwC6a40XRVfoWl2yepzZZo0rA/M8aP8v5oDSgmAj8MOCGL++xhyb7nJOmq/GGtJs/ALmVHMzZ6LCTOtTAA==", "by_user" : null, "comment" : { "author" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "created" : "2024-01-07T18:37:07+00:00", "id" : 112405, "text" : "*Matěj Cepl referenced this ticket in commit [6339510].*\n\n[6339510]: https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/hesla/commit/6339510 \"Use read.andbible.org URLs for displaying Bible verses in AndBible.\"" }, "created" : "2024-01-07T18:37:07+00:00", "event_type" : [ "COMMENT", "STATUS_CHANGE" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 285833, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : "FIXED", "new_status" : "RESOLVED", "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 22, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "9afe059cce5e95a6", "X-Payload-Signature" : "LFEBIEHv/sxNQ1GjBIji8p6A5EnwaU2l3m2e0fMixvXbmwh9/WIEeM6gQodiEB2N4tOAX36jmkNs7AmzH5gBAA==", "by_user" : null, "comment" : { "author" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "created" : "2024-01-07T18:38:59+00:00", "id" : 112407, "text" : "*Matěj Cepl referenced this ticket in commit [29c6a9e].*\n\n[29c6a9e]: https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/hesla/commit/29c6a9e \"Use read.andbible.org URLs for displaying Bible verses in AndBible.\"" }, "created" : "2024-01-07T18:38:59+00:00", "event_type" : [ "COMMENT" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 285835, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 22, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2024-01-07T10:06:40+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 285459, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 22, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 22, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#22", "resolution" : "FIXED", "status" : "RESOLVED", "subject" : "[hesla] Use links to AndBible", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2024-01-07T18:38:59+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "bef3ca4879f887b4", "X-Payload-Signature" : "aqs+Jx0mULH4Xq3Ap/bWjUzzvG+KvxnrpI+ai5Q43nkxhL8hBvT3T58zzt9ovn+SuLS/0j5uajg7B55mjK/4AQ==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "`/home/matej/wikipediafs/b'wikisource-cs'/Ottův_slovník_naučný`\r\n", "created" : "2023-06-23T13:35:15+00:00", "events" : [ { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2023-06-23T13:35:15+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 243680, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 7, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 7, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#7", "resolution" : "UNRESOLVED", "status" : "REPORTED", "subject" : "[wikipedia-fs] bytes/str mess when converted to Py3", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2023-06-23T13:35:27+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "ec040d21ad6133e0", "X-Payload-Signature" : "hQ1v8OP2sY+SOr/CU8j0oT/14p6+xEQjBncTijdPj9v9WQGwwAT8Ek7QQlKqIOQrCY1Z0xx3e9VX1ciJM/N/Cw==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "I tried to improve a bit the wikipediafs python script, but there are some small basic design mistakes. Beside those, it is impossible to have a list of all the article. Therefore I would use the api.php like\r\n\r\n http:///api.php?action=query&list=allpages&apfrom=B&format=json\r\n\r\nI would then precreate (by the driver) a directories called _allfiles, _search. Under the _allfiles I would then precreate directory names (A, B, C … Z, or if there would be too many articles under one directory AA, AB, … BA, BB… ZZ), and would use the above mentioned script to populate these directories with articles beginning with the corresponding name.\r\n\r\n(from https://web.archive.org/web/20120723153458/http://www.mobiphil.com/2009/07/wikipediafs-proposal-for-improvement/ )", "created" : "2023-06-23T13:37:49+00:00", "events" : [ { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2023-06-23T13:37:49+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 243681, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 8, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 8, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#8", "resolution" : "UNRESOLVED", "status" : "REPORTED", "subject" : "[wikipedia-fs] proposal for improvement by mobiphil", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2023-06-23T13:39:07+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "2b82037e8ca62ec8", "X-Payload-Signature" : "pGHqsFREiD4tOY+dzFj6BxjIWhi/ivfWr0w81mG8xJnFw7F6nWX0CuedBWEhU3GHwS6ibXVel9EDpoqe4PTVDw==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "", "created" : "2024-01-08T16:39:46+00:00", "events" : [ { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "934526f7378a31a8", "X-Payload-Signature" : "Bbm64LFLJY6QJN1qVz0+tFDY80+NBpqFsNLFBce09DXu3r9YyBcmn/S7gjTgr82zEfJIBF0f/nWeUCLBeHIzCg==", "by_user" : null, "comment" : { "author" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "created" : "2024-01-08T16:42:58+00:00", "id" : 112468, "text" : "*Matěj Cepl referenced this ticket in commit [862ecd1].*\n\n[862ecd1]: https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/disqus_xml2static_rst/commit/862ecd1 \"Skip over deleted comments.\"" }, "created" : "2024-01-08T16:42:58+00:00", "event_type" : [ "COMMENT", "STATUS_CHANGE" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286736, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : "FIXED", "new_status" : "RESOLVED", "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 24, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2024-01-08T16:39:46+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286734, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 24, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 24, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#24", "resolution" : "FIXED", "status" : "RESOLVED", "subject" : " [disqus2rst] skip over deleted messages", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2024-01-08T16:42:58+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "c9106f47b1ee5aed", "X-Payload-Signature" : "awzzhTKytBB20jLMSH47DQbe7++t2y8qSVEVbW12pgKHIVHa3P01hn56cXVFwIvNznFiHbp2JWPtxVDgA5fQAA==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "Mostly pandoc HTML -> rST should be sufficient (perhaps if there is any < character?).", "created" : "2024-01-08T16:40:32+00:00", "events" : [ { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "d45ca59a6e58b0ae", "X-Payload-Signature" : "DTEb6h1KDKef2ZHeYEcdII52wxS2qtFXAbm/DZEEy8oYtuIPRIGT1ZxXt5Qg7N3t7k5aA/BaEhbVRv6ey9rpBw==", "by_user" : null, "comment" : { "author" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "created" : "2024-01-08T18:14:36+00:00", "id" : 112473, "text" : "*Matěj Cepl referenced this ticket in commit [7388090].*\n\n[7388090]: https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/disqus_xml2static_rst/commit/7388090 \"Convert body of comments with pandoc to reStructredText.\"" }, "created" : "2024-01-08T18:14:36+00:00", "event_type" : [ "COMMENT", "STATUS_CHANGE" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286870, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : "FIXED", "new_status" : "RESOLVED", "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 25, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2024-01-08T16:40:32+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286735, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 25, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 25, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#25", "resolution" : "FIXED", "status" : "RESOLVED", "subject" : " [disqus2rst] convert to rST", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2024-01-08T18:14:37+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "7d744abb529caa12", "X-Payload-Signature" : "GdLTcZVikSxNvVIID9gUfoUPHbuLcWaQBHR8/ikLMYwj7BELGkxtR3v9iqmHHqvyMJrOvhnDU4N90Sr1h7OzCg==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "Not sure how `static_comments` actually expects it to be done.", "created" : "2024-01-08T19:17:36+00:00", "events" : [ { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2024-01-08T19:17:36+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286875, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 26, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 26, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#26", "resolution" : "UNRESOLVED", "status" : "REPORTED", "subject" : "[disqus2rst] generate proper threaded comments", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2024-01-08T19:17:36+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "09b00315b6186445", "X-Payload-Signature" : "PyKm8bGil9oJ6jWOSd6KKeTqF/QdF9PtuHrRtlkFiy9/32bq5lpByKIsCGIaMPyt4GHY3QsQC/HZDV/eB52KAA==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "```xml\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\nNo, nothing to do with The Pureblood Pretense. Just thinking generally, what abo\r\nut Harry Potter historical fanfiction? There are few, but really few good ones (aside from t\r\nhe crap like Heir Malfoy falling in love with a poor maiden from the village Hermione; Drami\r\none just shifted to the seventeenth century): “Bloodstone” by Northumbrian linkffn(9445599),\r\n “The Friar’s Calling” linkao3(7460772), “With the Devil” (used to be on HPFanFiction, which\r\n is gone; adventures of a muggleborne witch in Salem during the Witch Trials, EPub available\r\n upon the request), “Starnlicht” linkffn(8596476), and few others.

\r\n 2021-09-30T08:49:55Z\r\n false\r\n false\r\n \r\n mcepl\r\n false\r\n disqus_xNEfBd8Kof\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n```\r\nI.e., we should record:\r\n\r\n* parent/child relationship\r\n* date created/modified\r\n* author (name and only if not anonymous)\r\n* of course link to the appropriate post", "created" : "2024-01-08T16:39:15+00:00", "events" : [ { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "7ebea077e923674f", "X-Payload-Signature" : "Aiq7nesz+qpkUa2Ci9MieOo24gvV7JP+9cof6bDd27+jISFCtp5jCmnPZSGwnugEmNAgNnVZBPCzsdJwwEd5BA==", "by_user" : null, "comment" : { "author" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "created" : "2024-01-08T19:09:44+00:00", "id" : 112477, "text" : "*Matěj Cepl referenced this ticket in commit [b99d275].*\n\n[b99d275]: https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/disqus_xml2static_rst/commit/b99d275 \"Collect all available information.\"" }, "created" : "2024-01-08T19:09:44+00:00", "event_type" : [ "COMMENT", "STATUS_CHANGE" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286874, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : "FIXED", "new_status" : "RESOLVED", "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 23, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2024-01-08T16:39:15+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286733, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 23, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 23, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#23", "resolution" : "FIXED", "status" : "RESOLVED", "subject" : "[disqus2rst] collect ALL metadata", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2024-01-08T19:09:45+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "3b6d008c54679bfd", "X-Payload-Signature" : "ZEuTBE+RwAyfQT16ZtGqBFgohwms8p8uuSw0qlYquqH0A1lb27exiIkNrooKN2WSgazeiT7/1WoW4Ed/ZatGAQ==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "From https://github.com/MinchinWeb/minchin.pelican.plugins.static_comments, obviously.", "created" : "2024-01-08T21:38:58+00:00", "events" : [ { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2024-01-08T21:38:58+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 286880, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 27, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 27, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#27", "resolution" : "UNRESOLVED", "status" : "REPORTED", "subject" : " [disqus2rst] rewrite to the structure of minchin.pelican.plugins.static_comments", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2024-01-08T21:38:58+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "031abf98251f7a13", "X-Payload-Signature" : "8j6Qxdnpbs0KKpRhpBz9T46w/AoW55kCRwv9VdAcIl45ufGV+Y4h1J8moUwOeYkIeR4an+EVvak9czolXqK6AA==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "Old idea on https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/14116:\r\n\r\n> Well, the minimal solution would be a parser for the git-request-pull(1), which would check every comment and if recognized the comment as the pull request, it would add button for the owner of the repo (e.g., \\[Create Pull Request\\]). After pressing that (so it is constantly under the control of the owner repo), gitlab would setup new remote (if doesn't exist still), fetch it, and create a merge request.", "created" : "2023-11-16T10:46:50+00:00", "events" : [ { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "59cb2c796a2275f6", "X-Payload-Signature" : "/06Aa/n8to14L+acQbgzBJ8zti/Nc9SF2Z6uf7HdbWMHG7WLcmaR6OI/iYxaRiRRObCAuwSFctIWi+d77vy4Aw==", "by_user" : null, "comment" : { "author" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "created" : "2023-11-18T22:38:11+00:00", "id" : 109218, "text" : "*Matěj Cepl referenced this ticket in commit [5326647].*\n\n[5326647]: https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/git-request-get/commit/5326647 \"The first draft, more or less complete and more or less useful.\"" }, "created" : "2023-11-18T22:38:11+00:00", "event_type" : [ "COMMENT", "STATUS_CHANGE" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 274311, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : "FIXED", "new_status" : "RESOLVED", "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 19, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2023-11-16T10:46:50+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 274008, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 19, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 19, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#19", "resolution" : "FIXED", "status" : "RESOLVED", "subject" : "parse out of git request-pull(1)", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2023-11-18T22:38:11+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "0149306b0362808a", "X-Payload-Signature" : "3NFKE9xj2yxuTlPS7/M9C5YmrLWkLeqJQrrFDxGN3TiWbnRENFfkNZU3doUQYiNAF7OHbM0DxG/2PgXrAHfWAg==", "assignees" : [], "body" : "The stdin/stdout/stderr is not handled correctly. Cannot enter a password.", "created" : "2023-11-23T15:49:04+00:00", "events" : [ { "by_user" : null, "comment" : null, "created" : "2023-11-23T15:49:04+00:00", "event_type" : [ "CREATED" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 274964, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : null, "new_status" : null, "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 20, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" }, { "X-Payload-Nonce" : "66e3c283d5729ed6", "X-Payload-Signature" : "bgezTg6NAbN6fd6F+qEMYxcFdjVs+QMQ/ky2GOcdvD3uba3oBSeph5fEfUeQbi1UTKaQwwVq226/UQkU598jCQ==", "by_user" : null, "comment" : { "author" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "created" : "2023-11-23T15:49:51+00:00", "id" : 109450, "text" : "*Matěj Cepl referenced this ticket in commit [90f1ded].*\n\n[90f1ded]: https://git.sr.ht/~mcepl/pinentry-rofi/commit/90f1ded \"Don't exec, but run alternative pinentry.\"" }, "created" : "2023-11-23T15:49:51+00:00", "event_type" : [ "COMMENT", "STATUS_CHANGE" ], "from_ticket_id" : null, "id" : 274965, "label" : null, "new_resolution" : "FIXED", "new_status" : "RESOLVED", "old_resolution" : null, "old_status" : null, "participant" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "ticket_id" : 20, "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "id" : 20, "labels" : [], "ref" : "~mcepl/devel#20", "resolution" : "FIXED", "status" : "RESOLVED", "subject" : "[pinentry-rofi] Doesn't work through ssh", "submitter" : { "canonical_name" : "~mcepl", "name" : "mcepl", "type" : "user", "user_id" : 15025 }, "updated" : "2023-11-23T15:49:51+00:00", "upstream" : "https://todo.sr.ht" } ], "updated" : "2024-01-08T21:38:58+00:00" }