"""News to mail gateway script. Copyright 2000 Cosimo Alfarano Author: Cosimo Alfarano Date: June 11 2000 whitelist.py - (C) 2000 by Cosimo Alfarano You can use this software under the terms of the GPL. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Thanks to md for this useful formula. Beer is beer. whitelist manage a list of trusted user. """ import sys import time import fcntl import wlp class whitelist(object): """whitelist handling class Do you really want anyone can post? Ah ah ah. """ wl = {} debug = None logf = None # filedescriptor # constants DENY = 0 ACCEPT = 1 def __init__(self, wlfile='wl.pyg', logfile='pyg.log', debug=0): self.debug = debug try: wlp.setfilebyname(wlfile) except (Exception), (errno, message): print 'Opening %s: %s (errno %d)' % (wlfile, message, errno) sys.exit(0) # dict is a { ownername : {variable: value}} dictionary of dictionaries self.wl = wlp.mkdict() # print 'owner: option = value' # for owner in self.wl.keys(): # for option in self.wl[owner].keys(): # print '%s: %s = %s' % (owner,option,self.wl[owner][option]) try: self.logf = open(logfile, 'a') self.lock() except (Exception), message: print '%s\nAre you authorized to use this program? ' % message sys.exit(1) def lock(self): fcntl.flock(self.logf.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) # to unlock fd locked, usually fd are unlocked after process exit() def unlock(self): fcntl.flock(self.logf.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) def checkfrom(self, fromhead): """have you permission to be here, sir?""" for owner in self.wl.keys(): # if(self.wl[owner]['From'] == fromhead[:-1]): # remove '\n' # here colon after 'From' IS required, because binary module wl # expects it. # TODO: when switching to the python lexxing, remove this # limitation. if fromhead[:-1].find(self.wl[owner]['From:']) >= 0: return owner else: return None def log(self, string): """Captain Diary, Astral Date 962555394 from epoch. it rawly write a line in logfile. Remeber to indent it, if you like. """ self.logf.write(string + '\n') def logmsg(self, heads, ok=DENY, owner=None): """who are walking through my gate? log """ ltime = time.ctime(time.time()) if time.daylight: tzone = time.tzname[1] else: tzone = time.tzname[0] if ok == self.ACCEPT: self.logf.write('Permission Accorded ') else: self.logf.write('Permission Denied ') self.logf.write('at %s (%s)\n' % (ltime, tzone)) if owner is not None: self.logf.write('\tWLOwner: ' + owner + '\n') self.logf.write('\tFrom: ' + heads.get('From', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) self.logf.write('\tSubject: ' + heads.get('Subject', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) self.logf.write('\tSender: ' + heads.get('Sender', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) self.logf.write('\tDate: ' + heads.get('Date', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) # some client create Message-Id other Message-ID. if 'Message-ID' in heads: self.logf.write('\tMessage-ID: ' + heads.get('Message-ID')) else: self.logf.write('\tMessage-Id: ' + heads.get('Message-Id', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) # X-Newsgroups: and To: are present if user is trusted, else # Newsgroup: exists since no changes on nntp headers are done. if 'X-Newsgroups' in heads: self.logf.write('\tTo: ' + heads.get('To', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) self.logf.write('\tX-Newsgroups: ' + heads.get('X-Newsgroups', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) else: self.logf.write('\tNewsgroups: ' + heads.get('Newsgroups', 'NOT PRESENT\n')) self.logf.write('\n')