path: root/examples/drhyde-news2mail-and-mail2news/news2mail
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/drhyde-news2mail-and-mail2news/news2mail')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/examples/drhyde-news2mail-and-mail2news/news2mail b/examples/drhyde-news2mail-and-mail2news/news2mail
deleted file mode 100644
index e91bea6..0000000
--- a/examples/drhyde-news2mail-and-mail2news/news2mail
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Net::NNTP::Client;
-use GDBM_File;
-use Email::Send;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use constant DEBUG => 0;
-select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
-my $confdir = "$ENV{HOME}/.news2mail";
-unless(-d $confdir && -f $confdir.'/config.pl') {
- mkdir $confdir || die("Couldn't create $confdir\n");
- open(FILE, ">$confdir/config.pl") || die("Couldn't create $confdir/config.pl\n");
- print FILE join("\n",
- "smtphost => 'localhost',",
- "address => 'myaddress\@example.com',",
- "'user:pass\@news.example.com:119' => {",
- " 'misc.test' => { post => 1 },",
- " 'alt.config' => { post => 1 },",
- "},",
- "'privateserver.localdomain' => {",
- " 'my.secret.newsgroup' => { post => 1 },",
- "}"
- );
- close(FILE);
- print "You need to configure me! Take a look in $confdir\n";
- exit;
-tie my %seen, 'GDBM_File', "$confdir/seen.dbm", GDBM_WRCREAT, 0640;
-my $subscriptions = { do $confdir.'/config.pl' };
-my $smtphost = $subscriptions->{smtphost};
-my $address = $subscriptions->{address};
-delete $subscriptions->{smtphost};
-delete $subscriptions->{address};
-SERVERS: foreach my $server (keys %{$subscriptions}) {
- unless(-d "$confdir/$server") {
- mkdir("$confdir/$server") || die("Can't create $confdir/$server\n");
- }
- my($auth, $host) = split('@', $server);
- ($auth, $host) = (':', $auth) if(!$host);
- my($user, $pass) = split(':', $auth);
- ($host, my $port) = split(':', $host);
- $port ||= 119;
- print "Connecting to $host:$port with credentials [$user,$pass]\n" if(DEBUG);
- my $client = Net::NNTP::Client->new(
- "$host:$port",
- server => $host,
- port => $port,
- (($user) ? (user => $user, pass => $pass) : ()),
- debug => 0, # set to 1 by default - hate!
- );
- # refresh groups list if this is a new server or the list is more
- # than 7 days old
- if(!-f "$confdir/groups.$server" || -M "$confdir/groups.$server" > 7) {
- my $list = eval { $client->list() };
- if($@) {
- print STDERR "$@\n";
- next SERVERS;
- }
- open(FILE, ">$confdir/groups.$server") || die("Can't write $confdir/groups.$server\n");
- print FILE "$_\n" foreach(sort keys %{$list});
- close(FILE);
- print "Updated groups list, see $confdir/groups.$server\n";
- }
- GROUPS: foreach my $group (keys %{$subscriptions->{$server}}) {
- my($articles, $firstarticle) = eval { $client->group($group); };
- if($@) {
- print STDERR "$@\n";
- next SERVERS;
- }
- if(!-e "$confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved") {
- # new subscription, so set lastretrieved to current
- open(FOO, ">$confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved") ||
- die("Can't write $confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved\n");
- print FOO $firstarticle + $articles - 1;
- close(FOO);
- print "New subscription: $server/$group\n first: $firstarticle\n articles: $articles\n" if(DEBUG);
- next GROUPS;
- }
- open(FOO, "$confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved") ||
- die("Can't read $confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved\n");
- chomp(my $lastretrieved = <FOO>);
- $client->nntpstat($lastretrieved);
- close(FOO);
- FETCHNEWS: while(my $msgid = $client->next()) {
- if(exists($seen{$msgid})) { # already got this article
- print "$group: $msgid already seen\n" if(DEBUG);
- $seen{$msgid} = time(); # update timestamp
- $lastretrieved++;
- open(FOO, ">$confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved") ||
- die("Can't write $confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved\n");
- print FOO $lastretrieved;
- close(FOO);
- }
- my $article = [map { chomp; $_; } @{$client->head($msgid)}];
- # filter based on headers here
- push @{$article}, '', map { chomp; $_; } @{$client->body($msgid)};
- print "$group: fetched $msgid\n" if(DEBUG);
- my @newsheaders;
- my @headers = (
- "To: $address",
- "Reply-To: ".
- ($subscriptions->{$server}->{$group}->{post} || 'dave.null'),
- "X-Newsgroup: $group"
- );
- while((my $line = shift(@{$article})) ne '') {
- if($line =~ /^\s+/) { $newsheaders[-1] .= $line; }
- else { push @newsheaders, $line; }
- }
- foreach my $line (@newsheaders) {
- if($line =~ /^(Message-Id|Date|Subject|From)/i) {
- # headers common to mail and news
- push @headers, $line;
- } elsif($line =~ /^Path: (.*)$/i) {
- push @headers, "Received: from $host with NNTP path $1";
- } elsif($line =~ /^References: (.*)$/i) {
- my @refs = split(/\s+/, $1);
- push @headers, $line, "In-Reply-To: $refs[-1]";
- } else {
- push @headers, "X-NNTP-Header-$line";
- }
- }
- my $body = $article;
- my $sender = Email::Send->new({mail => 'SMTP'});
- $sender->mailer_args([Host => $smtphost]);
- $sender->send(
- join("\n\n",
- join("\n", sort { $a cmp $b } @headers),
- join("\n", @{$body})
- )
- );
- $seen{$msgid} = time(); # so we never fetch this one again
- $lastretrieved++;
- open(FOO, ">$confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved") ||
- die("Can't write $confdir/$server/$group.lastretrieved\n");
- print FOO $lastretrieved;
- close(FOO);
- }
- }
-# while(my($msgid, $time) = each(%seen)) {
-# if(time() - $time > 2 * 86400) {
-# delete $seen{$msgid};
-# }
-# }
-# now optimise seendb
-# delete anything from 'seen' more than a year old. This is partially for
-# dropping cross-posts, (we use lastretrieved to avoid going back in time)
-# but also for when a server shits its pants
-my %newseen;
-$newseen{$_} = $seen{$_} foreach(
- grep { time() - $seen{$_} < 365 * 86400 } keys %seen
-untie %seen;
-unlink "$confdir/seen.dbm";
-tie %seen, 'GDBM_File', "$confdir/seen.dbm", GDBM_WRCREAT, 0640;
-$seen{$_} = $newseen{$_} foreach(keys %newseen);
-untie %seen;