#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Script for comparing two objects Copyright (c) 2011, Red Hat Corp. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json import logging from optparse import OptionParser __author__ = "Matěj Cepl" __version__ = "0.9.2" logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(funcName)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) STYLE_MAP = { u"_append": u"append_class", u"_remove": u"remove_class", u"_update": u"update_class" } INTERNAL_KEYS = set(STYLE_MAP.keys()) LEVEL_INDENT = u" " out_str_template = u""" %s


%s """ def is_scalar(value): """ Primitive version, relying on the fact that JSON cannot contain any more complicated data structures. """ return not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)) class HTMLFormatter(object): def __init__(self, diff_object): self.diff = diff_object def _generate_page(self, in_dict, title="json_diff result"): out_str = out_str_template % (title, title, self._format_dict(in_dict)) out_str += u"""
""" return out_str def _format_item(self, item, index, typch, level=0): level_str = (u"" + LEVEL_INDENT + u"") * level if is_scalar(item): out_str = (u"\n %s%s = %s\n \n" % (level_str, STYLE_MAP[typch], index, unicode(item))) elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): out_str = self._format_array(item, typch, level + 1) else: out_str = self._format_dict(item, typch, level + 1) return out_str.strip() def _format_array(self, diff_array, typch, level=0): out_str = [] for index in range(len(diff_array)): out_str.append(self._format_item(diff_array[index], index, typch, level)) return ("".join(out_str)).strip() # doesn't have level and neither concept of it, much def _format_dict(self, diff_dict, typch="unknown_change", level=0): out_str = [] # For all STYLE_MAP keys which are present in diff_dict for typechange in set(diff_dict.keys()) & INTERNAL_KEYS: out_str.append(self._format_dict(diff_dict[typechange], typechange, level)) # For all other non-internal keys for variable in set(diff_dict.keys()) - INTERNAL_KEYS: out_str.append(self._format_item(diff_dict[variable], variable, typch, level)) return ("".join(out_str)).strip() def __str__(self): return self._generate_page(self.diff) class BadJSONError(ValueError): pass class Comparator(object): """ Main workhorse, the object itself """ def __init__(self, fn1=None, fn2=None, included_attrs=(), excluded_attrs=()): self.obj1 = None self.obj2 = None if fn1: try: self.obj1 = json.load(fn1) except (TypeError, OverflowError, ValueError), exc: raise BadJSONError("Cannot decode object from JSON.\n%s" % unicode(exc)) if fn2: try: self.obj2 = json.load(fn2) except (TypeError, OverflowError, ValueError), exc: raise BadJSONError("Cannot decode object from JSON\n%s" % unicode(exc)) self.excluded_attributes = excluded_attrs self.included_attributes = included_attrs def _is_incex_key(self, key, value): """Is this key excluded or not among included ones? If yes, it should be ignored. """ key_out = ((self.included_attributes and (key not in self.included_attributes)) or (key in self.excluded_attributes)) value_out = True if isinstance(value, dict): for change_key in value: if isinstance(value[change_key], dict): for key in value[change_key]: if ((self.included_attributes and (key in self.included_attributes)) or (key not in self.excluded_attributes)): value_out = False return key_out and value_out def _filter_results(self, result): """Whole -i or -x functionality. Rather than complicate logic while going through the object’s tree we filter the result of plain comparison. Also clear out unused keys in result""" out_result = {} for change_type in result: temp_dict = {} for key in result[change_type]: logging.debug("result[change_type] = %s, key = %s", unicode(result[change_type]), key) logging.debug("self._is_incex_key(key, result[change_type][key]) = %s", self._is_incex_key(key, result[change_type][key])) if not self._is_incex_key(key, result[change_type][key]): temp_dict[key] = result[change_type][key] if len(temp_dict) > 0: out_result[change_type] = temp_dict return out_result def _compare_elements(self, old, new): res = None # We want to go through the tree post-order if isinstance(old, dict): res_dict = self.compare_dicts(old, new) if (len(res_dict) > 0): res = res_dict # Now we are on the same level # different types, new value is new elif (type(old) != type(new)): res = new # recursive arrays # we can be sure now, that both new and old are # of the same type elif (isinstance(old, list)): res_arr = self._compare_arrays(old, new) if (len(res_arr) > 0): res = res_arr # the only thing remaining are scalars else: scalar_diff = self._compare_scalars(old, new) if scalar_diff is not None: res = scalar_diff return res def _compare_scalars(self, old, new, name=None): """ Be careful with the result of this function. Negative answer from this function is really None, not False, so deciding based on the return value like in if self._compare_scalars(...): leads to wrong answer (it should be if self._compare_scalars(...) is not None:) """ # Explicitly excluded arguments if old != new: return new else: return None def _compare_arrays(self, old_arr, new_arr): """ simpler version of compare_dicts; just an internal method, becase it could never be called from outside. We have it guaranteed that both new_arr and old_arr are of type list. """ inters = min(len(old_arr), len(new_arr)) # this is the smaller length result = { u"_append": {}, u"_remove": {}, u"_update": {} } for idx in range(inters): res = self._compare_elements(old_arr[idx], new_arr[idx]) if res is not None: result[u'_update'][idx] = res # the rest of the larger array if (inters == len(old_arr)): for idx in range(inters, len(new_arr)): result[u'_append'][idx] = new_arr[idx] else: for idx in range(inters, len(old_arr)): result[u'_remove'][idx] = old_arr[idx] # Clear out unused keys in result out_result = {} for key in result: if len(result[key]) > 0: out_result[key] = result[key] return self._filter_results(result) def compare_dicts(self, old_obj=None, new_obj=None): """ The real workhorse """ if not old_obj and hasattr(self, "obj1"): old_obj = self.obj1 if not new_obj and hasattr(self, "obj2"): new_obj = self.obj2 old_keys = set() new_keys = set() if old_obj and len(old_obj) > 0: old_keys = set(old_obj.keys()) if new_obj and len(new_obj) > 0: new_keys = set(new_obj.keys()) keys = old_keys | new_keys result = { "_append": {}, "_remove": {}, "_update": {} } for name in keys: # old_obj is missing if name not in old_obj: result[u'_append'][name] = new_obj[name] # new_obj is missing elif name not in new_obj: result[u'_remove'][name] = old_obj[name] else: res = self._compare_elements(old_obj[name], new_obj[name]) if res is not None: result[u'_update'][name] = res return self._filter_results(result) if __name__ == "__main__": usage = "usage: %prog [options] old.json new.json" description = "Generates diff between two JSON files." parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude", action="append", dest="exclude", metavar="ATTR", default=[], help="attributes which should be ignored when comparing") parser.add_option("-i", "--include", action="append", dest="include", metavar="ATTR", default=[], help="attributes which should be exclusively used when comparing") parser.add_option("-H", "--HTML", action="store_true", dest="HTMLoutput", metavar="BOOL", default=False, help="program should output to HTML report") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.error("Script requires two positional arguments, names for old and new JSON file.") diff = Comparator(open(args[0]), open(args[1]), options.include, options.exclude) if options.HTMLoutput: diff_res = diff.compare_dicts() # logging.debug("diff_res:\n%s", json.dumps(diff_res, indent=True)) print(HTMLFormatter(diff_res)) else: outs = json.dumps(diff.compare_dicts(), indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) outs = "\n".join([line for line in outs.split("\n")]) print(outs.encode("utf-8"))