path: root/XDiff.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'XDiff.py')
1 files changed, 1996 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XDiff.py b/XDiff.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad0e93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XDiff.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1996 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+java XDiff [-o|-g] [-p percent] [-e encoding] xml_file1 xml_file2 diff_result
+ The default setting is "-o -p 0.3 -e UTF8"
+ -o The optimal mode, to get the minimum editing distance.
+ -g The greedy mode, to find a difference quickly.
+ -p The maximum change percentage allowed.
+ Default value: 1.0 for -o mode; 0.3 for -g mode.
+ -e The encoding of the output file.
+ Default value: UTF8.
+# Copyright (c) 2001 - 2005
+# Yuan Wang. All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# 3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on
+# how to obtain complete source code for the X-Diff software and any
+# accompanying software that uses the X-Diff software. The source code
+# must either be included in the distribution or be available for no
+# more than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and must be
+# freely redistributable under reasonable conditions. For an executable
+# file, complete source code means the source code for all modules it
+# contains. It does not include source code for modules or files that
+# typically accompany the major components of the operating system on
+# which the executable file runs.
+#import java.io.BufferedReader
+#import java.io.FileReader
+#import java.io.FileOutputStream
+#import java.io.OutputStreamWriter
+#import java.io.IOException
+#import java.util.Random
+#import java.util.Vector
+import sys, time, codecs
+import XTree, XLut
+from XParser import XParser
+# <code>XDiff</code> computes the difference of two input XML documents.
+_MATRIX_SIZE = 1024
+_TEXT_SIZE = 1024
+class XDiff:
+ _oFlag = False
+ _sampleCount = 3
+ _DEBUG = False
+ _encoding = "UTF8"
+# self._xtree1, self._xtree2
+# private XLut _xlut
+# private _leastCostMatrix[][], self._pathMatrix[][], self._circuit[]
+# private _attrList1[], _attrList2[], _textList1[], _textList2[]
+# private boolean _attrMatch[], _textMatch1[], _textMatch2[]
+# private long _attrHash[], _textHash[]
+# private String _attrTag[]
+# private self._matchp[]
+# private boolean self._needNewLine
+ # Constructor
+ # @param input1 input file #1
+ # @param input2 input file #2
+ # @param output output file
+ def __init__(self, input1, input2, output):
+ # Parse input files
+ parser = XParser()
+ t0 = time.time()
+ self._xtree1 = parser.parse(input1)
+ t1 = time.time()
+ parser = XParser()
+ self._xtree2 = parser.parse(input2)
+ t2 = time.time()
+ # check both root nodes.
+ root1 = self._xtree1.getRoot()
+ root2 = self._xtree2.getRoot()
+ if (self._xtree1.getHashValue(root1) == self._xtree2.getHashValue(root2)):
+ print "No difference!"
+ print "Execution time: " + (t2 - t0) + " ms"
+ print "Parsing " + input1 + ": " + (t1 - t0) + " ms"
+ print "Parsing " + input2 + ": " + (t2 - t1) + " ms"
+ else:
+ self._xlut = XLut.XLut()
+ self._matchp = int[2]
+ if (self._xtree1.getTag(root1).compareTo(self._xtree2.getTag(root2)) != 0):
+ print "The root is changed!"
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(root1, self._matchp)
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(root2, self._matchp)
+ else:
+ # initialize data structures.
+ self._attrList1 = []
+ self._attrList2 = []
+ self._attrMatch = []
+ self._attrHash = []
+ self._attrTag = []
+ self._textList1 = []
+ self._textList2 = []
+ self._textMatch1 = []
+ self._textMatch2 = []
+ self._textHash = []
+ self._leastCostMatrix = []
+ self._pathMatrix = []
+ self._circuit = []
+ for i in range(_MATRIX_SIZE):
+ self._leastCostMatrix[i] = int[_MATRIX_SIZE]
+ self._pathMatrix[i] = int[_MATRIX_SIZE]
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = root2
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(root1, self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = root1
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(root2, self._matchp)
+ self.xdiff(root1, root2, False)
+ t3 = time.time()
+ self.writeDiff(input1, output)
+ t4 = time.time()
+ print "Difference detected!"
+ print "Execution time: " + (t4 - t0) + " ms"
+ print "Parsing " + input1 + ": " + (t1 - t0) + " ms"
+ print "Parsing " + input2 + ": " + (t2 - t1) + " ms"
+ print "Diffing: " + (t3 - t2) + " ms"
+ print "Writing result: " + (t4 - t3) + " ms"
+ # Diff two element lists
+ # This is the official one that records matching top-down
+ # @param pid1 parent id #1
+ # @param pid2 parent id #2
+ # @param matchFlag indicates if distance computation needed
+ def xdiff(self, pid1, pid2, matchFlag):
+ # diff attributes.
+ attrCount1 = 0
+ attrCount2 = 0
+ attr1 = self._xtree1.getFirstAttribute(pid1)
+ while (attr1 != XTree.NULL_NODE):
+ self._attrList1[attrCount1] = attr1
+ attrCount1 += 1
+ attr1 = self._xtree1.getNextAttribute(attr1)
+ attr2 = self._xtree2.getFirstAttribute(pid2)
+ while (attr2 != XTree.NULL_NODE):
+ self._attrList2[attrCount2] = attr2
+ attrCount2 += 1
+ attr2 = self._xtree2.getNextAttribute(attr2)
+ if (attrCount1 > 0):
+ if (attrCount2 > 0):
+ self.diffAttributes(attrCount1, attrCount2)
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(attrCount1):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(self._attrList1[i],
+ self._matchp)
+ elif (attrCount2 > 0): # attrCount1 == 0
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(attrCount2):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._attrList2[i], self._matchp)
+ # Match element nodes.
+ count1 = self._xtree1.getChildrenCount(pid1) - attrCount1
+ count2 = self._xtree2.getChildrenCount(pid2) - attrCount2
+ if (count1 == 0):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ node2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(pid2)
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(node2, self._matchp)
+ for i in range(1,count2):
+ node2 = self._xtree2.getNextSibling(node2)
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(node2, self._matchp)
+ elif (count2 == 0):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ node1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(pid1)
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(node1, self._matchp)
+ for i in range(1, count1):
+ node1 = self._xtree1.getNextSibling(node1)
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(node1, self._matchp)
+ elif ((count1 == 1) and (count2 == 1)):
+ node1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(pid1)
+ node2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(pid2)
+ if (self._xtree1.getHashValue(node1) == self._xtree2.getHashValue(node2)):
+ return
+ isE1 = self._xtree1.isElement(node1)
+ isE2 = self._xtree2.isElement(node2)
+ if (isE1 and isE2):
+ tag1 = self._xtree1.getTag(node1)
+ tag2 = self._xtree2.getTag(node2)
+ if (tag1.compareTo(tag2) == 0):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = node2
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(node1, self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = node1
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(node2, self._matchp)
+ self.xdiff(node1, node2, matchFlag)
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(node1, self._matchp)
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(node2, self._matchp)
+ elif (not isE1 and not isE2):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = node2
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(node1, self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = node1
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(node2, self._matchp)
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(node1, self._matchp)
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(node2, self._matchp)
+ else:
+ elements1 = int[count1]
+ elements2 = int[count2]
+ elementCount1 = 0
+ textCount1 = 0
+ elementCount2 = 0
+ textCount2 = 0
+ child1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(pid1)
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(child1)):
+ elements1[elementCount1] = child1
+ elementCount1 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList1[textCount1] = child1
+ textCount1 += 1
+ for i in range(1,count1):
+ child1 = self._xtree1.getNextSibling(child1)
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(child1)):
+ elements1[elementCount1] = child1
+ elementCount1 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList1[textCount1] = child1
+ textCount1 += 1
+ child2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(pid2)
+ if (self._xtree2.isElement(child2)):
+ elements2[elementCount2] = child2
+ elementCount2 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList2[textCount2] = child2
+ textCount2 += 1
+ for i in range(1,count2):
+ child2 = self._xtree2.getNextSibling(child2)
+ if (self._xtree2.isElement(child2)):
+ elements2[elementCount2] = child2
+ elementCount2 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList2[textCount2] = child2
+ textCount2 += 1
+ # Match text nodes.
+ if (textCount1 > 0):
+ if (textCount2 > 0):
+ self.diffText(textCount1, textCount2)
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(textCount1):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(self._textList1[i], self._matchp)
+ elif (textCount2 > 0):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in (textCount2):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._textList2[i],
+ self._matchp)
+ matched1 = []
+ matched2 = []
+ mcount = self._matchFilter(elements1, elementCount1,
+ elements2, elementCount2,
+ matched1, matched2)
+ if ((elementCount1 == mcount) and (elementCount2 == mcount)):
+ return
+ if (elementCount1 == mcount):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(elementCount2):
+ if (not matched2[i]):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(elements2[i], self._matchp)
+ return
+ if (elementCount2 == mcount):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(elementCount1):
+ if (not matched1[i]):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(elements1[i], self._matchp)
+ return
+ # Write the list of unmatched nodes.
+ ucount1 = elementCount1 - mcount
+ ucount2 = elementCount2 - mcount
+ unmatched1 = int[ucount1]
+ unmatched2 = int[ucount2]
+ muc1 = 0
+ muc2 = 0
+ start = 0
+ while ((muc1 < ucount1) and (muc2 < ucount2)):
+ while (start < elementCount1) and matched1[start]:
+ start += 1
+ startTag = self._xtree1.getTag(elements1[start])
+ uele1 = 0
+ uele2 = 0
+ muc1 += 1
+ unmatched1[uele1] = elements1[start]
+ uele1 += 1
+ matched1[start] = True
+ start += 1
+ i = start
+ while (i < elementCount1) and (muc1 < ucount1):
+ if (not matched1[i] and startTag.equals(self._xtree1.getTag(elements1[i]))):
+ matched1[i] = True
+ muc1 += 1
+ unmatched1[uele1] = elements1[i]
+ uele1 += 1
+ i += 1
+ i = 0
+ while (i < elementCount2) and (muc2 < ucount2):
+ if (not matched2[i] and startTag.equals(self._xtree2.getTag(elements2[i]))):
+ matched2[i] = True
+ muc2 += 1
+ unmatched2[uele2] = elements2[i]
+ uele2 += 1
+ i += 1
+ if (uele2 == 0):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(uele1):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(unmatched1[i], self._matchp)
+ else:
+ if ((uele1 == 1) and (uele2 == 1)):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = unmatched2[0]
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(unmatched1[0], self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = unmatched1[0]
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(unmatched2[0], self._matchp)
+ self.xdiff(unmatched1[0],
+ unmatched2[0],
+ matchFlag)
+ # To find minimal-cost matching between those unmatched.
+ elif (uele1 >= uele2):
+ if ((uele2 <= self._sampleCount) or not self._gFlag):
+ self.matchListO(unmatched1, unmatched2, uele1, uele2, True, matchFlag)
+ else:
+ self.matchList(unmatched1, unmatched2, uele1, uele2, True, matchFlag)
+ else:
+ if ((uele1 <= self._sampleCount) or not self._gFlag):
+ self.matchListO(unmatched2, unmatched1, uele2, uele1, False, matchFlag)
+ else:
+ self.matchList(unmatched2, unmatched1, uele2, uele1, False, matchFlag)
+ if (muc1 < ucount1):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(start,elementCount1):
+ if (not matched1[i]):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(elements1[i], self._matchp)
+ elif (muc2 < ucount2):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(elementCount2):
+ if (not matched2[i]):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(elements2[i], self._matchp)
+ # Diff and match two lists of attributes
+ # @param attrCount1 number of attributes in the 1st list
+ # @param attrCount2 number of attributes in the 2nd list
+ def diffAttributes(self, attrCount1, attrCount2):
+ if ((attrCount1 == 1) and (attrCount2 == 1)):
+ ah1 = self._xtree1.getHashValue(self._attrList1[0])
+ ah2 = self._xtree2.getHashValue(self._attrList2[0])
+ if (ah1 == ah2):
+ return
+ tag1 = self._xtree1.getTag(self._attrList1[0])
+ tag2 = self._xtree2.getTag(self._attrList2[0])
+ if (tag1.compareTo(tag2) == 0):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = self._attrList2[0]
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(self._attrList1[0], self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = self._attrList1[0]
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._attrList2[0], self._matchp)
+ tid1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(self._attrList1[0])
+ tid2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(self._attrList2[0])
+ self._matchp[1] = tid2
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(tid1, self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = tid1
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(tid2, self._matchp)
+ return
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(self._attrList1[0], self._matchp)
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._attrList2[0], self._matchp)
+ return
+ for i in range(attrCount2):
+ self._attrHash[i] = self._xtree2.getHashValue(self._attrList2[i])
+ self._attrTag[i] = self._xtree2.getTag(self._attrList2[i])
+ self._attrMatch[i] = False
+ matchCount = 0
+ for i in range(attrCount1):
+ attr1 = self._attrList1[i]
+ ah1 = self._xtree1.getHashValue(attr1)
+ tag1 = self._xtree1.getTag(attr1)
+ found = False
+ for j in range(attrCount2):
+ attr2 = self._attrList2[j]
+ if (self._attrMatch[j]):
+ continue
+ elif (ah1 == self._attrHash[j]):
+ self._attrMatch[j] = True
+ matchCount += 1
+ found = True
+ break
+ elif (tag1.compareTo(self._attrTag[j]) == 0):
+ self._attrMatch[j] = True
+ matchCount += 1
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = attr2
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(attr1, self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = attr1
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(attr2, self._matchp)
+ tid1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(attr1)
+ tid2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(attr2)
+ self._matchp[1] = tid2
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(tid1, self._matchp)
+ self._matchp[1] = tid1
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(tid2, self._matchp)
+ found = True
+ break
+ if (not found):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(attr1, self._matchp)
+ if (matchCount != attrCount2):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(attrCount2):
+ if (not self._attrMatch[i]):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._attrList2[i],
+ self._matchp)
+ # Diff and match two lists of text nodes.
+ # XXX This is just a hack that treats text nodes as unordered, to
+ # be consistent with the entire algorithm.
+ # @param textCount1 number of text nodes in the 1st list
+ # @param textCount2 number of text nodes in the 2nd list
+ def diffText(self, textCount1, textCount2):
+ for i in range(textCount1):
+ self._textMatch1[i] = False
+ for i in range(textCount2):
+ self._textMatch2[i] = False
+ self._textHash[i] = self._xtree2.getHashValue(self._textList2[i])
+ mcount = 0
+ for i in range(textCount1):
+ hash1 = self._xtree1.getHashValue(self._textList1[i])
+ for j in range(textCount2):
+ if (not self._textMatch2[j] and (hash1 == self._textHash[j])):
+ self._textMatch1[i] = True
+ self._textMatch2[j] = True
+ mcount += 1
+ break
+ if (mcount == textCount2):
+ break
+ if ((mcount < textCount1) and (textCount1 <= textCount2)):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ i = 0
+ j = 0
+ while (i < textCount1) and (mcount < textCount1):
+ if (self._textMatch1[i]):
+ continue
+ while self._textMatch2[j]:
+ j += 1
+ self._matchp[1] = self._textList2[j]
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(self._textList1[i], self._matchp)
+ self._textMatch1[i] = True
+ self._matchp[1] = self._textList1[i]
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._textList2[j], self._matchp)
+ self._textMatch2[j] = True
+ mcount += 1
+ i += 1
+ elif ((mcount < textCount2) and (textCount2 < textCount1)):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ i = 0
+ j = 0
+ while (i < textCount2) and (mcount < textCount2):
+ if (self._textMatch2[i]):
+ continue
+ while (self._textMatch1[j]):
+ j += 1
+ self._matchp[1] = self._textList1[j]
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._textList2[i], self._matchp)
+ self._textMatch2[i] = True
+ self._matchp[1] = self._textList2[i]
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(self._textList1[j], self._matchp)
+ self._textMatch1[j] = True
+ mcount += 1
+ i += 1
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ if (mcount < textCount1):
+ for i in range(textCount1):
+ if (not self._textMatch1[i]):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(self._textList1[i],
+ self._matchp)
+ elif (mcount < textCount2):
+ for i in range(textCount2):
+ if (not self._textMatch2[i]):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(self._textList2[i],
+ self._matchp)
+ # Filter out matched nodepairs.
+ # @param elements1 node list #1
+ # @param elements2 node list #2
+ # @param matched1 match list #1
+ # @param matched2 match list #2
+ # @return how many matched pairs found
+ def _matchFilter(self, elements1, count1, elements2, count2, matched1, matched2):
+ value1 = int[count1]
+ value2 = int[count2]
+ for i in range(count1):
+ value1[i] = self._xtree1.getHashValue(elements1[i])
+ matched1[i] = False
+ for i in range(count2):
+ value2[i] = self._xtree2.getHashValue(elements2[i])
+ matched2[i] = False
+ mcount = 0
+ for i in range(count2):
+ for j in range (count1):
+ if (not matched1[j] and not matched2[i] and (value1[j] == value2[i])):
+ matched1[j] = True
+ matched2[i] = True
+ mcount += 1
+ break
+ return mcount
+ # Find minimal cost matching between two node lists
+ # Record the matching info back to the trees
+ # Using the original algorithm
+ # @param nodes1 node list #1
+ # @param nodes2 node list #2
+ # @param count1 # of nodes in node list #1
+ # @param count2 # of nodes in node list #2
+ # @param treeOrder True for original, False for inverse
+ # @param matchFlag indicates if distance computation needed
+ def matchListO(self, nodes1, nodes2, count1, count2, treeOrder, matchFlag):
+ distance = []
+ matching1 = []
+ matching2 = []
+ # insert cost.
+ distance[count1] = int[count2+1]
+ for i in range(count2):
+ if treeOrder:
+ distance[count1][i] = self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[i])
+ else:
+ distance[count1][i] = self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[i]) + 1
+ for i in range(count1):
+ distance[i] = int[count2+1]
+ if treeOrder:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes1[i])
+ else:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes1[i]) + 1
+ for j in range(count2):
+ dist = 0
+ if (matchFlag):
+ if treeOrder:
+ dist = self._xlut.get(nodes1[i], nodes2[j])
+ else:
+ dist = self._xlut.get(nodes2[j], nodes1[i])
+ else:
+ if treeOrder:
+ dist = distance(nodes1[i], nodes2[j], True, XTree.NO_CONNECTION)
+ else:
+ dist = distance(nodes2[j], nodes1[i], True, XTree.NO_CONNECTION)
+ # the default mode.
+ if (not self._oFlag and (dist > 1) and (dist >= self._NO_MATCH_THRESHOLD * (deleteCost + distance[count1][j]))):
+ dist = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ if (dist < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xlut.add(nodes1[i],
+ nodes2[j],
+ dist)
+ else:
+ self._xlut.add(nodes2[j],
+ nodes1[i],
+ dist)
+ distance[i][j] = dist
+ # delete cost.
+ distance[i][count2] = deleteCost
+ # compute the minimal cost matching.
+ self.findMatching(count1, count2, distance, matching1, matching2)
+ for i in range(count1):
+ if (matching1[i] == XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = nodes2[matching1[i]]
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(nodes1[i], self._matchp)
+ else:
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(nodes1[i], self._matchp)
+ for i in range(count2):
+ if (matching2[i] == XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = nodes1[matching2[i]]
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(nodes2[i], self._matchp)
+ else:
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(nodes2[i], self._matchp)
+ for i in range(count1):
+ if (matching1[i] != XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ todo1 = nodes1[i]
+ todo2 = nodes2[matching1[i]]
+ if (treeOrder):
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(todo1) and self._xtree2.isElement(todo2)):
+ self.xdiff(todo1, todo2, True)
+ else:
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(todo2) and self._xtree2.isElement(todo1)):
+ self.xdiff(todo2, todo1, True)
+ # Find minimal cost matching between two node lists
+ # Record the matching info back to the trees
+ # Do sampling.
+ # @param nodes1 node list #1
+ # @param nodes2 node list #2
+ # @param count1 # of nodes in node list #1
+ # @param count2 # of nodes in node list #2
+ # @param treeOrder True for original, False for inverse
+ # @param matchFlag indicates if distance computation needed
+ def matchList(self, nodes1, nodes2, count1, count2, treeOrder, matchFlag):
+ matching1 = []
+ matching2 = []
+ for i in range(count1):
+ matching1[i] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(count2):
+ matching2[i] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ if (matchFlag):
+ for i in range(count1):
+ for j in range(count2):
+ if treeOrder:
+ d = self._xlut.get(nodes1[i], nodes2[j])
+ else:
+ d = self._xlut.get(nodes2[j], nodes1[i])
+ if (d != XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ matching1[i] = j
+ matching2[j] = i
+ break
+ else:
+ r = Random(time.time()) # FIXME
+ scount1 = 0
+ scount2 = 0
+ matchingThreshold = 0
+ i = 0
+ while (i < self._sampleCount) and (scount2 < count2):
+ snode = r.nextInt(count2 - scount2) + scount2
+ dist = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ bestmatch = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for j in range(scount1,count1):
+ if treeOrder:
+ d = self.distance(nodes1[j], nodes2[snode], False, dist)
+ else:
+ d = self.distance(nodes2[snode], nodes1[j], False, dist)
+ if (d < dist):
+ dist = d
+ bestmatch = j
+ if (d == 1):
+ break
+ scount2 += 1
+ if treeOrder:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[snode]) + 1
+ else:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[snode]) + 1
+ if ((dist > 1) and (dist > (self._NO_MATCH_THRESHOLD * deleteCost))):
+ tmp = nodes2[snode]
+ nodes2[snode] = nodes2[scount2]
+ nodes2[scount2] = tmp
+ else:
+ tmp = nodes1[bestmatch]
+ nodes1[bestmatch] = nodes1[scount1]
+ nodes1[scount1] = tmp
+ tmp = nodes2[snode]
+ nodes2[snode] = nodes2[scount2]
+ nodes2[scount2] = tmp
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xlut.add(nodes1[scount1], nodes2[scount2], dist)
+ else:
+ self._xlut.add(nodes2[scount2], nodes1[scount1], dist)
+ matching1[scount1] = scount2
+ matching2[scount2] = scount1
+ i += 1
+ scount1 += 1
+ if (matchingThreshold < dist):
+ matchingThreshold = dist
+ while scount2 < count2:
+ dist = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ bestmatch = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(scount1,count1):
+ if treeOrder:
+ d = self.distance(nodes1[i], nodes2[scount2], False, dist)
+ else:
+ d = self.distance(nodes2[scount2], nodes1[i], False, dist)
+ if (d <= matchingThreshold):
+ dist = d
+ bestmatch = i
+ break
+ elif (d < dist):
+ dist = d
+ bestmatch = i
+ if (bestmatch != XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ tmp = nodes1[bestmatch]
+ nodes1[bestmatch] = nodes1[scount1]
+ nodes1[scount1] = tmp
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xlut.add(nodes1[scount1], nodes2[scount2], dist)
+ else:
+ self._xlut.add(nodes2[scount2], nodes1[scount1], dist)
+ matching1[scount1] = scount2
+ matching2[scount2] = scount1
+ scount1 += 1
+ scount2 += 1
+ # Record matching
+ for i in range(count1):
+ if (matching1[i] == XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = nodes2[matching1[i]]
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(nodes1[i], self._matchp)
+ else:
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(nodes1[i], self._matchp)
+ for i in range(count2):
+ if (matching2[i] == XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ else:
+ self._matchp[0] = XTree.CHANGE
+ self._matchp[1] = nodes1[matching2[i]]
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xtree2.addMatching(nodes2[i], self._matchp)
+ else:
+ self._xtree1.addMatching(nodes2[i], self._matchp)
+ for i in range(count1):
+ if (matching1[i] != XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ todo1 = nodes1[i]
+ todo2 = nodes2[matching1[i]]
+ if (treeOrder):
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(todo1) and self._xtree2.isElement(todo2)):
+ self.xdiff(todo1, todo2, True)
+ else:
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(todo2) and self._xtree2.isElement(todo1)):
+ self.xdiff(todo2, todo1, True)
+ # Compute (minimal-editing) distance between two nodes.
+ # @param eid1 element id #1
+ # @param eid2 element id #2
+ # @param toRecord whether or not to keep the result
+ # @param threshold No need to return a distance higher
+ # than this threshold
+ # @return the distance
+ def distance(self, eid1, eid2, toRecord, threshold):
+ isE1 = self._xtree1.isElement(eid1)
+ isE2 = self._xtree2.isElement(eid2)
+ if (isE1 and isE2):
+ if (self._xtree1.getTag(eid1).compareTo(self._xtree2.getTag(eid2)) != 0):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ else:
+ dist = self._xdiff(eid1, eid2, threshold)
+ if (toRecord and (dist < XTree.NO_CONNECTION)):
+ self._xlut.add(eid1, eid2, dist)
+ return dist
+ elif (not isE1 and not isE2):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ # To compute the editing distance between two nodes
+ # @param pid1 parent id #1
+ # @param pid2 parent id #2
+ # @param threshold No need to return a distance higher
+ # than this threshold
+ # @return the distance
+ def _xdiff(self, pid1, pid2, threshold):
+ dist = 0
+ # diff attributes.
+ attrCount1 = 0
+ attrCount2 = 0
+ attr1 = self._xtree1.getFirstAttribute(pid1)
+ while (attr1 != XTree.NULL_NODE):
+ self._attrList1[attrCount1] = attr1
+ attrCount1 += 1
+ attr1 = self._xtree1.getNextAttribute(attr1)
+ attr2 = self._xtree2.getFirstAttribute(pid2)
+ while (attr2 != XTree.NULL_NODE):
+ self._attrList2[attrCount2] = attr2
+ attrCount2 += 1
+ attr2 = self._xtree2.getNextAttribute(attr2)
+ if (attrCount1 == 0):
+ dist = attrCount2 * 2
+ elif (attrCount2 == 0):
+ dist = attrCount1 * 2
+ else:
+ dist = self._diffAttributes(attrCount1, attrCount2)
+ if (self._gFlag and (dist >= threshold)):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ # Match second level nodes first.
+ count1 = self._xtree1.getChildrenCount(pid1) - attrCount1
+ count2 = self._xtree2.getChildrenCount(pid2) - attrCount2
+ if (count1 == 0):
+ node2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(pid2)
+ while (node2 != XTree.NULL_NODE):
+ dist += self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(node2) + 1
+ if (self._gFlag and (dist >= threshold)):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ node2 = self._xtree2.getNextSibling(node2)
+ elif (count2 == 0):
+ node1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(pid1)
+ while (node1 != XTree.NULL_NODE):
+ dist += self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(node1) + 1
+ if (self._gFlag and (dist >= threshold)):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ node1 = self._xtree1.getNextSibling(node1)
+ elif ((count1 == 1) and (count2 == 1)):
+ node1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(pid1)
+ node2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(pid2)
+ if (self._xtree1.getHashValue(node1) == self._xtree2.getHashValue(node2)):
+ return dist
+ isE1 = self._xtree1.isElement(node1)
+ isE2 = self._xtree2.isElement(node2)
+ if (isE1 and isE2):
+ tag1 = self._xtree1.getTag(node1)
+ tag2 = self._xtree2.getTag(node2)
+ if (tag1.compareTo(tag2) == 0):
+ dist += self._xdiff(node1, node2, threshold - dist)
+ else:
+ dist += self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(node1) + self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(node2) + 2
+ elif (not isE1 and not isE2):
+ dist += 1
+ else:
+ dist += self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(node1) + self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(node2) + 2
+ else:
+ elements1 = int[count1]
+ elements2 = int[count2]
+ elementCount1 = 0
+ textCount1 = 0
+ elementCount2 = 0
+ textCount2 = 0
+ child1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(pid1)
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(child1)):
+ elements1[elementCount1] = child1
+ elementCount1 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList1[textCount1] = child1
+ textCount1 += 1
+ for i in range(1,count1):
+ child1 = self._xtree1.getNextSibling(child1)
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(child1)):
+ elements1[elementCount1] = child1
+ elementCount1 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList1[textCount1] = child1
+ textCount1 += 1
+ child2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(pid2)
+ if (self._xtree2.isElement(child2)):
+ elements2[elementCount2] = child2
+ elementCount2 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList2[textCount2] = child2
+ textCount2 += 1
+ for i in range(1,count2):
+ child2 = self._xtree2.getNextSibling(child2)
+ if (self._xtree2.isElement(child2)):
+ elements2[elementCount2] = child2
+ elementCount2 += 1
+ else:
+ self._textList2[textCount2] = child2
+ textCount2 += 1
+ # Match text nodes.
+ if (textCount1 == 0):
+ dist += textCount2
+ elif (textCount2 == 0):
+ dist += textCount1
+ else:
+ dist += self._diffText(textCount1, textCount2)
+ if (self._gFlag and (dist >= threshold)):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ matched1 = []
+ matched2 = []
+ mcount = self._matchFilter(elements1, elementCount1,
+ elements2, elementCount2,
+ matched1, matched2)
+ if ((elementCount1 == mcount) and (elementCount2 == mcount)):
+ return dist
+ if (elementCount1 == mcount):
+ for i in range(elementCount2):
+ if (not matched2[i]):
+ dist += self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(elements2[i]) + 1
+ if (self._gFlag and (dist >= threshold)):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ return dist
+ if (elementCount2 == mcount):
+ for i in range(elementCount1):
+ if (not matched1[i]):
+ dist += self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(elements1[i]) + 1
+ if (self._gFlag and (dist >= threshold)):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ return dist
+ # Write the list of unmatched nodes.
+ ucount1 = elementCount1 - mcount
+ ucount2 = elementCount2 - mcount
+ unmatched1 = []
+ unmatched2 = []
+ muc1 = 0
+ muc2 = 0
+ start = 0
+ while ((muc1 < ucount1) and (muc2 < ucount2)):
+ while (start < elementCount1) and matched1[start]:
+ start += 1
+ startTag = self._xtree1.getTag(elements1[start])
+ uele1 = 0
+ uele2 = 0
+ muc1 += 1
+ unmatched1[uele1] = elements1[start]
+ uele1 += 1
+ matched1[start] = True
+ start += 1
+ i = start
+ while (i < elementCount1) and (muc1 < ucount1):
+ if (not matched1[i] and startTag.equals(self._xtree1.getTag(elements1[i]))):
+ matched1[i] = True
+ muc1 += 1
+ unmatched1[uele1] = elements1[i]
+ uele1 += 1
+ i += 1
+ i = 0
+ while (i < elementCount2) and (muc2 < ucount2):
+ if (not matched2[i] and startTag.equals(self._xtree2.getTag(elements2[i]))):
+ matched2[i] = True
+ muc2 += 1
+ unmatched2[uele2] = elements2[i]
+ uele2 += 1
+ i += 1
+ if (uele2 == 0):
+ for i in range(uele1):
+ dist += self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(unmatched1[i])
+ else:
+# if ((uele1 == 1) and (uele2 == 1)):
+# dist += self._xdiff(unmatched1[0],
+# unmatched2[0],
+# threshold-dist)
+# elif (uele1 >= uele2):
+ # To find minimal-cost matching between those unmatched.
+ if (uele1 >= uele2):
+ if ((uele2 <= self._sampleCount) or not self._gFlag):
+ dist += self._matchListO(unmatched1, unmatched2, uele1, uele2, True)
+ else:
+ dist += self._matchList(unmatched1, unmatched2, uele1, uele2, True, threshold - dist)
+ else:
+ if ((uele1 <= self._sampleCount) or not self._gFlag):
+ dist += self._matchListO(unmatched2, unmatched1, uele2, uele1, False)
+ else:
+ dist += self._matchList(unmatched2, unmatched1, uele2, uele1, False, threshold - dist)
+ if (self._gFlag and (dist >= threshold)):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ if (muc1 < ucount1):
+ for i in range (start,elementCount1):
+ if (not matched1[i]):
+ dist += self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(elements1[i])
+ elif (muc2 < ucount2):
+ for i in range(elementCount2):
+ if (not matched2[i]):
+ dist += self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(elements2[i])
+ if (not self._gFlag or (dist < threshold)):
+ return dist
+ else:
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ # Diff two lists of attributes
+ # @param attrCount1 number of attributes in the 1st list
+ # @param attrCount2 number of attributes in the 2nd list
+ # @return the distance
+ def _diffAttributes(self, attrCount1, attrCount2):
+ if ((attrCount1 == 1) and (attrCount2 == 1)):
+ ah1 = self._xtree1.getHashValue(self._attrList1[0])
+ ah2 = self._xtree2.getHashValue(self._attrList2[0])
+ if (ah1 == ah2):
+ return 0
+ tag1 = self._xtree1.getTag(self._attrList1[0])
+ tag2 = self._xtree2.getTag(self._attrList2[0])
+ if (tag1.compareTo(tag2) == 0):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 2
+ dist = 0
+ for i in range(attrCount2):
+ self._attrHash[i] = self._xtree2.getHashValue(self._attrList2[i])
+ self._attrTag[i] = self._xtree2.getTag(self._attrList2[i])
+ self._attrMatch[i] = False
+ matchCount = 0
+ for i in range(attrCount1):
+ ah1 = self._xtree1.getHashValue(self._attrList1[i])
+ tag1 = self._xtree1.getTag(self._attrList1[i])
+ found = False
+ for j in range(attrCount2):
+ if (self._attrMatch[j]):
+ continue
+ elif (ah1 == self._attrHash[j]):
+ self._attrMatch[j] = True
+ found = True
+ matchCount += 1
+ break
+ elif (tag1.compareTo(self._attrTag[j]) == 0):
+ self._attrMatch[j] = True
+ dist += 1
+ found = True
+ matchCount += 1
+ break
+ if (not found):
+ dist += 2
+ dist += (attrCount2 - matchCount) * 2
+ return dist
+ # Diff and match two lists of text nodes.
+ # XXX This is just a hack that treats text nodes as unordered, to
+ # be consistent with the entire algorithm.
+ # @param textCount1 number of text nodes in the 1st list
+ # @param textCount2 number of text nodes in the 2nd list
+ # @return the "distance" between these two lists.
+ def _diffText(self, textCount1, textCount2):
+ for i in range(textCount2):
+ self._textMatch2[i] = False
+ self._textHash[i] = self._xtree2.getHashValue(self._textList2[i])
+ mcount = 0
+ for i in range(textCount1):
+ hash1 = self._xtree1.getHashValue(self._textList1[i])
+ for j in range(textCount2):
+ if (not self._textMatch2[j] and (hash1 == self._textHash[j])):
+ self._textMatch2[j] = True
+ mcount += 1
+ break
+ if (mcount == textCount2):
+ break
+ if (textCount1 >= textCount2):
+ return textCount1 - mcount
+ else:
+ return textCount2 - mcount
+ # Find minimal cost matching between two node lists
+ # Using the original algorithm
+ # @param nodes1 node list #1
+ # @param nodes2 node list #2
+ # @param count1 # of nodes in node list #1
+ # @param count2 # of nodes in node list #2
+ # @param treeOrder True for original, False for inverse
+ def _matchListO(self, nodes1, nodes2, count1, count2, treeOrder):
+ distance = []
+ matching1 = []
+ matching2 = []
+ # insert cost.
+ distance[count1] = int[count2+1]
+ for i in range(count2):
+ if treeOrder:
+ distance[count1][i] = self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[i]) + 1
+ else:
+ distance[count1][i] = self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[i]) + 1
+ for i in range(count1):
+ distance[i] = int[count2+1]
+ if treeOrder:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes1[i]) + 1
+ else:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes1[i]) + 1
+ for j in range(count2):
+ if treeOrder:
+ dist = distance(nodes1[i], nodes2[j], True, XTree.NO_CONNECTION)
+ else:
+ dist = distance(nodes2[j], nodes1[i], True, XTree.NO_CONNECTION)
+ # the default mode.
+ if (not self._oFlag and (dist > 1) and (dist < XTree.NO_CONNECTION) and \
+ (dist >= self._NO_MATCH_THRESHOLD * \
+ (deleteCost + distance[count1][j]))):
+ dist = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ if (dist < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xlut.add(nodes1[i], nodes2[j], dist)
+ else:
+ self._xlut.add(nodes2[j], nodes1[i], dist)
+ distance[i][j] = dist
+ # delete cost.
+ distance[i][count2] = deleteCost
+ # compute the minimal cost matching.
+ return self.findMatching(count1, count2, distance, matching1,
+ matching2)
+ # Find minimal cost matching between two node lists
+ # Do sampling
+ # @param nodes1 node list #1
+ # @param nodes2 node list #2
+ # @param count1 # of nodes in node list #1
+ # @param count2 # of nodes in node list #2
+ # @param treeOrder True for original, False for inverse
+ # @param threshold No need to return a distance higher
+ # than this threshold
+ def _matchList(self, nodes1, nodes2, count1, count2, treeOrder, threshold):
+ matching1 = []
+ matching2 = []
+ for i in range(count1):
+ matching1[i] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(count2):
+ matching2[i] = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ distance = 0
+ r = Random(time.time())
+ scount1 = 0
+ scount2 = 0
+ matchingThreshold = 0
+ i = 0
+ while (i < self._sampleCount) and (scount2 < count2):
+ snode = r.nextInt(count2 - scount2) + scount2
+ dist = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ bestmatch = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for j in range(scount1,count1):
+ if treeOrder:
+ d = distance(nodes1[j], nodes2[snode], False, threshold - distance)
+ else:
+ d = distance(nodes2[snode], nodes1[j], False, threshold - distance)
+ if (d < dist):
+ dist = d
+ bestmatch = j
+ if (d == 1):
+ break
+ if treeOrder:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[snode]) + 1
+ deleteCost = self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[snode]) + 1
+ if ((dist > 1) and (dist > (self._NO_MATCH_THRESHOLD * deleteCost))):
+ tmp = nodes2[snode]
+ nodes2[snode] = nodes2[scount2]
+ nodes2[scount2] = tmp
+ distance += deleteCost
+ else:
+ tmp = nodes1[bestmatch]
+ nodes1[bestmatch] = nodes1[scount1]
+ nodes1[scount1] = tmp
+ tmp = nodes2[snode]
+ nodes2[snode] = nodes2[scount2]
+ nodes2[scount2] = tmp
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xlut.add(nodes1[scount1], nodes2[scount2], dist)
+ else:
+ self._xlut.add(nodes2[scount2], nodes1[scount1], dist)
+ matching1[scount1] = scount2
+ matching2[scount2] = scount1
+ i += 1
+ scount1 += 1
+ if (matchingThreshold < dist):
+ matchingThreshold = dist
+ distance += dist
+ if (distance >= threshold):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ scount2 += 1
+ while (scount2 < count2):
+ if treeOrder:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[scount2]) + 1
+ else:
+ deleteCost = self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes2[scount2]) + 1
+ dist = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ bestmatch = XTree.NO_MATCH
+ for i in range(scount1,count1):
+ if treeOrder:
+ d = distance(nodes1[i], nodes2[scount2], False, threshold - distance)
+ else:
+ d = distance(nodes2[scount2], nodes1[i], False, threshold - distance)
+ if (d <= matchingThreshold):
+ dist = d
+ bestmatch = i
+ break
+ elif ((d == 1) or ( d < (self._NO_MATCH_THRESHOLD * dist))):
+ dist = d
+ bestmatch = i
+ if (bestmatch == XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ distance += deleteCost
+ else:
+ tmp = nodes1[bestmatch]
+ nodes1[bestmatch] = nodes1[scount1]
+ nodes1[scount1] = tmp
+ if (treeOrder):
+ self._xlut.add(nodes1[scount1], nodes2[scount2], dist)
+ else:
+ self._xlut.add(nodes2[scount2], nodes1[scount1], dist)
+ matching1[scount1] = scount2
+ matching2[scount2] = scount1
+ scount1 += 1
+ distance += dist
+ if (distance >= threshold):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ scount2 += 1
+ for i in range(count1):
+ if (matching1[i] == XTree.NO_MATCH):
+ if treeOrder:
+ distance += self._xtree1.getDecendentsCount(nodes1[i]) + 1
+ else:
+ distance += self._xtree2.getDecendentsCount(nodes1[i]) + 1
+ if (distance >= threshold):
+ return XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ return distance
+ # Perform minimal-cost matching between two node lists #1
+ # Trivial part.
+ # @param count1 length of node list #1
+ # @param count2 length of node list #2
+ # @param dist distance matrix
+ # @param matching1 matching list (for node list #1)
+ # @param matching2 matching list (for node list #2)
+ # @return distance
+ def findMatching(self, count1, count2, dist, matching1, matching2):
+ if (count1 == 1):
+ # count2 == 1
+ if (dist[0][0] < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ matching1[0] = 0
+ matching2[0] = 0
+ else:
+ matching1[0] = XTree.DELETE
+ matching2[0] = XTree.DELETE
+ return dist[0][0]
+ elif (count2 == 1):
+ distance = 0
+ mate = 0
+ mindist = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ matching2[0] = XTree.DELETE
+ for i in range(count1):
+ matching1[i] = XTree.DELETE
+ if (mindist > dist[i][0]):
+ mindist = dist[i][0]
+ mate = i
+ # Suppose we delete every node on list1.
+ distance += dist[i][1]
+ if (mindist < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ matching1[mate] = 0
+ matching2[0] = mate
+ distance += mindist - dist[mate][1]
+ else:
+ # Add the delete cost of the single node
+ # on list2.
+ distance += dist[count1][0]
+ return distance
+ elif ((count1 == 2) and (count2 == 2)):
+ distance1 = dist[0][0] + dist[1][1]
+ distance2 = dist[0][1] + dist[1][0]
+ if (distance1 < distance2):
+ if (dist[0][0] < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ matching1[0] = 0
+ matching2[0] = 0
+ distance1 = dist[0][0]
+ else:
+ matching1[0] = XTree.DELETE
+ matching2[0] = XTree.DELETE
+ distance1 = dist[0][2] + dist[2][0]
+ if (dist[1][1] < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ matching1[1] = 1
+ matching2[1] = 1
+ distance1 += dist[1][1]
+ else:
+ matching1[1] = XTree.DELETE
+ matching2[1] = XTree.DELETE
+ distance1 += dist[1][2] + dist[2][1]
+ return distance1
+ else:
+ if (dist[0][1] < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ matching1[0] = 1
+ matching2[1] = 0
+ distance2 = dist[0][1]
+ else:
+ matching1[0] = XTree.DELETE
+ matching2[1] = XTree.DELETE
+ distance2 = dist[0][2] + dist[2][1]
+ if (dist[1][0] < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ matching1[1] = 0
+ matching2[0] = 1
+ distance2 += dist[1][0]
+ else:
+ matching1[1] = XTree.DELETE
+ matching2[0] = XTree.DELETE
+ distance2 += dist[1][2] + dist[2][0]
+ return distance2
+ else:
+ return self.optimalMatching(count1, count2, dist,
+ matching1, matching2)
+ # Perform minimal-cost matching between two node lists
+ # @param count1 length of node list #1
+ # @param count2 length of node list #2
+ # @param dist distance matrix
+ # @param matching1 matching list (for node list #1)
+ # @param matching2 matching list (for node list #2)
+ # @return distance
+ def optimalMatching(self, count1, count2, dist, matching1, matching2):
+ # Initialize matching.
+ # Initial guess will be pair-matching between two lists.
+ # Others will be insertion or deletion
+ for i in range(count2):
+ matching1[i] = i
+ for i in range(count2, count1):
+ matching1[i] = XTree.DELETE
+ # Three artificial nodes: "start", "end" and "delete".
+ count = count1 + count2 + 3
+ # Initialize least cost matrix and path matrix.
+ # Both have been initialized at the very beginning.
+ # Start algorithm.
+ while (True):
+ # Construct least cost matrix.
+ self.constructLCM(dist, matching1, count1, count2)
+ # Initialize path matrix.
+ for i in range(count):
+ for j in range(count):
+ self._pathMatrix[i][j] = i
+ # Search negative cost circuit.
+ clen = self.searchNCC(count)
+ if (clen > 0):
+ # Modify matching.
+ i = 0
+ next = 0
+ while (i < clen - 1):
+ n1 = self._circuit[next]
+ next = self._circuit[next+1]
+ # Node in node list 1.
+ if ((n1 > 0) and (n1 <= count1)):
+ nid1 = n1 - 1
+ nid2 = self._circuit[next] - count1 - 1
+ if (nid2 == count2):
+ nid2 = XTree.DELETE
+ matching1[nid1] = nid2
+ i += 1
+ else: # Stop.
+ break
+ distance = 0
+ # Suppose all insertion on list2
+ for i in range(count2):
+ matching2[i] = XTree.INSERT
+ distance += dist[count1][i]
+ # update distance by looking at matching pairs.
+ for i in range(count1):
+ mmm = matching1[i]
+ if (mmm == XTree.DELETE):
+ distance += dist[i][count2]
+ else:
+ matching2[mmm] = i
+ distance += dist[i][mmm] - dist[count1][mmm]
+ return distance
+ # Construct a least cost matrix (of the flow network) based on
+ # the cost matrix
+ # @param costMatrix cost matrix
+ # @param matching matching information
+ # @param nodeCount1 # of nodes in node list 1
+ # @param nodeCount2 # of nodes in node list 2
+ def constructLCM(self, costMatrix, matching, nodeCount1, nodeCount2):
+ # Three artificial nodes: "start", "end" and "delete".
+ nodeCount = nodeCount1 + nodeCount2 + 3
+ # Initialize.
+ for i in range(nodeCount):
+ for j in range(nodeCount):
+ self._leastCostMatrix[i][j] = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ # self.
+ self._leastCostMatrix[i][i] = 0
+ # Between start node and nodes in list 1.
+ # Start -> node1 = Infinity; node1 -> Start = -0.
+ for i in range(nodeCount1):
+ self._leastCostMatrix[i+1][0] = 0
+ # Between nodes in list2 and the end node.
+ # Unless matched (later), node2 -> end = 0
+ # end -> node2 = Infinity.
+ for i in range(nodeCount2):
+ self._leastCostMatrix[i+nodeCount1+1][nodeCount-1] = 0
+ deleteCount = 0
+ # Between nodes in list1 and nodes in list2.
+ # For matched, node1 -> node2 = Infinity
+ # node2 -> node1 = -1 * distance
+ # For unmatched, node1 -> node2 = distance
+ # node2 -> node1 = Infinity
+ for i in range(nodeCount1):
+ node1 = i + 1
+ # According to cost matrix.
+ for j in range(nodeCount2):
+ node2 = j + nodeCount1 + 1
+ self._leastCostMatrix[node1][node2] = costMatrix[i][j]
+ # According to matching.
+ if (matching[i] == XTree.DELETE):
+ deleteCount += 1
+ # node1 -> Delete = Infinity
+ # Delete -> node1 = -1 * DELETE_COST
+ self._leastCostMatrix[nodeCount-2][node1] = -1 * costMatrix[i][nodeCount2]
+ else:
+ node2 = matching[i] + nodeCount1 + 1
+ # Between node1 and node2.
+ self._leastCostMatrix[node1][node2] = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ self._leastCostMatrix[node2][node1] = costMatrix[i][matching[i]] * -1
+ # Between node1 and delete.
+ self._leastCostMatrix[node1][nodeCount-2] = costMatrix[i][nodeCount2]
+ # Between node2 and end.
+ self._leastCostMatrix[node2][nodeCount-1] = XTree.NO_CONNECTION
+ self._leastCostMatrix[nodeCount-1][node2] = costMatrix[nodeCount1][matching[i]]
+ # Between the "Delete" and the "End".
+ # If delete all, delete -> end = Infinity; end -> delete = 0.
+ if (deleteCount == nodeCount1):
+ self._leastCostMatrix[nodeCount-1][nodeCount-2] = 0
+ # if no delete, delete -> end = 0; end -> delete = Infinity.
+ elif (deleteCount == 0):
+ self._leastCostMatrix[nodeCount-2][nodeCount-1] = 0
+ # else, both 0
+ else:
+ self._leastCostMatrix[nodeCount-2][nodeCount-1] = 0
+ self._leastCostMatrix[nodeCount-1][nodeCount-2] = 0
+ # Search for negative cost circuit in the least cost matrix.
+ # @param nodeCount node count
+ # @return the length of the path if found; otherwise 0
+ def searchNCC(self, nodeCount):
+ for k in range(nodeCount):
+ for i in range(nodeCount):
+ if ((i != k) and (self._leastCostMatrix[i][k] != XTree.NO_CONNECTION)):
+ for j in range(nodeCount):
+ if ((j != k) and (self._leastCostMatrix[k][j] != XTree.NO_CONNECTION)):
+ less = self._leastCostMatrix[i][k] + self._leastCostMatrix[k][j]
+ if (less < self._leastCostMatrix[i][j]):
+ self._leastCostMatrix[i][j] = less
+ self._pathMatrix[i][j] = k
+ # Found!
+ if ((i == j) and (less < 0)):
+ clen = 0; # the length of the circuit.
+ # Locate the circuit.
+ #circuit.addElement( Integer(i))
+ self._circuit[0] = i
+ self._circuit[1] = 2
+ #circuit.addElement( Integer(pathMatrix[i][i]))
+ self._circuit[2] = self._pathMatrix[i][i]
+ self._circuit[3] = 4
+ #circuit.addElement( Integer(i))
+ self._circuit[4] = i
+ self._circuit[5] = -1
+ clen = 3
+ finish = False
+ while (not finish):
+ finish = True
+ cit = 0
+ n = 0
+ while (cit < clen - 1):
+ left = self._circuit[n]
+ next = self._circuit[n + 1]
+ if next == -1:
+ right = -1
+ else:
+ right = self._circuit[next]
+ #int middle = pathMatrix[circuit[n-1]][circuit[n]]
+ middle = self._pathMatrix[left][right]
+ if (middle != left):
+ #circuit.insert( cit, middle )
+ self._circuit[clen * 2] = middle
+ self._circuit[clen * 2 + 1] = next
+ self._circuit[n + 1] = clen * 2
+ clen += 1
+ finish = False
+ break
+ n = next
+ cit += 1
+ return clen
+ return 0
+ # For testing purpose -- print out matrixes
+ def printMatrix(self, nodeCount):
+ print "Cost Matrix:"
+ for i in range(nodeCount):
+ for j in range(nodeCount):
+ if (self._leastCostMatrix[i][j] < XTree.NO_CONNECTION):
+ sys.stdout.write(self._leastCostMatrix[i][j] + "\t")
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write("\t")
+ print
+ print "\nPath Matrix:"
+ for i in range(nodeCount):
+ for j in range(nodeCount - 1):
+ sys.stdout.write(self._pathMatrix[i][j] + "\t")
+ print self._pathMatrix[i][nodeCount-1]
+ # Write out the diff result -- how doc1 is changed to doc2
+ # @param input the first/old xml document
+ # @param output output file name
+ # FIXME this is probably completely wrong ... IO is Java-specific!!!
+ def writeDiff(self, input, output):
+ try:
+ out = codecs.open(output, self._encoding)
+ br = open(input)
+ root1 = self._xtree1.getRoot()
+ root2 = self._xtree2.getRoot()
+ # XXX <root > is as valid as <root>,
+ # but < root> is NOT!
+ rootTag = "<" + self._xtree1.getTag(root1)
+ line = br.readLine()
+ while (line != None):
+ if (line.indexOf(rootTag) >= 0):
+ break
+ out.write(line + "\n")
+ line = br.readLine()
+ self._xtree1.getMatching(root1, self._matchp)
+ if (self._matchp[0] == XTree.DELETE):
+ self.writeDeleteNode(out, root1)
+ self.writeInsertNode(out, root2)
+ else:
+ self.writeDiffNode(out, root1, root2)
+ out.close()
+ except IOError as (errno, strerror):
+ print >>sys.stderr, strerror
+ # Write an element that has been deleted from the old document.
+ # @param out output file writer
+ # @param node element id
+ def writeDeleteNode(self, out, node):
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(node)):
+ tag = self._xtree1.getTag(node)
+ out.write("<" + tag)
+ # Attributes.
+ attr = self._xtree1.getFirstAttribute(node)
+ while (attr > 0):
+ atag = self._xtree1.getTag(attr)
+ value = self._xtree1.getAttributeValue(attr)
+ out.write(" " + atag + "=\"" + value + "\"")
+ attr = self._xtree1.getNextAttribute(attr)
+ # Child nodes.
+ child = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(node)
+ if (child < 0):
+ out.write("/><?DELETE " + tag + "?>\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ return
+ out.write("><?DELETE " + tag + "?>\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ while (child > 0):
+ self.writeMatchNode(out, self._xtree1, child)
+ child = self._xtree1.getNextSibling(child)
+ if (self._needNewLine):
+ out.write("\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ out.write("</" + tag + ">\n")
+ else:
+ out.write("<?DELETE \"" + self.constructText(self._xtree1, node) +
+ "\"?>\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ # Write an element that has been inserted from the document.
+ # @param out output file writer
+ # @param node element id
+ def writeInsertNode(self, out, node):
+ if (self._xtree2.isElement(node)):
+ tag = self._xtree2.getTag(node)
+ out.write("<" + tag)
+ # Attributes.
+ attr = self._xtree2.getFirstAttribute(node)
+ while (attr > 0):
+ atag = self._xtree2.getTag(attr)
+ value = self._xtree2.getAttributeValue(attr)
+ out.write(" " + atag + "=\"" + value + "\"")
+ attr = self._xtree2.getNextAttribute(attr)
+ # Child nodes.
+ child = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(node)
+ if (child < 0):
+ out.write("/><?INSERT " + tag + "?>\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ return
+ out.write("><?INSERT " + tag + "?>\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ while (child > 0):
+ self.writeMatchNode(out, self._xtree2, child)
+ child = self._xtree2.getNextSibling(child)
+ if (self._needNewLine):
+ out.write("\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ out.write("</" + tag + ">\n")
+ else:
+ out.write(self.constructText(self._xtree2, node) +
+ "<?INSERT?>\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ # Write an element that is unchanged or in a deleted node or in
+ # an inserted node.
+ # @param out output file writer
+ # @param xtree the document tree
+ # @param node element id
+ def writeMatchNode(self, out, xtree, node):
+ if (xtree.isElement(node)):
+ tag = xtree.getTag(node)
+ if (self._needNewLine):
+ out.write("\n")
+ out.write("<" + tag)
+ # Attributes.
+ attr = xtree.getFirstAttribute(node)
+ while (attr > 0):
+ atag = xtree.getTag(attr)
+ value = xtree.getAttributeValue(attr)
+ out.write(" " + atag + "=\"" + value + "\"")
+ attr = xtree.getNextAttribute(attr)
+ # Child nodes.
+ child = xtree.getFirstChild(node)
+ if (child < 0):
+ out.write("/>\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ return
+ out.write(">")
+ self._needNewLine = True
+ while (child > 0):
+ self.writeMatchNode(out, xtree, child)
+ child = xtree.getNextSibling(child)
+ if (self._needNewLine):
+ out.write("\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ out.write("</" + tag + ">\n")
+ else:
+ out.write(self.constructText(xtree, node))
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ # Write one node in the diff result.
+ # @param out output file writer
+ # @param node1 the node in the first tree
+ # @param node2 node1's conterpart in the second tree
+ def writeDiffNode(self, out, node1, node2):
+ if (self._xtree1.isElement(node1)):
+ tag = self._xtree1.getTag(node1)
+ if (self._needNewLine):
+ out.write("\n")
+ out.write("<" + tag)
+ # Attributes.
+ attr1 = self._xtree1.getFirstAttribute(node1)
+ diffff = ""
+ while (attr1 > 0):
+ atag = self._xtree1.getTag(attr1)
+ value = self._xtree1.getAttributeValue(attr1)
+ self._xtree1.getMatching(attr1, self._matchp)
+ if (self._matchp[0] == XTree.MATCH):
+ out.write(" " + atag + "=\"" +
+ value + "\"")
+ elif (self._matchp[0] == XTree.DELETE):
+ out.write(" " + atag + "=\"" +
+ value + "\"")
+ diffff += "<?DELETE " + atag + "?>"
+ else:
+ value2 = self._xtree2.getAttributeValue(self._matchp[1])
+ out.write(" " + atag + "=\"" +
+ value2 + "\"")
+ diffff += "<?UPDATE " + atag + \
+ " FROM \"" + value + "\"?>"
+ attr1 = self._xtree1.getNextAttribute(attr1)
+ attr2 = self._xtree2.getFirstAttribute(node2)
+ while (attr2 > 0):
+ self._xtree2.getMatching(attr2, self._matchp)
+ if (self._matchp[0] == XTree.INSERT):
+ atag = self._xtree2.getTag(attr2)
+ value = self._xtree2.getAttributeValue(attr2)
+ out.write(" " + atag + "=\"" +
+ value + "\"")
+ diffff += "<?INSERT " + atag + "?>"
+ attr2 = self._xtree2.getNextAttribute(attr2)
+ # Child nodes.
+ child1 = self._xtree1.getFirstChild(node1)
+ if (child1 < 0):
+ out.write("/>" + diffff + "\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ return
+ out.write(">" + diffff)
+ self._needNewLine = True
+ while (child1 > 0):
+ self._xtree1.getMatching(child1, self._matchp)
+ if (self._matchp[0] == XTree.MATCH):
+ self.writeMatchNode(out, self._xtree1, child1)
+ elif (self._matchp[0] == XTree.DELETE):
+ self.writeDeleteNode(out, child1)
+ else:
+ self.writeDiffNode(out, child1, self._matchp[1])
+ child1 = self._xtree1.getNextSibling(child1)
+ child2 = self._xtree2.getFirstChild(node2)
+ while (child2 > 0):
+ self._xtree2.getMatching(child2, self._matchp)
+ if (self._matchp[0] == XTree.INSERT):
+ self.writeInsertNode(out, child2)
+ child2 = self._xtree2.getNextSibling(child2)
+ if (self._needNewLine):
+ out.write("\n")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ out.write("</" + tag + ">\n")
+ else:
+ out.write(self.constructText(self._xtree2, node2) +
+ "<?UPDATE FROM \"" +
+ self.constructText(self._xtree1, node1) + "\"?>")
+ self._needNewLine = False
+ # Construct the text node -- to handle the possible CDATA sections.
+ def constructText(self, xtree, eid):
+ text = xtree.getText(eid)
+ cdatalist = xtree.getCDATA(eid)
+ if (cdatalist == None):
+ return text
+ buf = StringBuffer()
+ count = cdatalist.size()
+ lastEnd = 0
+ for i in range(0,count,2):
+ cdataStart = int(self.cdatalist[i])
+ cdataEnd = int(self.cdatalist[i+1])
+ if (cdataStart > lastEnd):
+ buf.append(text.substring(lastEnd, cdataStart))
+ buf.append("<![CDATA[" +
+ text.substring(cdataStart, cdataEnd) +
+ "]]>")
+ lastEnd = cdataEnd
+ if (lastEnd < text.length()):
+ buf.append(text.substring(lastEnd))
+ return buf.toString()
+def readParameters(args, parameters):
+ opid = 0
+ if (args.length < 3):
+ return False
+ # we are not in the object, so how can we get to these values?
+ # FIXME global module variables?
+ elif (args[0].equals("-o")):
+ _oFlag = True
+ opid += 1
+ elif (args[0].equals("-g")):
+ _gFlag = True
+ opid += 1
+ if (args[opid].equals("-p")):
+ opid += 1
+ p = 0
+# try:
+ p = float(args[opid])
+ opid += 1
+# FIXME ... most likely FloatingPointError
+# except NumberFormatException:
+# return False
+ if ((p <= 0) or (p > 1)):
+ return False
+ if (args[opid].equals("-e")):
+ opid += 1
+ _encoding = args[opid]
+ opid += 1
+ if ((args.length - opid) != 3):
+ return False
+ parameters.add(args[opid])
+ opid += 1
+ parameters.add(args[opid])
+ opid += 1
+ parameters.add(args[opid])
+ return True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parameters = []
+ if (not readParameters(sys.argv, parameters)):
+ print >>sys.stderr, __doc__
+ return
+ mydiff = XDiff(parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2]) \ No newline at end of file