/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ /* Copyright (c) 2023 Robin Jarry */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void usage(void) { puts("usage: wrap [-h] [-w INT] [-r] [-l INT] [-f FILE]"); puts(""); puts("Wrap text without messing up email quotes."); puts(""); puts("options:"); puts(" -h show this help message"); puts(" -w INT preferred wrap margin (default 80)"); puts(" -r reflow all paragraphs even if no trailing space"); puts(" -l INT minimum percentage of letters in a line to be"); puts(" considered a paragaph"); puts(" -f FILE read from filename (default stdin)"); } static size_t margin = 80; static size_t prose_ratio = 50; static bool reflow; static FILE *in_file; static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { const char *filename = NULL; long value; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hrw:l:f:")) != -1) { errno = 0; switch (c) { case 'r': reflow = true; break; case 'l': value = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (errno) { perror("error: invalid ratio value"); return 1; } if (value <= 0 || value >= 100) { fprintf(stderr, "error: ratio must be ]0,100[\n"); return 1; } prose_ratio = (size_t)value; break; case 'w': value = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); if (errno) { perror("error: invalid width value"); return 1; } if (value < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "error: width must be positive\n"); return 1; } margin = (size_t)value; break; case 'f': filename = optarg; break; default: usage(); return 1; } } if (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected argument -- '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[optind]); usage(); return 1; } if (filename == NULL || !strcmp(filename, "-")) { in_file = stdin; } else { in_file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!in_file) { perror("error: cannot open file"); return 1; } } return 0; } static bool is_empty(const wchar_t *s) { while (*s != L'\0') { if (!iswspace((wint_t)*s++)) return false; } return true; } __attribute__((malloc,returns_nonnull)) static void *xmalloc(size_t s) { void *ptr = malloc(s); if (ptr == NULL) { perror("fatal: cannot allocate buffer"); abort(); } return ptr; } __attribute__((malloc,returns_nonnull)) static void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t s) { ptr = realloc(ptr, s); if (ptr == NULL) { perror("fatal: cannot reallocate buffer"); abort(); } return ptr; } struct paragraph { /* email quote prefix, if any */ wchar_t *quotes; /* list item indent, if any */ wchar_t *indent; /* actual text of this paragraph */ wchar_t *text; /* percentage of letters in text */ size_t prose_ratio; /* text ends with a space */ bool flowed; /* paragraph is a list item */ bool list_item; }; static void free_paragraph(struct paragraph *p) { if (!p) return; free(p->quotes); free(p->indent); free(p->text); free(p); } static wchar_t *read_part(const wchar_t *in, size_t len) { wchar_t *out = xmalloc((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(out, in, len); out[len] = L'\0'; return out; } static size_t list_item_offset(const wchar_t *buf) { size_t i = 0; wchar_t c; if (buf[i] == L'-' || buf[i] == '*' || buf[i] == '.') { /* bullet list */ i++; } else if (iswdigit((wint_t)buf[i])) { /* numbered list */ i++; if (iswdigit((wint_t)buf[i])) { i++; } } else if (iswalpha((wint_t)buf[i])) { /* lettered list */ c = (wchar_t)towlower((wint_t)buf[i]); i++; if (c == L'i' || c == L'v') { /* roman i. ii. iii. iv. ... */ c = (wchar_t)towlower((wint_t)buf[i]); while (i < 4 && (c == L'i' || c == L'v')) { c = (wchar_t)towlower((wint_t)buf[++i]); } } } else { return 0; } if (iswdigit((wint_t)buf[0]) || iswalpha((wint_t)buf[0])) { if (buf[i] == L')' || buf[i] == L'/' || buf[i] == L'.') { i++; } else { return 0; } } if (buf[i] == L' ') { i++; } else { return 0; } return i; } static struct paragraph *parse_line(const wchar_t *buf) { size_t i, q, t, e, letters, indent_len, text_len; bool list_item, flowed; struct paragraph *p; /* * Find relevant positions in the line: * * '> > > > 2) blah blah blah blah ' * ^ ^ ^ ^ * 0 q t e * <------><-------------> * quotes indent * <--------------------------------> * text */ /* detect the end of quotes prefix if any */ q = 0; while (buf[q] == L'>') { q++; if (buf[q] == L' ') { q++; } } /* detect list item prefix & indent */ t = q; while (iswspace((wint_t)buf[t])) { t++; } i = list_item_offset(&buf[t]); list_item = i != 0; t += i; while (iswspace((wint_t)buf[t])) { t++; } indent_len = t - q; /* compute prose ratio */ e = t; letters = 0; while (buf[e] != L'\0') { if (iswalpha((wint_t)buf[e++])) { letters++; } } /* strip trailing whitespace unless it is a signature delimiter */ flowed = false; if (wcscmp(&buf[q], L"-- ") != 0) { while (e > q && iswspace((wint_t)buf[e - 1])) { e--; flowed = true; } } text_len = e - q; p = xmalloc(sizeof(*p)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->quotes = read_part(buf, q); p->indent = xmalloc((indent_len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); for (i = 0; i < indent_len; i++) p->indent[i] = L' '; p->indent[i] = L'\0'; p->text = read_part(&buf[q], text_len); p->flowed = flowed; p->list_item = list_item; p->prose_ratio = 100 * letters / (text_len ? text_len : 1); return p; } static bool is_continuation( const struct paragraph *p, const struct paragraph *next ) { if (next->list_item) /* new list items always start a new paragraph */ return false; if (next->prose_ratio < prose_ratio || p->prose_ratio < prose_ratio) /* does not look like prose, maybe ascii art */ return false; if (wcscmp(next->quotes, p->quotes) != 0) /* quote prefix has changed */ return false; if (wcscmp(next->indent, p->indent) != 0) /* list item indent has changed */ return false; if (is_empty(next->text)) /* empty or whitespace only line */ return false; if (wcscmp(p->text, L"--") == 0 || wcscmp(p->text, L"-- ") == 0) /* never join anything with signature start */ return false; if (p->flowed) /* current paragraph has trailing space, indicating * format=flowed */ return true; if (reflow) /* user forced paragraph reflow on the command line */ return true; return false; } static void join_paragraph( struct paragraph *p, const struct paragraph *next ) { const wchar_t *append = next->text; const wchar_t *separator = L" "; size_t len, extra_len; wchar_t *text; /* trim leading whitespace of the next paragraph before joining */ while (*append != L'\0' && iswspace((wint_t)*append)) append++; len = wcslen(p->text); if (len == 0) { separator = L""; } extra_len = wcslen(separator) + wcslen(append) + 1; text = xrealloc(p->text, (len + extra_len) * sizeof(wchar_t)); swprintf(&text[len], extra_len, L"%ls%ls", separator, append); p->text = text; p->prose_ratio = (p->prose_ratio + next->prose_ratio) / 2; p->flowed = next->flowed; } /* * BUFSIZ has different values depending on the libc implementation. * Use a self defined value to have consistent behaviour accross all platforms. */ #define BUFFER_SIZE 8192 /* * Write a paragraph, wrapping at words boundaries. * * Only try to do word wrapping on things that look like prose. When the text * contains too many non-letter characters, print it as-is. */ static void write_paragraph(struct paragraph *p) { size_t quotes_width = (size_t)wcswidth(p->quotes, wcslen(p->quotes)); size_t remain = (size_t)wcswidth(p->text, wcslen(p->text)); const wchar_t *indent = L""; wchar_t *text = p->text; bool more = true; wchar_t *line; size_t width; while (more) { width = quotes_width + (size_t)wcswidth(indent, wcslen(indent)); if (width + remain <= margin || p->prose_ratio < prose_ratio) { /* whole paragraph fits on a single line */ line = text; more = false; } else { /* find split point, preferably before margin */ size_t split = SIZE_MAX; size_t w = 0; for (size_t i = 0; text[i] != L'\0'; i++) { w += (size_t)wcwidth(text[i]); if (width + w > margin && split != SIZE_MAX) { break; } if (iswspace((wint_t)text[i])) { split = i; } } if (split == SIZE_MAX) { /* no space found to split, print a long line */ line = text; more = false; } else { text[split] = L'\0'; line = text; split++; /* find start of next word */ while (iswspace((wint_t)text[split])) { split++; } if (text[split] != L'\0') { text = &text[split]; remain -= split; } else { /* only trailing whitespace, we're done */ more = false; } } } wprintf(L"%ls%ls%ls\n", p->quotes, indent, line); indent = p->indent; } } #define SPACES_PER_TAB 8 /* * Trim LF CR CRLF LFCR and replace tabs with spaces. */ static void sanitize_line(const wchar_t *in, wchar_t *out) { /* No bounds checking needed. This function is only used with * 'buf' and 'line' buffers from main. 'out' is large enough no * matter what is present in 'in'. */ while (*in != L'\0' && *in != L'\n' && *in != L'\r') { if (*in == L'\t') { /* tabs cause indentation/alignment issues * replace them with 8 spaces */ in++; for (int i = 0; i < SPACES_PER_TAB; i++) *out++ = L' '; } else { *out++ = *in++; } } *out = L'\0'; } static int set_stdio_encoding(void) { const char *locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); if (!locale) { /* Neither LC_ALL nor LANG env vars are defined or are set to * a non existant/installed locale. Try with a generic UTF-8 * locale which is expected to be available on all POSIX * systems. */ locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "C.UTF-8"); if (!locale) { /* The system is not following POSIX standards. Last * resort: check if 'UTF-8' (encoding only) exists. */ locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "UTF-8"); } } if (!locale) { perror("error: failed to set locale"); return 1; } /* aerc will always send UTF-8 text, ensure that we read that properly */ if (!strstr(locale, "UTF-8") && !strstr(locale, "utf-8")) { fprintf(stderr, "error: locale '%s' is not UTF-8\n", locale); return 1; } /* ensure files are configured to read/write wide characters */ fwide(in_file, true); fwide(stdout, true); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* line needs to be 8 times larger than buf since every read character * may be a tab (very unlikely, but it could happen). */ static wchar_t buf[BUFFER_SIZE], line[BUFFER_SIZE * SPACES_PER_TAB]; struct paragraph *cur = NULL, *next; bool is_patch = false; regmatch_t groups[2]; char *subject; regex_t re; int err; err = parse_args(argc, argv); if (err) goto end; regcomp(&re, "\\", REG_EXTENDED); subject = getenv("AERC_SUBJECT"); if (subject && !regexec(&re, subject, 2, groups, 0)) is_patch = true; regfree(&re); err = set_stdio_encoding(); if (err) goto end; while (fgetws(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, in_file)) { if (is_patch) { /* never reflow patches */ fputws(buf, stdout); continue; } sanitize_line(buf, line); next = parse_line(line); if (!cur) { cur = next; } else if (is_continuation(cur, next)) { join_paragraph(cur, next); free_paragraph(next); } else { write_paragraph(cur); free_paragraph(cur); cur = next; } } if (cur) { write_paragraph(cur); } end: free_paragraph(cur); if (in_file) { fclose(in_file); } return err; }