CARDDAV-QUERY(1) # NAME carddav-query - Query a CardDAV server for contact names and emails. # SYNOPSIS *carddav-query* [*-h*] [*-l* __] [*-v*] [*-c* __] \[*-s* _
_] [*-k* __] [*-C* __] \[*-s* __] [*-u* __] [*-p* __] __ [__ ...] This tool has been tailored for use as *address-book-cmd* in *aerc-config*(5). # OPTIONS *-h*, *--help* show this help message and exit *-v*, *--verbose* Print debug info on stderr. *-l* __, *--limit* __ Maximum number of results returned by the server. If the server does not support limiting, this option will be disregarded. Default: _10_ *-c* __, *--config-file* __ INI configuration file from which to read the CardDAV URL endpoint. Default: _~/.config/aerc/accounts.conf_ *-S* _
_, *--config-section* _
_ INI configuration section where to find __ and __. By default the first section where __ is found will be used. *-k* __, *--config-key-source* __ INI configuration key to lookup in _
_ from __. The value must respect the following format: https?://__[:__]@__/__ Both __ and __ must be percent encoded. If __ is omitted, it can be provided via *--config-key-cred-cmd* or *--password*. Default: _carddav-source_ *-C* __, *--config-key-cred-cmd* __ INI configuration key to lookup in _
_ from __. The value is a command that will be executed with *sh -c* to determine __ if it is not present in __. Default: _carddav-source-cred-cmd_ *-s* __, *--server-url* __ CardDAV server URL endpoint. Overrides configuration file. *-u* __, *--username* __ Username to authenticate on the server. Overrides configuration file. *-p* __, *--password* __ Password for the specified user. Overrides configuration file. # POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS __ Search term. Will be used to search contacts from their FN (formatted name), EMAIL, NICKNAME, ORG (company) and TITLE fields. # EXAMPLES These are excerpts of _~/.config/aerc/accounts.conf_. ## Fastmail ``` [fastmail] carddav-source = carddav-source-cred-cmd = pass address-book-cmd = carddav-query -S fastmail %s ``` ## Gmail ``` [gmail] carddav-source = carddav-source-cred-cmd = pass address-book-cmd = carddav-query -S gmail %s ``` # SEE ALSO *aerc-config*(5) # AUTHORS Created by Robin Jarry who is assisted by other open source contributors. For more information about aerc development, see