AERC-IMAP(5) # NAME aerc-imap - IMAP configuration for *aerc*(1) # SYNOPSIS aerc implements the IMAP protocol as specified by RFC 3501, with the following IMAP extensions: - IDLE (RFC 2177) - LIST-STATUS (RFC 5819) - X-GM-EXT-1 (Gmail) # CONFIGURATION Basic IMAP configuration may be done interactively with the *:new-account* command. In _accounts.conf_ (see *aerc-accounts*(5)), the following IMAP-specific options are available: *source* = __://__[_:_]_@_[_:_]_?_[__] Remember that all fields must be URL encoded. The _@_ symbol, when URL encoded, is _%40_. Possible values of __ are: _imap_ IMAP with STARTTLS _imap+insecure_ IMAP without STARTTLS _imaps_ IMAP with TLS/SSL _imaps+insecure_ IMAP with TLS/SSL, skipping certificate verification _imaps+oauthbearer_ IMAP with TLS/SSL using OAUTHBEARER Authentication __: If specified and a _token_endpoint_ is provided, the configured password is used as a refresh token to obtain an access token. If _token_endpoint_ is omitted, refresh token exchange is skipped, and the password acts like an access token instead. - _token_endpoint_ (optional) - _client_id_ (optional) - _client_secret_ (optional) - _scope_ (optional) Example: imaps+oauthbearer://...?token_endpoint=https://...&client_id= _imaps+xoauth2_ IMAP with TLS/SSL using XOAUTH2 Authentication. Parameters are the same as OAUTHBEARER. *source-cred-cmd* = __ Specifies the command to run to get the password for the IMAP account. This command will be run using _sh -c command_. If a password is specified in the *source* option, the password will take precedence over this command. Example: source-cred-cmd = pass hostname/username *connection-timeout* = _ Maximum delay to establish a connection to the IMAP server. See Default: _30s_ *keepalive-period* = __ The interval between the last data packet sent (simple ACKs are not considered data) and the first keepalive probe. After the connection is marked to need keepalive, this counter is not used any further. See By default, the system tcp socket settings are used. *keepalive-probes* = __ The number of unacknowledged probes to send before considering the connection dead and notifying the application layer. By default, the system tcp socket settings are used. If keepalive-period is specified, this option defaults to 3 probes. This option is only supported on linux. On other platforms, it will be ignored. *keepalive-interval* = __ The interval between subsequential keepalive probes, regardless of what the connection has exchanged in the meantime. Fractional seconds are truncated. By default, the system tcp socket settings are used. If *keepalive-period* is specified, this option defaults to _3s_. This option is only supported on linux. On other platforms, it will be ignored. *check-mail-include* = __ Specifies the comma separated list of folders to include when checking for new mail with *:check-mail*. Names prefixed with _~_ are interpreted as regular expressions. This setting is ignored if your IMAP server supports the LIST-STATUS command, in which case all folders will be checked. By default, all folders are included. *check-mail-exclude* = __ Specifies the comma separated list of folders to exclude when checking for new mail with *:check-mail*. Names prefixed with _~_ are interpreted as regular expressions. This setting is ignored if your IMAP server supports the LIST-STATUS command, in which case all folders will be checked. Note that this overrides anything from *check-mail-include*. By default, no folders are excluded. *cache-headers* = _true_|_false_ If set to _true_, headers will be cached. The cached headers will be stored in _$XDG_CACHE_HOME/aerc_, which defaults to _~/.cache/aerc_. Default: _false_ *cache-max-age* = __ Defines the maximum age of cached files. Note: the longest unit of time *cache-max-age* can be specified in is hours. Set to _0_ to disable cleaning the cache Default: _720h_ (30 days) *idle-timeout* = __ The length of time the client will wait for the server to send any final update before the IDLE is closed. Default: _10s_ *idle-debounce* = __ Specifies the length of time from the last client command until the idler starts. Default: _10ms_ *use-gmail-ext* = _true_|_false_ If set to _true_, the X-GM-EXT-1 extension will be used if supported. This only works for Gmail accounts. Default: _false_ # SEE ALSO *aerc*(1) *aerc-accounts*(5) # AUTHORS Originally created by Drew DeVault and maintained by Robin Jarry who is assisted by other open source contributors. For more information about aerc development, see _