#!/bin/sh set -e dry_run=false case "$1" in -n|--dry-run) dry_run=true ;; esac changelog() { title_prefix=$1 width=$2 first=true wrap=cat if [ -n "$width" ]; then wrap="./wrap -r -w$width" fi for kind in Added Fixed Changed Deprecated; do format="%(trailers:key=Changelog-$kind,unfold,valueonly)" if git log --format="$format" $prev_tag.. | grep -q .; then if [ "$first" = true ]; then first=false else echo fi echo "$title_prefix $kind" echo git log --reverse --format="$format" $prev_tag.. | \ sed -E '/^$/d; s/[[:space:]]+/ /; s/^/- /' | \ $wrap fi done } echo "======= Determining next version..." prev_tag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) next_tag=$(echo $prev_tag | awk -F. -v OFS=. '{$(NF-1) += 1; print}') read -rp "next tag ($next_tag)? " n if [ -n "$n" ]; then next_tag="$n" fi tag_url="https://git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/refs/$next_tag" if [ "$dry_run" = false ]; then echo "======= Creating release commit..." sed -i GNUmakefile -e "s/$prev_tag/$next_tag/g" make wrap { echo echo "## [$next_tag]($tag_url) - $(date +%Y-%m-%d)" echo changelog "###" 80 } > .changelog.md sed -i CHANGELOG.md -e '/^The format is based on/ r .changelog.md' ${EDITOR:-vi} CHANGELOG.md rm -f .changelog.md git add GNUmakefile CHANGELOG.md git commit -vesm "Release version $next_tag" echo "======= Creating tag..." git -c core.commentchar='%' tag --edit --sign \ -m "Release $next_tag highlights:" \ -m "$(changelog '#' 72)" \ -m "Thanks to all contributors!" \ -m "~\$ contrib/git-stats.sh $prev_tag..$next_tag $(contrib/git-stats.sh $prev_tag..)" \ "$next_tag" echo "======= Pushing to remote..." git push origin master "$next_tag" fi echo "======= Sending release email..." email=$(mktemp aerc-release-XXXXXXXX.eml) trap "rm -f -- $email" EXIT cat >"$email" < To: aerc-annouce <~rjarry/aerc-announce@lists.sr.ht> Cc: aerc-devel <~rjarry/aerc-devel@lists.sr.ht> Bcc: aerc <~sircmpwn/aerc@lists.sr.ht>, $(git config user.name) <$(git config user.email)> Reply-To: aerc-devel <~rjarry/aerc-devel@lists.sr.ht> Subject: aerc $next_tag User-Agent: aerc/$next_tag Message-ID: <$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).$(base32 -w12 < /dev/urandom | head -n1)@$(hostname)> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 MIME-Version: 1.0 Hi all, I am glad to announce the release of aerc $next_tag. $tag_url Release highlights: $(changelog '#') # Changed dependencies for downstream packagers $(contrib/depends-diff.py $prev_tag..) Thanks to all contributors! ~\$ contrib/git-stats.sh $prev_tag..$next_tag $(contrib/git-stats.sh $prev_tag..) EOF ${EDITOR:-vi} "$email" if [ "$dry_run" = false ]; then /usr/sbin/sendmail -t < "$email" fi