#!/bin/sh set -e revision_range="${1?revision range}" valid=0 revisions=$(git rev-list --reverse "$revision_range") total=$(echo $revisions | wc -w) if [ "$total" -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 fi allowed_trailers=" Fixes Implements References Link Changelog-added Changelog-fixed Changelog-changed Changelog-deprecated Cc Suggested-by Requested-by Reported-by Co-authored-by Signed-off-by Tested-by Reviewed-by Acked-by " n=0 title= fail=false err() { echo "error [PATCH $n/$total] '$title' $*" >&2 fail=true } for rev in $revisions; do n=$((n + 1)) title=$(git log --format='%s' -1 "$rev") fail=false if [ "$(echo "$title" | wc -m)" -gt 72 ]; then err "title is longer than 72 characters, please make it shorter" fi if ! echo "$title" | grep -qE '^[a-z0-9,{}/_-]+: '; then err "title lacks a topic prefix (e.g. 'imap:')" fi author=$(git log --format='%an <%ae>' -1 "$rev") if ! git log --format="%(trailers:key=Signed-off-by,only,valueonly,unfold)" -1 "$rev" | grep -qFx "$author"; then err "'Signed-off-by: $author' trailer is missing" fi for trailer in $(git log --format="%(trailers:only,keyonly)" -1 "$rev"); do if ! echo "$allowed_trailers" | grep -qFx "$trailer"; then err "trailer '$trailer' is misspelled or not in the sanctioned list" fi done if git log --format="%(trailers:only,unfold)" -1 "$rev" | \ grep -vE '^Changelog-[a-z]+: [A-Z`\*_].+\.$' | \ grep -qE '^Changelog-[a-z]+: '; then err "Changelog-* trailers should start with a capital letter and end with a period" fi body=$(git log --format='%b' -1 "$rev") body=${body%$(git log --format='%(trailers)' -1 "$rev")} if [ "$(echo "$body" | wc -w)" -lt 3 ]; then err "body has less than three words, please describe your changes" fi if [ "$fail" = true ]; then continue fi echo "ok [PATCH $n/$total] '$title'" valid=$((valid + 1)) done echo "$valid/$total valid patches" if [ "$valid" -ne "$total" ]; then exit 1 fi