path: root/app/dirlist.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/dirlist.go')
1 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/dirlist.go b/app/dirlist.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d77ace42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/dirlist.go
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+package app
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "context"
+ "math"
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/config"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/lib"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/lib/parse"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/lib/state"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/lib/templates"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/lib/ui"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/log"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/models"
+ "git.sr.ht/~rjarry/aerc/worker/types"
+type DirectoryLister interface {
+ ui.Drawable
+ Selected() string
+ Select(string)
+ Update(types.WorkerMessage)
+ List() []string
+ ClearList()
+ OnVirtualNode(func())
+ NextPrev(int)
+ CollapseFolder()
+ ExpandFolder()
+ SelectedMsgStore() (*lib.MessageStore, bool)
+ MsgStore(string) (*lib.MessageStore, bool)
+ SelectedDirectory() *models.Directory
+ Directory(string) *models.Directory
+ SetMsgStore(*models.Directory, *lib.MessageStore)
+ FilterDirs([]string, []string, bool) []string
+ GetRUECount(string) (int, int, int)
+ UiConfig(string) *config.UIConfig
+type DirectoryList struct {
+ Scrollable
+ acctConf *config.AccountConfig
+ store *lib.DirStore
+ dirs []string
+ selecting string
+ selected string
+ spinner *Spinner
+ worker *types.Worker
+ ctx context.Context
+ cancel context.CancelFunc
+func NewDirectoryList(acctConf *config.AccountConfig,
+ worker *types.Worker,
+) DirectoryLister {
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+ dirlist := &DirectoryList{
+ acctConf: acctConf,
+ store: lib.NewDirStore(),
+ worker: worker,
+ ctx: ctx,
+ cancel: cancel,
+ }
+ uiConf := dirlist.UiConfig("")
+ dirlist.spinner = NewSpinner(uiConf)
+ dirlist.spinner.Start()
+ if uiConf.DirListTree {
+ return NewDirectoryTree(dirlist)
+ }
+ return dirlist
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) UiConfig(dir string) *config.UIConfig {
+ if dir == "" {
+ dir = dirlist.Selected()
+ }
+ return config.Ui.ForAccount(dirlist.acctConf.Name).ForFolder(dir)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) List() []string {
+ return dirlist.dirs
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) ClearList() {
+ dirlist.dirs = []string{}
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) OnVirtualNode(_ func()) {
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Update(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
+ switch msg := msg.(type) {
+ case *types.Done:
+ switch msg := msg.InResponseTo().(type) {
+ case *types.OpenDirectory:
+ dirlist.selected = msg.Directory
+ dirlist.filterDirsByFoldersConfig()
+ hasSelected := false
+ for _, d := range dirlist.dirs {
+ if d == dirlist.selected {
+ hasSelected = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !hasSelected && dirlist.selected != "" {
+ dirlist.dirs = append(dirlist.dirs, dirlist.selected)
+ }
+ if dirlist.acctConf.EnableFoldersSort {
+ sort.Strings(dirlist.dirs)
+ }
+ dirlist.sortDirsByFoldersSortConfig()
+ store, ok := dirlist.SelectedMsgStore()
+ if !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ store.SetContext(msg.Context)
+ case *types.ListDirectories:
+ dirlist.filterDirsByFoldersConfig()
+ dirlist.sortDirsByFoldersSortConfig()
+ dirlist.spinner.Stop()
+ dirlist.Invalidate()
+ case *types.RemoveDirectory:
+ dirlist.store.Remove(msg.Directory)
+ dirlist.filterDirsByFoldersConfig()
+ dirlist.sortDirsByFoldersSortConfig()
+ case *types.CreateDirectory:
+ dirlist.filterDirsByFoldersConfig()
+ dirlist.sortDirsByFoldersSortConfig()
+ dirlist.Invalidate()
+ }
+ case *types.DirectoryInfo:
+ dir := dirlist.Directory(msg.Info.Name)
+ if dir == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ dir.Exists = msg.Info.Exists
+ dir.Recent = msg.Info.Recent
+ dir.Unseen = msg.Info.Unseen
+ if msg.Refetch {
+ store, ok := dirlist.SelectedMsgStore()
+ if ok {
+ store.Sort(store.GetCurrentSortCriteria(), nil)
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ return
+ }
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) CollapseFolder() {
+ // no effect for the DirectoryList
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) ExpandFolder() {
+ // no effect for the DirectoryList
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Select(name string) {
+ dirlist.selecting = name
+ dirlist.cancel()
+ dirlist.ctx, dirlist.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+ delay := dirlist.UiConfig(name).DirListDelay
+ go func(ctx context.Context) {
+ defer log.PanicHandler()
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(delay):
+ dirlist.worker.PostAction(&types.OpenDirectory{
+ Context: ctx,
+ Directory: name,
+ },
+ func(msg types.WorkerMessage) {
+ switch msg := msg.(type) {
+ case *types.Error:
+ dirlist.selecting = ""
+ log.Errorf("(%s) couldn't open directory %s: %v",
+ dirlist.acctConf.Name,
+ name,
+ msg.Error)
+ case *types.Cancelled:
+ log.Debugf("OpenDirectory cancelled")
+ }
+ })
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ log.Tracef("dirlist: skip %s", name)
+ return
+ }
+ }(dirlist.ctx)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Selected() string {
+ return dirlist.selected
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Invalidate() {
+ ui.Invalidate()
+// Returns the Recent, Unread, and Exist counts for the named directory
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) GetRUECount(name string) (int, int, int) {
+ dir := dirlist.Directory(name)
+ if dir == nil {
+ return 0, 0, 0
+ }
+ return dir.Recent, dir.Unseen, dir.Exists
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Draw(ctx *ui.Context) {
+ uiConfig := dirlist.UiConfig("")
+ ctx.Fill(0, 0, ctx.Width(), ctx.Height(), ' ',
+ uiConfig.GetStyle(config.STYLE_DIRLIST_DEFAULT))
+ if dirlist.spinner.IsRunning() {
+ dirlist.spinner.Draw(ctx)
+ return
+ }
+ if len(dirlist.dirs) == 0 {
+ style := uiConfig.GetStyle(config.STYLE_DIRLIST_DEFAULT)
+ ctx.Printf(0, 0, style, uiConfig.EmptyDirlist)
+ return
+ }
+ dirlist.UpdateScroller(ctx.Height(), len(dirlist.dirs))
+ dirlist.EnsureScroll(findString(dirlist.dirs, dirlist.selecting))
+ textWidth := ctx.Width()
+ if dirlist.NeedScrollbar() {
+ textWidth -= 1
+ }
+ if textWidth < 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ listCtx := ctx.Subcontext(0, 0, textWidth, ctx.Height())
+ data := state.NewDataSetter()
+ data.SetAccount(dirlist.acctConf)
+ for i, name := range dirlist.dirs {
+ if i < dirlist.Scroll() {
+ continue
+ }
+ row := i - dirlist.Scroll()
+ if row >= ctx.Height() {
+ break
+ }
+ data.SetFolder(dirlist.Directory(name))
+ data.SetRUE([]string{name}, dirlist.GetRUECount)
+ left, right, style := dirlist.renderDir(
+ name, uiConfig, data.Data(),
+ name == dirlist.selecting, listCtx.Width(),
+ )
+ listCtx.Printf(0, row, style, "%s %s", left, right)
+ }
+ if dirlist.NeedScrollbar() {
+ scrollBarCtx := ctx.Subcontext(ctx.Width()-1, 0, 1, ctx.Height())
+ dirlist.drawScrollbar(scrollBarCtx)
+ }
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) renderDir(
+ path string, conf *config.UIConfig, data models.TemplateData,
+ selected bool, width int,
+) (string, string, tcell.Style) {
+ var left, right string
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ var styles []config.StyleObject
+ var style tcell.Style
+ r, u, _ := dirlist.GetRUECount(path)
+ if u > 0 {
+ styles = append(styles, config.STYLE_DIRLIST_UNREAD)
+ }
+ if r > 0 {
+ styles = append(styles, config.STYLE_DIRLIST_RECENT)
+ }
+ conf = conf.ForFolder(path)
+ if selected {
+ style = conf.GetComposedStyleSelected(
+ config.STYLE_DIRLIST_DEFAULT, styles)
+ } else {
+ style = conf.GetComposedStyle(
+ config.STYLE_DIRLIST_DEFAULT, styles)
+ }
+ err := templates.Render(conf.DirListLeft, &buf, data)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Errorf("dirlist-left: %s", err)
+ left = err.Error()
+ style = conf.GetStyle(config.STYLE_ERROR)
+ } else {
+ left = buf.String()
+ }
+ buf.Reset()
+ err = templates.Render(conf.DirListRight, &buf, data)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Errorf("dirlist-right: %s", err)
+ right = err.Error()
+ style = conf.GetStyle(config.STYLE_ERROR)
+ } else {
+ right = buf.String()
+ }
+ buf.Reset()
+ lbuf := parse.ParseANSI(left)
+ lbuf.ApplyAttrs(style)
+ lwidth := lbuf.Len()
+ rbuf := parse.ParseANSI(right)
+ rbuf.ApplyAttrs(style)
+ rwidth := rbuf.Len()
+ if lwidth+rwidth+1 > width {
+ if rwidth > 3*width/4 {
+ rwidth = 3 * width / 4
+ }
+ lwidth = width - rwidth - 1
+ right = rbuf.TruncateHead(rwidth, '…')
+ left = lbuf.Truncate(lwidth-1, '…')
+ } else {
+ for i := 0; i < (width - lwidth - rwidth - 1); i += 1 {
+ lbuf.Write(' ', tcell.StyleDefault)
+ }
+ left = lbuf.String()
+ right = rbuf.String()
+ }
+ return left, right, style
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) drawScrollbar(ctx *ui.Context) {
+ gutterStyle := tcell.StyleDefault
+ pillStyle := tcell.StyleDefault.Reverse(true)
+ // gutter
+ ctx.Fill(0, 0, 1, ctx.Height(), ' ', gutterStyle)
+ // pill
+ pillSize := int(math.Ceil(float64(ctx.Height()) * dirlist.PercentVisible()))
+ pillOffset := int(math.Floor(float64(ctx.Height()) * dirlist.PercentScrolled()))
+ ctx.Fill(0, pillOffset, 1, pillSize, ' ', pillStyle)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) MouseEvent(localX int, localY int, event tcell.Event) {
+ if event, ok := event.(*tcell.EventMouse); ok {
+ switch event.Buttons() {
+ case tcell.Button1:
+ clickedDir, ok := dirlist.Clicked(localX, localY)
+ if ok {
+ dirlist.Select(clickedDir)
+ }
+ case tcell.WheelDown:
+ dirlist.Next()
+ case tcell.WheelUp:
+ dirlist.Prev()
+ }
+ }
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Clicked(x int, y int) (string, bool) {
+ if dirlist.dirs == nil || len(dirlist.dirs) == 0 {
+ return "", false
+ }
+ for i, name := range dirlist.dirs {
+ if i == y {
+ return name, true
+ }
+ }
+ return "", false
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) NextPrev(delta int) {
+ curIdx := findString(dirlist.dirs, dirlist.selecting)
+ if curIdx == len(dirlist.dirs) {
+ return
+ }
+ newIdx := curIdx + delta
+ ndirs := len(dirlist.dirs)
+ if ndirs == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ if newIdx < 0 {
+ newIdx = ndirs - 1
+ } else if newIdx >= ndirs {
+ newIdx = 0
+ }
+ dirlist.Select(dirlist.dirs[newIdx])
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Next() {
+ dirlist.NextPrev(1)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Prev() {
+ dirlist.NextPrev(-1)
+func folderMatches(folder string, pattern string) bool {
+ if len(pattern) == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ if pattern[0] == '~' {
+ r, err := regexp.Compile(pattern[1:])
+ if err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return r.Match([]byte(folder))
+ }
+ return pattern == folder
+// sortDirsByFoldersSortConfig sets dirlist.dirs to be sorted based on the
+// AccountConfig.FoldersSort option. Folders not included in the option
+// will be appended at the end in alphabetical order
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) sortDirsByFoldersSortConfig() {
+ if !dirlist.acctConf.EnableFoldersSort {
+ return
+ }
+ sort.Slice(dirlist.dirs, func(i, j int) bool {
+ foldersSort := dirlist.acctConf.FoldersSort
+ iInFoldersSort := findString(foldersSort, dirlist.dirs[i])
+ jInFoldersSort := findString(foldersSort, dirlist.dirs[j])
+ if iInFoldersSort >= 0 && jInFoldersSort >= 0 {
+ return iInFoldersSort < jInFoldersSort
+ }
+ if iInFoldersSort >= 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ if jInFoldersSort >= 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return dirlist.dirs[i] < dirlist.dirs[j]
+ })
+// filterDirsByFoldersConfig sets dirlist.dirs to the filtered subset of the
+// dirstore, based on AccountConfig.Folders (inclusion) and
+// AccountConfig.FoldersExclude (exclusion), in that order.
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) filterDirsByFoldersConfig() {
+ dirlist.dirs = dirlist.store.List()
+ // 'folders' (if available) is used to make the initial list and
+ // 'folders-exclude' removes from that list.
+ configFolders := dirlist.acctConf.Folders
+ dirlist.dirs = dirlist.FilterDirs(dirlist.dirs, configFolders, false)
+ configFoldersExclude := dirlist.acctConf.FoldersExclude
+ dirlist.dirs = dirlist.FilterDirs(dirlist.dirs, configFoldersExclude, true)
+// FilterDirs filters directories by the supplied filter. If exclude is false,
+// the filter will only include directories from orig which exist in filters.
+// If exclude is true, the directories in filters are removed from orig
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) FilterDirs(orig, filters []string, exclude bool) []string {
+ if len(filters) == 0 {
+ return orig
+ }
+ var dest []string
+ for _, folder := range orig {
+ // When excluding, include things by default, and vice-versa
+ include := exclude
+ for _, f := range filters {
+ if folderMatches(folder, f) {
+ // If matched an exclusion, don't include
+ // If matched an inclusion, do include
+ include = !exclude
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if include {
+ dest = append(dest, folder)
+ }
+ }
+ return dest
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) SelectedMsgStore() (*lib.MessageStore, bool) {
+ return dirlist.store.MessageStore(dirlist.selected)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) MsgStore(name string) (*lib.MessageStore, bool) {
+ return dirlist.store.MessageStore(name)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) SelectedDirectory() *models.Directory {
+ return dirlist.store.Directory(dirlist.selected)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) Directory(name string) *models.Directory {
+ return dirlist.store.Directory(name)
+func (dirlist *DirectoryList) SetMsgStore(dir *models.Directory, msgStore *lib.MessageStore) {
+ dirlist.store.SetMessageStore(dir, msgStore)
+ msgStore.OnUpdateDirs(func() {
+ dirlist.Invalidate()
+ })
+func findString(slice []string, str string) int {
+ for i, s := range slice {
+ if str == s {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1