.TH SOSREPORT 1 "Tue Feb 20 2007" .SH NAME sosreport \- Generate debugging information for this system .SH SYNOPSIS .B sosreport [-a|--alloptions] [-f|--fastoptions] [-g|--gatheronly] [-l|--list-plugins] [-n|--noplugin \fIplugin-name\fR] [-o|--onlyplugin \fIplugin-name\fR] [-v|--verbose [...]] [-m|--multithreaded] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBsosreport\fR generates a compressed tarball of debugging information for the system it is run on that can be sent to technical support reps that will give them a more complete view of the overall system status. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-a, \--alloptions Enable all options for all loaded plugins .TP .B \-f, \--fastoptions Enable all options marked as "fast" for loaded plugins. This will reduce running time while still gathering helpful information, but you may be asked to re-run later with some or all "slow" options enabled depending on the specific issue. .TP .B \-g, \--gatheronly Gather the diagnostic data and bundle it up, but do not attempt to send it to any support site. This option currently has no effect as sosreport currently does not support report transmission. .TP .B \-l, \--list-plugins List available plugins .TP .B \-n, \--noplugin Do not load specified plugin(s) .TP .B \-o, \--onlyplugin Load only the specified plugin(s), all otherplugins should be disabled .TP .B \-v, \--verbose Increase the verbosity of the output as sosreport is running. This option can be specified more than once. .TP .B \-m, \--multithreaded Enable a multithreaded collection and analysis of the sosreport data. Please note that this option is experimental and is known to have intermittent issues. .SH BUGS The multithreaded option can fail intermittently, please use it with care. .SH AUTHORS .nf Steve Conklin John Berninger Navid Sheikhol-Eslami Pierre Amadio .fi