.TH SOSREPORT 1 "Tue Feb 20 2007" .SH NAME sosreport \- Generate debugging information for this system .SH SYNOPSIS .B sosreport [-l|--list-plugins]\fR [-n|--skip-plugins plugin-names]\fR [-e|--enable-plugins plugin-names]\fR [-o|--only-plugins plugin-names]\fR [-a|--alloptions] [-v|--verbose] [--no-multithread] [--no-progressbar] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBsosreport\fR generates a compressed tarball of debugging information for the system it is run on that can be sent to technical support reps that will give them a more complete view of the overall system status. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-l, \--list-plugins This will list all available plugins showing which ones will be enabled by the current configuration. It will also show all plugin options which can be modified using the -k option (see below). .TP .B \-n, --skip-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME] Do not load specified plugin(s). To specify multiple plugins, separate them with a comma. .TP .B \-e, --enable-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME] Enable the specified plugin(s). To specify multiple plugins, separate them with a comma. .TP .B \-o, --only-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME] Enable the specified plugin(s) only (all other plugins should be disabled). To specify multiple plugins, separate them with a comma. .TP .B \-k PLUGNAME.PLUGOPT[=VALUE] This is used to specify options for plugins. A list of available plugin options can be obtained from the output of --list-plugins. If no value is specified and the option is a boolean (on/off), it will be set to "on". .TP .B \-a, \--alloptions Enable all (boolean) options for all loaded plugins. .TP .B \--upload Upload the report to Red Hat (use exclusively if advised from a Red Hat support representative). .TP .B \-v, \--verbose Increase the verbosity of the output as sosreport is running. Multiple -v mean more verbosity. .TP .B \--no-progressbar Do not display a progress bar (ETA will not be available). .TP .B \--no-multithread Disable multithreaded collection and analysis of the sosreport data. .SH MAINTAINER .nf Navid Sheikhol-Eslami .fi .SH AUTHORS .nf Steve Conklin John Berninger Pierre Amadio Adam Stokes .fi .SH THANKS TO .nf Eva Schaller for providing an Italian translation Marco Ceci for helping me out with the cluster plugin Leonardo Macchia for being my personal regexp generator Imed Chihi for providing Arabic and French translations .fi