#!/usr/bin/python """ setup.py - Setup package with the help from Python's DistUtils """ try: from setuptools import setup, find_packages except ImportError: from ez_setup import use_setuptools from setuptools import setup, find_packages import glob import os data_files = [ ('/etc', [ 'sos.conf']), ('/usr/sbin', ['sosreport', 'extras/sysreport/sysreport.legacy']), ('/usr/bin', ['extras/rh-upload']), ('/usr/share/sos/',['gpgkeys/rhsupport.pub']), ('/usr/share/sysreport', ['extras/sysreport/text.xsl', 'extras/sysreport/functions', 'extras/sysreport/sysreport-fdisk']), ('/usr/share/man/man1', ['sosreport.1.gz']), ] lang_files = glob.glob('po/*/sos.mo') for i18n in lang_files: topdir, basedir, fname = i18n.split('/') data_files.append(('/usr/share/locale/%s/LC_MESSAGES' % (basedir,) , [i18n])) test_sub_dirs = [] def test_files_add(dir='test',test_dir='/usr/share/sos'): """ test file dir addition """ test_sub_dirs.append(dir) for root, dirs, fname in os.walk(dir): if '.svn' in dirs: dirs.remove('.svn') for name in dirs: test_sub_dirs.append(os.path.join(dir,name)) for dr in test_sub_dirs: files = os.listdir(dr) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dr,f)): data_files.append((os.path.join(test_dir,dr),[os.path.join(dr,f)])) test_files_add() test_requirements = ['nose >= 0.10'] setup( name = 'sos', version = '1.9', author = 'Adam Stokes', author_email = 'ajs@redhat.com', url = 'http://fedorahosted.org/sos', description = 'SOS - son of sysreport', packages = find_packages(exclude=['test*']), include_package_data = True, data_files = data_files, test_suite = "test", tests_require = test_requirements, extras_require = { 'docs' : ['sphinx >= 0.5'], }, )