# this script generates for each plugin: # - URL to upstream code # - list of distros # - list of profiles # - list of paths it collects (add_copy_spec) # - list of paths it forbits to collect (add_forbidden_path) # - list of commands it calls (add_cmd_output) # # Output of the script: # - a JSON object with plugins in keys # - or CSV format in case "csv" cmdline is provided # # TODO: # - improve parsing that will be never ideal :) # - add other methods: # - add_blockdev_cmd # - add_string_as_file # - ?? import os import re import json import sys PLUGDIR = 'sos/report/plugins' plugs_data = {} # the map of all plugins data to collect plugcontent = '' # content of plugin file just being processed # method to parse an item of a_s_c/a_c_o/.. methods # we work on an assumption the item is a string quoted by \" or optionally # by \'. If we detect at least 2 such chars in the item, take what is between those. def add_valid_item(dest, item): for qoutemark in "\"\'": split = item.split(qoutemark) if len(split) > 2: dest.append(split[1]) return # method to find in `plugcontent` all items of given method (a_c_s/a_c_o/..) split # by comma; add each valid item to the `dest` list def add_all_items(method, dest, wrapopen='\(', wrapclose='\)'): regexp = "%s%s(.*?)%s" % (method, wrapopen, wrapclose) for match in re.findall(regexp, plugcontent, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL): # tuple of distros ended by either (class|from|import) if isinstance(match,tuple): for item in list(match): if item not in ['class', 'from', 'import']: for it in item.split(','): # dirty hack to remove spaces and "Plugin" if "Plugin" not in it: continue it = it.strip(' ()')[0:-6] if len(it): dest.append(it) # list of specs separated by comma .. elif match.startswith('[') or match.startswith('('): for item in match.split(','): add_valid_item(dest, item) # .. or a singleton spec else: add_valid_item(dest, match) # main body: traverse report's plugins directory and for each plugin, grep for # add_copy_spec / add_forbidden_path / add_cmd_output there for plugfile in sorted(os.listdir(PLUGDIR)): # ignore non-py files and __init__.py if not plugfile.endswith('.py') or plugfile == '__init__.py': continue plugname = plugfile[:-3] # if plugname != 'bcache': # continue plugs_data[plugname] = { 'sourcecode': 'https://github.com/sosreport/sos/blob/master/sos/report/plugins/%s.py' % plugname, 'distros': [], 'profiles': [], 'copyspecs': [], 'forbidden': [], 'commands': [], 'service_status': [], 'journals': [], 'env': [], } plugcontent = open(os.path.join(PLUGDIR, plugfile)).read().replace('\n','') add_all_items("from sos.report.plugins import ", plugs_data[plugname]['distros'], wrapopen='', wrapclose='(class|from|import)') add_all_items("profiles = ", plugs_data[plugname]['profiles'], wrapopen='') add_all_items("add_copy_spec", plugs_data[plugname]['copyspecs']) add_all_items("add_forbidden_path", plugs_data[plugname]['forbidden']) add_all_items("add_cmd_output", plugs_data[plugname]['commands']) add_all_items("collect_cmd_output", plugs_data[plugname]['commands']) add_all_items("add_service_status", plugs_data[plugname]['service_status']) add_all_items("add_journal", plugs_data[plugname]['journals']) add_all_items("add_env_var", plugs_data[plugname]['env']) # print output; if "csv" is cmdline argument, print in CSV format, else JSON if (len(sys.argv) > 1) and (sys.argv[1] == "csv"): print("plugin;url;distros;profiles;copyspecs;forbidden;commands;service_status;journals;env_vars") for plugname in plugs_data.keys(): plugin = plugs_data[plugname] # determine max number of lines - usually "max(len(copyspec),len(commands))" # ignore 'sourcecode' key as it maxline = 1 plugkeys = list(plugin.keys()) plugkeys.remove('sourcecode') for key in plugkeys: maxline = max(maxline, len(plugin[key])) for line in range(maxline): out = ";" if line>0 else ("%s;%s" % (plugname, plugin['sourcecode'])) for key in plugkeys: out += ";" if line