.TH SOSREPORT 1 "Mon Mar 25 2013" .SH NAME sosreport \- Collect and package diagnostic and support data .SH SYNOPSIS .B sosreport [-l|--list-plugins]\fR [-n|--skip-plugins plugin-names]\fR [-e|--enable-plugins plugin-names]\fR [-o|--only-plugins plugin-names]\fR [-a|--alloptions] [-v|--verbose]\fR [--report] [--config-file conf] [--batch]\fR [--build] [--name name] [--ticket-number number] [--debug] [--upload] [--tmp-dir directory]\fR [--profile] [--help]\fR .SH DESCRIPTION \fBsosreport\fR generates a compressed tar archive of diagnostic information from the running system. The archive may be stored locally or centrally for recording or tracking purposes or may be sent to technical support representatives, developers or system administrators to assist with technical fault-finding and debugging. .LP Sos is modular in design and is able to collect data from a wide range of subsystems and packages that may be installed. An XML or HTML report summarizing the collected information is optionally generated and stored within the archive. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-l, \--list-plugins List all available plugins and their options. Plug-ins that would not be enabled by the current configuration are listed separately. .TP .B \-n, --skip-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME] Disable the specified plugin(s). Multiple plug-ins may be specified by repeating the option or as a comma-separated list. .TP .B \-e, --enable-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME] Enable the specified plugin(s). Multiple plug-ins may be specified by repeating the option or as a comma-separated list. .TP .B \-o, --only-plugins PLUGNAME[,PLUGNAME] Enable the specified plugin(s) only (all other plugins should be disabled). Multiple plugins may be specified by repeating the option or as a comma-separated list. .TP .B \-k PLUGNAME.PLUGOPT[=VALUE] Specify plug-in options. The option PLUGOPT is enabled, or set to the specified value in the plug-in PLUGNAME. .TP .B \-a, \--alloptions Set all boolean options to True for all enabled plug-ins. .TP .B \--upload FTP_SERVER Upload the report to the configured destination. .TP .B \-v, \--verbose Increase logging verbosity. May be specified multiple times to enable additional debugging messages. .TP .B \-q, \--quiet Only log fatal errors to stderr. .TP .B \--report Enable HTML/XML report writing. .TP .B \--config-file CONFIG Specify alternate configuration file. .TP .B \--tmp-dir DIRECTORY Specify alternate temporary directory to copy data as well as the compressed report. .TP .B \--batch Generate archive without prompting for interactive input. .TP .B \--name NAME Specify a name to be used for the archive. .TP .B \--ticket-number NUMBER Specify a ticket number to be used for archive .TP .B \--build Do not archive copied data. Causes sosreport to leave an uncompressed archive as a temporary file or directory tree. .TP .B \--debug Enable interactive debugging using the python debugger. Exceptions in sos or plug-in code will cause a trap to the pdb shell. .TP .B \--profile Enable profiler logging. .TP .B \--help Display usage message. .SH MAINTAINER .nf Bryn M. Reeves .fi .SH AUTHORS & CONTRIBUTORS Adam Stokes, Ben Turner, Bryn M. Reeves, Eugene Teo, Gary Kotton, Jesse Jaggars, Joey Boggs, John Berninger, Justin Payne, Keith Kearnan, Kent Lamb, Marc Sauton, Navid Sheikhol-Eslami, Pierre Amadio , Pierre Carrier, Ranjith Rajaram, Sadique Puthen, Shijoe George, Steve Conklin, Tomas Smetana .nf .SH TRANSLATIONS .nf Translations are handled by transifex (https://fedorahosted.org/transifex/) .fi .fi