path: root/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py b/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f362c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unittests/plugin_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
+# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+import unittest
+import os
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+from io import StringIO
+from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, regex_findall, _mangle_command
+from sos.archive import TarFileArchive
+from sos.policies.distros import LinuxPolicy
+from sos.policies.init_systems import InitSystem
+PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+def j(filename):
+ return os.path.join(PATH, filename)
+def create_file(size, dir=None):
+ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=dir)
+ f.write(b"*" * size * 1024 * 1024)
+ f.flush()
+ f.close()
+ return f.name
+class MockArchive(TarFileArchive):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.m = {}
+ self.strings = {}
+ def name(self):
+ return "mock.archive"
+ def add_file(self, src, dest=None):
+ if not dest:
+ dest = src
+ self.m[src] = dest
+ def add_string(self, content, dest):
+ self.m[dest] = content
+ def add_link(self, dest, link_name):
+ pass
+ def open_file(self, name):
+ return open(self.m.get(name), 'r')
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ def compress(self, method):
+ pass
+class MockPlugin(Plugin):
+ option_list = [("opt", 'an option', 'fast', None),
+ ("opt2", 'another option', 'fast', False)]
+ def setup(self):
+ pass
+class NamedMockPlugin(Plugin):
+ short_desc = "This plugin has a description."
+ plugin_name = "testing"
+ def setup(self):
+ pass
+class PostprocMockPlugin(Plugin):
+ did_postproc = False
+ def setup(self):
+ pass
+ def postproc(self):
+ if self.get_option('postproc'):
+ self.did_postproc = True
+class ForbiddenMockPlugin(Plugin):
+ """This plugin has a description."""
+ plugin_name = "forbidden"
+ def setup(self):
+ self.add_copy_spec("tests")
+ self.add_forbidden_path("tests")
+class EnablerPlugin(Plugin):
+ def is_installed(self, pkg):
+ return self.is_installed
+class MockOptions(object):
+ all_logs = False
+ dry_run = False
+ since = None
+ log_size = 25
+ allow_system_changes = False
+ no_postproc = False
+ skip_files = []
+ skip_commands = []
+class PluginToolTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_regex_findall(self):
+ test_s = u"\n".join(
+ ['this is only a test', 'there are only two lines'])
+ test_fo = StringIO(test_s)
+ matches = regex_findall(r".*lines$", test_fo)
+ self.assertEquals(matches, ['there are only two lines'])
+ def test_regex_findall_miss(self):
+ test_s = u"\n".join(
+ ['this is only a test', 'there are only two lines'])
+ test_fo = StringIO(test_s)
+ matches = regex_findall(r".*not_there$", test_fo)
+ self.assertEquals(matches, [])
+ def test_regex_findall_bad_input(self):
+ matches = regex_findall(r".*", None)
+ self.assertEquals(matches, [])
+ matches = regex_findall(r".*", [])
+ self.assertEquals(matches, [])
+ matches = regex_findall(r".*", 1)
+ self.assertEquals(matches, [])
+ def test_mangle_command(self):
+ name_max = 255
+ self.assertEquals("foo", _mangle_command("/usr/bin/foo", name_max))
+ self.assertEquals(
+ "foo_-x", _mangle_command("/usr/bin/foo -x", name_max))
+ self.assertEquals(
+ "foo_--verbose", _mangle_command("/usr/bin/foo --verbose",
+ name_max))
+ self.assertEquals("foo_.path.to.stuff", _mangle_command(
+ "/usr/bin/foo /path/to/stuff", name_max))
+ longcmd = "foo is " + "a" * 256 + " long_command"
+ expected = longcmd[0:name_max].replace(' ', '_')
+ self.assertEquals(expected, _mangle_command(longcmd, name_max))
+class PluginTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ sysroot = os.getcwd()
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mp = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.mp.archive = MockArchive()
+ def test_plugin_default_name(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.name(), "mockplugin")
+ def test_plugin_set_name(self):
+ p = NamedMockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.name(), "testing")
+ def test_plugin_no_descrip(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_description(), "<no description available>")
+ def test_plugin_has_descrip(self):
+ p = NamedMockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_description(),
+ "This plugin has a description.")
+ def test_set_plugin_option(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ p.set_option("opt", "testing")
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option("opt"), "testing")
+ def test_set_nonexistant_plugin_option(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertFalse(p.set_option("badopt", "testing"))
+ def test_get_nonexistant_plugin_option(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option("badopt"), 0)
+ def test_get_unset_plugin_option(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option("opt"), 0)
+ def test_get_unset_plugin_option_with_default(self):
+ # this shows that even when we pass in a default to get,
+ # we'll get the option's default as set in the plugin
+ # this might not be what we really want
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option("opt", True), True)
+ def test_get_unset_plugin_option_with_default_not_none(self):
+ # this shows that even when we pass in a default to get,
+ # if the plugin default is not None
+ # we'll get the option's default as set in the plugin
+ # this might not be what we really want
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option("opt2", True), False)
+ def test_get_option_as_list_plugin_option(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ p.set_option("opt", "one,two,three")
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option_as_list("opt"), ['one', 'two', 'three'])
+ def test_get_option_as_list_plugin_option_default(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option_as_list("opt", default=[]), [])
+ def test_get_option_as_list_plugin_option_not_list(self):
+ p = MockPlugin({
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ p.set_option("opt", "testing")
+ self.assertEquals(p.get_option_as_list("opt"), ['testing'])
+ def test_copy_dir(self):
+ self.mp._do_copy_path("tests")
+ self.assertEquals(
+ self.mp.archive.m["tests/plugin_tests.py"],
+ 'tests/plugin_tests.py')
+ def test_copy_dir_bad_path(self):
+ self.mp._do_copy_path("not_here_tests")
+ self.assertEquals(self.mp.archive.m, {})
+ def test_copy_dir_forbidden_path(self):
+ p = ForbiddenMockPlugin({
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ p.archive = MockArchive()
+ p.setup()
+ p.collect()
+ self.assertEquals(p.archive.m, {})
+ def test_postproc_default_on(self):
+ p = PostprocMockPlugin({
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'sysroot': self.sysroot,
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem()),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ p.postproc()
+ self.assertTrue(p.did_postproc)
+class AddCopySpecTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ expect_paths = set(['tests/tail_test.txt'])
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mp = MockPlugin({
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'sysroot': os.getcwd(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.mp.archive = MockArchive()
+ def assert_expect_paths(self):
+ def pathmunge(path):
+ if path[0] == '/':
+ path = path[1:]
+ return os.path.join(self.mp.sysroot, path)
+ expected_paths = set(map(pathmunge, self.expect_paths))
+ self.assertEquals(self.mp.copy_paths, expected_paths)
+ def test_single_file_no_limit(self):
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec("tests/tail_test.txt")
+ self.assert_expect_paths()
+ def test_single_file_under_limit(self):
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec("tests/tail_test.txt", 1)
+ self.assert_expect_paths()
+ def test_single_file_over_limit(self):
+ self.mp.sysroot = '/'
+ fn = create_file(2) # create 2MB file, consider a context manager
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec(fn, 1)
+ content, fname = self.mp.copy_strings[0]
+ self.assertTrue("tailed" in fname)
+ self.assertTrue("tmp" in fname)
+ self.assertTrue("/" not in fname)
+ self.assertEquals(1024 * 1024, len(content))
+ os.unlink(fn)
+ def test_bad_filename(self):
+ self.mp.sysroot = '/'
+ self.assertFalse(self.mp.add_copy_spec('', 1))
+ self.assertFalse(self.mp.add_copy_spec(None, 1))
+ def test_glob_file(self):
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec('tests/tail_test.*')
+ self.assert_expect_paths()
+ def test_glob_file_limit_no_limit(self):
+ self.mp.sysroot = '/'
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ create_file(2, dir=tmpdir)
+ create_file(2, dir=tmpdir)
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec(tmpdir + "/*")
+ self.assertEquals(len(self.mp.copy_paths), 2)
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ def test_glob_file_over_limit(self):
+ self.mp.sysroot = '/'
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ create_file(2, dir=tmpdir)
+ create_file(2, dir=tmpdir)
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec(tmpdir + "/*", 1)
+ self.assertEquals(len(self.mp.copy_strings), 1)
+ content, fname = self.mp.copy_strings[0]
+ self.assertTrue("tailed" in fname)
+ self.assertEquals(1024 * 1024, len(content))
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ def test_multiple_files_no_limit(self):
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec(['tests/tail_test.txt', 'tests/test.txt'])
+ self.assertEquals(len(self.mp.copy_paths), 2)
+ def test_multiple_files_under_limit(self):
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec(['tests/tail_test.txt', 'tests/test.txt'], 1)
+ self.assertEquals(len(self.mp.copy_paths), 2)
+class CheckEnabledTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mp = EnablerPlugin({
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(probe_runtime=False),
+ 'sysroot': os.getcwd(),
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ def test_checks_for_file(self):
+ f = j("tail_test.txt")
+ self.mp.files = (f,)
+ self.assertTrue(self.mp.check_enabled())
+ def test_checks_for_package(self):
+ self.mp.packages = ('foo',)
+ self.assertTrue(self.mp.check_enabled())
+ def test_allows_bad_tuple(self):
+ f = j("tail_test.txt")
+ self.mp.files = (f)
+ self.mp.packages = ('foo')
+ self.assertTrue(self.mp.check_enabled())
+ def test_enabled_by_default(self):
+ self.assertTrue(self.mp.check_enabled())
+class RegexSubTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mp = MockPlugin({
+ 'cmdlineopts': MockOptions(),
+ 'policy': LinuxPolicy(init=InitSystem(), probe_runtime=False),
+ 'sysroot': os.getcwd(),
+ 'devices': {}
+ })
+ self.mp.archive = MockArchive()
+ def test_file_never_copied(self):
+ self.assertEquals(0, self.mp.do_file_sub(
+ "never_copied", r"^(.*)$", "foobar"))
+ def test_no_replacements(self):
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec(j("tail_test.txt"))
+ self.mp.collect()
+ replacements = self.mp.do_file_sub(
+ j("tail_test.txt"), r"wont_match", "foobar")
+ self.assertEquals(0, replacements)
+ def test_replacements(self):
+ # test uses absolute paths
+ self.mp.sysroot = '/'
+ self.mp.add_copy_spec(j("tail_test.txt"))
+ self.mp.collect()
+ replacements = self.mp.do_file_sub(
+ j("tail_test.txt"), r"(tail)", "foobar")
+ self.assertEquals(1, replacements)
+ self.assertTrue("foobar" in self.mp.archive.m.get(j('tail_test.txt')))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
+# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :