path: root/src/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib')
13 files changed, 444 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/autofs.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/autofs.py
index 16a8d3fb..48dd57b4 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/autofs.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/autofs.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import sos.plugintools
-import os
+import os, re
class autofs(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
"""autofs server-related information
@@ -24,8 +24,38 @@ class autofs(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
if self.cInfo["policy"].runlevelDefault() in self.cInfo["policy"].runlevelByService("autofs"):
return True
return False
+ def checkdebug(self):
+ """ testing if autofs debug has been enabled anywhere
+ """
+ # Global debugging
+ optlist=[]
+ opt = self.fileGrep(r"^(DEFAULT_LOGGING|DAEMONOPTIONS)=(.*)", "/etc/sysconfig/autofs")
+ for opt1 in opt:
+ for opt2 in opt1.split(" "):
+ optlist.append(opt2)
+ for dtest in optlist:
+ if dtest == "--debug" or dtest == "debug":
+ return True
+ def getdaemondebug(self):
+ """ capture daemon debug output
+ """
+ debugout = self.fileGrep(r"^(daemon.*)\s+(\/var\/log\/.*)", "/etc/sysconfig/autofs")
+ for i in debugout:
+ return i[1]
def setup(self):
- self.addCopySpec("/etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/init.d/autofs")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/bin/rpm -qV autofs")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/etc/init.d/autofs status")
+ self.collectExtOutput("ps auxwww | grep automount")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/bin/egrep -e 'automount|pid.*nfs' /proc/mounts")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/bin/mount | egrep -e 'automount|pid.*nfs'")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/chkconfig --list autofs")
+ if self.checkdebug():
+ self.addCopySpec(self.getdaemondebug())
+ return
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/bootloader.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/bootloader.py
index 195d220b..b919ce4d 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/bootloader.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/bootloader.py
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ class bootloader(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
+ self.addCopySpec("/boot/efi/*")
- self.addCopySpec("/boot/efi/elilo.conf")
self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/lilo -q")
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/cluster.py~ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/cluster.py~
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff2a233c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/cluster.py~
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import sos.plugintools
+import commands, os, re
+import time, libxml2
+class cluster(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
+ """cluster suite and GFS related information
+ """
+ optionList = [("gfslockdump", 'gather output of gfs lockdumps', 'slow', False),
+ ('lockdump', 'gather dlm lockdumps', 'slow', False),
+ ('taskdump', 'trigger 3 sysrq+t dumps every 5 seconds (dangerous)', 'slow', False)]
+ def checkenabled(self):
+ rhelver = self.cInfo["policy"].rhelVersion()
+ if rhelver == 4:
+ self.packages = [ "ccs", "cman", "cman-kernel", "magma", "magma-plugins",
+ "rgmanager", "fence", "dlm", "dlm-kernel", "gulm",
+ "GFS", "GFS-kernel", "lvm2-cluster" ]
+ elif rhelver == 5:
+ self.packages = [ "rgmanager", "luci", "ricci", "system-config-cluster",
+ "gfs-utils", "gnbd", "kmod-gfs", "kmod-gnbd", "lvm2-cluster" ]
+ self.files = [ "/etc/cluster/cluster.conf", "/proc/cluster" ]
+ return sos.plugintools.PluginBase.checkenabled(self)
+ def has_gfs(self):
+ try:
+ if len(self.doRegexFindAll(r'^\S+\s+\S+\s+gfs\s+.*$', "/etc/mtab")):
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+ def diagnose(self):
+ rhelver = self.cInfo["policy"].rhelVersion()
+ # check if the minimum set of packages is installed
+ # for RHEL4 RHCS(ccs, cman, cman-kernel, magma, magma-plugins, (dlm, dlm-kernel) || gulm, perl-Net-Telnet, rgmanager, fence)
+ # RHEL4 GFS (GFS, GFS-kernel, ccs, lvm2-cluster, fence)
+ pkgs_check = []
+ mods_check = []
+ serv_check = []
+ if rhelver == 4:
+ pkgs_check.extend( [ "ccs", "cman", "magma", "magma-plugins", "perl-Net-Telnet", "rgmanager", "fence" ] )
+ mods_check.extend( [ "cman", "dlm" ] )
+ if self.has_gfs():
+ mods_check.append("gfs")
+ serv_check.extend( [ "cman", "ccsd", "rgmanager", "fenced" ] )
+ if self.has_gfs():
+ serv_check.extend( ["gfs", "clvmd"] )
+ elif rhelver == 5:
+ pkgs_check.extend ( [ "cman", "perl-Net-Telnet", "rgmanager" ] )
+ mods_check.extend( [ "dlm" ] )
+ if self.has_gfs():
+ mods_check.extend( ["gfs", "gfs2"] )
+ serv_check.extend( [ "cman", "rgmanager" ] )
+ if self.has_gfs():
+ serv_check.extend( ["gfs", "clvmd"] )
+ # check that kernel module packages are installed for
+ # running kernel version
+ for modname in mods_check:
+ found = 0
+ if self.cInfo["policy"].allPkgsByNameRegex( "^" + modname ):
+ found = 1
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput('/sbin/modinfo -F vermagic ' + modname)
+ if status == 0:
+ found = 2
+ if len(self.fileGrep("^%s\s+" % modname, "/proc/modules")) > 0:
+ found = 3
+ if found == 0:
+ self.addDiagnose("required kernel module is missing: %s" % modname)
+ elif found == 1:
+ self.addDiagnose("required module is not available for current kernel: %s" % modname)
+ elif found == 2:
+ self.addDiagnose("required module is available but not loaded: %s" % module)
+ for pkg in pkgs_check:
+ if self.cInfo["policy"].pkgByName(pkg) == None:
+ self.addDiagnose("required package is missing: %s" % pkg)
+ if rhelver == "4":
+ # (dlm, dlm-kernel) || gulm
+ if not ((self.cInfo["policy"].pkgByName("dlm") and self.cInfo["policy"].pkgByName("dlm-kernel")) or self.cInfo["policy"].pkgByName("gulm")):
+ self.addDiagnose("required packages are missing: (dlm, dlm-kernel) || gulm")
+ # check if all the needed daemons are active at sosreport time
+ # check if they are started at boot time in RHEL4 RHCS (cman, ccsd, rgmanager, fenced)
+ # and GFS (gfs, ccsd, clvmd, fenced)
+ for service in serv_check:
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("/sbin/service %s status &> /dev/null" % service)
+ if status != 0:
+ self.addDiagnose("service %s is not running" % service)
+ if not self.cInfo["policy"].runlevelDefault() in self.cInfo["policy"].runlevelByService(service):
+ self.addDiagnose("service %s is not started in default runlevel" % service)
+ # FIXME: missing important cman services
+ # FIXME: any cman service whose state != run ?
+ # Fence Domain: "default" 2 2 run -
+ # is cluster quorate
+ if not self.is_cluster_quorate():
+ self.addDiagnose("cluster node is not quorate")
+ # if there is no cluster.conf, diagnose() finishes here.
+ try:
+ os.stat("/etc/cluster/cluster.conf")
+ except:
+ self.addDiagnose("/etc/cluster/cluster.conf is missing")
+ return
+ # setup XML xpath context
+ xml = libxml2.parseFile("/etc/cluster/cluster.conf")
+ xpathContext = xml.xpathNewContext()
+ # make sure that the node names are valid according to RFC 2181
+ for hostname in xpathContext.xpathEval('/cluster/clusternodes/clusternode/@name'):
+ if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?(\.[a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$', hostname.content):
+ self.addDiagnose("node name (%s) contains invalid characters" % hostname.content)
+ # do not rely on DNS to resolve node names, must have them in /etc/hosts
+ for hostname in xpathContext.xpathEval('/cluster/clusternodes/clusternode/@name'):
+ if len(self.fileGrep(r'^.*\W+%s' % hostname.content , "/etc/hosts")) == 0:
+ self.addDiagnose("node %s is not defined in /etc/hosts" % hostname.content)
+ # check fencing (warn on no fencing)
+ if len(xpathContext.xpathEval("/cluster/clusternodes/clusternode[not(fence/method/device)]")):
+ if self.has_gfs():
+ self.addDiagnose("one or more nodes have no fencing agent configured: fencing is required for GFS to work")
+ else:
+ self.addDiagnose("one or more nodes have no fencing agent configured: the cluster infrastructure might not work as intended")
+ # check fencing (warn on manual)
+ if len(xpathContext.xpathEval("/cluster/clusternodes/clusternode[/cluster/fencedevices/fencedevice[@agent='fence_manual']/@name=fence/method/device/@name]")):
+ self.addDiagnose("one or more nodes have manual fencing agent configured (data integrity is not guaranteed)")
+ # if fence_ilo or fence_drac, make sure acpid is not running
+ hostname = commands.getoutput("/bin/uname -n").split(".")[0]
+ if len(xpathContext.xpathEval('/cluster/clusternodes/clusternode[@name = "%s" and /cluster/fencedevices/fencedevice[@agent="fence_rsa" or @agent="fence_drac"]/@name=fence/method/device/@name]' % hostname )):
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("/sbin/service acpid status")
+ if status == 0 or self.cInfo["policy"].runlevelDefault() in self.cInfo["policy"].runlevelByService("acpid"):
+ self.addDiagnose("acpid is enabled, this may cause problems with your fencing method.")
+ # check for fs exported via nfs without nfsid attribute
+ if len(xpathContext.xpathEval("/cluster/rm/service//fs[not(@fsid)]/nfsexport")):
+ self.addDiagnose("one or more nfs export do not have a fsid attribute set.")
+ # cluster.conf file version and the in-memory cluster configuration version matches
+ status, cluster_version = commands.getstatusoutput("cman_tool status | grep 'Config version'")
+ if not status: cluster_version = cluster_version[16:]
+ else: cluster_version = None
+ conf_version = xpathContext.xpathEval("/cluster/@config_version")[0].content
+ if status == 0 and conf_version != cluster_version:
+ self.addDiagnose("cluster.conf and in-memory configuration version differ (%s != %s)" % (conf_version, cluster_version) )
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("/usr/sbin/rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf")
+ if output.find("Error: ") > 0:
+ self.addDiagnose("configuration errors are present according to rg_test")
+ # make sure the first part of the lock table matches the cluster name
+ # and that the locking protocol is sane
+ cluster_name = xpathContext.xpathEval("/cluster/@name")[0].content
+ for fs in self.fileGrep(r'^[^#][/\w]*\W*[/\w]*\W*gfs', "/etc/fstab"):
+ # for each gfs entry
+ fs = fs.split()
+ lockproto = self.get_gfs_sb_field(fs[0], "sb_lockproto")
+ if lockproto and lockproto != self.get_locking_proto():
+ self.addDiagnose("gfs mountpoint (%s) is using the wrong locking protocol (%s)" % (fs[0], lockproto) )
+ locktable = self.get_gfs_sb_field(fs[0], "sb_locktable")
+ try: locktable = locktable.split(":")[0]
+ except: continue
+ if locktable != cluster_name:
+ self.addDiagnose("gfs mountpoint (%s) is using the wrong locking table" % fs[0])
+ def setup(self):
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/fdisk -l")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/cluster.conf")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/cluster.xml")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/cluster")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf")
+ self.addCopySpec("/proc/cluster")
+ self.collectExtOutput("cman_tool status")
+ self.collectExtOutput("cman_tool services")
+ self.collectExtOutput("cman_tool -af nodes")
+ self.collectExtOutput("ccs_tool lsnode")
+ self.collectExtOutput("openais-cfgtool -s")
+ self.collectExtOutput("clustat")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/ipvsadm -L")
+ if self.getOption('gfslockdump'): self.do_gfslockdump()
+ if self.getOption('lockdump'): self.do_lockdump()
+ if self.getOption('taskdump'): self.do_taskdump()
+ return
+ def do_taskdump(self):
+ if not os.access("/proc/sysrq-trigger", os.W_OK):
+ return
+ commands.getstatusoutput("echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ commands.getstatusoutput("echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ commands.getstatusoutput("echo t > /proc/sysrq-trigger")
+ self.addCopySpec("/var/log/messages")
+ def do_lockdump(self):
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput("cman_tool services")
+ if status:
+ # command somehow failed
+ return False
+ import re
+ rhelver = self.get_redhat_release()
+ if rhelver == "4":
+ regex = r'^DLM Lock Space:\s*"([^"]*)".*$'
+ elif rhelver == "5Server" or rhelver == "5Client":
+ regex = r'^dlm\s+[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)\s.*$'
+ reg=re.compile(regex,re.MULTILINE)
+ for lockspace in reg.findall(output):
+ commands.getstatusoutput("echo %s > /proc/cluster/dlm_locks" % lockspace)
+ self.collectOutputNow("cat /proc/cluster/dlm_locks", root_symlink = "dlm_locks_%s" % lockspace)
+ def get_locking_proto(self):
+ # FIXME: what's the best way to find out ?
+ return "lock_dlm"
+ return "lock_gulm"
+ def do_gfslockdump(self):
+ for mntpoint in self.doRegexFindAll(r'^\S+\s+([^\s]+)\s+gfs\s+.*$', "/proc/mounts"):
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/gfs_tool lockdump %s" % mntpoint, root_symlink = "gfs_lockdump_" + self.mangleCommand(mntpoint) )
+ def do_rgmanager_bt(self):
+ # FIXME: threads backtrace via SIGALRM
+ return
+ def postproc(self):
+ self.doRegexSub("/etc/cluster/cluster.conf", r"(\s*\<fencedevice\s*.*\s*passwd\s*=\s*)\S+(\")", r"\1***")
+ return
+ def is_cluster_quorate(self):
+ output = commands.getoutput("cman_tool status | grep '^Membership state: '")
+ try:
+ if output[18:] == "Cluster-Member":
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ except:
+ pass
+ return None
+ def get_gfs_sb_field(self, device, field):
+ for line in commands.getoutput("/sbin/gfs_tool sb %s all" % device).split("\n"):
+ if re.match('^\W*%s = ' % field, line):
+ return line.split("=")[1].strip()
+ return False
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/devicemapper.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/devicemapper.py
index 5a1b63c2..c0f069d5 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/devicemapper.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/devicemapper.py
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ class devicemapper(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
optionList = [("lvmdump", 'collect raw metadata from PVs', 'slow', False)]
+ def do_lvmdump(self):
+ """Collects raw metadata directly from the PVs using dd
+ """
+ sosGetCommandOutput("lvmdump -d %s" % os.path.join(self.cInfo['dstroot'],"lvmdump"))
def setup(self):
self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/dmsetup info -c")
self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/dmsetup table")
@@ -40,13 +45,13 @@ class devicemapper(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/multipath -v4 -ll")
- self.collectExtOutput("/usr/bin/systool -v -C -b scsi")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/bin/systool -v -c -b scsi")
self.collectExtOutput("/bin/ls -laR /dev")
self.collectExtOutput("/bin/ls -laR /sys/block")
if self.getOption('lvmdump'):
- sosGetCommandOutput("lvmdump -d %s" % os.path.join(self.cInfo['dstroot'],"lvmdump"))
+ self.do_lvmdump()
if os.path.isdir("/sys/block"):
for disk in os.listdir("/sys/block"):
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/filesys.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/filesys.py
index 93645314..111ef2fc 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/filesys.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/filesys.py
@@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ class filesys(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
self.collectExtOutput("/bin/df -al", root_symlink = "df")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/lsof -b +M -n -l", root_symlink = "lsof")
self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/fdisk -l", root_symlink = "fdisk-l")
for extfs in self.doRegexFindAll(r"^(/dev/.+) on .+ type ext.\s+", mounts):
- self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/tune2fs -l %s" % (extfs))
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/dumpe2fs %s" % (extfs))
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/general.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/general.py
index 434bfdaa..299ec11c 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/general.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/general.py
@@ -37,10 +37,11 @@ class general(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
self.addCopySpecLimit("/var/log/secure.*", sizelimit = self.getOption("syslogsize"))
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/exports")
self.collectExtOutput("/bin/hostname", root_symlink = "hostname")
self.collectExtOutput("/bin/date", root_symlink = "date")
self.collectExtOutput("/usr/bin/uptime", root_symlink = "uptime")
- self.collectExtOutput("/bin/env")
+ self.addCopySpec("/root/anaconda-ks.cfg")
if self.getOption('all_logs'):
logs=self.doRegexFindAll(r"^\S+\s+(\S+)", "/etc/syslog.conf")
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/ipsec.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/ipsec.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de1eb014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/ipsec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2007 Sadique Puthen <sputhenp@redhat.com>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import sos.plugintools
+import os
+class ipsec(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
+ """ipsec related information
+ """
+ def checkenabled(self):
+ if self.cInfo["policy"].pkgByName("ipsec-tools") or os.path.exists("/etc/racoon/racoon.conf"):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def setup(self):
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/racoon")
+ return
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/named.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/named.py
index bb0d079e..78bf4ee6 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/named.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/named.py
@@ -25,9 +25,16 @@ class named(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
return sos.plugintools.PluginBase.checkenabled(self)
def setup(self):
- self.addCopySpec("/etc/named.boot")
- self.addCopySpec("/etc/named.conf")
- self.addCopySpec("/etc/sysconfig/named")
- self.addCopySpec("/var/named")
- self.addForbiddenPath('/var/named/chroot/proc')
- self.addForbiddenPath('/var/named/chroot/dev')
+ dnsdir = ""
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/named.boot")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/named.conf")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/sysconfig/named")
+ if os.access("/etc/named.conf", os.R_OK):
+ dnsdir = commands.getoutput("/bin/grep -i directory /etc/named.conf | /bin/gawk '{print $2}' | /bin/sed 's/\\\"//g' | /bin/sed 's/\;//g'")
+ if os.access("/etc/named.boot", os.R_OK):
+ dnsdir = commands.getoutput("/bin/grep -i directory /etc/named.boot | /bin/gawk '{print $2}' | /bin/sed 's/\\\"//g' | /bin/sed 's/\;//g'")
+ if '' != dnsdir.strip():
+ self.addCopySpec(dnsdir)
+ self.addForbiddenPath('/var/named/chroot/proc')
+ self.addForbiddenPath('/var/named/chroot/dev')
+ return
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/openswan.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/openswan.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a9f8ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/openswan.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2007 Sadique Puthen <sputhenp@redhat.com>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+import sos.plugintools
+import os
+class openswan(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
+ """ipsec related information
+ """
+ def checkenabled(self):
+ if self.cInfo["policy"].pkgByName("openswan") or os.path.exists("/etc/ipsec.conf"):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def setup(self):
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/ipsec.conf")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/ipsec.d")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/ipsec verify")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/ipsec barf")
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/rpm.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/rpm.py
index f1c09e33..f56383c5 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/rpm.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/rpm.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class rpm(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
if self.getOption("rpmq"):
- self.collectExtOutput("/bin/rpm -qa --qf \"%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH}\n\"", root_symlink = "installed-rpms")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/bin/rpm -qa --qf=\"%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH}~~%{INSTALLTIME:date}\n\"|/bin/awk -F ~~ '{printf \"%-60s%s\\n\",$1,$2}'", root_symlink = "installed-rpms")
if self.getOption("rpmva"):
self.eta_weight += 1500 # this plugins takes 200x longer (for ETA)
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/s390.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/s390.py
index e9bfbb6f..6fe2d179 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/s390.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/s390.py
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ class s390(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
+ self.addCopySpec("/proc/misc")
+ self.addCopySpec("/proc/qeth_ipa_takeover")
@@ -51,13 +53,24 @@ class s390(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/ccwgroup.conf")
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/chandev.conf")
+ self.collectExtOutput("find /sys -type f")
+ self.collectExtOutput("find /proc/s390dbf -type f")
self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/qethconf list_all")
dasdDev = commands.getoutput("ls /dev/dasd?")
for x in dasdDev.split('\n'):
- self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/dasdview -x -i -j -l %s" % (x,))
- self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/fdasd -p %s" % (x,)) \ No newline at end of file
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/dasdview -x -i -j -l -f %s" % (x,))
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/fdasd -p %s" % (x,))
+ try:
+ rhelver = self.cInfo["policy"].pkgByName("redhat-release")[1]
+ except:
+ rhelver = None
+ if rhelver.startswith("5"):
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/lsqeth")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/sbin/lszfcp")
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/samba.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/samba.py
index 41bbad86..9700790a 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/samba.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/samba.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class samba(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
def setup(self):
+ self.addCopySpec("/etc/krb5.conf")
self.collectExtOutput("/usr/bin/wbinfo -g")
self.collectExtOutput("/usr/bin/wbinfo -u")
self.collectExtOutput("/usr/bin/testparm -s -v")
diff --git a/src/lib/sos/plugins/xen.py b/src/lib/sos/plugins/xen.py
index d6daec63..0760269c 100644
--- a/src/lib/sos/plugins/xen.py
+++ b/src/lib/sos/plugins/xen.py
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ class xen(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
return False
return True
+ def is_running_xenstored(self):
+ xs_pid = os.popen("pidof xenstored").read()
+ xs_pidnum = re.split('\n$',xs_pid)[0]
+ return xs_pidnum.isdigit()
def domCollectProc(self):
@@ -66,9 +71,21 @@ class xen(sos.plugintools.PluginBase):
self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/xm dmesg")
self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/xm info")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/xm list")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/xm list --long")
self.collectExtOutput("/usr/sbin/brctl show")
- self.addCopySpec("/sys/hypervisor")
+ self.addCopySpec("/sys/hypervisor/version")
+ self.addCopySpec("/sys/hypervisor/compilation")
+ self.addCopySpec("/sys/hypervisor/properties")
+ self.addCopySpec("/sys/hypervisor/type")
+ if is_xenstored_running():
+ self.addCopySpec("/sys/hypervisor/uuid")
+ self.collectExtOutput("/usr/bin/xenstore-ls")
+ else:
+ # we need tdb instead of xenstore-ls if cannot get it.
+ self.addCopySpec("/var/lib/xenstored/tdb")
# FIXME: we *might* want to collect things in /sys/bus/xen*,
# /sys/class/xen*, /sys/devices/xen*, /sys/modules/blk*,
# /sys/modules/net*, but I've never heard of them actually being