path: root/src/extras/sysreport/sysreport.legacy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/extras/sysreport/sysreport.legacy')
1 files changed, 734 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/extras/sysreport/sysreport.legacy b/src/extras/sysreport/sysreport.legacy
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4a41f803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sysreport/sysreport.legacy
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# System Report
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Written by:
+# Wil Harris <wil@redhat.com>
+# Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
+# Preston Brown <pbrown@redhat.com>
+# Than Ngo <than@redhat.com>
+umask 0077
+VER=`/bin/uname -r`
+DATE=`/bin/date -u +%G%m%d%k%M%S | /usr/bin/tr -d ' '`
+function usage {
+ echo "Sysreport is a utility that gathers information about a system's"
+ echo "hardware and configuration. The information can then be used for"
+ echo "diagnostic purposes and debugging. Sysreport is commonly used to help"
+ echo "support technicians and developers by providing a "snapshot" of a"
+ echo "system's current layout."
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: sysreport [OPTION]"
+ echo " -help : show help"
+ echo " -norpm : omit collecting information about currently installed packages"
+ echo " -dmidecode: enable dmidecode, getting information about the hardware"
+ echo
+ exit 0
+[ $# -lt 3 ] || usage
+for i
+ case "$i" in
+ -help) usage;;
+ -norpm) NORPM=yes;;
+ -dmidecode) DMIDECODE=yes;;
+ *) usage;;
+ esac
+if [ -f $UTILDIR/functions ]; then
+ . $UTILDIR/functions
+ echo "Sysreport is not properly installed"
+ exit 1
+if [ $UID != 0 ]; then
+ echo "You must be root to use this utility"
+ exit 1
+if ( ! mkdir $ROOT >& /dev/null ) ; then
+ echo "Cannot make temp dir"
+ exit 1
+trap "{ rm -rf $ROOT ; exit ; }" EXIT
+if [ -f /etc/fedora-release ] ; then
+ release_name="Fedora Core"
+ release_name="Red Hat Linux"
+echo "This utility will go through and collect some detailed information "
+echo "about the hardware and setup of your $release_name system."
+echo "This information will be used to diagnose problems with your system"
+echo "and will be considered confidential information. Red Hat will use"
+echo "this information for diagnostic purposes ONLY. "
+echo "Please wait while we collect information about your system."
+echo "This process may take a while to complete...."
+echo "No changes will be made to your system during this process."
+echo "NOTE: You can safely ignore a failed message. This only means a file"
+echo "we were checking for did not exist."
+echo "If your system hangs while gathering rpm information, please abort"
+echo "the script with CTRL-C and run it again after adding -norpm to the"
+echo "sysreport command line"
+echo "Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit."
+read IGNORE
+echo "Getting system configuration information."
+STATUS="Determining $release_name version:"
+catiffile "/etc/redhat-release"
+STATUS="Determinding your current hostname: "
+catifexec "/bin/hostname"
+STATUS="Getting the date:"
+catifexec "/bin/date"
+STATUS="Checking your systems current uptime and load average:"
+catifexec "/usr/bin/uptime"
+STATUS="Checking available memory:"
+catifexec "/usr/bin/free"
+STATUS="Checking free disk space:"
+catifexec "/bin/df" "-al"
+STATUS="Checking currently running processes:"
+catifexec "/bin/ps" "-e -o euser,pid,ppid,tty,%cpu,%mem,rss,vsz,start_time,time,state,wchan,cmd"
+STATUS="Checking current process tree:"
+catifexec "/usr/bin/pstree"
+STATUS="Collecting information about ld.so.conf:"
+catiffile "/etc/ld.so.conf"
+STATUS="Collecting information about ld.so.conf.d:"
+catiffile "/etc/ld.so.conf.d"
+STATUS="Collecting IPC-related information:"
+catifexec "/usr/bin/ipcs" "-a"
+STATUS="Collecting information about chkconfig --list:"
+catifexec "/sbin/chkconfig" "--list"
+STATUS="Collecting information about /etc/rc.d:"
+catiffile "/etc/rc.d"
+/bin/ls /etc/rc.d/rc*.d/ > $ROOT/etc/rc.d/ls-output
+if [ -x /usr/sbin/lsof ] ; then
+ STATUS="Lists information about files opened (lsof)"
+ catifexec "/usr/sbin/lsof" "-b +M -n -l"
+STATUS="Collecting interprocess communication facilities status"
+catifexec "/usr/bin/ipcs" "-u"
+catifexec "/usr/bin/ipcs" "-l"
+# check to see if we want to run rpm, under some circumstances
+# rpm can hang and never complete
+# yes, command line parsing needs some work
+if [ "$NORPM" != "yes" ]; then
+ echo "Collecting information about currently installed packages:"
+ echo -n "This may take several minutes...."
+ /bin/rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH}\n" > $ROOT/installed-rpms
+ /bin/rpm -Va > $ROOT/rpm-Va 2>&1
+ echo_success
+STATUS="Getting bootloader information:"
+/bin/ls -alR /boot > $ROOT/ls-boot 2>&1
+# This covers sparc, alpha, and intel (respectively)
+# updated for grub -mpg
+if [ -f /etc/silo.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the boot process (silo):"
+ catiffile "/etc/silo.conf"
+if [ -f /etc/milo.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the boot process (milo):"
+ catiffile "/etc/milo.conf"
+if [ -f /etc/lilo.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the boot process (lilo):"
+ catiffile "/etc/lilo.conf"
+ catifexec "/sbin/lilo" "-q"
+if [ -d /boot/grub -a -f /boot/grub/grub.conf -a -f /boot/grub/device.map ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the boot process (grub.conf):"
+ catiffile "/boot/grub/grub.conf"
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the boot process (grub.map):"
+ catiffile "/boot/grub/device.map"
+if [ -f /etc/cluster.conf -o -f /etc/cluster.xml -o -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf ] ; then
+ STATUS="Gathering information on cluster setup"
+ # 2.1 AS
+ if [ -f /etc/cluster.conf ] ; then
+ catiffile "/etc/cluster.conf"
+ fi
+ # Taroon
+ if [ -f /etc/cluster.xml ] ; then
+ catiffile "/etc/cluster.xml"
+ fi
+ # RHEL4
+ if [ -d /etc/cluster ]; then
+ catiffile "/etc/cluster"
+ fi
+STATUS="Collecting init configuration:"
+catiffile "/etc/inittab"
+STATUS="Collecting information about X:"
+catiffile "/etc/X11"
+STATUS="Gathering sysctl information (/proc/sys):"
+catiffile "/proc/sys"
+STATUS="Gathering sysctl information (/etc/sysctl.conf):"
+catiffile "/etc/sysctl.conf"
+for x in `/bin/ls -d /etc/cron*` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting information about cron ($(/bin/basename $x)):"
+ catiffile "$x"
+STATUS="Gathering Syslog config information:"
+catiffile "/etc/syslog.conf"
+STATUS="Gathering ntp configuration (/etc/ntp.conf):"
+catiffile "/etc/ntp.conf"
+STATUS="Gathering ntp configuration (/etc/ntp/step-tickers):"
+catiffile "/etc/ntp/step-tickers"
+STATUS="Gathering ntp configuration (/etc/ntp/ntpservers):"
+catiffile "/etc/ntp/ntpservers"
+STATUS="Gathering IP information (/sbin/ifconfig):"
+catifexec "/sbin/ifconfig" "-a"
+STATUS="Checking network routes:"
+catifexec "/sbin/route" "-n"
+STATUS="Collecting Name Service Switch config information:"
+catiffile "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
+STATUS="Collecting NIS client information:"
+catiffile "/etc/yp.conf"
+STATUS="Collecting system configuration information:"
+catiffile "/etc/sysconfig"
+fixupfile 's/\(.*Password=\)\(.*\)/\1********/' $ROOT/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date
+STATUS="Collecting information about system authentication (pam):"
+catiffile "/etc/pam.d"
+echo "Getting information about the kernel."
+STATUS="Getting kernel version:"
+catifexec "/bin/uname" "-a"
+STATUS="Checking module information:"
+catifexec "/sbin/lsmod"
+for x in $(/sbin/lsmod | /bin/cut -f1 -d" " 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep -v Module 2>/dev/null ) ; do
+ STATUS="Checking module information $x:"
+ catifexec "/sbin/modinfo" "$x"
+STATUS="Currently getting ksysms information:"
+catifexec "/sbin/ksyms"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your filesystems:"
+catiffile "/proc/filesystems"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your system stat:"
+catiffile "/proc/stat"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your partitions:"
+catiffile "/proc/partitions"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your ksysms:"
+catiffile "/proc/ksyms"
+STATUS="Gathering information about slabinfo:"
+catiffile "/proc/slabinfo"
+# Added support to cover for the new modules.conf layout in Red Hat 7
+STATUS="Collecting information regarding kernel modules"
+catiffile "/lib/modules/$VER/modules.dep"
+if [ -f /etc/conf.modules ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information regarding kernel modules (conf.modules)"
+ catiffile "/etc/conf.modules"
+if [ -f /etc/modules.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information regarding kernel modules (modules.conf)"
+ catiffile "/etc/modules.conf"
+if [ -f /etc/modprobe.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information regarding kernel modules (modeprobe.conf)"
+ catiffile "/etc/modprobe.conf"
+if [ "$DMIDECODE" == "yes" ] ; then
+ echo "Getting information about the hardware."
+ echo
+ if [ -x /usr/sbin/dmidecode ] ; then
+ STATUS="Gathering DMI information:"
+ catifexec "/usr/sbin/dmidecode"
+ fi
+# dkms status
+STATUS="Gathering current status of modules, versions and kernels (dkms):"
+if [ -x /usr/sbin/dkms ] ; then
+ catifexec "/usr/sbin/dkms" "status"
+if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/isdncard ] ; then
+ STATUS="Gathering information about ISDN:"
+ catiffile "/etc/sysconfig/isdncard"
+STATUS="Collecting information from the proc directory:"
+catiffile "/proc/pci"
+STATUS="Getting kernel command line"
+catiffile "/proc/cmdline"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your CPU:"
+catiffile "/proc/cpuinfo"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your Ram:"
+catiffile "/proc/meminfo"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your ioports:"
+catiffile "/proc/ioports"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your interrupts:"
+catiffile "/proc/interrupts"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your scsi devices:"
+catiffile "/proc/scsi"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your dma:"
+catiffile "/proc/dma"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your devices (/proc/devices):"
+catiffile "/proc/devices"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your rtc:"
+catiffile "/proc/rtc"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your ide drivers:"
+catiffile "/proc/ide"
+STATUS="Gathering information about your bus:"
+getpciinfo > $ROOT/lspci
+catiffile "/proc/bus"
+STATUS="Gathering info on udev configuration:"
+catiffile "/etc/udev"
+echo "Getting disk and filesystem information."
+STATUS="Collecting information from /etc/fstab:"
+catiffile "/etc/fstab"
+STATUS="Collecting disk partition information:"
+PATH=/bin getpartinfo > $ROOT/fdisk-l
+STATUS="Checking mounted file systems (mount) "
+catifexec "/bin/mount"
+STATUS="Checking mounted file systems (/proc/mounts)"
+catiffile "/proc/mounts"
+STATUS="Collecting Software RAID information (/proc/mdstat)"
+catiffile "/proc/mdstat"
+STATUS="Collecting Software RAID information (/etc/raidtab)"
+catiffile "/etc/raidtab"
+STATUS="Collecting Software RAID information (/etc/mdadm.conf)"
+catiffile "/etc/mdadm.conf"
+STATUS="Collecting Software RAID information (mdadm -D /dev/md*)"
+catifexec "/sbin/mdadm" "-D /dev/md*"
+STATUS="Collecting Automount information (auto.master)"
+catiffile "/etc/auto.master"
+STATUS="Collecting Automount information (auto.misc)"
+catiffile "/etc/auto.misc"
+STATUS="Collecting Automount information (auto.net)"
+catiffile "/etc/auto.net"
+STATUS="Collecting LVM information:"
+catifexec "/usr/sbin/vgdisplay" "-vv"
+STATUS="Collecting SCSI Tape information (/etc/stinit.def)"
+catiffile "/etc/stinit.def"
+if [ -x /sbin/lsusb ] ; then
+ STATUS="Collecting USB devices list (lsusb):"
+ catifexec "/sbin/lsusb"
+if [ -x /usr/bin/lshal ] ; then
+ STATUS="Collecting global devices list (lshal):"
+ catifexec "/usr/bin/lshal"
+echo "collecting information about commonly used network services"
+# This covers backwards compatiablity for systems with inetd while keeping
+# support for the new 7.x xinetd
+if [ -f /etc/inetd.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about system services (inetd.conf)"
+ catiffile "/etc/inetd.conf"
+elif [ -f /etc/xinetd.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about system services (xinetd.conf)"
+ catiffile "/etc/xinetd.conf"
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d /etc/xinetd.d/*`; do
+ STATUS="Collecting information about system services ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ done
+for x in `/bin/ls -d /etc/host*` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting information from $x:"
+ catiffile "$x"
+STATUS="Collecting information about the ftp servers:"
+ftpconfigfiles=`/bin/ls -d /etc/ftp* /etc/vsftpd/* 2>/dev/null`
+for x in $ftpconfigfiles; do
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the ftp servers ($(/bin/basename $x)):"
+ catiffile "$x"
+STATUS="Collecting information about ypbind configuration:"
+catiffile "/etc/yp.conf"
+KERNELMIN=`/bin/uname -r | /bin/sed -e 's,[^\.]*\.,,' -e 's,\..*,,'`
+ipchainsmod=`/sbin/lsmod 2>/dev/null| /bin/grep ipchains`
+if [ "$KERNELMIN" -lt 3 ] || [ -n "${ipchainsmod}" ] ; then
+ STATUS="Getting ipchains information:"
+ catifexec "/sbin/ipchains" "-nvL"
+elif [ "$KERNELMIN" -gt 3 ]; then
+ STATUS="Getting iptables information:"
+ if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config ] ; then
+ catiffile "/etc/sysconfig/iptables-config"
+ fi
+ STATUS="Getting iptables information (filter):"
+ catifexec "/sbin/iptables" "-t filter -nvL"
+ STATUS="Getting iptables information (mangle):"
+ catifexec "/sbin/iptables" "-t mangle -nvL"
+ STATUS="Getting iptables information (nat):"
+ catifexec "/sbin/iptables" "-t nat -nvL"
+# ldap client and server config
+if [ -f /etc/ldap.conf ] ; then
+ STATUS="Getting LDAP configuration (ldap.conf)"
+ catiffile "/etc/ldap.conf"
+if [ -d /etc/openldap ] ; then
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d /etc/openldap/*` ; do
+ if [ -f $x ] ; then
+ STATUS="Getting LDAP configuration ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ fi
+ done
+# ssh
+STATUS="Getting ssh configuration (ssh_config)"
+catiffile "/etc/ssh/ssh_config"
+STATUS="Getting sshd configuration (sshd_config)"
+catiffile "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
+# sendmail
+if [ -f /etc/sendmail.cf ] ; then
+ SENDMAIL_CF_FILE=/etc/sendmail.cf
+if [ -f /etc/sendmail.cw ] ; then
+ SENDMAIL_CW_FILE=/etc/sendmail.cw
+STATUS="Sendmail Configuration ($SENDMAIL_CF_FILE):"
+catiffile "$SENDMAIL_CF_FILE"
+if [ -f $SENDMAIL_CW_FILE ]; then
+ STATUS="Sendmail Machine aliases ($SENDMAIL_CW_FILE):"
+ catiffile "$SENDMAIL_CW_FILE"
+STATUS="Sendmail User aliases (/etc/aliases):"
+catiffile "/etc/aliases"
+for f in `/bin/ls -d /etc/mail/* | /bin/grep -v \.db`; do
+ STATUS="Getting files from ($(/bin/basename $f))"
+ catiffile $f
+STATUS="Collecting Postfix Configuration (main.cf)"
+catiffile "/etc/postfix/main.cf"
+STATUS="Collecting Postfix Configuration (master.cf)"
+catiffile "/etc/postfix/master.cf"
+STATUS="Collecting exim configuration directory"
+catiffile "/etc/exim"
+STATUS="Collecting host resolution information"
+catiffile "/etc/resolv.conf"
+# Make sure we have support for both versions of bind
+if [ -f /etc/named.boot ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the nameserver (named.boot)"
+ catiffile "/etc/named.boot"
+elif [ -f /etc/named.conf ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the nameserver (named.conf)"
+ catiffile "/etc/named.conf"
+if [ -f /etc/named.conf ]; then
+ DNSDIR=$(/bin/grep -i directory /etc/named.conf |/bin/gawk '{ print $2 ;}'|\
+ /bin/sed s/\"//g|/bin/sed s/\;//g)
+elif [ -f /etc/named.boot ]; then
+ DNSDIR=$(/bin/grep -i directory /etc/named.boot|/bin/gawk '{ print $2 ;}')
+if [ -n "$DNSDIR" -a -d "$DNSDIR" ]; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the nameserver ($DNSDIR)"
+ catiffile "$DNSDIR"
+if [ -f /etc/exports ] ; then
+ STATUS="Collecting information about the NFS:"
+ catiffile "/etc/exports"
+if [ -d $SAMBADIR ]; then
+ STATUS="Getting samba informations ($SAMBADIR)"
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d $SAMBADIR/* | grep -vE 'smbpasswd|secrets\.tdb|\.bak|\.rpmnew'` ; do
+ STATUS="Getting samba informations ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ done
+ /bin/ls -alR $SAMBADIR > $ROOT/ls-samba 2>&1
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/wbinfo ] ; then
+ STATUS="Getting samba informations (wbinfo -g):"
+ catifexec "/usr/bin/wbinfo" "-g"
+ STATUS="Getting samba informations (wbinfo -u):"
+ catifexec "/usr/bin/wbinfo" "-u"
+ fi
+STATUS="Getting /etc/securetty"
+catiffile "/etc/securetty"
+STATUS="Getting /etc/shells"
+catiffile "/etc/shells"
+STATUS="Getting ulimit info"
+catiffile "/etc/security/limits.conf"
+STATUS="Getting nscd configuration"
+catiffile "/etc/nscd.conf"
+STATUS="Getting Kerberos informations (/etc/krb5.conf)"
+catiffile "/etc/krb5.conf"
+STATUS="Getting Kerberos informations (/etc/krb.conf)"
+catiffile "/etc/krb.conf"
+STATUS="Getting Kerberos informations (/etc/krb.realms)"
+catiffile "/etc/krb.realms"
+STATUS="Getting information about apache"
+catiffile "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"
+for x in `/bin/ls -d /etc/httpd/conf.d/*.conf 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Getting information about apache ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+STATUS="Getting information about squid"
+catiffile "/etc/squid/squid.conf"
+STATUS="Getting information about CUPS"
+for x in `/bin/ls -d /etc/cups/*.conf 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Getting information about CUPS ($x)"
+ catiffile "$x"
+STATUS="Getting information about printcap"
+catiffile "/etc/printcap"
+echo "Gathering information from system logs"
+STATUS="Collecting information from dmesg:"
+catiffile "/var/log/dmesg"
+STATUS="Collecting information from /proc/sysrq-trigger"
+if [ -f /proc/sysrq-trigger -a -f /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq ] ; then
+ sysr_state="$(/bin/cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq)"
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
+ for key in m p t ; do
+ echo $key > /proc/sysrq-trigger
+ done
+ echo $sysr_state > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
+for x in `/bin/ls /var/log/messages*` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting messages files ($x)"
+ catiffile "$x"
+for x in `/bin/ls /var/log/maillog*` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting maillog files ($x)"
+ catiffile "$x"
+STATUS="Collecting information (/var/log/sa)"
+catiffile "/var/log/sa"
+for x in `/bin/ls -d /var/log/Xorg.*.log /var/log/XFree86.*.log 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting X logs ($x)"
+ catiffile "$x"
+STATUS="Collecting information (/var/log/rpmpkgs)"
+catiffile "/var/log/rpmpkgs"
+STATUS="Collecting information (/var/log/boot.log)"
+catiffile "/var/log/boot.log"
+STATUS="Collecting information (/var/log/up2date)"
+catiffile "/var/log/up2date"
+STATUS="Collecting information (/var/log/secure)"
+catiffile "/var/log/secure"
+STATUS="Collecting log files from Apache"
+catiffile "/var/log/httpd"
+STATUS="Collecting log files from RHN"
+if `/bin/ls /var/log/rhn* >& /dev/null` ; then
+ catiffile "/var/log/rhn*"
+# General monitoring moc logs
+if [ -d /opt/notification ] ; then
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d /opt/notification/var/*.log* 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting monitoring moc logs ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ done
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d /var/tmp/ack_handler.log* 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting monitoring moc logs ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ done
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d /var/tmp/enqueue.log* 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting monitoring moc logs ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ done
+# monitoring scout logs
+if [ -d /home/nocpulse/var ] ; then
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d /home/nocpulse/var/*.log* 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting monitoring scout logs ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ done
+ for x in `/bin/ls -d /home/nocpulse/var/commands/*.log* 2>/dev/null` ; do
+ STATUS="Collecting monitoring scout logs ($(/bin/basename $x))"
+ catiffile "$x"
+ done
+/bin/echo "Getting information about RHN"
+/bin/mkdir -p $ROOT/$RHNDIR 2>/dev/null
+catiffile "/etc/rhn"
+if [ -f $RHNDIR/systemid ] ; then
+ echo -n "Gathering systemid information:"
+ if [ -x /usr/bin/xsltproc ] ; then
+ /usr/bin/xsltproc $UTILDIR/text.xsl $RHNDIR/systemid > $ROOT/$RHNDIR/systemid 2>/dev/null
+ echo_success
+ else
+ catiffile "$RHNDIR/systemid"
+ fi
+# Get hardware profile information (for verification with system state and RHN)
+if [ -x /usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/hardware.py ] ; then
+ STATUS="Gathering RHN hardware profile information"
+ catifexec /usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/hardware.py
+if [ -x /usr/bin/rhn-schema-version ] ; then
+ STATUS="Gathering schema version"
+ catifexec "/usr/bin/rhn-schema-version"
+if [ -x /usr/bin/rhn-charsets ] ; then
+ STATUS="Gathering database charactersets"
+ catifexec "/usr/bin/rhn-charsets"
+echo "Gathering information on SELinux setup"
+catifexec "/usr/bin/selinuxconfig"
+catifexec "/usr/sbin/sestatus"
+catifexec "rpm" "-q -V selinux-policy-targeted"
+catifexec "rpm" "-q -V selinux-policy-strict"
+cd $HOME
+/bin/echo -n "Please enter your case number (if you have one): "
+if [ ! $CASENUM ]; then
+/bin/rm -Rf $NAME
+/bin/mv $ROOT $NAME
+/bin/tar Scf $NAME.tar $NAME
+if [ -x /usr/bin/bzip2 ]; then
+ /usr/bin/bzip2 $NAME.tar
+ SUFFIX="tar.bz2"
+ /bin/gzip -9 $NAME.tar
+ SUFFIX="tar.gz"
+/bin/rm -Rf $NAME
+/bin/echo "Please send $HOME/${NAME}.${SUFFIX} to your support"
+/bin/echo "representative."
+exit 0