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1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sos/report/plugins/microshift.py b/sos/report/plugins/microshift.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..953eb88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sos/report/plugins/microshift.py
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Red Hat, Inc. Pablo Acevedo <pacevedo@redhat.com>
+# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
+# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+from sos.report.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, PluginOpt
+import re
+class Microshift(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+ """This is the plugin for MicroShift 4.X. Even though it shares some of
+ the OpenShift components, its IoT/Edge target makes the product nimble and
+ light, thus requiring different a approach when operating it.
+ When enabled, this plugin will collect cluster information (such as
+ systemd service logs, configuration, versions, etc.)and also inspect API
+ resources in certain namespaces. The namespaces to scan are kube.* and
+ openshift.*. Other namespaces may be collected by making use of the
+ ``only-namespaces`` or ``add-namespaces`` options.
+ """
+ short_desc = 'Microshift'
+ plugin_name = 'microshift'
+ plugin_timeout = 900
+ packages = ('microshift', 'microshift-selinux', 'microshift-networking')
+ services = (plugin_name,)
+ profiles = (plugin_name,)
+ localhost_kubeconfig = '/var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig'
+ option_list = [
+ PluginOpt('kubeconfig', default=localhost_kubeconfig, val_type=str,
+ desc='Path to a locally available kubeconfig file'),
+ PluginOpt('only-namespaces', default='', val_type=str,
+ desc='colon-delimited list of namespaces to collect from'),
+ PluginOpt('add-namespaces', default='', val_type=str,
+ desc=('colon-delimited list of namespaces to add to the '
+ 'default collection list'))
+ ]
+ def _setup_namespace_regexes(self):
+ """Combine a set of regexes for collection with any namespaces passed
+ to sos via the -k openshift.add-namespaces option. Note that this does
+ allow for end users to specify namespace regexes of their own.
+ """
+ if self.get_option('only-namespaces'):
+ return [n for n in self.get_option('only-namespaces').split(':')]
+ collect_regexes = [
+ r'^openshift\-.+$',
+ r'^kube\-.+$'
+ ]
+ if self.get_option('add-namespaces'):
+ for nsp in self.get_option('add-namespaces').split(':'):
+ collect_regexes.append(r'^%s$' % nsp)
+ return collect_regexes
+ def _reduce_namespace_list(self, nsps):
+ """Reduce the namespace listing returned to just the ones we want to
+ collect from. By default, as requested by OCP support personnel, this
+ must include all 'openshift' prefixed namespaces
+ :param nsps list: Namespace names from oc output
+ """
+ def _match_namespace(namespace):
+ """Match a particular namespace for inclusion (or not) in the
+ collection phases
+ :param namespace str: The name of a namespace
+ """
+ for regex in self.collect_regexes:
+ if re.match(regex, namespace):
+ return True
+ return False
+ self.collect_regexes = self._setup_namespace_regexes()
+ return list(set([n for n in nsps if _match_namespace(n)]))
+ def _get_namespaces(self):
+ res = self.exec_cmd(
+ 'microshift get namespaces'
+ ' -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name'
+ ' --no-headers')
+ if res['status'] == 0:
+ return self._reduce_namespace_list(res['output'].split('\n'))
+ return []
+ def _get_cluster_resources(self):
+ """Get cluster-level (non-namespaced) resources to collect
+ """
+ global_resources = [
+ 'apiservices',
+ 'certificatesigningrequests',
+ 'clusterrolebindings',
+ 'clusterroles',
+ 'componentstatuses',
+ 'csidrivers',
+ 'csinodes',
+ 'customresourcedefinitions',
+ 'flowschemas',
+ 'ingressclasses',
+ 'logicalvolumes',
+ 'mutatingwebhookconfigurations',
+ 'nodes',
+ 'persistentvolumes',
+ 'priorityclasses',
+ 'prioritylevelconfigurations',
+ 'rangeallocations',
+ 'runtimeclasses',
+ 'securitycontextconstraints',
+ 'selfsubjectaccessreviews',
+ 'selfsubjectrulesreviews',
+ 'storageclasses',
+ 'subjectaccessreviews',
+ 'tokenreviews',
+ 'validatingwebhookconfigurations',
+ 'volumeattachments'
+ ]
+ _filtered_resources = []
+ for resource in global_resources:
+ res = self.exec_cmd(
+ "oc get --kubeconfig %s %s" % (
+ self.get_option('kubeconfig'), resource),
+ timeout=Microshift.plugin_timeout)
+ if res['status'] == 0:
+ _filtered_resources.append(resource)
+ return _filtered_resources
+ def setup(self):
+ """The setup() phase of this plugin will first gather system
+ information and then iterate through all default namespaces, and/or
+ those specified via the `add-namespaces` and `only-namespaces` plugin
+ options. Both of these options accept shell-style regexes.
+ Output format for this function is based on `oc adm inspect` command,
+ which is used to retrieve all API resources from the cluster.
+ """
+ self.add_forbidden_path('/var/lib/microshift')
+ _cluster_resources_to_collect = ",".join(
+ self._get_cluster_resources())
+ _namespaces_to_collect = " ".join(
+ ['ns/%s' % n for n in self._get_namespaces()])
+ if self.is_service_running(Microshift.plugin_name):
+ _subdir = self.get_cmd_output_path(make=False)
+ _kubeconfig = self.get_option('kubeconfig')
+ self.add_cmd_output(
+ 'oc adm inspect --kubeconfig %s --dest-dir %s %s' % (
+ _kubeconfig, _subdir, _cluster_resources_to_collect),
+ suggest_filename='inspect_cluster_resources.log',
+ timeout=Microshift.plugin_timeout)
+ self.add_cmd_output(
+ 'oc adm inspect --kubeconfig %s --dest-dir %s %s' % (
+ _kubeconfig, _subdir, _namespaces_to_collect),
+ suggest_filename='inspect_namespaces.log',
+ timeout=Microshift.plugin_timeout)