diff options
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/sos/plugins/foreman.py b/sos/plugins/foreman.py
index b9f39c88..1f6a7afb 100644
--- a/sos/plugins/foreman.py
+++ b/sos/plugins/foreman.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc., Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc., Lukas Zapletal <lzap@redhat.com>
# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
@@ -8,22 +9,221 @@
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
-from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin
+from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin,\
+ SCLPlugin
+from pipes import quote
-class Foreman(Plugin, RedHatPlugin):
+class Foreman(Plugin):
"""Foreman/Satellite 6 systems management
plugin_name = 'foreman'
profiles = ('sysmgmt',)
- packages = ('foreman-debug',)
+ packages = ('foreman', 'foreman-proxy')
+ option_list = [
+ ('months', 'number of months for dynflow output', 'fast', 6)
+ ]
def setup(self):
- cmd = "foreman-debug"
+ self.add_forbidden_path([
+ "/etc/foreman*/*key.pem",
+ "/etc/foreman*/encryption_key.rb"
+ ])
- path = self.get_cmd_output_path(name="foreman-debug")
- self.add_cmd_output("%s -g -q -a -d %s" % (cmd, path),
- chroot=self.tmp_in_sysroot(), timeout=900)
+ _hostname = self.get_command_output('hostname')['output'].strip()
+ _host_f = self.get_command_output('hostname -f')['output'].strip()
+ # Collect these completely everytime
+ self.add_copy_spec([
+ "/var/log/foreman/production.log",
+ "/var/log/{}*/foreman-ssl_access_ssl.log".format(self.apachepkg)
+ ], sizelimit=0)
+ # Allow limiting these
+ self.add_copy_spec([
+ "/etc/foreman/",
+ "/etc/foreman-proxy/",
+ "/etc/sysconfig/foreman",
+ "/etc/default/foreman",
+ "/etc/foreman-installer/",
+ "/var/log/foreman/dynflow_executor*log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman/dynflow_executor*.output*",
+ "/var/log/foreman/apipie_cache*.log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman/cron*.log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman/db_migrate*log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman/db_seed*log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman/production.log-*",
+ "/var/log/foreman-proxy/cron*log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman-proxy/migrate_settings*log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy*log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman-proxy/smart_proxy_dynflow_core*log*",
+ "/var/log/foreman-selinux-install.log",
+ "/var/log/foreman-proxy-certs-generate*",
+ "/var/log/foreman-installer/",
+ "/var/log/foreman-maintain/",
+ "/var/log/syslog*",
+ # Specific to TFM, _all_ catalina logs are relevant. Adding this
+ # here rather than the tomcat plugin to ease maintenance and not
+ # pollute non-Sat sosreports that enable the tomcat plugin
+ "/var/log/tomcat*/catalina*log*",
+ "/var/log/tomcat*/host-manager*log*",
+ "/var/log/tomcat*/localhost*log*",
+ "/var/log/tomcat*/manager*log*",
+ "/usr/share/foreman/Gemfile*",
+ "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem",
+ "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem",
+ "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/{}.pem".format(_hostname),
+ "/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/{}.pem".format(_hostname),
+ "/var/log/{}*/foreman-ssl_access_ssl*log*".format(self.apachepkg),
+ "/var/log/{}*/error_log*".format(self.apachepkg),
+ "/etc/{}*/conf/".format(self.apachepkg),
+ "/etc/{}*/conf.d/".format(self.apachepkg)
+ ])
+ self.add_cmd_output([
+ 'bundle --local --gemfile=/usr/share/foreman/Gemfile*',
+ 'hammer ping',
+ 'foreman-selinux-relabel -nv',
+ 'foreman-maintain service status',
+ 'passenger-status --show pool',
+ 'passenger-status --show requests',
+ 'passenger-status --show backtraces',
+ 'passenger-memory-stats',
+ 'ls -lanR /root/ssl-build',
+ 'ls -lanR /usr/share/foreman/config/hooks',
+ 'ping -c1 -W1 %s' % _hostname,
+ 'ping -c1 -W1 %s' % _host_f,
+ 'ping -c1 -W1 localhost'
+ ])
+ months = '%s months' % self.get_option('months')
+ # Construct the DB queries, using the months option to limit the range
+ # of entries returned
+ scmd = (
+ "select id,name,value from settings where name not similar to "
+ "'%(pass|key|secret)%'"
+ )
+ authcmd = (
+ 'select type,name,host,port,account,base_dn,attr_login,'
+ 'onthefly_register,tls from auth_sources'
+ )
+ dyncmd = (
+ 'select dynflow_execution_plans.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join '
+ 'dynflow_execution_plans on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = '
+ 'dynflow_execution_plans.uuid) where foreman_tasks_tasks.'
+ 'started_at > NOW() - interval %s' % quote(months)
+ )
+ dactioncmd = (
+ 'select dynflow_actions.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join '
+ 'dynflow_actions on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = '
+ 'dynflow_actions.execution_plan_uuid) where foreman_tasks_tasks.'
+ 'started_at > NOW() - interval %s' % quote(months)
+ )
+ dstepscmd = (
+ 'select dynflow_steps.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join '
+ 'dynflow_steps on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = '
+ 'dynflow_steps.execution_plan_uuid) where foreman_tasks_tasks.'
+ 'started_at > NOW() - interval %s' % quote(months)
+ )
+ # Populate this dict with DB queries that should be saved directly as
+ # postgres formats them. The key will be the filename in the foreman
+ # plugin directory, with the value being the DB query to run
+ foremandb = {
+ 'foreman_settings_table': scmd,
+ 'foreman_auth_table': authcmd,
+ 'dynflow_schema_info': 'select * from dynflow_schema_info',
+ 'foreman_tasks_tasks': 'select * from foreman_tasks_tasks'
+ }
+ # Same as above, but for CSV output
+ foremancsv = {
+ 'dynflow_execution_plans': dyncmd,
+ 'dynflow_actions': dactioncmd,
+ 'dynflow_steps': dstepscmd,
+ }
+ for table in foremandb:
+ _cmd = self.build_query_cmd(foremandb[table])
+ self.add_cmd_output(_cmd, suggest_filename=table)
+ for dyn in foremancsv:
+ _cmd = self.build_query_cmd(foremancsv[dyn], csv=True)
+ self.add_cmd_output(_cmd, suggest_filename=dyn)
+ def build_query_cmd(self, query, csv=False):
+ """
+ Builds the command needed to invoke the pgsql query as the postgres
+ user.
+ The query requires significant quoting work to satisfy both the
+ shell and postgres parsing requirements. Note that this will generate
+ a large amount of quoting in sos logs referencing the command being run
+ """
+ _cmd = "su postgres -c %s"
+ if not csv:
+ _dbcmd = "psql foreman -c %s"
+ else:
+ _dbcmd = "psql foreman -A -F , -X -c %s"
+ dbq = _dbcmd % quote(query)
+ return _cmd % quote(dbq)
+ def postproc(self):
+ satreg = r"((foreman.*)?(\"::(foreman(.*?)|katello).*)?(::(.*)::.*" \
+ r"(passw|cred|token|secret|key).*(\")?:))(.*)"
+ self.do_path_regex_sub(
+ "/var/log/foreman-installer/sat*",
+ satreg,
+ r"\1 ********")
+ # need to do two passes here, debug output has different formatting
+ sat_debug_reg = (r"(\s)* (Found key: (\"(foreman(.*?)|katello)"
+ r"::(.*(token|secret|key|passw).*)\") value:) "
+ r"(.*)")
+ self.do_path_regex_sub(
+ "/var/log/foreman-installer/sat*",
+ sat_debug_reg,
+ r"\1 \2 ********")
+ self.do_path_regex_sub(
+ "/var/log/foreman-installer/foreman-proxy*",
+ r"(\s*proxy_password\s=) (.*)",
+ r"\1 ********")
+ self.do_path_regex_sub(
+ "/etc/foreman(.*)((yaml|yml|conf)(.*)?)",
+ r"((\:|\s*)(passw|cred|token|secret|key).*(\:\s|=))(.*)",
+ r"\1********")
+ self.do_path_regex_sub(
+ "/var/log/foreman-maintain/foreman-maintain.log*",
+ r"((passw|cred|token|secret)=)(.*)",
+ r"\1********")
+ self.do_path_regex_sub(
+ "/var/log/%s*/foreman-ssl_access_ssl.log*" % self.apachepkg,
+ r"(.*\?(passw|cred|token|secret|key).*=)(.*) (HTTP.*(.*))",
+ r"\1******** \4")
+# Let the base Foreman class handle the string substitution of the apachepkg
+# attr so we can keep all log definitions centralized in the main class
+class RedHatForeman(Foreman, SCLPlugin, RedHatPlugin):
+ apachepkg = 'httpd'
+ def setup(self):
+ super(RedHatForeman, self).setup()
+ self.add_cmd_output_scl('tfm', 'gem list',
+ suggest_filename='scl enable tfm gem list')
+class DebianForeman(Foreman, DebianPlugin, UbuntuPlugin):
+ apachepkg = 'apache'
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