path: root/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib
diff options
authornavid <navid@ef72aa8b-4018-0410-8976-d6e080ef94d8>2007-11-22 10:40:27 +0000
committernavid <navid@ef72aa8b-4018-0410-8976-d6e080ef94d8>2007-11-22 10:40:27 +0000
commite2ea89dbbe1b1731ba4eda7fbe40ea315594a1c9 (patch)
treeaffd667e6f91c207a1c497ad895f336f0f386f59 /src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib
parente60df25b9b22ec1bf78d8d95ca7673d559f13333 (diff)
merged navid-dev back into trunk, see spec file for details
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.fedorahosted.org/svn/sos/trunk@457 ef72aa8b-4018-0410-8976-d6e080ef94d8
Diffstat (limited to 'src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib')
8 files changed, 653 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/__init__.py b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/helpers.py b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/helpers.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..995cf16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+def ksort(d, func = None):
+ keys = d.keys()
+ keys.sort(func)
+ return keys
+class Memoize:
+ """Memoize(fn) - an instance which acts like fn but memoizes its arguments
+ Will only work on functions with non-mutable arguments
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fn):
+ self.fn = fn
+ self.memo = {}
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ if not self.memo.has_key(args):
+ self.memo[args] = self.fn(*args)
+ return self.memo[args]
+class SQL:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.dbcon = sqlite.connect(":memory:", check_same_thread=False)
+ self.dbcur = self.dbcon.cursor()
+ self.dbcon.execute("create table events(date, host, position, message, css_style)")
+ def execute(self, query):
+ return self.dbcon.execute(query)
+def color_gradient(src, dst, percent):
+ csrc = [ col for col in src ]
+ cdst = [ col for col in dst ]
+ toret = []
+ for inc in range(0,3):
+ toret.append(csrc[inc] + ((cdst[inc] - csrc[inc]) * percent / 100))
+ return toret
+def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
+ return "%X%X%X" % (rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/logs_abstraction.py b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/logs_abstraction.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5708c960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/logs_abstraction.py
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os, sys, time, re, pdb
+from threading import Thread, Lock
+from helpers import *
+from operator import itemgetter
+import traceback
+class cluster_class:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.hosts = {}
+ self.index = {}
+ self.daemon_log_counter = []
+ self.parsers = []
+ def host_names(self):
+ return ksort(self.hosts)
+ def register_parser(self, parser_class):
+ self.parsers.append(parser_class)
+ def get_parser(self, parser_name):
+ for parser in self.parsers:
+ if parser.__class__.__name__ == parser_name:
+ return parser
+ def get_host(self, host):
+ return self.hosts[host]
+ def tell(self):
+ toret = {}
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ toret[host] = self.hosts[host].tell()
+ return toret
+ def tell_sum(self):
+ toret = 0
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ toret += self.hosts[host].tell()
+ return toret
+ def size(self):
+ toret = 0
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ toret += self.hosts[host].size()
+ return toret
+ def seek(self, positions):
+ # make sure positions in argument are valid
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ if host not in positions.keys():
+ print "cannot find", positions
+ raise "Invalid_Positions"
+ # seek each host to saved position
+ for host in positions:
+ self.hosts[host].seek(positions[host])
+ return True
+ def seek_beginning(self):
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ self.hosts[host].seek(0)
+ return True
+ def add_log(self, logname):
+ log = logfile_class(logname)
+ hostname = log.hostname()
+ sys.stderr.write("""adding log "%s" for host %s\n""" % (logname, hostname))
+ if not self.hosts.has_key(hostname):
+ self.hosts[hostname] = host_class()
+ self.hosts[hostname].add_log(log)
+ def get_position_by_date(self, goto_date):
+ try:
+ return self.index[goto_date]["position"]
+ except KeyError:
+ # can't find position in cache, calculate on the fly
+ #
+ for cmp_date in ksort(self.index):
+ if goto_date <= cmp_date:
+ return self.index[cmp_date]["position"]
+ return None
+ def parse(self, threaded = False):
+ if threaded and (not hasattr(self,"parse_t") or self.parse_t == None):
+ self.parse_t = Thread(target=self.parse, name='parse-thread', args = [True] )
+ self.parse_t.start()
+ return self.parse_t
+ print "parsing begins"
+ daemon_log_counter = {}
+ self.seek_beginning()
+ for date in self:
+ self.index[date.date] = { "position":date.position, "log_counter":{} }
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ self.index[date.date]["log_counter"][host]=0
+ try:
+ for log in date[host]:
+ self.index[date.date]["log_counter"][host]+=1
+ for parser_class in self.parsers:
+ parser_class.parse_line(date, log)
+ # count how many logs per daemon
+ try:
+ daemon_log_counter[log.daemon()]+=1
+ except KeyError:
+ daemon_log_counter[log.daemon()]=1
+ except "Eof":
+ # no more logs for this host
+ pass
+ self.daemon_log_counter = sorted(daemon_log_counter.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
+ print "parsing ends."
+ def eof(self):
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ if not self.hosts[host].eof():
+# print "All logs are not EOF yet", host
+ return False
+ print "All logs are EOF!"
+ return True
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ if self.eof():
+ raise StopIteration
+ return log_date_class(cluster = self)
+ def instance(self):
+ toret = cluster_class()
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ toret.hosts[host] = host_class()
+ for log in self.hosts[host].logs:
+ toret.hosts[host].logs.append(logfile_class(log.fname))
+ toret.index = self.index
+ toret.daemon_log_counter = self.daemon_log_counter
+ toret.parsers = self.parsers
+ return toret
+class log_date_class:
+ def __init__(self, cluster):
+ self.cluster = cluster
+ self.date = None
+ self.hosts = cluster.hosts.keys()
+ self.position = cluster.tell()
+ newtime = None
+ # 1st run, must find out what is the oldest date for each host
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ while True:
+ try:
+ newtime = time.strptime("2007 " + cluster.hosts[host].readline()[0:15], "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S")
+ except "Eof":
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ print "parsing error in line", cluster.hosts[host].tell()
+ else:
+ break
+ if newtime:
+ if not self.date or newtime < self.date:
+ self.date = newtime
+ if not cluster.hosts[host].eof():
+ cluster.hosts[host].backline()
+ # this should almost never happen, but just in case.
+ if not self.date:
+ raise "Strange_Eof"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S", self.date)
+ def __getitem__(self, host):
+ return log_date_host(self.cluster, self.cluster.hosts[host], self.date)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+class log_date_host:
+ def __init__(self, cluster, host, date):
+ self.cluster = cluster
+ self.host = host
+ self.date = date
+ self.parent_date = date
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ position = self.host.tell()
+ self.host.readline()
+ try:
+ if time.strptime("2007 " + self.host.cur_line[0:15], "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S") <= self.date:
+ return log_line_class(self.parent_date, self.host, position, self.host.cur_line)
+ except:
+ return log_line_class(self.parent_date, self.host, position, self.host.cur_line)
+ self.host.backline()
+ raise StopIteration
+class log_line_class:
+ def __init__(self, date, host, position, line):
+ self.host = host
+ self.position = position
+ self.line = line
+ self.parse = Memoize(self.parse_uncached)
+ self.parent_date = date
+ self.parent_host = host
+ def parse_uncached(self):
+ try:
+ return re.findall(r"""^(... .. ..:..:..) %s ([-_0-9a-zA-Z \.\/\(\)]+)(\[[0-9]+\])?(:)? (.*)$""" % self.hostname(), self.line)[0]
+ except:
+ return [ None, None, None, None, None ]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.line
+ def date(self):
+ try:
+ return time.strptime("2007 " + self.line[0:15], "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S")
+ except:
+ return False
+ def hostname(self):
+ return self.line[16:].split(" ", 1)[0]
+ def daemon(self):
+ return self.parse()[1]
+ def message(self):
+ return self.parse()[4]
+class host_class:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.logs = []
+ self.log_idx = 0 # first log
+ self.log_ptr = 0 # first char
+ self.cur_line = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.hostname()
+ def add_log(self, logfile):
+ for inc in range(0,len(self.logs)):
+ if logfile.time_end() < self.logs[inc].time_begin():
+ self.logs.insert(inc, logfile)
+ break
+ else:
+ self.logs.append(logfile)
+ def hostname(self):
+ return self.logs[0].hostname()
+# try: return self.logs[0].hostname()
+# except: return None
+ def tell(self):
+ sumsize = 0
+ if self.log_idx > 0:
+ for inc in range(0, self.log_idx):
+ sumsize += self.logs[inc].size()
+ try:
+ sumsize += self.fp().tell()
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ return sumsize
+ def size(self):
+ sumsize = 0
+ for inc in range(0, len(self.logs)):
+ sumsize += self.logs[inc].size()
+ return sumsize
+ def eof(self):
+ if self.tell() >= self.size():
+ return True
+ return False
+ def seek(self, offset, whence = 0):
+ if whence == 1: offset = self.tell() + offset
+ elif whence == 2: offset = self.size() + offset
+ sumsize = 0
+ for inc in range(0, len(self.logs)):
+ if offset <= sumsize + self.logs[inc].size():
+ offset -= sumsize
+ self.log_idx = inc
+ self.log_ptr = offset
+ self.logs[inc].seek(offset)
+ return True
+ sumsize += self.logs[inc].size()
+ raise "Off_Boundaries"
+ def seek_and_read(self, offset, whence = 0):
+ self.seek(offset, whence)
+ return self.readline()
+ def time(self):
+ return time.strptime("2007 " + self.cur_line[0:15], "%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S")
+ def fp(self):
+ return self.logs[self.log_idx]
+ def backline(self):
+ self.seek(-len(self.cur_line), 1)
+ def readline(self):
+ if self.eof():
+ raise "Eof"
+ while True:
+ position = self.fp().tell()
+ fromfile = self.fp().fname
+ toret = self.fp().readline()
+ if len(toret) == 0:
+ if self.log_idx < len(self.logs):
+ self.log_idx += 1
+ self.fp().seek(0)
+ continue
+ else:
+ return ""
+ if len(toret) > 0 or toret == "":
+ self.cur_line = toret
+ self.cur_file = fromfile
+ self.cur_pos = position
+ return toret
+ else:
+ print "invalid line", toret
+class logfile_class:
+ def __init__(self,fname):
+ self.fname = fname
+ self.fp = open(fname)
+ def hostname(self):
+ pos = self.fp.tell()
+ self.seek(0)
+ toret = self.fp.readline()[16:].split(" ")[0]
+ self.fp.seek(pos)
+ return toret
+ def time_begin(self):
+ pos = self.fp.tell()
+ self.fp.seek(0)
+ toret = time.strptime(self.fp.readline()[0:15], "%b %d %H:%M:%S")
+ self.fp.seek(pos)
+ return toret
+ def time_end(self):
+ pos = self.fp.tell()
+ bs = 1024
+ if self.size() < bs: bs = self.size()
+ self.fp.seek(-bs, 2)
+ buf = self.fp.read(bs)
+ bufsplit = buf.split("\n")
+ bufsplit.reverse()
+ for line in bufsplit:
+ if len(line) == 0: continue
+ try: toret = time.strptime(line[0:15], "%b %d %H:%M:%S")
+ except ValueError: print "Error in conversion"; continue
+ else: break
+ self.fp.seek(pos)
+ return toret
+ def size(self):
+ return os.path.getsize(self.fname)
+ def eof(self):
+ return self.fp.tell() > self.size()
+ def readline(self):
+ return self.fp.readline()
+ def seek(self,pos):
+# if cmdline["verbose"]:
+# print "seeking to position %d for file %s" % (pos, self.fname)
+# traceback.print_stack()
+ self.fp.seek(pos)
+ def tell(self):
+ return self.fp.tell()
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/__init__.py b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/crazyclock_parser.py b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/crazyclock_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e794a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/crazyclock_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import time
+import soshtmllogs.parsers_base as parsers_base
+class crazyclock_Parser(parsers_base.base_Parser_class):
+ def initialize(self):
+ # in this dict, we store the last date for each host
+ self.last_date = {}
+ def parse_line(self, date, log):
+ if date.date != log.date():
+ self.add_event(log, "Time skew (%d seconds in the past)" % int(time.mktime(date.date) - time.mktime(log.date())), "color:purple; background-color:yellow")
+ self.last_date[log.parent_host] = log.date()
+ return
+ def analyse_line(self, log):
+ yield """The following line matched the rule:<BR>"""
+ yield """<DIV STYLE="margin-top: 10px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; background-color: white; border: 1px dotted black;">%s</B></DIV>""" % log.line
+ yield "The logged time for this message is before the one for the previous message appearing in the log."
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/dmapper_parser.py b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/dmapper_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..279df50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/dmapper_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import re
+import soshtmllogs.parsers_base as parsers_base
+class dmapper_Parser(parsers_base.base_Parser_class):
+ default_css = "color:black; background-color:orange; font-size:larger"
+ def initialize(self):
+ self.db.execute("create table dmapper(disk PRIMARY KEY, host INTEGER, channel INTEGER, id INTEGER, lun INTEGER)")
+ def parse_line(self, date, logline):
+ # kernel: sd 1:0:0:49152: Attached scsi disk sdt
+ found = re.findall(r"""^sd (.+):(.+):(.+):(.+): Attached scsi disk (.+)$""", logline.message())
+ if found:
+ # we can learn a little about the layout
+ found = found[0]
+ self.db.execute("""replace into dmapper(disk,host,channel,id,lun) values ("%s",%d,%d,%d,%d)"""
+ % (found[4], int(found[0]), int(found[1]), int(found[2]), int(found[3]))
+ )
+ found = re.findall(r"""^Attached scsi disk (.+) at scsi(.+), channel (.+), id (.+), lun (.+)$""", logline.message())
+ if found:
+ # we can learn a little about the layout
+ found = found[0]
+ self.db.execute("""replace into dmapper(disk,host,channel,id,lun) values ("%s",%d,%d,%d,%d)"""
+ % (found[0], int(found[1]), int(found[2]), int(found[3]), int(found[4]))
+ )
+ #Nov 7 12:55:38 itrac415 kernel: SCSI error : <2 0 3 0> return code = 0x20000
+ found = re.findall(r"""^SCSI error : <(.+)> return code = (.+)$""", logline.message())
+ if found:
+ found = found[0]
+ scsi_address_split = [ int(sid) for sid in found[0].split(" ") ]
+ results = self.db.execute_and_fetch("select disk from dmapper where host = %d AND channel = %d AND id = %d AND lun = %d" %
+ (scsi_address_split[0], scsi_address_split[1], scsi_address_split[2], scsi_address_split[3])
+ )
+ for row in results: found[0] = row["disk"]
+ self.add_event(logline, "SCSI error on %s - %s" % (found[0], self._get_did_error(found[1])), self.default_css)
+ return
+ found = re.findall(r"""^end_request: I/O error, dev (.*), sector .*$""", logline.message())
+ if found:
+ self.add_event(logline, "I/O error on %s" % (found[0]), self.default_css)
+ return
+ if logline.daemon() != "multipathd":
+ return
+ found = re.findall(r"""(.*): mark as failed$""", logline.message())
+ if found:
+ disk = self._get_disk_from_majmin(found[0])
+ self.add_event(logline, "Multipath path %s (%s) failed" % (found[0], disk), self.default_css)
+ return
+ found = re.findall(r"""(.*): reinstated$""", logline.message())
+ if found:
+ disk = self._get_disk_from_majmin(found[0])
+ self.add_event(logline, "Multipath path %s (%s) reinstated" % (found[0], disk), self.default_css)
+ return
+ return
+ def _get_disk_from_majmin(self, majmin):
+ major, minor = majmin.split(":")
+ major, minor = int(major), int(minor)
+ block_majors = [8, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135]
+ disk = (block_majors.index(major) * 16) + int(minor / 16)
+ partition = minor % 16
+ # 97 = ord('a')
+ # 25 = ord('z') - ord('a')
+ rchar = chr(97 + (disk % 25))
+ if disk > 25:
+ lchar = chr(97 - 1 + int(disk / 25))
+ rchar = chr(ord(rchar)-1)
+ else:
+ lchar = ""
+ return "sd" + lchar + rchar
+ def _get_did_error(self, hexerr):
+ # hexherr = 0x20000
+ if not hexerr.startswith("0x"):
+ return "Unknown error code (%s)" % hexerr
+ err = hexerr[2]
+ if err == "0": return "DID_OK (NO error)"
+ if err == "1": return "DID_NO_CONNECT (Couldn\\'t connect before timeout period)"
+ if err == "2": return "DID_BUS_BUSY (BUS stayed busy through time out period)"
+ if err == "3": return "DID_TIME_OUT (TIMED OUT for other reason)"
+ if err == "4": return "DID_BAD_TARGET (BAD target)"
+ if err == "5": return "DID_ABORT (Told to abort for some other reason)"
+ if err == "6": return "DID_PARITY (Parity error)"
+ if err == "7": return "DID_ERROR (Internal error)"
+ if err == "8": return "DID_RESET (Reset by somebody)"
+ if err == "9": return "DID_BAD_INTR (Got an interrupt we weren't expecting)"
+ if err == "a": return "DID_PASSTHROUGH (Force command past mid-layer)"
+ if err == "b": return "DID_SOFT_ERROR (The low level driver just wish a retry)"
+ if err == "c": return "DID_IMM_RETRY (Retry without decrementing retry count)"
+ if err == "d": return "DID_REQUEUE (Requeue command (no immediate retry) also without decrementing the retry count)"
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/simple_parser.py b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/simple_parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9beb10f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/simple_parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import ConfigParser, re
+import soshtmllogs.parsers_base as parsers_base
+class simple_Parser(parsers_base.base_Parser_class):
+ def initialize(self):
+ self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ self.config.readfp(open('/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/soshtmllogs/parsers/simple_parser.rules'))
+ def parse_line(self, date, log):
+ for section in self.config.sections():
+ match = False
+ if self.config.has_option(section, "find"):
+ if log.line.find(self.config.get(section, "find")) >= 0:
+ match = True
+ elif self.config.has_option(section, "regex"):
+ if re.match(self.config.get(section, "regex"), log.line):
+ match = True
+ if not match:
+ continue
+ self.add_event(log, section, "color:green; background-color:yellow; font-size:larger")
+ return
+ return None
diff --git a/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/simple_parser.rules b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/simple_parser.rules
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..724fbfa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/extras/sos-html-logs/lib/parsers/simple_parser.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[Syslog restart (possible system restart)]
+regex = .*syslogd .*: restart.$
+[System reboot]
+regex = ^kernel: Linux version
+[Fencing node]
+regex = ^.*fencing node
+[Fencing node succeeded]
+regex = .*fence ".*" success
+[Fencing node failed]
+regex = .*fence ".*
+[Quorum lost]
+find = quorum lost, blocking activity
+[Quorum regained]
+find = quorum regained, resuming activity
+[Segmentation fault]
+find = segfault at
+[Inittab reloaded]
+find = Re-reading inittab
+[Init line respawning too fast]
+find = respawning too fast: disabled for
+[Ext3 file-system error]
+find = EXT3-fs error
+[File-system remounted read-only]
+find = Remounting filesystem read-only
+[Shutting down]
+find = shutdown: shutting down