diff options
authorJake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>2020-03-25 13:54:25 -0400
committerJake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>2020-04-08 09:27:16 -0400
commitb8338c6ebd4d82baeea5ed40b0d9133d5c66907e (patch)
parentafb4211d57415267a46da1bc830fe2d08406c2cf (diff)
[options] Split SoSOptions into a new module
Moves `SoSOptions()` and the related bits to a new sos/options.py location. This should allow for easier maintenance and ongoing development as our option handling approach will be shared across components. Signed-off-by: Jake Hunsaker <jhunsake@redhat.com>
2 files changed, 342 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/sos/__init__.py b/sos/__init__.py
index 9da2c107..6b1be16f 100644
--- a/sos/__init__.py
+++ b/sos/__init__.py
@@ -26,327 +26,7 @@ else:
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, ParsingError, Error
from sos.report import SoSReport
-# Global option definitions
-# These must be in the module itself in order to be available to both
-# the sosreport and policy module (and to avoid recursive import errors).
-# FIXME: these definitions make our main module a bit more bulky: the
-# alternative is to place these in a new sos.options module. This may
-# prove to be the best route long-term (as it could also contain an
-# exported parsing routine, and all the command-line definitions).
-#: Names of all arguments
-_arg_names = [
- 'add_preset', 'alloptions', 'allow_system_changes', 'all_logs', 'batch',
- 'build', 'case_id', 'chroot', 'compression_type', 'config_file', 'desc',
- 'debug', 'del_preset', 'dry_run', 'enableplugins', 'encrypt_key',
- 'encrypt_pass', 'experimental', 'label', 'list_plugins', 'list_presets',
- 'list_profiles', 'log_size', 'noplugins', 'noreport', 'no_env_vars',
- 'no_postproc', 'note', 'onlyplugins', 'plugin_timeout', 'plugopts',
- 'preset', 'profiles', 'quiet', 'since', 'sysroot', 'threads', 'tmp_dir',
- 'upload', 'upload_url', 'upload_directory', 'upload_user', 'upload_pass',
- 'verbosity', 'verify'
-#: Arguments with non-zero default values
-_arg_defaults = {
- "chroot": "auto",
- "compression_type": "auto",
- "log_size": 25,
- "preset": "auto",
- # Verbosity has an explicit zero default since the ArgumentParser
- # count action default is None.
- "verbosity": 0
-def _is_seq(val):
- """Return true if val is an instance of a known sequence type.
- """
- val_type = type(val)
- return val_type is list or val_type is tuple
-class SoSOptions(object):
- def _merge_opt(self, opt, src, is_default):
- def _unset(val):
- return (val == "" or val is None)
- if hasattr(src, opt):
- newvalue = getattr(src, opt)
- oldvalue = getattr(self, opt)
- # overwrite value iff:
- # - we replace unset option by a real value
- # - new default is set, or
- # - non-sequential variable keeps its default value
- if (_unset(oldvalue) and not _unset(newvalue)) or \
- is_default or \
- ((opt not in self._nondefault) and (not _is_seq(newvalue))):
- # Overwrite atomic values
- setattr(self, opt, newvalue)
- if is_default:
- self._nondefault.discard(opt)
- else:
- self._nondefault.add(opt)
- elif _is_seq(newvalue):
- # Concatenate sequence types
- setattr(self, opt, newvalue + oldvalue)
- def _merge_opts(self, src, is_default):
- for arg in _arg_names:
- self._merge_opt(arg, src, is_default)
- def __str(self, quote=False, sep=" ", prefix="", suffix=""):
- """Format a SoSOptions object as a human or machine readable string.
- :param quote: quote option values
- :param sep: list separator string
- :param prefix: arbitrary prefix string
- :param suffix: arbitrary suffix string
- :param literal: print values as Python literals
- """
- args = prefix
- arg_fmt = "=%s"
- for arg in _arg_names:
- args += arg + arg_fmt + sep
- args.strip(sep)
- vals = [getattr(self, arg) for arg in _arg_names]
- if not quote:
- # Convert Python source notation for sequences into plain strings
- vals = [",".join(v) if _is_seq(v) else v for v in vals]
- else:
- def is_string(val):
- return isinstance(val, six.string_types)
- # Only quote strings if quote=False
- vals = ["'%s'" % v if is_string(v) else v for v in vals]
- return (args % tuple(vals)).strip(sep) + suffix
- def __str__(self):
- return self.__str()
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__str(quote=True, sep=", ", prefix="SoSOptions(",
- suffix=")")
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """Initialise a new ``SoSOptions`` object from keyword arguments.
- Initialises the new object with values taken from keyword
- arguments matching the names of ``SoSOptions`` attributes.
- A ``ValueError`` is raised is any of the supplied keyword
- arguments does not correspond to a known ``SoSOptions`
- attribute name.
- :param *kwargs: a list of ``SoSOptions`` keyword args.
- :returns: the new ``SoSOptions`` object.
- """
- self.add_preset = ""
- self.alloptions = False
- self.all_logs = False
- self.since = None
- self.batch = False
- self.build = False
- self.case_id = ""
- self.chroot = _arg_defaults["chroot"]
- self.compression_type = _arg_defaults["compression_type"]
- self.config_file = ""
- self.debug = False
- self.del_preset = ""
- self.desc = ""
- self.dry_run = False
- self.enableplugins = []
- self.encrypt_key = None
- self.encrypt_pass = None
- self.experimental = False
- self.label = ""
- self.list_plugins = False
- self.list_presets = False
- self.list_profiles = False
- self.log_size = _arg_defaults["log_size"]
- self.noplugins = []
- self.noreport = False
- self.allow_system_changes = False
- self.no_env_vars = False
- self.no_postproc = False
- self.note = ""
- self.onlyplugins = []
- self.plugin_timeout = None
- self.plugopts = []
- self.preset = _arg_defaults["preset"]
- self.profiles = []
- self.quiet = False
- self.sysroot = None
- self.threads = 4
- self.tmp_dir = ""
- self.upload = False
- self.upload_url = ""
- self.upload_directory = ""
- self.upload_user = ""
- self.upload_pass = ""
- self.verbosity = _arg_defaults["verbosity"]
- self.verify = False
- self._nondefault = set()
- for arg in kwargs.keys():
- if arg not in _arg_names:
- raise ValueError("Unknown SoSOptions attribute: %s" % arg)
- setattr(self, arg, kwargs[arg])
- @classmethod
- def from_args(cls, args):
- """Initialise a new SoSOptions object from a ``Namespace``
- obtained by parsing command line arguments.
- :param args: parsed command line arguments
- :returns: an initialised SoSOptions object
- :returntype: SoSOptions
- """
- opts = SoSOptions()
- opts._merge_opts(args, True)
- return opts
- @classmethod
- def _opt_to_args(cls, opt, val):
- """Convert a named option and optional value to command line
- argument notation, correctly handling options that take
- no value or that have special representations (e.g. verify
- and verbose).
- """
- no_value = (
- "alloptions", "allow-system-changes", "all-logs", "batch", "build",
- "debug", "experimental", "list-plugins", "list-presets",
- "list-profiles", "no-report", "no-env-vars", "quiet", "verify"
- )
- count = ("verbose",)
- if opt in no_value:
- return ["--%s" % opt]
- if opt in count:
- return ["--%s" % opt for d in range(0, int(val))]
- return ["--" + opt + "=" + val]
- @classmethod
- def from_file(cls, argparser, config_file, is_default=True):
- opts = SoSOptions()
- config = ConfigParser()
- try:
- try:
- with open(config_file) as f:
- config.readfp(f)
- except (ParsingError, Error) as e:
- raise exit('Failed to parse configuration '
- 'file %s' % config_file)
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- raise exit('Unable to read configuration file %s '
- ': %s' % (config_file, e.args[1]))
- if config.has_section("general"):
- optlist = []
- for opt, val in config.items("general"):
- optlist.extend(SoSOptions._opt_to_args(opt, val))
- opts._merge_opts(argparser.parse_args(optlist), is_default)
- opts.noplugins = []
- if config.has_option("plugins", "disable"):
- opts.noplugins.extend([plugin.strip() for plugin in
- config.get("plugins", "disable").split(',')])
- if config.has_option("plugins", "enable"):
- opts.enableplugins = []
- opts.enableplugins.extend(
- [plugin.strip() for plugin in
- config.get("plugins", "enable").split(',')])
- if config.has_section("tunables"):
- opts.plugopts = []
- for opt, val in config.items("tunables"):
- if not opt.split('.')[0] in opts.noplugins:
- opts.plugopts.append(opt + "=" + val)
- return opts
- def merge(self, src, skip_default=True):
- """Merge another set of ``SoSOptions`` into this object.
- Merge two ``SoSOptions`` objects by setting unset or default
- values to their value in the ``src`` object.
- :param src: the ``SoSOptions`` object to copy from
- :param is_default: ``True`` if new default values are to be set.
- """
- for arg in _arg_names:
- if not hasattr(src, arg):
- continue
- if getattr(src, arg) is not None or not skip_default:
- self._merge_opt(arg, src, False)
- def dict(self):
- """Return this ``SoSOptions`` option values as a dictionary of
- argument name to value mappings.
- :returns: a name:value dictionary of option values.
- """
- odict = {}
- for arg in _arg_names:
- value = getattr(self, arg)
- # Do not attempt to store preset option values in presets
- if arg in ('add_preset', 'del_preset', 'desc', 'note'):
- value = None
- odict[arg] = value
- return odict
- def to_args(self):
- """Return command arguments for this object.
- Return a list of the non-default options of this ``SoSOptions``
- object in ``sosreport`` command line argument notation:
- ``["--all-logs", "-vvv"]``
- """
- def has_value(name, value):
- """ Test for non-null option values.
- """
- null_values = ("False", "None", "[]", '""', "''", "0")
- if not value or value in null_values:
- return False
- if name in _arg_defaults:
- if str(value) == str(_arg_defaults[name]):
- return False
- return True
- def filter_opt(name, value):
- """ Filter out preset and null-valued options.
- """
- if name in ("add_preset", "del_preset", "desc", "note"):
- return False
- return has_value(name, value)
- def argify(name, value):
- """ Convert sos option notation to command line arguments.
- """
- # Handle --verbosity specially
- if name.startswith("verbosity"):
- arg = "-" + int(value) * "v"
- return arg
- name = name.replace("_", "-")
- value = ",".join(value) if _is_seq(value) else value
- if value is not True:
- opt = "%s %s" % (name, value)
- else:
- opt = name
- arg = "--" + opt if len(opt) > 1 else "-" + opt
- return arg
- opt_items = sorted(self.dict().items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
- return [argify(n, v) for (n, v) in opt_items if filter_opt(n, v)]
+from sos.options import SoSListOption
class SoSComponent():
diff --git a/sos/options.py b/sos/options.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38140a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sos/options.py
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
+# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Action
+# Global option definitions
+# These must be in the module itself in order to be available to both
+# the sosreport and policy module (and to avoid recursive import errors).
+# FIXME: these definitions make our main module a bit more bulky: the
+# alternative is to place these in a new sos.options module. This may
+# prove to be the best route long-term (as it could also contain an
+# exported parsing routine, and all the command-line definitions).
+#: Names of all arguments
+_arg_names = [
+ 'add_preset', 'alloptions', 'allow_system_changes', 'all_logs', 'batch',
+ 'build', 'case_id', 'chroot', 'compression_type', 'config_file', 'desc',
+ 'debug', 'del_preset', 'dry_run', 'enableplugins', 'encrypt_key',
+ 'encrypt_pass', 'experimental', 'label', 'list_plugins', 'list_presets',
+ 'list_profiles', 'log_size', 'noplugins', 'noreport', 'no_env_vars',
+ 'no_postproc', 'note', 'onlyplugins', 'plugin_timeout', 'plugopts',
+ 'preset', 'profiles', 'quiet', 'since', 'sysroot', 'threads', 'tmp_dir',
+ 'upload', 'upload_url', 'upload_directory', 'upload_user', 'upload_pass',
+ 'verbosity', 'verify'
+#: Arguments with non-zero default values
+_arg_defaults = {
+ "chroot": "auto",
+ "compression_type": "auto",
+ "log_size": 25,
+ "preset": "auto",
+ # Verbosity has an explicit zero default since the ArgumentParser
+ # count action default is None.
+ "verbosity": 0
+def _is_seq(val):
+ """Return true if val is an instance of a known sequence type.
+ """
+ val_type = type(val)
+ return val_type is list or val_type is tuple
+class SoSOptions(object):
+ def _merge_opt(self, opt, src, is_default):
+ def _unset(val):
+ return (val == "" or val is None)
+ if hasattr(src, opt):
+ newvalue = getattr(src, opt)
+ oldvalue = getattr(self, opt)
+ # overwrite value iff:
+ # - we replace unset option by a real value
+ # - new default is set, or
+ # - non-sequential variable keeps its default value
+ if (_unset(oldvalue) and not _unset(newvalue)) or \
+ is_default or \
+ ((opt not in self._nondefault) and (not _is_seq(newvalue))):
+ # Overwrite atomic values
+ setattr(self, opt, newvalue)
+ if is_default:
+ self._nondefault.discard(opt)
+ else:
+ self._nondefault.add(opt)
+ elif _is_seq(newvalue):
+ # Concatenate sequence types
+ setattr(self, opt, newvalue + oldvalue)
+ def _merge_opts(self, src, is_default):
+ for arg in _arg_names:
+ self._merge_opt(arg, src, is_default)
+ def __str(self, quote=False, sep=" ", prefix="", suffix=""):
+ """Format a SoSOptions object as a human or machine readable string.
+ :param quote: quote option values
+ :param sep: list separator string
+ :param prefix: arbitrary prefix string
+ :param suffix: arbitrary suffix string
+ :param literal: print values as Python literals
+ """
+ args = prefix
+ arg_fmt = "=%s"
+ for arg in _arg_names:
+ args += arg + arg_fmt + sep
+ args.strip(sep)
+ vals = [getattr(self, arg) for arg in _arg_names]
+ if not quote:
+ # Convert Python source notation for sequences into plain strings
+ vals = [",".join(v) if _is_seq(v) else v for v in vals]
+ else:
+ def is_string(val):
+ return isinstance(val, six.string_types)
+ # Only quote strings if quote=False
+ vals = ["'%s'" % v if is_string(v) else v for v in vals]
+ return (args % tuple(vals)).strip(sep) + suffix
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.__str()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str(quote=True, sep=", ", prefix="SoSOptions(",
+ suffix=")")
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ """Initialise a new ``SoSOptions`` object from keyword arguments.
+ Initialises the new object with values taken from keyword
+ arguments matching the names of ``SoSOptions`` attributes.
+ A ``ValueError`` is raised is any of the supplied keyword
+ arguments does not correspond to a known ``SoSOptions`
+ attribute name.
+ :param *kwargs: a list of ``SoSOptions`` keyword args.
+ :returns: the new ``SoSOptions`` object.
+ """
+ self.add_preset = ""
+ self.alloptions = False
+ self.all_logs = False
+ self.since = None
+ self.batch = False
+ self.build = False
+ self.case_id = ""
+ self.chroot = _arg_defaults["chroot"]
+ self.compression_type = _arg_defaults["compression_type"]
+ self.config_file = ""
+ self.debug = False
+ self.del_preset = ""
+ self.desc = ""
+ self.dry_run = False
+ self.enableplugins = []
+ self.encrypt_key = None
+ self.encrypt_pass = None
+ self.experimental = False
+ self.label = ""
+ self.list_plugins = False
+ self.list_presets = False
+ self.list_profiles = False
+ self.log_size = _arg_defaults["log_size"]
+ self.noplugins = []
+ self.noreport = False
+ self.allow_system_changes = False
+ self.no_env_vars = False
+ self.no_postproc = False
+ self.note = ""
+ self.onlyplugins = []
+ self.plugin_timeout = None
+ self.plugopts = []
+ self.preset = _arg_defaults["preset"]
+ self.profiles = []
+ self.quiet = False
+ self.sysroot = None
+ self.threads = 4
+ self.tmp_dir = ""
+ self.upload = False
+ self.upload_url = ""
+ self.upload_directory = ""
+ self.upload_user = ""
+ self.upload_pass = ""
+ self.verbosity = _arg_defaults["verbosity"]
+ self.verify = False
+ self._nondefault = set()
+ for arg in kwargs.keys():
+ if arg not in _arg_names:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown SoSOptions attribute: %s" % arg)
+ setattr(self, arg, kwargs[arg])
+ @classmethod
+ def from_args(cls, args):
+ """Initialise a new SoSOptions object from a ``Namespace``
+ obtained by parsing command line arguments.
+ :param args: parsed command line arguments
+ :returns: an initialised SoSOptions object
+ :returntype: SoSOptions
+ """
+ opts = SoSOptions()
+ opts._merge_opts(args, True)
+ return opts
+ @classmethod
+ def _opt_to_args(cls, opt, val):
+ """Convert a named option and optional value to command line
+ argument notation, correctly handling options that take
+ no value or that have special representations (e.g. verify
+ and verbose).
+ """
+ no_value = (
+ "alloptions", "allow-system-changes", "all-logs", "batch", "build",
+ "debug", "experimental", "list-plugins", "list-presets",
+ "list-profiles", "no-report", "no-env-vars", "quiet", "verify"
+ )
+ count = ("verbose",)
+ if opt in no_value:
+ return ["--%s" % opt]
+ if opt in count:
+ return ["--%s" % opt for d in range(0, int(val))]
+ return ["--" + opt + "=" + val]
+ @classmethod
+ def from_file(cls, argparser, config_file, is_default=True):
+ opts = SoSOptions()
+ config = ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ try:
+ with open(config_file) as f:
+ config.readfp(f)
+ except (ParsingError, Error) as e:
+ raise exit('Failed to parse configuration '
+ 'file %s' % config_file)
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ raise exit('Unable to read configuration file %s '
+ ': %s' % (config_file, e.args[1]))
+ if config.has_section("general"):
+ optlist = []
+ for opt, val in config.items("general"):
+ optlist.extend(SoSOptions._opt_to_args(opt, val))
+ opts._merge_opts(argparser.parse_args(optlist), is_default)
+ opts.noplugins = []
+ if config.has_option("plugins", "disable"):
+ opts.noplugins.extend([plugin.strip() for plugin in
+ config.get("plugins", "disable").split(',')])
+ if config.has_option("plugins", "enable"):
+ opts.enableplugins = []
+ opts.enableplugins.extend(
+ [plugin.strip() for plugin in
+ config.get("plugins", "enable").split(',')])
+ if config.has_section("tunables"):
+ opts.plugopts = []
+ for opt, val in config.items("tunables"):
+ if not opt.split('.')[0] in opts.noplugins:
+ opts.plugopts.append(opt + "=" + val)
+ return opts
+ def merge(self, src, skip_default=True):
+ """Merge another set of ``SoSOptions`` into this object.
+ Merge two ``SoSOptions`` objects by setting unset or default
+ values to their value in the ``src`` object.
+ :param src: the ``SoSOptions`` object to copy from
+ :param is_default: ``True`` if new default values are to be set.
+ """
+ for arg in _arg_names:
+ if not hasattr(src, arg):
+ continue
+ if getattr(src, arg) is not None or not skip_default:
+ self._merge_opt(arg, src, False)
+ def dict(self):
+ """Return this ``SoSOptions`` option values as a dictionary of
+ argument name to value mappings.
+ :returns: a name:value dictionary of option values.
+ """
+ odict = {}
+ for arg in _arg_names:
+ value = getattr(self, arg)
+ # Do not attempt to store preset option values in presets
+ if arg in ('add_preset', 'del_preset', 'desc', 'note'):
+ value = None
+ odict[arg] = value
+ return odict
+ def to_args(self):
+ """Return command arguments for this object.
+ Return a list of the non-default options of this ``SoSOptions``
+ object in ``sosreport`` command line argument notation:
+ ``["--all-logs", "-vvv"]``
+ """
+ def has_value(name, value):
+ """ Test for non-null option values.
+ """
+ null_values = ("False", "None", "[]", '""', "''", "0")
+ if not value or value in null_values:
+ return False
+ if name in _arg_defaults:
+ if str(value) == str(_arg_defaults[name]):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def filter_opt(name, value):
+ """ Filter out preset and null-valued options.
+ """
+ if name in ("add_preset", "del_preset", "desc", "note"):
+ return False
+ return has_value(name, value)
+ def argify(name, value):
+ """ Convert sos option notation to command line arguments.
+ """
+ # Handle --verbosity specially
+ if name.startswith("verbosity"):
+ arg = "-" + int(value) * "v"
+ return arg
+ name = name.replace("_", "-")
+ value = ",".join(value) if _is_seq(value) else value
+ if value is not True:
+ opt = "%s %s" % (name, value)
+ else:
+ opt = name
+ arg = "--" + opt if len(opt) > 1 else "-" + opt
+ return arg
+ opt_items = sorted(self.dict().items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
+ return [argify(n, v) for (n, v) in opt_items if filter_opt(n, v)]
+class SosListOption(Action):
+ """Allow to specify comma delimited list of plugins"""
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ items = [opt for opt in values.split(',')]
+ if getattr(namespace, self.dest):
+ items += getattr(namespace, self.dest)
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)