# This is a minimal test script that runs a few quilt commands # and verifies their output. Much needs to be done; particularly # it sould be possible to run the tests using the built instead # of the installed quilt with `make check'. # # (To run, type `./run one.test' in this directory.) # $ mkdir dir $ echo "This is file one." > dir/file1 $ quilt new patch1.diff Patch patch1 is now on top $ quilt add dir/file1 File dir/file1 added to patch patch1 $ quilt add file2 File file2 added to patch patch1 $ quilt diff $ quilt diff -z $ quilt refresh Nothing in patch patch1 $ quilt files dir/file1 file2 $ echo "This is file two." > file2 $ quilt diff | sed -e "s/\\t.*//" Index: test/file2 =================================================================== --- test.orig/file2 +++ test/file2 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +This is file two. $ quilt diff -z | sed -e "s/\\t.*//" Index: test/file2 =================================================================== --- test.orig/file2 +++ test/file2 @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +This is file two. $ quilt refresh Refreshed patch patch1 $ quilt diff -z $ echo "Another line has been added." >> dir/file1 $ quilt diff -z | sed -e "s/\\t.*//" Index: test/dir/file1 =================================================================== --- test.orig/dir/file1 +++ test/dir/file1 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ This is file one. +Another line has been added. $ quilt refresh Refreshed patch patch1 $ quilt new patch2.diff Patch patch2 is now on top $ quilt add dir/file3 File dir/file3 added to patch patch2 $ echo "This is file three." > dir/file3 $ quilt refresh Refreshed patch patch2 $ quilt add -p patch1 dir/file3 File dir/file3 modified by patch patch2 $ quilt pop -R Removing patch2 patching file dir/file3 Now at patch patch1 $ quilt add file4 File file4 added to patch patch1 $ echo "This is file 4." > file4 $ quilt refresh Refreshed patch patch1 $ quilt push Applying patch2 patching file dir/file3 Now at patch patch2 $ quilt new subdir/patch3.diff Patch subdir/patch3 is now on top $ quilt add file4 File file4 added to patch subdir/patch3 $ rm file4 $ quilt diff | sed -e "s/\\t.*//" Index: test/file4 =================================================================== --- test.orig/file4 +++ test/file4 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -This is file 4. $ quilt add -p patch2 file4 File file4 modified by patch subdir/patch3 $ quilt refresh Refreshed patch subdir/patch3 $ echo "Another line here, too." >> dir/file3 $ quilt refresh patch2 Refreshed patch patch2 $ echo "Another line added." >> file2 $ quilt diff -z -P patch1 | sed -e "s/\\t.*//" Index: test/file2 =================================================================== --- test.orig/file2 +++ test/file2 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ This is file two. +Another line added. More recent patches modify files in patch1. $ quilt refresh patch1 More recent patches modify files in patch1. Enforce refresh with -f. $ quilt refresh -f patch1 Refreshed patch patch1 $ echo "Another line here, too." >> dir/file3 $ quilt pop -R Removing subdir/patch3 patching file file4 Now at patch patch2 $ quilt refresh patch2 Refreshed patch patch2 $ quilt pop -qaR Removing patch2 Removing patch1 No patches applied $ rm -r dir patches