#! @BASH@ # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # See the COPYING and AUTHORS files for more details. # Read in library functions if [ "$(type -t patch_file_name)" != function ] then if ! [ -r $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns ] then echo "Cannot read library $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns" >&2 exit 1 fi . $QUILT_DIR/scripts/patchfns fi setup_colors usage() { printf $"Usage: quilt push [-afqv] [--leave-rejects] [--interactive] [--color[=always|auto|never]] [num|patch]\n" if [ x$1 = x-h ] then printf $" Apply patch(es) from the series file. Without options, the next patch in the series file is applied. When a number is specified, apply the specified number of patches. When a patch name is specified, apply all patches up to and including the specified patch. Patch names may include the patches/ prefix, which means that filename completion can be used. -a Apply all patches in the series file. -f Force apply, even if the patch has rejects. -q Quiet operation. -v Verbose operation. --leave-rejects Leave around the reject files patch produced, even if the patch is not actually applied. --interactive Allow the patch utility to ask how to deal with conflicts. If this option is not given, the -f option will be passed to the patch program. --color[=always|auto|never] Use syntax coloring. " exit 0 else exit 1 fi } interrupt() { rollback_patch $1 printf $"Interrupted by user; patch %s was not applied.\n" \ "$(print_patch $patch)" >&2 exit 1 } colorize() { if [ -n "$opt_color" ]; then awk ' { if (/FAILED|hunks? ignored|can'\''t find file|file .* already exists/) print "'$color_patch_fail'" $0 "'$color_clear'" else if (/is already applied$/) print "'$color_patch_applied'" $0 "'$color_clear'" else if (/^Hunk/) { sub(/^Hunk .* with fuzz [0-9]*/, "'$color_patch_fuzz'&'$color_clear'") sub(/offset -?[0-9]* lines?/, "'$color_patch_offs'&'$color_clear'") print } else print }' else cat fi } push_patch_args() { local patch=$1 if [ -z "$opt_reverse" ] then patch_args "$patch" else set -- $(patch_args "$patch") if [ "${*/-R}" != "$*" ] then echo "${*/-R}" else echo "$*" -R fi fi } apply_patch() { local patch=$1 patch_file=$2 local output [ -s $patch_file ] || return 0 if [ "${patch_file:(-3)}" = ".gz" ] then gzip -cd $patch_file \ | patch $QUILT_PATCH_OPTS $(push_patch_args $patch) \ --backup --prefix="$QUILT_PC/$patch/" \ $no_reject_files \ -E $silent $force_apply 2>&1 elif [ "${patch_file:(-4)}" = ".bz2" ] then bzip2 -cd $patch_file \ | patch $QUILT_PATCH_OPTS $(push_patch_args $patch) \ --backup --prefix="$QUILT_PC/$patch/" \ $no_reject_files \ -E $silent $force_apply 2>&1 else patch $QUILT_PATCH_OPTS $(push_patch_args $patch) \ --backup --prefix="$QUILT_PC/$patch/" \ $no_reject_files \ -E $silent $force_apply -i $patch_file 2>&1 fi } rollback_patch() { local patch=$1 $QUILT_LIB/backup-files $silent_unless_verbose -r -B $QUILT_PC/$patch/ - } cleanup_patch_output() { if [ -z "$opt_leave_rejects" ] then if [ -n "$opt_quiet" ]; then # In this case, patch does not allow us to find out # which file contains the rejects; it only tells us # which reject file is used. We use a single temporary # reject file, so this does not help us. awk ' { gsub(/ -- saving rejects to (file )?.*/, "") } { print } ' else awk ' /^patching file / { filename = substr($0, 15) } { gsub(/ -- saving rejects to (file )?.*/, " -- rejects in file " filename) } { print } ' fi else cat fi } add_patch() { local patch=$1 local patch_file=$(patch_file_name $patch) local file status tmp printf $"Applying patch %s\n" "$(print_patch $patch)" trap "interrupt $patch" SIGINT no_reject_files= if [ -z "$opt_leave_rejects" ]; then tmp="$(gen_tempfile)" no_reject_files="-r $tmp" fi apply_patch $patch "$patch_file" status=$? trap "" SIGINT [ -n "$tmp" ] && rm -f $tmp if [ $status -eq 0 -o -n "$opt_force" ] then add_to_db $patch if [ $status -eq 0 ] then rm -f $QUILT_PC/$patch~refresh else touch $QUILT_PC/$patch~refresh fi if [ -e "$QUILT_PC/$patch" ] then touch $QUILT_PC/$patch/.timestamp fi if ! [ -e $patch_file ] then printf $"Patch %s does not exist; applied empty patch\n" \ "$(print_patch $patch)" elif [ -z "$(shopt -s nullglob ; echo "$QUILT_PC/$patch/"*)" ] then printf $"Patch %s appears to be empty; applied\n" \ "$(print_patch $patch)" elif [ $status -ne 0 ] then printf $"Applied patch %s (forced; needs refresh)\n" \ "$(print_patch $patch)" fi else rollback_patch $patch tmp="$(gen_tempfile)" no_reject_files="-r $tmp" opt_reverse=1 if apply_patch $patch "$patch_file" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null then rollback_patch $patch printf $"Patch %s can be reverse-applied\n" \ "$(print_patch "$patch")" else printf $"Patch %s does not apply (enforce with -f)\n" \ "$(print_patch $patch)" fi rm -f $tmp status=1 fi trap - SIGINT return $status } list_patches() { local top=$(top_patch) n=0 patch if [ -n "$top" ] then patches_after $top else cat_series fi \ | if [ -n "$opt_all" ] then cat else while read patch do if [ -n "$number" ] then if [ $n -eq $number ] then break fi n=$[$n+1] fi echo "$patch" if [ -z "$number" -a "$patch" = "$stop_at_patch" ] then break fi done fi } options=`getopt -o fqvah --long leave-rejects,interactive,color:: -- "$@"` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then usage fi eval set -- "$options" while true do case "$1" in -f) opt_force=1 shift ;; -q) opt_quiet=1 shift ;; -v) opt_verbose=1 shift ;; -a) opt_all=1 shift ;; -h) usage -h ;; --leave-rejects) opt_leave_rejects=1 shift ;; --interactive) opt_interactive=1 shift ;; --color) case "$2" in "" | always) opt_color=1 ;; auto | tty) opt_color= [ -t 1 ] && opt_color=1 ;; never) opt_color= ;; *) usage ;; esac shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; esac done if [ $# -gt 1 -o \( -n "$opt_all" -a $# -ne 0 \) ] then usage fi if [ $# -eq 1 ] then if is_numeric $1 then number=$1 else stop_at_patch="$1" fi else [ -z "$opt_all" ] && number=1 fi stop_at_patch=$(find_unapplied_patch "$stop_at_patch") || exit 1 [ -n "$opt_quiet" ] && silent=-s [ -z "$opt_verbose" ] && silent_unless_verbose=-s [ -z "$opt_interactive" ] && force_apply=-f [ -n "$opt_force" ] && opt_leave_rejects=1 top=$(top_patch) if [ -n "$top" -a -e $QUILT_PC/$top~refresh ] then printf $"The topmost patch %s needs to be refreshed first.\n" \ "$(print_patch $top)" exit 1 fi patches=$(list_patches) create_db for patch in $patches do if ! add_patch $patch then exit 1 fi [ -n "$opt_quiet" ] || echo done \ | cleanup_patch_output \ | colorize if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ]; then set -- $patches printf $"Now at patch %s\n" "$(print_patch ${!#})" else exit 1 fi ### Local Variables: ### mode: shell-script ### End: # vim:filetype=sh